Member Reviews

Was this a marvel of fiction? No. But was it a SUPER fun read? Absolutely!!!!

In Nine Tailed, we follow Sunny, a gumiho, who embarks on a mission to find who murdered one of her very few friends in life Ben, and she does this with the help of his younger brother, Ethan. All the pining, romantic glances and adventures follow.

Right I will start this all by saying Sunny has absolutely 0 chill when it comes to lusting after Ethan lmao - so if insta love is not you thing, you'll hate this. But honestly it was such a vibe and turns out I am totally here for this trope when it's done right (which this was just on the line of doing so). I loved the Korean folklore and learning more about it as the story went on as it was so engrained in the plot.

Overall a very fun read, it did get a bit ridiculous towards the end - 'Bruh' but was still and enjoyable ride. Can't wait for book 2! I hope we learn more about the Kingdoms and the magical realm as that to me was the most interesting part.

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Sunny is a nine-tailed fox spirit who just wants to blend in. That is until Ethan comes back into her life to enlist her help in finding the person who killed his brother. She does her best to keep her fantastical qualities a secret, but eventually, the truth must come out if the two are to survive this quest. And Ethan may have some secrets of his own. Oh, and they find each other hot! I loved the Korean mythology in this book. I also think the fight scenes were well-crafted which is a rare skill for a writer to have. Overall, this was an enjoyable read that I think could really cure a reading slump.

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I was very excited to get an arc of this. The premise and cover was stunning to look at. I had a hard time getting into the story. I just came to terms it's not for me.

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This book took awhile to get into. The writing was not as polished as it could've been from the start. With that being said I did love the story. I love the little twists and turns and the magic of it all. The book is really slow going so don't be expecting huge things right away. The author takes her time in setting the scene and introducing the characters. I'm not a big fan of that, I obviously like to be engaged from the get go, but I think there is going to be so much more to this series that I am going to accept the speed for the greater good.
It's been awhile since I've read a single POV book and I must say it is not my preference. I much prefer the dual POV and especially in this story. I am a big fan of Ethan and I would've loved to experience the story through him as well as Sunny. Maybe that'll change in the next book.
As for our MCs, Ethan & Sunny, I was a bit skeptical at first but I think with the slow story building and the Korean mythology learning it didn't really allow me to experience them fully. But once the story kind of evened out and we were making our way I was able to form a better opinion of them and I really like them. Looking forward to seeing how they grow and evolve in the next book.
This book is quite fantastical and I absolutely love the Korean folklore it's a refreshing change from other more typical folk tales and mythology. Sunny being a Gumiho, a nine tailed fox spirit, just the picture of that in my head is pure beauty. I love it.
If you can get through the first bit of the book I think you'll really enjoy it and I definitely recommend. 3.5 STARS

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Sunny has spent over 100 years on the run from her past, avoiding close relationships and keeping to herself. While living in Los Vegas an old friend, Ethan shows up looking for help to solve his brother’s murder. She left Ethan and his brother Ben eight years before after she felt like she was growing too close to them. Now Sunny has to contend with her past relationship with the brothers and face the past she ran away from 100 years ago to avenge Ben’s death.

This is one of my favorite books of the year! Sunny is a fascinating character and I love that the book is written from her point of view so I can be a part of her inner monologue. She is hilarious and snarky and I love the flirting between her and Ethan. Ethan wants to rekindle his relationship with Sunny when they meet again. His flirty nature had me blushing and I am obsessed with Ethan and the many mysteries surrounding him throughout the book.

I absolutely loved this book! The incorporation of Korean mythology into an urban fantasy is refreshing and well-written. I was fully captivated by the relationship between Sunny and Ethan. I appreciated the use of references to other cultures' mythologies to help readers gain an understanding of the mythological creatures in the book. These anecdotes were woven well into the story making it fun for the readers whether they have background knowledge of Korean folklore or not. The story is a magical journey of discovery, mystery, and some light friends to lovers romance.
Thank you Netgalley and Jayci Lee for this advanced reader copy in exchange for my honest review.

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The author’s take on Korean lore and legends in Nine Tailed is a fun one, and it works really well with how plot-forward this novel is (especially in the latter 2/3 where it feels like lots of things are happening to Sunny). It’s unfortunately Sunny herself who fell short of my expectations; I didn’t connect with her as a character in the way I prefer with similar stories. (Luckily for me, I did like some of the other characters in the book!) Ultimately, there’s enough about this plot (especially with how this ends) to interest me in picking up the next book when it releases.

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I was enjoying this as an urban fantasy/paranormal romance novel and then at like 65% there was a sharp pivot to what I would characterize as a different vibe (and subgenre) - much more what I think of as romantasy, with a friend group of young-looking, attractive people with magic, a setting with hidebound traditionalist older characters trying to reinforce bigoted and conservative social norms (i.e. an academy feel), and a whole epic fantasy plot and setting that is completely new to the book and to Sunny. Along with the subgenre, it felt like Sunny’s character pivoted, from relatable paranormal heroine with a mysterious past to Mary Sue - suddenly she’s surrounded by cool, attractive other characters saying “Wow, Sunny is so attractive, smart, and perceptive!”

I've read and enjoyed Lee's work before, but what I enjoyed were her Harlequin category romances - short, tightly-edited, and over-the-top by design. When it came to her more down-to-earth contemporary romcoms, the characters felt immature and unrealistic. I was hopeful that shifting to fantasy would allow her to embrace the high drama and create a setting where it made sense, but unfortunately the choice to set the book in an urban/contemporary setting means that once again the characters feel young and over-dramatic.

I enjoyed this, but not enough to continue with the series. Note that it's not a standalone, either as a romance or a fantasy novel, and a number of revelations come basically out of nowhere at the end to create a cliffhanger ending.

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Thank you Montlake and NetGalley for letting me read this incredible book.

I loved this book! I felt like I got sucked into a fantasy Korean drama and loved every page. Nine tailed foxes are my favorite mythological creatures so that had me hooked before we even started. This urban fantasy is a beautiful mix of Korean folklore and action. You don't need to have any prior knowledge of Korean folklore or history to enjoy this book. We follow along our main male character Ethan as he learns about his Korean heritage and culture.

Ethan and Sunny are just incredible characters struggling to understand their fate and destiny while falling for each other. There is some spice as you get deeper into the book, but it doesn't distract from the storyline or take over the plot. The ending left me with questions and mysteries so I can’t wait for the second book.

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I got about 20% into this book and put it down. The insta love is strong, and it's weird when I got the impression she had feelings for the dead older brother before and saw the younger brother (current love interest) as someone she was helping to raise. The writing is mediocre, and when the love interest wasn't asking questions I thought there was a cool upcoming plot twist. Then he started asking the questions and I realized that all the subtle hints about how strong he was being by not asking weren't subtle hints about him actually knowing more than the MC thought he did, it was just poorly lampshading and papering over bad characterization.

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I'll start with what I enjoyed about this book. I loved the Korean folklore aspects, I loved the way the author wove Korean culture into the story. I enjoyed looking up words I was unfamiliar with (because I didn't see the glossary at the back like a fool!) so I could picture what people were wearing. I didnt realise this was the start of at least a duology though and I don't think I'll continue the series.

What i didn't like: I honestly could not get past how horny for Ethan Sunny was!! Ot got boring really fast. I got to about 45% of the way in and was screaming for them to just bang and get it over with so I could have some plot that didn't focus on how hot Ethan is. And even at the end, facing off against the big bad, she stops mid battle to be like yes still hot. I love romantasy and enjoy a bit of spice, but this was like being trapped in a hormonal teen's brain.

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I loved Sunny and Ethan and learning about Koreon Folklore!

It was very magical and an easy read! Looking forward to book 2.

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Nine Tailed is a masterpiece! From page one I was hooked and could not put it down. I'm usually not one for urban fantasy, I've heard rave reviews about Nine Tailed and this book blew my expectations out of the water. The story is moderate-paced and easy to follow, the characters are relatable and the romance is on point. I have a love for books that have mythology and cultural aspects woven into them and I think Jayci Lee did an outstanding job delivering just that. There is some spice but it doesn't distract from the storyline. Overall, this was an instant hit for me and I can see it doing very well on the top book lists!

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Was I drawn to this book initially because of the stunning cover? Absolutely! Did I stay for the fast-paced and enjoyable adult fantasy romance focused on Korean folklore? Also yes!

FMC Sunny is a 132 year old gumiho hiding from her magic, but is still pretty kick ass. When 24 year old Ethan comes back into her life needing her help to find his brother's murderer their lives are turned upside down and avoiding magic is no longer an option. They start a whirl-wind adventure that leads to encounters with various magical and fantastical beings and places, and also Las Vegas!

You don't need to have any prior knowledge of Korean folklore to enjoy this book, as we learn alongside Ethan and it never felt like an info dump. The action was fast-paced and fairly constant, the cast of characters small and engaging - I'm looking forward to seeing more of them in the next installment! Sunny did at times behave like a teenage horn dog, and her lusting after Jihun felt a little prolonged to get the all seonnam are GORGEOUS point across, it was a bit odd in an adult romantasy but not enough that it totally pulled me out of the story.

If you enjoy fast paced action adventures with a dose of fantasy, I'd definitely recommend this open-door Romantasy!
An eARC was provided by Montlake via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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loved this book about myths and present day. loved the fox and the prince and meeting the sky people. I loved that she found love and friends and I can't wait to read the next book in the series. Loved ethan and sunny

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Sunny and Ethan had me from the start! There was magic, intrigue, mystery. I had no notes to give and cannot wait to read the next one!

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I have always been obsessed with folklore and mythology. When I got the opportunity to get an eARC copy of Nine Tailed I jumped on the opportunity. That being said I am a newbie to Korean folklore and was excited to learn about a new culture and their folklore. I am not also a huge romantasy reader. But being in a bit of a reading slump I figured a jump outside of my comfort zone might be the solution. Plus I am a sucker for a “love fated by the heavens”.

I will also preface this by saying I did a ton of research before reading this book to make sure I understood the folklore behind the story, but I will tell you it was unnecessary. Lee does an amazing job of explaining while still effortlessly telling the story so you don’t feel like you are in a humanities class.

From the prologue I was hooked. Sunny is fierce and strong and a really BA character who you are instantly connected to. As her story unfolds you can’t help but be in her corner wanting her to succeed in her journey to help Ethan find his brother Ben’s killer.

Ethan was a mystery that I was so excited to unravel. I knew there was something special about him from the moment he was introduced. No spoilers but his character development alone is worth the read. Not only is the chemistry between Sunny and Ethan deliciously complex, watching Ethan come into his own is just as interesting/satisfying.

I can’t wait until the rest of the series is released because I want to know how this one ends. It’s definitely worth the read!

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An absolute delight! I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED this novel. Funny, witty, touching, a true rollercoaster of emotions, and one of my favorite reads this year.

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Absolutely adored this book. The writing is amazing and you will get easily attached to the characters. The plot in this book is constantly giving and it's amazing!


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OK... Lets talk about Nine Tailed.

The first couple of chapters nearly put me off, it was a really close call. The book opens with the with the MC Sunny, and I couldn't work out if I liked her at all and my eyes kept rolling. However, I'm so glad I pushed through as something wonderfully magic unfurled.

What's it about?
Sunny Cho is a nine-tailed fox spirit. She drifts from city to city to forgo attachments and avoid suspicion as she tries to keep her fox spirit buried deep inside her. She is convinced that her fox is bad and will only bring ill luck to those around.
You can only run so far before the past decides to catch up with you.
She left Ethan Lee and his brother Ben behind eight years ago but Ethan has bad news and needs her help in tracking down Bens murderer.
As soon as she accepts, the pair our thrown into a quest that transverses across mortal and immortal realms. Assassins are hot on their trail and an ancient evil is stirring. An evil that Sunny thought already defeated.
What started as a quest in revenge, turns in to bigger things - love, friendship, and acceptance of the self.
"My gumiho isn't a monster I have to keep leashed. She is a warrior..."

What I liked
I loved how the author blends and educates the reader in Korean mythology - I kept having to highlight in my kindle as I read to research at a later date as it piqued my curiosity.
At the beginning of the book, the author takes time to introduce the reader to some of the pronunciation in Korean which was supportive and encouraging.
I found the story clanky initially, but it soon found its groove and layered the story really well.

In my opinion, the author took on a lot with Nine Tailed and attempts to explore some really interesting concepts. The story moves at a good pace but sometimes I felt that I wanted more - especially when it came to exploring the world of the Gods.

Side characters - I think this has some of the best side characters and I couldn't help smiling when they were introduced. Their presence really helped to carry the story forward.

To sum up, I generally thought this was a solid book with some great ideas. They might not have all been executed well, but I have this feeling that things are only going to get better as Sunny's story continues in the next books. I am so glad I pushed through my initial uncertainty as it was an entertaining story.

Not so much
Oh Sunny. You annoy me and yet I love you in equal measure. As the book progressed, I felt like I began to get it though... "I'm being a snotty brat..." Yes Sunny, you are and were many times throughout the book. (So many eyerolls) but there's something endearing too as you are trying to find your path.

I would recommend to those who love a fantasy steeped in myth and legend.
(I wouldn't hesitate in reading the next book)

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This book was just ok for me. I really liked Sunny, but at times I felt that the romance part of the story derailed a lot of what was happening in the plot. Not the worst book I’ve ever read, but not my all-time favorite.

Thank you NetGalley for the digital copy!

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