Member Reviews

Just finished this amazing YA story by the equally amazing @sherleeauthor. A m/m retelling of a traditional Chinese legend, Legend of the White Snake follows 17-year-old Prince Xian as he searches for a cure for his ailing mother. In his journey he meets Zhen, who appears to be a lowly serving boy but who quickly captures Xian’s heart (and vice versa!). Little does he know that Zhen is not only a snake spirit, but the one who unknowingly stole the cure for Xian’s mother years ago. When the truth is revealed, will their relationship survive? A wonderful way to immerse readers in Chinese legend, whether they are familiar with the original tale or encountering it for the first time. Sher Lee smoothly incorporates Mandarin words and characters, providing an even richer experience. The story is sweetly romantic, with several unexpected twists along the way. Recommend for any YA collection! #asianauthors #singaporeanauthor #chineselegend #legendofthewhitesnake #aapi #yabooks #yafantasy #yaromance #lgbtqya #queercharacters

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This is such a sweet romantic fantasy that retells the Legend of the White Snake. It is fast-paced with a plot that leaves you breathless and loads of yearning!!

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''Nothing like fresh air, sunshine, and deadly venom to start our day'.

Sher Lee’s 'Legend of the White Snake' is a lush reimagining of a classic Chinese folktale that weaves together elements of fantasy, palace intrigue, high stakes, and romance. This atmospheric YA historical tale will transport and captivate readers, I'm sure of it!🐍🤍🐉

Seven years ago, an ordinary but curious white snake named Zhen consumed a coveted spirit pearl, fulfilling his deepest desire—to transform and experience life as a human, leaving his footprints on the paths of the world. However, Zhen's involvement with the pearl inadvertently crushed another boy's hopes, or so it seemed.

Now, seven years later, following an oracle's prediction, Prince Xu Xian journeys to the city of Changle in search of the white snake, the vital ingredient for an antidote to save his mother, who was bitten by a white snake and is slowly succumbing to the venom.

As fate would have it, the determined Prince Xian meets Zhen. They are immediately drawn to each other, but Zhen quickly realizes he is the white snake Xian seeks. As their emotions deepen, so does Zhen's guilt. Will the truth about Zhen’s identity tear them apart? Read on to find out.

I thoroughly enjoyed Xian and Zhen's journey of love, loss, discovery, and hope. Despite the grim and dangerous moments, you'll also experience amusing banter between friends and lovers. When I think of Xian, the word 'zesty' comes to mind haha—he's easy on the eyes, caring, and determined, though not very religious (I wonder why). As for the lovely Zhen, he is protective, loyal, delicate, and kind. The tension, flirting and gentle moments were everything! For story being under 400 pages long, it packed enough of punch. But I wish we had it little bit longer though.

This is a perfect read for you if you enjoy historical fantasy/fiction and mythology, with a dose of romance between two male characters (who are cute and whipped for each other hehe).

Thank you Sher Lee and Allison, from HarperCollins, for this eARC. All thoughts are my own and left voluntarily.

Actual rating: 4.5 stars

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Enormous thank yous to Sher Lee and Harper Collins for sending me a digital arc!

This book had pretty much everything I could ask for! It made me laugh, it made me SOB, it made me kick my feet at adorable-ness, it made me consider what “soulmates” actually means, and it made me so incredibly joyous that these two men from entirely different worlds were so tightly bound together by fate and that nothing could stop them!

The writing is amazing, the characters are so well-developed, the explanations of cultural elements that otherwise may be misunderstood is clear whilst also not detracting from the narrative, and the plot is SO GOOD!

There were a few moments that I felt that the pacing was a little off, like I really wish that the last quarter had been expanded to explore the characters’ emotions more completely (that might just be me enjoying characters’ suffering though), but overall the pacing worked and was very effective.

But just. These babies have my heart. They’re so good and their relationship is so good and eeeeeeeeee!

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ok someone take my chinese card away cuz i don’t really know the story of the white snake but you also don’t need to know it in order to read and enjoy this book. Sher Lee does a wonderful job with the dual POV of Xu Xian, the prince, and Zhen, the white snake spirit. THEIR TENSION, THE SOFT TOUCH, THE FLIRTING, (and even the angst that follows). I really enjoyed all the side characters as well. They bring out a lot of their characteristics and personalities. My only small tiny thing is wishing it was longer (like a 50 episode cdrama rather than just a movie) to really see these characters develop, of course that not always possible but the book is great as it is.

also the biggest plus to sher lee. the chinese idioms that sprinkled in written in chinese, followed by pinyin, followed by the english translation. from a girlie that struggled through chinese school but still tryna keep in touch with her mother language thanks you so much for that.

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Ohh this was so much fun! I love fantasy standalones, it's amazing to get a well-rounded story in one installment. This was such a fast-paced read, building up to an absolutely amazing ending. But for such a fast-paced read, it did feel fleshed out enough to make me feel really invested in the characters and what was going to happen to them. This definitely has rereading potential for me.

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3.5 stars rounded up.
This isn't something I would typically pick up but it was put on my radar by a friend and I ended up having a good time. Legend of the White Snake was fun, fast-paced, and very sweet. I'm not at all familiar with the legend this is based on but I've been in the mood for Asian fantasy and really enjoyed the integration of Chinese mythology/culture into the book. I liked the characters, Xian, Zhen, and Qing in particular, but think they would have benefited from more time to sit with events. Because the plot is so fast-paced, we don't always get a sense of what they're feeling, and they end up coming across as shallow at times because of this. On a similar note, I would have enjoyed more exploration of the world/setting, though I understand it's not the main focus of the book.

Thank you NetGalley/Quill Tree Books

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I was completely hooked through the first half of this book. It was fun and sweet and playful, with an easily read writing style. I also really adored the characters and enjoyed getting to know them and seeing the dynamics between them.

When the plot picked up on the second half, I thought I was in for a real treat as the exciting and emotional stuff would start in a book I was already enjoying, and I was looking forward to the dynamics between characters to grow even deeper as intensity and emotions grew. Unfortunately, this didn't seem to be the case. Something about the writing as the plot thickened didn't flow quite right. The major plot points and twists felt flat. Not enough to make the story not enjoyable! But to where I didn't fully care what was happening and got frustrated at times when I just wanted to see these characters grow together. Part of it could have been the that "villains" and the handling of them felt underwhelming.

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Well, this was a rollercoaster of emotions. In the best way possible. I am obsessed with this book. Up until the very last chapter I was swinging between happiness and heartache in a way only a few books managed to do for me. This simply shows how Sher Lee was able to breathe life into a world that sucked me in from the first line.

I really had a blast with Legend of the White Snake. The world was vivid, the cast so likable, and the plot so engaging to the point where it all just felt so real. I also loved how the pacing was fast in the sense that there was always something important happening but at the same time nothing felt rushed at all. This became very apparent to me as I was reading because whenever Lee wanted an emotional beat to hit it left me flooded with emotions. This applies to both the romance and the action of the story.

I also want to take a moment to talk about how incredible the cover looks. Kuri Huang’s art is exquisite and I encourage you all to look at her other work because it’s simply fantastic.

Legend of the White Snake is a fantastic debut by Sher Lee and I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for an epic that hits on both the action and romance fronts. This is 100% a book you should judge by its gorgeous cover and I can’t wait to add it to my bookshelf.

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I am so enjoying the amount of both fairy tale retellings and Asian fantasy we’re seeing at the moment. This is a worthy addition. It has thrilling action, good pacing, a convincing romance and a plot with just enough twists and turns. It also feels quite cosy, with both the main characters so open and good hearted. The only thing I would have asked was that it be longer! A bit more at the ending would have been just the thing. It was still very enjoyable.

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There some things I really liked about this book, and some things that were a draw. Overall, it’s a fun and thoughtful retelling of a myth we don’t see over and over again, which I appreciated.

The world and setting are lush. I enjoyed following the cast to different places, each one immersive and beautiful. The themes of friendship, teamwork, and resilience are strong and consistent, which I feel like many modern YA releases have lost sight of such coming of age themes, and for that, Legend of the White Snake will definitely be one that I recommend to my students. Queer norm is not something I look for or expect in a book, but when I find one, I’m always happy to add it to the mental list where I keep track of such titles for readers who are looking for queer norm.

My biggest draw is that the dual POV made this book drag in some parts, rush in others, and overall I just didn’t think Zhen’s POV was necessary or even good for the narrative. It felt like his POV repeated and confirmed everything from Xian’s POV, and I think the tension would have been much better if we just had Zhen’s POV.

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Thank you to author Sher Lee for thinking my dog is cute and then asking if I wanted NetGalley access to her next book. I loved her first book, Fake Dates and Mooncakes, and was super excited to dive into another queer Asian romantasy book after The Emperor and the Endless Palace by Justinian Huang. Although this book is a completely different feel and storytelling style compared to her first book, I was immediately hooked by this story and its characters and world. I would be super interested in reading other retellings of Chinese legends, especially if reframed from a queer viewpoint.

If you have an intense fear of snakes, this may not be the book for you. There are a LOT of snakes. However, after reading this book I will never look at a snake the same way again and will be much more friendly towards this animal which has been given a bad representation in media.

This is a retelling of the Chinese legend told from alternating points of view of the two main characters. Xian and Zhen were so wholesome, and there were many classic romance tropes reframed in this romantasy setting. A beautiful tale of star crossed lovers with an act three twist I did not see coming. I found the story very narratively satisfying in how it unraveled, and the ending brought me to tears. This is definitely a recommendation for fans of romantasy, folklore retellings, queer romance, and books with absolutely gorgeous cover art. I can't wait to read more from Sher Lee!

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I liked the concept of this book a lot! I think the writing style wasn't entirely for me but I'm glad I gave it a shot. Thank you for the early read!

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Okay, this book is officially my new literary obsession! I can't wait for it to be published in October in english, and I hope it'll arrive in Italy too, one day. If you like historical fantasy and mythology retelling, you'll love this queer version of the famous chinese legend of the white snake! 🇨🇳

First of all, the cover is freaking beautiful and it perfectly shows the delicate and magical vibes of this book. Asian folklore always comes with this aethereal aura, and I find chinese myths particularly elegant and full of grace. 🐍

My favourite character is Zhen, the White Snake that swallows a legendary pearl and turns into a boy. His personality's extremely charming: he's kind, curious and generous, and he always puts the others first. He has so much love to give. But I ended up loving also Prince Xian, the other main lead of the story, and I didn't expect to like him so much, honestly. He's the kind of person (like Zhen) that would sacrifice himself for the people he loves, but his personality's different from Zhen's: Xian is bold, flirty, ready to fight. The chemistry between these two is like a bomb ready to explode. I also loved the other characters, both the good ones and the evil ones. 🦪

The plot is full of twists, especially in the finale. I GAGGED. It was soooo good to be surprised like that! I had a lot of theories (I also talked about them with the author in her instagram dms and she was so kind and friendly with me and listened to all my comments on the story) but none of them were right. 🤣

I don't know if this book is a standalone or the first of a future series, since some little problems remained unsolved, but I know for sure that if this book will turn into a series of books, I'll read them all!🏮

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Thank you, NetGalley, HarperCollins Children's Books | Quill Tree Books, for the chance to read this book in exchange of an honest review.

When Prince Xian was young, a white snake bit his mother, condemning her to a slow and painful death. The only cure is a spirit pearl and so Xian has tried to look for it. When the oracle predicts he will find and capture a white snake in Chiangle, the prince travels there.
Seven years ago a young snake swallowed a spirit pearl, making him able to transform into a boy and special powers. When Zheng meets the prince, he doesn't have the courage to reveal his true identity, being the snake the prince is hunting. What will happened to them and their blossoming romance?

Legend of the white snake is a romantic retelling ot a traditional Chinese folktale and I loved reading it. Told by two POVs, Zheng's and Xian's, the story is intriguing and romantic and so well written.
Zheng is a young spirit snake, travelling with his sister Qing, when he meets the prince and become involved in his life and search for his mother's cure. On the other side, Xian is a prince willing to do anything to save his beloved mother and with the help of his advisors and guards he's looking for a white snake, without realizing he's closer than he thinks.
Romantic, lush, funny, Legend of the white snake is a book you will devour in a very short time, because it's intriguing and well written, captivating and filled with twists you can, and can't, expect.
It's a story about loyalty and fierce love, about magic and spirits, falling in love and protect those we care about.
A lovely book.

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For newcomers to the genre, especially YA readers, Legend of the White boths introduces and offers a refreshing take on the famed Chinese legend. There're countless of cultural facts and annecdotes in here in regard to Ancient China, and yes, they could become grating after a while (I would trade them for more narrative/character development in a heartbeat), but they're not without their use, some are even interesting besides. Lastly, I adored that cover and I adored the fact that this is a queer retelling (more of this please!) -- I thought that it was very appropriate of the author to choose White Snake as her canvas, something about snakes being able to shed their skin/be fluid and take on a new identity just resonated with me as a queer person.

I don't have much to say about the rest of the book because overall, it was just an okay read for me. I was indiferrent to the characters, their causes and their blight. I couldn't connect to the romance (that developed down to the beat; I could feel no chemistry from them, except that they were "fated"). I must admit that I expected more out of this book than the predictable story that I got, but I was also decisively not the intended audience for this book. Like my opening point, I would recommend this to any teen and or reader who is looking for something new in their reading diet; this book is an excellent introductory to ancient China and there's even a tender queer romance in the center of it. It would be worth your while to give this a try. If you're a tempered veteran, do pick up something else.

Thanks to Netgalley and Quill Tree Books for the E-ARC!

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I received a free E-ARC of this book in exchange for a fair review. Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins.

I really enjoyed this book. Both Zhen and Xian were sympathetic characters, and I loved reading about how their relationship developed. I was unfamiliar with the traditional legend of the white snake, so while I was in the middle of reading the book I ended up looking it up, which I think made it more impactful reading experience, though readers don't need to come in with an understanding of the tale.

The prose was also really well-written and evocative, with plenty of detailed descriptions. I felt that the setting was very believable, and easy to imagine.

I think people who like gay romances or cultivation stories will enjoy this book.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this arc.

I love various mythological books, even more so when it’s BL. I really enjoyed this from start to finish. I love the ending, but I loved seeing the characters develop. The interactions were sweet at times, intense at others. It’s very much a YA read. I already have my copy preordered.

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I've been a big fan of Sher Lee ever since I read "Fake Dates & Mooncakes" so naturally I jumped at the opportunity to read an ARC for "Legend of the White Snake" and I can say confidently that if you thought her debut novel was good, her second novel was even better. I don't often hand out five-star ratings because a book has to meet all of my expectations before I do that, but "Legend of the White Snake" exceeded those expectations.

This novel was full of fantasy & world-building with characters that you either loved from the get-go, or learned to love in time as you journeyed with them. For me, Zhen was everything I could have hoped for in a character -- a snake spirit just yearning to find his place in the mortal realm, which echoed feelings of wanting to belong somewhere as a queer youth.

If that doesn't pull you in, maybe a slow-burn romance will. There's also royalty, fake identities, and even some magic! If you're looking for a read that's similar to "Six Crimson Cranes" by Elizabeth Lim, you won't be disappointed with this one.

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Sher lee is an amazing author! After having read fdam, I got very exited to read more works from her. And she didn´t dissapoint! I loved the place and time the book took place and emediatly fell in love with the main charachters zhen and xian. The story didn´t go to slow or to fast wich made it very pleasant to read. I really liked the last chapters of the book and am kind of sad the book has ended. I´m very exited for the official release so I can get my physical copy and read it all over again!

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