Member Reviews

A complicated look at motherhood. I really couldn't grasp where this book was going, and I am not 100%sure I do even after it ended. I was entertained the entire book thought it was well paced
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC

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*Due out January 14!

This is one of those times that I wish the blurb was less informative, because I think I'd like to have gone into it blind, but also one of those times where that information about the direction the story is headed does nothing to ease the heavy queasy feeling you get when reading it.

Charlotte is pregnant with a second daughter after multiple losses. She and her husband hire Blanka to help Charlotte get the rest she needs to help bring her pregnancy to term, while also finding an outlet for their daughter Stella. Stella is weird and wonderful, highly intelligent and uncomfortable with closeness.

When Blanka abruptly quits and is later found dead, Charlotte notices that Stella begins to take on several of Blanka's mannerisms. Charlotte's worry and attempts to reach her child are so distressing. Does she need more rest, or is her daughter possessed? It seems that she's the only one who can tell that her daughter has changed. As her pregnancy nears its end, Charlotte has to decide who she can trust, as Stella becomes less and less herself.

Thank you to PENGUIN GROUP Viking | Pamela Dorman Books and NetGalley for the ARC of this novel in exchange for my honest review.

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Clever Little Thing is just that. A clever story written in a way that completely submerges the reader, confuses them and brings it home with a shocking conclusion.

Charlotte and her husband have a daughter, 8 year old Stella and are expecting their second child. Stella is an unusually bright child, perhaps a genius. Until recently, Stella was watched by Blanka, the family babysitter. Blanka has unfortunately died (off page, prior to the story’s start). When Stella starts to exhibit Blanka’s mannerisms things start to get weird.

Charlotte becomes engrossed in what could be happening to her daughter, even going so far as to befriend Blanka’s mother to find answers. I was right with Charlotte all the way down the rabbit hole.

This story is nearly impossible to put down with a culmination that is explosive! It brings what is, what was and what could have been to the table for a final analysis.

My only critique is that the reader has to be willing to suspend their disbelief for some of the elements that were a bit unbelievable but if they can do that they are in for one wild and entertaining story.

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This book is like... it's like if you took The Push and put it in a bottle and then violently shook the bottle until it was crazy.

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Charlotte is questioning everything she knows about her daughter after the sudden death of their babysitter. Stella is a highly sensitive child who tends to react in strong ways, and when she begins to take on character traits of her former babysitter, Charlotte isn’t sure what to think. She becomes convinced that she must save Stella and discover what’s happened to her daughter.

This is definitely a page turning read! I couldn’t decide which character I would agree with and was constantly changing my mind about what I thought was going on. Many of the characters are not likable, including Charlotte, which adds to the mystery and their untrustworthiness. I wasn’t sure I liked the resolution of the story and the final pages completely changed my mind with a powerful ending. Overall, if you enjoyed psychological books like The Push, you will really enjoy this one.

Thank you to Helena Echlin and Penguin Viking books for the arc and opportunity to be an early reader and reviewer.

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When I finished this book last night, I was unsure how I was going to rate it. I had a bit of a "Really? THAT'S what we were working towards?" feeling. However, in thinking about it this morning, I have more appreciation for how Echlin took a popular trope in thrillers right now (is the mom going crazy or is the kid evil?) and 1) did it well, making the MC feel real; and 2) gave us a whiff of the paranormal in a very clever (ha!) and not over-the-top kind of way. I think readers will enjoy this and have a lot to talk about!

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Charlotte knows her daughter Stella and something has changed ever since their babysitter died. As she gets closer to the truth, people around her...her husband, friends think she is going crazy. A tense thriller with an ending that smacks you in the face.
Thank you Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for a honest opinion.

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I’m thinking 2.5 ★ This has so much potential. I liked the unique characters and dual timelines in this the most. I just felt like this was extremely similar to something else I’ve read so it wasn’t hard to predict the twists. The story didn’t seem to pick up until I was about 76% of the way in. It didn’t deliver for me, however it might for fans of THE PUSH.

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If you enjoyed The Push by Ashley Audrain, you may enjoy Clever Little Thing. Both books are dark, psychological thrillers about mothers and their children. Echlin’s book started slow, but it kept my interest, and I finished reading it quickly.
I picked up the book because other readers enjoyed the twists and turns and I love to be surprised. Instead, I found the story to be predictable. I don’t think I am the target audience because I’m not generally interested in the speculative elements in books, and that aspect didn’t resonate with me. I do recommend this for readers who are interested in creepy stories about families.
My thanks to NetGalley for an Advanced Readers Copy of this book. All opinions are my own and not biased in any way.

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•Helena Echlin’s latest, Clever Little Thing, was eerie, creepy, and definitely contained parts I wasn’t expecting.

•Stella is the daughter of Charlotte and Pete. Stella is very intelligent, has strict self-imposed eating habits, and struggles forming friendships with kids her own age. Because of all of this, and Charlotte’s unexpected second pregnancy, Charlotte and Pete are struggling and begin looking for a nanny.

•Blanka becomes Stella’s nanny and the pair bond quickly. Life is going well, until one day, Blanka suddenly dies. Charlotte and Pete don’t know how to break the news to Stella.

•Charlotte reaches out to Blanka’s mother, Irina, to offer condolences and the two become fast friends. Strangely enough, soon after Irina starts spending more time with them, Stella starts taking on personality traits of Blanka. How is this happening?

•This book was fantastic. It left me wanting more and more. While it starts off slow, it definitely picks up and you won’t predict the ending.

•Thank you to NetGalley, Penguin Group Viking, and Helena Echlin for this ARC. Clever Little Thing will become available on January 14, 2025.

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Clever Little Thing is a solid thriller that kept me engaged from start to finish. While it leaned a bit toward the predictable side, the strong writing made up for it, and I found myself eagerly turning the pages. The book's unique take on the genre, coupled with an unreliable narrator, added an interesting twist. Normally, I'm not a big fan of unreliable narrators, but it worked well here, adding layers of intrigue without feeling overdone. Overall, a well-crafted and enjoyable read!

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I can't wait for 2025, as I’ve been reading one mind-blowing book after another! Helena Echlin's latest work gives you chills and goosebumps. It can be summed up in a few words: eerie, creepy, yet engaging, emotional, and surprisingly thought-provoking, with its realistic approach to motherhood, mental health, and autism awareness. This twisty, jaw-dropping psychological thriller has so many layers, appealing to a wide range of readers. It explores dysfunctional family dynamics, the heavy psychological and physical burdens of motherhood, grief, cultural identity, child psychology, all wrapped in a mysterious narrative with hints of supernatural horror and fantasy.

The protagonist, Charlotte, is captivating despite her many flaws and mental struggles, having been raised by a chronically depressed, emotionally distant mother who left invisible scars on her soul. Determined to do better for her daughter Stella, who shows signs of autism and high intelligence at 8, Charlotte creates a protective cocoon around her. But Stella's emotional outbursts, rigid eating habits, and difficulties with social interaction test Charlotte's patience, especially while she's pregnant and her husband is largely absent due to work.

When their socially awkward nanny Blanka, who unexpectedly connects with Stella, quits her job and is later found dead, Charlotte becomes alarmed. She forms a bond with Blanka's mother, Irina, who had been living with Blanka until her final days.

As Charlotte grows closer to Irina, she notices startling changes in Stella—she becomes more social, changes her handwriting, takes up new habits like crocheting, and begins eating new foods. These red flags leave Charlotte questioning everything. Why is Stella no longer the brilliant, emotionally volatile child she once knew? Is Charlotte in denial about her daughter’s transformation because of their special bond? Or is something far more sinister at play, as Stella begins acting disturbingly like her late nanny? Could possession be real, or is Charlotte losing her mind under the stress of pregnancy and recent family tragedies?

I absolutely loved this unique story and its clever conclusion. The book starts slow, but it leaves enough breadcrumbs to keep you hooked, and the final third pulls the rug out from under you with shocking twists. It's a blend of twisty paranormal psychological thriller and emotional women’s fiction about motherhood, and the author nails both genres. I highly recommend adding this phenomenal read to your list!

Many thanks to NetGalley and Penguin Group Viking/Pamela Dorman Books for providing this fantastic thriller's digital review copy in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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I want to start this review by thanking Penguing Group Viking for allowing me to read this book, Clever Little Thing, via Netgalley. All opinions following are my own.

The premise of this thriller is that a pregnant woman named Charlotte has a young daughter named Stella who exhibits very difficult behaviors. With her husband and herself constantly working, they hired a young, Armenian nanny for Stella named Blanka four years prior to the novel's beginning. Despite Blanka's odd personality, Stella and Blanka get along very well. However, Blanka abruptly quits, without explanation, via text one day. Unsure how to tell Stella, who can be overly sensitive, Charlotte avoids the conversation, as she has quit her job to focus on her family anyway. Four days after her mysterious departure, though, Blanka turns up dead. Over the next few months, Charlotte notices drastic changes in Stella's personality, demeanor, and even eating habits. What's even more eery, though, is that Stella develops an Armenian accent. Were Blanka and Stella closer than Charlotte could've ever imagined?

This book was an easy 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. I read a lot of different genres, but thrillers have my heart. I had never read a book by this author but was quickly intrigued by the book's description and other reviews on GoodReads. Since I do read a lot of thrillers, I have become very adept about figuring out the twists, tropes, and endings of these types of books. That's what made this one unique, though! Until about 80% of the way through the book, I was still trying to figure out who the villain was actually going to be. Then, once this was established, I was kept on the edge of my seat whilst trying to figure out how and if the protagonist would come out on top. I was hooked from the first page to the last, and I will definitely be seeking out more books by this author to read in the future!

#CleverLittleThing #Thriller #HelenaEchlin

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC of this book.

This book was creepy and had me second guessing whether the main character, Charlotte, was losing it or if she was being gaslit. For me, it was slow paced until about 60% in but then I couldn’t put it down.

Recommend for people who like the Push by Ashley Audrain.

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This was a very thought provoking mystery/thriller. I still find myself thinking about it.

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What a great book! Psychological thrillers are my favorite, and I'd put this close to the top of my list. This story is about a child named Stella who once hard to handle, has become the opposite - agreeable, obedient, the opposite of before. But her babysitter, Blanka is dead and now she is doing a lot of the things she did, speaking like her, even writing like her. Is the mother crazy to think that Blanka has taken over Stella's body? I went back and forth a few times, and this book definitely kept you guessing. Definitely a good fall read with the creepy-factor. This book lives up to the hype!

Thank you NetGalley for this arc in exchange for my review.

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I have mixed feelings about this book. there were creepy elements that reminded me of ashley audrain’s novels, which I enjoyed, but at the same time it was very slow, and it took a while to reach the main point. I also just don’t really understand the ending. didn’t feel like we got a real answer or explanation for everything. most of this novel has you questioning the main character’s sanity, and I just didn’t feel I got all the answers I needed in the end.

thank you to netgalley and the publisher for this ARC!

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Thanks to @netgalley for the Advanced Reader Copy of Clever Little Thing by Helena Echlin. This is a very creepy story about a mother and her young daughter. Stella has always been "different", very smart but not social and sometimes violent. Charlotte and her husband struggle with how to parent her. When her babysitter Blanka abruptly quits, and then is found dead shortly after, things start to change even more. Charlotte starts to worry that Blanka has somehow taken over Stella's body. Yes, I said this was creepy! The story kept me reading, but I didn't love it. #cleverlittlething #helenaechlin #netgalley #bookstagram #lovetoread #takeapagefrommybook #readersofinstagram #bookloversofinstagram

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I really enjoyed my time reading this one. I would say it’s best to go in with as little knowledge as possible. So this review is going to be spoiler free & vague at times.
The characters of this story really were the driving force of the story. There wasn’t a ton of action plot wise, but the things going on with the characters had me pulled in from the start. The author did a great job of allowing us to slowly get to know each of little by little throughout the whole story. They each had well developed personalities and relationship with one another. It was great.
This story talks a lot about following your instincts as a mother. The plot centers around figuring out why her daughter had a sudden personality transformation. There were twists and turns throughout the story. I wasn’t sure which characters I could trust!
The things going on in the story, created an unsettling atmosphere. It allowed me to easily put myself into the shoes of Characters and live the story right along with them.
I would recommend this one!

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As the title state, this book is CLEVER.

Initially this book made me think of THE PUSH, THE PERFECT CHILD & similar books of that genre. As a mom with 2 kids on the autism spectrum, the author did a wonderful job describing Stella and her neurodivergent friend Zach. I could relate to Cherie as a mom with a special needs child.

I don't want to give any spoilers so I will just say the book goes in a few different directions. One or two I expected and one character development was a complete shock.

The book was a fast read and while the end was shocking, I do feel the main story was brought to a strong conclusion.

I rate this 4 out of 5 of those Armenian cookies.

There are a few trigger warnings for those who are sensitive.

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