Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan for this E-ARC in exchange for an honest review.


Sher Lee' debut Fake Dates and Mooncakes was one of my favourite reads of 2023, so I was super excited when she reached out to ask if I'd like an early copy of her fantasy debut! Whilst I did have a fun time reading this book, I admit it didn't quite live up to my expectations.

I think the concept of this book is really good and this could've easily been a 5⭐️ read, but I don't think it was executed as well as it could have been. I started very strong, with a hooking premise, interesting plot, and likeable protagonists, but from the moment Xian and Zhen meet, the plot seems to disappear and the focus is solely on their almost insta-love relationship. Whilst I did like their initial meeting, and could get behind their initial connection, I felt their romance rushed too suddenly into a relationship, and was based more on physical attraction than a deeper connection. Insta-love style relationships are an issue I have quite often with romantasy books (they're not a personal preference of mine), so that did hamper my enjoyment. I did like their relationship more towards the end, but I wish it had been developed more. The individual character development was stronger, but still not as developed as I would like. I did still really like Xian and Zhen as characters and became attached to them both (especially Zhen though, he was my favourite).

I think this book as a whole was quite underdeveloped. The plot got lost a bit and sidelined too much for the romance, and relationships with side characters felt less emotional as we didn't get to know said characters and their connections well enough. There were some interesting themes that I was hoping would be explored more - particularly the differing power dynamics between characters, which was touched on a few times but never in quite enough depth - which I think would've worked better if this book was a lot longer. This also impacted the ending reveals (though I do think these were quite well-crafted reveals and twists that made sense and were satisfying in the plotline) which made them feel somewhat sudden. Whilst this book is a standalone, I personally think it would've worked much better either as a much longer book, or as a duology. This would've, in my opinion, given more time to expand upon the world and magic-system (which were both very interesting, but underutilised) and develop and explore characters and their relationships. The second half of this book (after a big reveal) was quite rushed, but it felt much stronger to me in terms of plot and relationships (I enjoyed Xian and Zhen's romance much more in the second half. I admit to being nearly in tears by the ending chapters and the epilogue because I had become so much more invested and attached to the characters!

It sounds like I'm being really harsh on this book, but I did really enjoy my time reading it (it is most certainly hooking and exciting and I did not want to put it down!) and will probably be buying a physical copy when it releases next month, I just think there was a lot of potential that wasn't fully explored. I do still think this book is good, and do recommend checking it out! I think this was a promising start from Sher Lee in the world of fantasy, and I am excited to see what she will do next!

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A sweet and fluffy romance where even when the plot is dramatic, there isn’t a big sense of stress or doom. In some ways this felt like reading a folktale—not only is it based on one, but the characters are often being told what the meaning of symbols or the lesson they should take away from something is. Generally a queer normative world with very little criticism of Xian either for his sexuality (gay with the understanding that at some point he’ll take a wife for succession purposes) or his promiscuous nature, as he is a favored prince and therefore in a position of high power. Fast-paced, I think the whole story takes place over around 2-3 weeks, not counting the prologue/epilogue type parts.

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I discovered the wonderful world of danmei earlier this year thanks to my friends, and know only a little bit of the legend of the white snake this story was based off of, so I was so excited to read a novel that would give me danmei vibes! I really enjoyed all the story beats and themes with family, duty, equilibrium, and a lot of the characters here too. I also have to say that I really enjoy Sher Lee's writing style here because this book was just so easy to consume and gobble up!!

And Sher also did a great job with taking the original story and making it into a super cute YA queer retelling with a lot of heart. There were some twists and turns I didn't expect in the story overall, which made this even more fun!!

Xian and Zhen were so adorable together and their dynamic & journey was so fun to read. On top of that, their individual character development was well-explored too. The pacing worked out really nicely for a standalone, and while I greedily wish we got some more, I think things would've been too drawn out for the worse if it did.

A really great YA danmei-like standalone experience!

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So I will say I know very little about xianxia and have no knowledge at all about the White Snake Legend. I can’t attest to how well this works as a retelling/reimagining. However, in terms of reading it as a myth inspired fantasy I very much enjoyed it.

Feel like this was one that swung me around soooo many different emotions - joy, sorrow, anticipation, anger, hope, despair and relief. Kept me gripped and on edge. I really wasn’t sure how it was going to play out in the end and a couple of twists took me by surprise!

I really loved Xian, Zhen, Quin and Feng. Whilst I’d have maybe liked a bit more depth. I think their characterisation worked well for a YA novel.

I enjoyed the authors first book, but actually liked this way more! Fantasy/myth is definitely more my thing anyway, but I think I found the writing way more engaging and descriptive. Really painted a picture of the setting.

In some ways I think this could have benefitted from being longer. I’d have liked even more of the politics, the relationship developments and world building. But this is a common critique from me so maybe I’m just greedy! 🤣

Really enjoyable read and I absolutely must check out more fantasy inspired by Asian myth and culture.

Thank you to Harper Collins, Sher Lee and Netgalley for an advanced digital copy of this!

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it was a good book! i did think the first half of the book was very very very slow, but i enjoyed having multiple povs keeping the suspense alive.

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I will never get tired of queer retellings of myths and legends, and I especially enjoyed this spin on White Snake from Sher Lee. It’s more of a fresh story in its own right, just utilizing some of the familiar framework and characters from the legend, but taking its own approach to telling the tale of a snake spirit and a human.

Even if you aren’t familiar with the original story, the base is predictable in a comforting sort of way, from the very quick falling in love to the way Zhen’s secret unfolds to Zhen and Xian’s resolution. Even as a retelling, there’s still a very fairytale vibe to it, from the writing and the way Lee describes the forests and court to how everything plays out.

As mentioned, it’s predictable, but in that sort of way that you know exactly what you’re getting into at the start and it’s exactly what you want from a xianxia-flavored YA romance. In that way it’s very fun and cute.

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AHHH this book was so good! I love the romance, the mythology aspect, the QUEER LONGING??? This book was so beautifully written and I enjoyed every moment of it! If you like Sue Lynn Tan's writing style you'll love this.

Thank you Netgalley and Quill Tree Books / HarperCollins for the ARC!

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J’ai adoré par le même auteur Fake dates and Mooncakes alors il me fallait absolument que je lise The Legend Of the White Snake. Merci de m’avoir donné l’opportunité de lire ce livre numérique.
J’adore les légendes asiatiques et quand j’ai su que l’auteur allait faire un remake de la Légende du serpent blanc, je me devais de le lire et je n’ai pas été déçu ! Nous sommes ici dans une Fantasy Young Adult où on va suivre un Prince qui pour sauver sa mère, va devoir chasser Le Serpent Blanc afin de récupérer son venin. Mais en cours de route, le prince va inévitablement tomber amoureux de l’esprit du Serpent Blanc.
J’ai adoré le remake MM que l’auteur a fait ici, la romance était bien douce et m’a réchauffé le cœur.
Le début était un peu long mais par la suite, j’ai défilé les pages.
La fin était un peu prévisible mais cela ne m’a pas du tout gêné. J’ai adoré ce livre et j’ai hâte de l’avoir en version physique à sa sortie !

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Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for this honest review.

I had high hopes for this work, but unfortunately it fell short. I found the romance very fast, and lacking a bit of substance -- very instalove, which can be forgiven due to the format. However, the story itself felt lacking and uninspired. I felt like it was more like checking off boxes for each story beat than actually being an immersive telling.

I liked the characters, but ultimately I was not pulled into the storytelling and had to take multiple breaks to do something else more interesting.

The story itself was clear and to the point, but I felt it was lacking some meat and prose.

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Thank you so much HarperCollins Children's Books and NetGalley for providing me this ARC!

Ohh such a lovely book about a gay retelling of the folktale the legend of the white snake!

I really love the romance between Xian and Zhan, their dynamic is so good. I enjoy both Xian and Zhan's POVs. I feel like i can feel the emotion of both of them.

I love the tearful ending it was good i like it

But yeah the first half is kinda slow so it made me dozed off at some point...

But it is a solid retelling romance book

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Thank you Net Galley for allowing me the opportunity to give my honest opinion on this arc!

Legend of the White Snake follows Xian, a prince who has set his life goal to save his mother from a terrible illness. The cure is said to come from a special snake which causes Xian to become a snake hunter. He desperately searches for the snake to save his mother who only has little time left. After hearing the news his mother will not last long, he goes to a monk to question what to do. The monk directs him to search in an area which contains the snake he desires. There he finds more than he wants, a gorgeous boy named Zhen who turns out to the white snake in human form (but Xian does not know that). The two have an instant connection and cannot stay away. Will their feelings conquer Xian's quest or the other way around?

Last year, I listened to the audiobook of the author's debut. I thought it was a sweet and quick read but it did not completely stick out to me. I had an enjoyable time and was curious about the author's next publications. I then saw they were working on a romantic fantasy based on Chinese legends and instantly became excited. This book felt like it was a toned down version (with the themes and mature level) of a danmei novel. It was constantly giving danmei vibes and I was eating it up. I loved seeing similar themes such as the romantic dynamics and the way the plot folded out. If you are ever curious about danmeis, I highly suggest picking this up because it has similar themes but it is easier to understand.

For the characters, I both enjoyed Xian and Zhen. I thought they both had strong motivations which made me root for them. Both of their motivations conflicted with the others so it was hard to side with one person. I felt like that made the story more interesting as well as emotional. When the two were together, they had great chemistry but I wish it was not as fast paced. I understand why the romance progressed fast, but I much prefer a slow-burn. The sweet moments made up for that though.

The plot was a little predictable but I did not mind. It was an enjoyable story and sometimes that is all I need. However, the ending felt like it came out of nowhere because of a certain twist. I accepted it but it still felt strange. Though, it did not off put me and change my opinion on the book. Overall, I just thought it was sweet and an emotional read. I flew through this book and wanted to know what happened next immediately. Maybe this is not the greatest book of all time, but it certainly hit the spot. If you ever need a quick romantic fantasy with two boys falling in love, this is the perfect choice!

4 stars

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Thank you Harper Collins and Netgalley for this eARC, these opinions are my own. I love a good fantasy and Sher Lee delivered! I don’t know much about the legend but I still really enjoyed this story! I loved both Xian and Zhen, their connection is sweet, charming, and fast paced! Plenty of moments that will give you the warm and fuzzies! Then you get the action and adventure! Plenty of side characters to love with this one too! A quick story that will make you smile from start to finish!

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4.5 stars! Thank you to NetGalley, Quill Tree Books, and HarperCollins Children's Books for this advanced copy! You can pick up Legend of the White Snake on October 15, 2024.

What a stunning, lyrical romantic fantasy! Sher Lee's voice was gorgeous throughout this whole book, and the story she wove was mesmerizing. This retelling of a traditional Chinese folktale, set in a queer-normative world, followed a shape-shifting snake, and the prince determined to capture him to cure his mother's illness. Xian and Zhen had instant chemistry, and though their relationship had more ups and downs than a rollercoaster, I was super invested in their love story. I predicted some of the twists and betrayals, while others took me completely by surprise. Despite being such a short book, Lee included so many pivotal moments, especially in the final third.

If you're looking for a really immersive, lyrical mythology-inspired story with an MLM romance, this is your book!

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The book caught my interest right from the beginning. However, the insta love between the main characters didn't quite work for me, and as the story progressed, it felt rather predictable and relied heavily on typical YA tropes. Despite this, I found it to be a cute read and would still recommend it to friends who appreciate this genre.

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The plot and characters were interesting but I wish they were more fleshed out. Every interaction and moment felt rushed and I never felt the tension. Especially once the action picked up--it was engaging and I was invested but it was moving way too quick beat to beat.

I enjoyed all the cultural and history facts, but they felt separate from the story--like I was reading two books simultaneously.

Also it felt like it was someone telling the tale of Xian and Zhen--even from their perspectives it didn't feel like we were in their shoes but were being told about their adventures third-hand.

Loved the moment with the gray pebble, I wasn't expecting to be devastated by a rock.

It was a cute story, but it wasn't for me.

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3.5 stars!

Thank you to Sher Lee and Quill Tree Books for an ARC in exchange for my full, honest review!

This is the kind of book that falls just on the good side of mediocre, which sounds harsh but let's just say you know what you're getting into. It's not going to surprise or deeply change you, but it will be fun and entertaining, which is a combination that I think all of us need sometimes.

First, the good stuff. I liked the setting and the way that folklore interplayed with the historical aspects. I hadn't heard about the original Legend of the White Snake and this was a pleasant introduction to it. Particularly towards the end, you can increasingly feel the strength of the relationship between Xian and Zhen when the more intense and climatic moments of the story put their bond to the test. It was just cute and sweet and a good thing to be reading on the first week of classes when I didn't want anything difficult.

As for what I enjoyed less, I kind of touched on it in the intro. It is genuinely nothing more than it has to be as a YA romance. The plot doesn't have to be super compelling, the characters can be basically perfect and not very complex, and it doesn't really have to teach you anything new. I don't really gravitate to those kinds of books but I still give YA romances a shot sometimes because I have been pleasantly surprised in the past, but this was just not one of those cases. I really like historical fantasy but this was just a very simple myth retelling with no bells and whistles to lend it the gravity that can truly transform those stories.

If you really love fluffy YA romances or Sher Lee's other book, I'm certain this will be up your alley. If you really want to read something that feels unlike any other book, I don't think you'll find this very impressive.

Happy reading!

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An absolutely fantastic read! This Chinese-inspired BL fantasy romance was incredibly addictive and kept me on the edge of my seat. I was completely engrossed the entire time and couldn't put it down. The descriptive writing style and smooth flow of the story were captivating. I can't wait to read more from Sher Lee!

I would have loved for this to be 200 pages longer and in the New Adult category, so it could delve deeper into the characters and their story. I would’ve liked to see a little bit more angst and tension between the main characters. But even so, I still had a great time with it!

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I really loved this! I just absolutely adore the cover.

I have been in a xianxia/ wuxia phase this year. I really enjoyed Fake Dates and Mooncakes, so I was excited when I heard that Sher Lee was working on a fantasy based on the White Snake legend.

The story follows a prince, Xian, who is chasing a pearl that can heal his mother who is sick. Zhen was a snake who swallowed the pearl and became a snake spirit who can shift between human and white snake. As Xian and Zhen two are brought together, the chemistry between them and their separate goals start to create a delicious level of tension.

I had such high expectations for this book, and I really got all of the beats that I was looking for. I got an appropriate level of pining, some good teamwork, cast of supportive friends, and the appropriate level of tension. From a writing perspective, I also appreciated seeing the Chinese characters for significant words, and having items (like clothing) both described and named for me. It gave me keywords for context and to find out more in future.

If you like a fairy tale retelling, Heaven Official’s blessings, or the untamed, definitely worth a read.

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The Legend of the White Snake is based off of Chinese folklore. Though I am not super familiar with this legend, I know that this novel has a queer twist to it. And it did not disappoint.

The story follows Prince Xu Xian who is looking for a cure for his mother’s sickness. With the guidance of the king’s advisor and the vague advice from his temple’s oracle, Xian is set on a path to hunt a white snake to find this cure.

This path sends him to Chengle where he meets a handsome stable boy named Zhen. Due to an instant connection, Xian ensures that Zhen becomes his personal attendant and guide around Chengle to help him find the white snake. Little does he know that Zhen is actually the white snake that he is hunting and that they share a past encounter.

I think it was clever of the author to have a dual POV for Zhen and Xian’s journey because it is full of mixed emotions: pleasure, joy, guilt, fear, and anxiety. Both characters are flawed, yet so easy to root for. Watching their relationship blossom was beautiful and organic. The plot was quick and engaging, filled with lots of Chinese tradition. The side characters enhanced every aspect of this book and there was a decent plot twist!

My only gripe with this book would be the writing style: it seems like this is meant to be set in Ancient China, but the dialogue sounded very modern for that time period. Also, though I loved all the Chinese cultural references, sometimes there were too many at one time and because they all came with explanations, it interrupted the flow of reading.

Overall I really enjoyed this book. It was a fun, quick YA read. Thank you to Sher Lee, NetGalley, and the publishers for this eArc. All opinions are my own.

I feel like there could have been more explanation at the end of how Zhen came back. Okay, yes he chose to be human instead of immortal, but why did it take him 100 days to return? One chapter of Zhen’s POV of that time would have made it perfect.

Also I didn’t like how many people ‘died’ and came back to life in the last 10% of the book. It felt repetitive and unsurprising by the end. </spoiler>

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What a wonderful fantasy debut! I read Sher Lee's first book, so I knew this book was going to be amazing, but even my standards were blown away. I loved the emotional connection, the storyline, the magic, all of it! Sher Lee is a phenomenal writer!

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