Member Reviews

How to start a review of this one? As a fan of the work of Bob Fosse, I'd seen All That Jazz so I knew going in that he was a difficult man. But man, he really WAS difficult, and occasionally that made for a difficult read. So much talent, such genius, yet he was afflicted by so many demons. And Sam Wasson's well-researched book gives us a good bit of detail about the origins of at least some of the demons. The tragedy was that Fosse was aware of his flaws and addictions, but couldn't get past them. As other reviewers have mentioned, I found myself on YouTube checking out specific dance numbers when Wasson talked about them in detail - what a tragedy that his addictions killed him when he undoubtedly had so much talent yet to share with the world.

Copy provided by Netgalley and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in exchange for an unbiased review.

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