Member Reviews

3.5 stars

This book had some good themes of the strength of a woman, specifically back in the days where women were powerless in society. The sister’s bond was the focal point of this story and it made the book good, especially as more supernatural creatures were introduced throughout the book!

The mystery plot was lacking for me, I struggled to connect to it, the way I was concerting with the sister’s family and marriage drama, along with the Galen drama. However, I did like how it all connected in the end! The ghost romance was new to me, and I’m not quite sure how I feel about it!

While this wasn’t my favorite paranormal book, I am interested in continuing the series in the future!

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Root and bone was a magical mysterious read, while I enjoyed the story I think I would have gotten greater enjoyment from it had there been a bit more backstory and context of the characters and setting.
It is still an interesting read however with a witchy mystery to it.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this arc.
I really enjoyed this book. It has magic, werewolves, vampires and ghosts! I felt like the end half of the book was crammed with a lot of action.

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DNF at page 104. I felt like I critiqued this book more than I enjoyed it. I was getting sick of the amount of times everyone said the word ain't. I didn't mind them being southern but every so often southern phrases would be interjected into non dialogue and I felt like it was unnecessary. What did it for me was the word penis being changed to carrot. Out of everything the author could have chosen to use, why carrot???

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If you love witches, magic, werewolves, ghosts and vampires, then look no further because this book is for you!

This is a book jammed packed with lots of magic and mystery, mixed with true crime that has you questioning ‘who dun it’ the whole way through. The writing flow nice and easily, gripping my attention instantly. The only downfall I found is that there is a lot of dialogue which isn’t always a bad thing but there were times that I found we needed a breather.

However, overall I really enjoyed it and I’m secretly hoping there will be more books about The Spencer Sisters.

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Thank you, NetGalley, for the e-arc of this book.

I'm sad to say I did not enjoy this at all. The description of the book sounded so interesting and fun - a witchy mystery should be perfect for me, right? However, I did not like the execution of it.

In general, there wasn't much I actually liked, to be honest. I enjoyed the ghosts and the descriptions of the ghosts, and… that was it.

The characters felt bland and uninteresting. The only one I kind of liked was Cale, and that might also be because he was a ghost… Both Leona and her sister annoyed me. Everyone in the town annoyed me, actually. Especially the men. Was it necessary? All the violence against women and assault scenes specifically.

The dialogue was… weird. I understand it was supposed to be their regional accent, but why was it missing sometimes? They talked their way and then suddenly normally. Was it on purpose or forgotten?

Overall, I can't say I hated it… I had no strong feelings towards this book except boredom. It literally put me to sleep twice, and I also had to skim most of it to even finish it - it should've been a DNF.

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Since I'm a bit obsessed with the Appalachain mountains, I had hoped for a well fleshed description of the world in which our characters lived, but unfortunately that wasn't the case.

That said, I definitely enjoyed the story about these two sisters who seem to be pretty unhappy in their small town. Living in a small village myself, I totally empathise with the disdain they have for everyone knowing everyone else's business!

A fab story that reminds me of Practical Magic, so I'd highly recommend it for people who enjoy that !

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Murder and mystery mixed perfectly in this weekend read! The two main characters, Leona and Jewel, are sister witches who get caught up in their small town’s murder mystery. Throughout the book, they have to use magic to find clues, get out of trouble, and defeat the bad guy.

The characters are funny and easy to like, the storyline is straightforward, and the end of the book leaves you looking forward to possible mischief the sisters get into. There is a small love story weaved in as well, but it’s a 0 out 5 on the spice level, making it great for teens, young adults, and adults. You also don’t have to worry about reading it in public without any spicy scenes making you nervous.

However, the book does leave a little to be desired in terms of pace. The pace is slower and while there are opportunities for a more medium paced action in certain chapters, the author chose not to go that route. I personally think it could have added a little extra to grip a reader’s attention. There were also several dramatic errors that I wish a better editor would have caught.

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I actually quite enjoyed this book overall, the vibes of this book were great with the story headed by two strong witches working to uncover the murderers within their small town with a range of supernatural elements.

But is no one going to acknowledge the creepy age gap between Leona and Cale when they first met??

While I enjoyed the overall plot and the relationship between Leona and Jewel, I would have liked the story a bit more fleshing out of the overall background of the town, as well as some more around their relationships and some more pauses between keys plot points to build some suspense.

I would still recommend this to those who enjoy a dark paranormal mystery, I really think a lot of people would have a nice time with this book. I also can’t wait to see how Jessica builds on from this story in the future!

Thank you to NetGalley and Cursed Dragon Ship Publishing for providing me with this eARC in return for an honest review.

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I went in a little blind for this book and I wasnt disappointed. Our 2 FMC’s which are sisters are living tough lives in a small town with husbands they clearly detest and traditions/standards that confine them to a degree. There’s a lot of witchcraft, supernatural creatures and mystery throughout this story. It’s a dark and interesting story

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I went into this basically blind and really enjoyed it. The time-period it was set in was a little confusing at first, as well as their VERY southern dialects. However, I was quickly able to overcome the learning curve and really enjoyed this story. It was fast paced, made assumptions about what the reader knew (i.e. very little world building) but kept me engaged and interested right from the start.

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Thank you Cursed Dragon ship publishing, Independent book publishing and NetGalley for this ARC of Root and Bone by Jessica Raney.

I liked this story of two sisters who fall into the middle of a murder mystery in a sleepy town. With a bit of paranormal mystery, dark romance , witchy vibes, magic and a family saga in the middle of it all.

It felt like the story was a bit rushed at times but I like it nevertheless

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I have mixed feelings about this book.

On the one hand I loved it everything this book offered up. The magic, the paranormal, the light dusting of a forbidden romance.
On the other hand I felt like it could have been more. I wanted more character building, I wanted more suspense, I want to have more time with Granny Kay! I just felt like I wanted more. And that leaves room for a sequel, now don't it?

Overall the writing is excellent. I feel like time jumps, especially the larger ones need to be made a bit more apparent, but I still felt like they worked well in the construction of the story.

I really enjoyed the main characters and all the side characters felt well thought out and carefully crafted. I do wish that the main characters flaws and internal turmoil wad a bit more explored and expanded upon.

My only gripe is that I feel the story moves too quickly. That can be a double edged sword, I know, but it just felt like events were really close together and it didn't leave much room for you to process them before something else was happening. That just leads me back to my feelings of wanting more story.

In the end, I liked this story very much and would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a pretty quick, cosy-ish thriller read.

4.5/5 👻

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Sister witches Leona & Jewel get up to alsorts in this story.
There are murders in town & obviously they get caught up. This is a crime book but cute and magical. It does have a couple of dark turns with the murders and what happens.
Enjoyed it and feel the characters will continue to grow if we get more.

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Im always down for witchy reads so this book was right up my street. Sisters leona and jewel are “granny women” better known as witches, each with their own gifts, one of leonas is seeing and being able to talk to ghosts, so when a girl goes missing she uses her gift to reach out and see if she can make contact. This quickly turns from a missing person issue into two brutal murders with more likely to come, worse yet, the ghosts of the brutally murderer are wrong, angry and set on attacking leona. It’s not long until werewolves, ghouls and vampires pop up and leona must fight for her family while resisting the voice inside her baiting her to use dark magic.

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I loved reading this book. It felt like I was reading a Supernatural episode and just loved it. It is just the perfect fall read and was easy to get into and enjoy. I read this as an ebook and will be getting a physical copy once it is released

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Thanks to @curseddragonship for making the ARC of 'Root and Bone' by Jessica Raney available on @netgalley

'Root and Bone' is a contemporary fantasy/horror story, focusing on two sisters, Leona Monroe and Jewel Spencer, whose magic allows them to see what's going on below the surface of their Appalachian home town. When a local woman is brutally murdered, and her ghost appears with murderous intent, the sisters are drawn into the search for her killer - and find themselves coming up against a series of increasingly dangerous foes along the way.

While I wouldn't say that Root and Bone is groundbreaking, I do think it's a solid new addition to this subgenre. The dynamic between Leona and Jewel is well-established, as are their relationships with Leona's ghost companion, Cale. They work well as a trio who are largely situated in contrast to the other characters around them.

Unfortunately, things get a bit messier once you start moving beyond the three main characters. You find yourself immediately dropped into a world where there are supernatural elements present, but the parameters of this world - and its interaction with the non-magical world - are never clearly established. This, combined with the fact that it's never quite made clear what time period the story is situated in (it seems to be the 1950s or 60s, maybe?), made it feel like, as a reader, I was always slightly off-kilter. I hope this is something that later books in the series can address.

Overall, despite some fuzziness in the details of world, I did enjoy the book more than not. I think there's a lot of potential here, if some of the issues with this book can be addressed in the sequels. I'd recommend giving it a go, and will be keeping an eye out for the next instalment in the series.

CWs: mild gore, domestic violence, misogyny, violence

Rating: 3.5

'Root and Bone' will be available for purchase from the 14th of May

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Thank you to Netgalley the Publisher, of Cursed Dragon Ship Publishing, LLC, and the author Jessica Raney for providing and allowing me to review this book. Which, I'm giving my honest and sincere review.

I found myself captivated not only by the enchanting tale within its pages but also by the beauty of its cover. Adorned with intricate elements that hinted at the magic and mystery awaiting within, the cover served as an enticing invitation into the world of Leona and Jewel, two sisters with extraordinary powers passed down through generations. Living in the serene Appalachian town of Ames, where gossip flowed as freely as the nearby streams, I found myself drawn into a tale of mystery and magic.

As descendants of Granny Women, Leona, and Jewel possessed abilities that set them apart from their neighbors. Their connection to the supernatural realm granted them insight into a chilling murder that shook our community to its core, revealing layers of darkness hidden beneath the surface.

With each page turned, I journeyed alongside the sisters as they delved deeper into the mystery, encountering adversaries wielding malevolent magic. These sinister forces, coupled with their internal conflicts, posed a formidable challenge to their quest for justice and peace.

Throughout their journey, the sisters leaned on the wisdom of Granny Kay, a revered mentor, and found solace in the guidance of friendly spirits. Yet, it was their bond as sisters that proved to be their most potent weapon against the encroaching darkness. However, their insecurities and doubts threatened to undermine their efforts, risking not only their own lives but also the safety of our beloved town.

"Root and Bone" intricately woven together themes of familial loyalty, the struggle between light and dark, and the resilience of the human spirit. Jessica Raney's vivid prose transported me into a world where magic and mystery intersected, captivating me with each twist and turn of the narrative.

As the first installment in the Spencer Sisters series, "Root and Bone" set the stage for an epic saga filled with intrigue, danger, and the enduring power of sisterhood. I eagerly anticipate the next chapter in Leona and Jewel's extraordinary journey.

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I made it to 13% before I had to DNF. I was not expecting it to be as dark as it was. I also was not connecting with any of the characters. ( thought I did like Cale a little.) The first 4 chapter just dragged for me and I just couldn't get into the book.
Love the thr cover though. It's a really eye-catching cover.

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This was different, fast paced and it grabs you from the start! I feel like the description of the book could definitely be better, I dont think it really quite "gets you there" as far as the magic and situation..The book itself, chefs kiss 100%! maybe consider revamping the description so it hits the target audience better.

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