Member Reviews

I’ve read MANY Marian Keyes and have been a fan for decades now. The Walsh sisters are an amazing crew and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed getting to know them over the years and Anna is definitely a fav!! She’s spunky, loving and lives her grief full on while learning to engage with life fully too. I wish I could say I loved this book - I loved the ideas of this book and the overall storyline but it was too much, too long and too moved too slowly for me. I finished the book but sadly - even though I was cheering for Anna the whole way through - it was a bit of a slog to the end. That said, I will pick up another Marian Keyes again in the future. Thank you for the opportunity to read this one!

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Marian Keyes has once again delivered a delightful and heartwarming read with *My Favourite Mistake*. As a long-time fan, it was a joy to reconnect with the beloved Walsh family. The characters, with their distinct personalities and endearing quirks, stayed with me long after I finished reading.

Keyes’ signature humour, wit, and sharp dialogue are ever-present, making this novel a page-turner from start to finish. The story is infused with sharp observations and laugh-out-loud moments that showcase Keyes’ knack for blending comedy with deeper, more poignant themes.

*My Favourite Mistake* is the perfect cozy read, offering a comforting escape into the familiar yet refreshingly vibrant world of the Walsh family. Many thanks to Penguin Random House Canada for bringing us another gem from Marian Keyes. Highly recommended for both new readers and long-time fans alike.

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When I started reading this book, I didn’t realize it was one in a series about the Walsh sisters, but I didn’t feel like this one had to be read in order. You get enough backstory to catch up… maybe too much backstory. The book seemed to drag until Anna moves back to Ireland from New York. Then it picks up and becomes interesting.
I liked the characters of Anna and Joey. I also liked the quirky British humor and euphemisms. The small Irish town where Anna takes a temporary job sounds delightful, but I found it slightly difficult to keep all of the townspeople straight. Kudos to Keyes for having such an imagination to create them all, but you might want to keep a ledger to track them. Some of the dialogue is hard to follow without signal phrases. I found myself having to read sections again to determine who said what. Still I did enjoy reading this novel and will look for some of the others in the series.
Thanks to Net Galley and Penguin Random House Canada for this early reading.

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Love love love Marian Keyes! The Walshes are one of my favorite families and this book, featuring youngest daughter Anna with lots of appearances by the rest of the family and old friends, is one of the best. Lots of Irish humor and just a great story.

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Keyes is a master of characters -- complicated, relatable,and real! This tale was entertaining and unpredictable, the scenery came alive, and I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the inhabitants of this world.

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I love this series of books around the same family, but to be honest, I forget most of the family names and history in the intervening years....therefore, I really struggle to figure out the past story that I ought to know. This installment starts out strong, with Anna experiencing a post ;lockdown lfie change/mid life crisis and her move to Ireland. The on again off again romance with Joseph held my interest for a long while, but toward the end, i was exhausted by their inablility to just date each other without drama. Less would have been more for this reader. The underlying story of a small town was charming.

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A very long time ago I did a binge of books by Marian Keyes, however, I have not ready anything by her for a long time and alas, compared to the books I read now, I found it to be slow, drawn out and I didn't feel drawn into the story and characters. While we are served a happy ending, it is a long time coming (are we there yet?!?!).

This is the love story of Anna and Joey, with Anna as the lead character and her journey, through life from a child to celebrating her 50th birthday. Along the way there is love and loss, fights that shatter friendships, the dedication to career and then making a full life change and eventually finding where you need to be in life.

The story jumps back and forth between now and memories/recap of the past to help tell the story, however it is not delineated by chapters, it is often just a switch in paragraph with no lead in. Oten there was a bit of a story/scene jump moving from one paragraph to the next.

Reading the uncorrected ARC also posed some issues for me, due to the formatting which impacted the flow of the read. (sentences not flowing on one line, 2 words might be on a line, one on the next then a full line).

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Anna Walsh's story was definitely my least favorite of the Walsh saga, to date.
Anna leaves her high powered, very successful and stressful job in NYC as a high end beauty product broker to become a broker for a coastal retreat being built across the sea.
The people don't want it; the locals are rebellious, she is still reeling from the death of her husband and her former best friend hates her.
So this is Anna's life and it doesn't get much better as you read on.
I found it to be awash in self pity, petty differences and supposed unrequited love.
All the things that make characters very boring and plots continually sidetracked, leaving
one with no clear path ahead.
Not my glass of Guinness.

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Perhaps just the wrong time, but I didn’t connect with this book (DNF’d)— I’m going to go back to the beginning and meet the Walshes from book 1

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The Walsh family is back! And as everyone who has read one of Marian Keyes Walsh novels knows, you are in for a delicious combination of joy, heartbreak and laughter from this Irish family that you wish was yours. Sometimes. Maybe.

Anna Walsh is returning to Ireland. She is leaving behind memories of life with her husband, dead for sixteen years. She’s quitting her prestigious public relations jockey and she’s breaking up with Angelo, her partner. It’s probably a mid life crisis but she wants to go home. She won’t be unemployed for long. A child’s illness has derailed her friends Colm and Brigit’s plans of turning their farm into a luxury retreat. The nearby village is full of resentful residents and there has been vandalism directed at the project. Anna is to pacify angry people, learn and then solve their complaints and end future destruction.

Now the catch. The liaison between the project and the investors is Joseph Armstrong or, as he is known to the Walshes, Narky Joey or the go-boy. Anna and Joey have many reasons for disliking each other but those reasons are swamped by mutual attraction. What will become of that attraction? Will the hotel be finished? And who are the Beardy Glarers?

Thank you, Marian Keyes, for this absolute gift of a novel. You have a way or making ordinary things special, joyous or sad. Your characters are all vividly alive and your dialogue is snappy. My Favorite Mistake is the latest in the Walsh saga. I cant wait for what comes next! 5 stars!

Thank you to NetGalley, Penguin Random House Canada and Marian Keyes for this ARC.

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I’m a long time fan of Marian Keyes and her enchanting novels that catalog the antics and full lives of the Walsh family. This was no exception. I found myself thinking about the book when I wasn’t reading it (always a good sign), and then while reading, debating if I should continue reading because my default was to gobble it up, but I was trying to find ways to make the story last longer. It was a pleasure to be in Keyes’s fictional world again. Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC.

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Too long and predictable, but I still liked it

Anna is burned out in her job as a cosmetic company's PR executive. She goes back to her home in Ireland and winds up helping on a temporary basis a small company that was opening a spa-type resort in a small town. Someone or several people were spreading lies and doing what they could to prevent the opening. Anna is charged with finding out what is behind the vitriol and to sway the town's opinion to be in favor of the resort. Oh, and one of the people behind the resort is her one time crush, who goes to the town with her.

I did enjoy this book, but I think it could have been 3/4 the length without losing anything. I kept thinking it must be done, then was surprised to see how much was left to read. There were a LOT of characters, Anna's large family, the townspeople, etc. I sometimes forgot who was who with the townspeople. A paragraph at the end that listed all of the people at a party showed how many characters there were. I liked a few of them, but most became a blur.

I do recommend this book. I just wish it was edited a little more.

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I love Marian Keyes’s books! The characters are always so bubbly and fun to read. This book was just as wonderful as her others. I didn’t want to put it down!

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Anna is a woman in her 40s going through a midlife crisis that results in a need for change. Anna makes a decision to leave her corporate job, boyfriend and big city life for her home in Ireland. Unsure of her next steps, Anna accepts a temporary position assisting friends with a small town dilemma to save their property and livelihood. This job requires Anna to work with a man whom she used to have feelings for but also comes with a reputation and baggage.

This is a fun, easy read that made me want to spend more time in the former books of the series getting to know the lively Walsh family. Their banter made me laugh out loud..

Even though I had not read the prior books, the author did a good job setting up the story and characters to allow a stand alone read.

Thank you to the author and Penguin Random House Canada via NetGalley for a chance to read and review this book.

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My Favorite Mistake by Marian Keyes is another gem of a story with a beautiful balance of humor and heart. The story follows Anna, who seemingly has it all in New York - an enviable job in beauty PR and a luxurious apartment. However, her discontent with her current lifestyle leads her to pack up and return to Ireland, taking on a PR role at a high end coastal retreat fraught with local hostility. Anna's journey is filled with laugh out loud moments and poignant reflections as she navigates the challenges of her new job while confronting past mistakes. Her resilience and wit makes her relatable and endearing, while the author’s signature blend of humor and emotional depth makes this novel a must read!

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Another fun addition to the Walsh family series, we follow Anna as she leaves New York after breaking up with her boyfriend, and decides to return to Ireland with her funny, dysfunctional family. Old faces and new appear, and Anna realizes that she can't escape her problems simply by coming home.

Thank you Netgalley and Penguin Random House Canada | Doubleday Canada for the ARC!

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I am so happy that there is another installment in this series, and I was fortunate enough to be able to read it to review for you all. This book revolves around the Walsh family, who, if you like Marian Keyes, you will absolutely know! This story follows Anna, and takes place far after most of the other books. Anna has returned to Ireland following the pandemic, and like many of us, her life went through all sorts of upheaval as a result of 2020. The story brings back all of our favorite characters, and some new ones as well. As always, the story was completely enthralling and held me the entire time, despite being fairly long, but that is always the way with Ms. Keyes' books, and I would have it no other way. I would 100% recommend this book to anyone who wants something that is happy, sad, sweet, beautiful, and transporting.

This ebook was provided by NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a warm and folksy read, as are all of her stories. Always fun and enjoyable. with a great cast of characters. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher@!!

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A light, fast read, just right for vacation. Apparently this is part of a series about the various members of the Walsh family, but I seem to have missed the others in the series.

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So happy to read another excellent book about the hilarious, dysfunctional Walsh family. With characters that feel like friends, these books are some of my absolute favorites. This book involves Anna (although you get a glimpse of the other crazy sisters) who has returned to Ireland after braking up with her boyfriend in New York and surviving lockdown during the pandemic. After leaving her high stress PR job in cosmetics Anna hopes to find a less stressful job closer to her insane family. Almost immediately Anna is thrust into another PR position helping two close friends who are facing backlash from the community as they try to open a business. Fun, fast paced story that is not to be missed.

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