Member Reviews

I really enjoy this book! I didn't have a wide knowledge regarding Korean Folklore, but the story that Jayci Lee weaved was incredibly captivating. I found the pronunciation guide pivotal and really helped with being able to comprehend people and places within the story. The map and glossary were both also very beneficial.

Sunny was a great character and I loved how she grew through the story and really came into herself. I loved Ethans character and thought he was incredibly sweet and such a great balance for Sunny. The writing style for Nine Tailed was very well thought out and I loved the inclusion of some of the mental health aspects aswell as the Korean culture and the food aspects! After reading Nine Tailed I am so incredibly excited to see what comes next with this world and definitely plan on continuing with the series!

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I would like to thank Netgalley and Jayci Lee for providing this ARC in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

Nine Tailed, book one in the Realm of Four Kingdoms series, is the first fantasy novel ever written by author Jayce Lee, and it is something of which she should do more. A gumiho, nine tailed fox spirit, Sunny had been in hiding for over a hundred years when she was unexpectedly tracked down by Ethan, a young man she had been friends with several years earlier. Ethan shared that his older brother had been murdered and asked Sunny for her help in solving the murder. Ben’s murder had actually been a message for Sunny from an enemy she believed to be dead. She discovered that an event of catastrophic proportions had occurred and she would need to take steps to eliminate the threat from the world. What transpired was a harried trip across the ocean, back to Korea and in and out of the supernatural realm while trying to escape pursuit, gaining allies, and searching for answers on how to destroy a powerful foe. Wow. This novel grabbed me almost from the first page. It was filled with fast-paced action, chemistry between Sunny and Ethan that risked the book erupting in flames, irreverent, witty banter, some big surprises, and a slate of fascinating characters one cannot help loving. The story was incredibly well written, original, and entertaining. I could easily see it adapted to the screen and hope that will happen. It was wonderful to read about Korean mythology and magic interspersed with modern technology and language. I liked the interaction between supernatural beings and the modern human world. I cannot wait for the next book to be published so that I can dive back in to Ms. Lee’s world. I will close by stressing that if you enjoy romantasy, you need to read Nine Tailed. This is a story that shouldn’t be missed.

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Nine Tailed is such a beautiful story about life, love, and duty. Set in our world, with some fantastical additions, Sunny Cho is a gumiho, trying to live in anonymity in Las Vegas, until her past catches up to her. Her friend, Ethan, shows up out of the blue, looking for her help.

From there, the world expands. We steadily got introduced to the magic system, characters, and the realms beyond. I loved hearing about all of the magic and getting a picture of Sonny’s nine tailed fox form.

This story really took off, and I loved the addition of the found family aspect. I can imagine that will only be enhanced as this series continues.

I really loved Nine Tailed and can’t wait for more.

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. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁.Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an e-ARC for early review.. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁.

Nine Tailed by Jayci Lee was immediately one of my "I have to read that or I'm gonna die" books. After reading the God and the Gumiho by Sophie Kim earlier this year, I've literally been starving for a return to something similar, and this delivered on every front.

Packed with action, magic, tension, and mystery, Nine Tailed follows Sunny, a fox spirit, on her journey with Ethan, the boy she left behind years ago for his own good. After his older brother is murdered, Sunny knows she needs to avenge him. And Ethan, now working as a PI, isn't going to let her do it alone.

This is a globe trotter, for sure. I wasn't expecting our main characters to go to Korea, much less have them deal with the dangerous issues of North Korean travel. There's a lot of culture packed into a relatively short amount of time, but it never feels overwhelming, even when we transition into the magical realms. And wow, there's a lot of sexual tension here. Sunny and Ethan are down so bad for each other, you just want to yell at them to kiss already. Their sarcastic banter back and forth really helps with their speedy relationship, as does the fact that they knew each other years prior.

I think the mythology and magic of this story are well executed and I never felt confused about what was going on. There was a twist that I saw coming from quite a ways away, but it didn't really detract from my enjoyment. This is one of the first mythology retellings where I don't think the writing was lush and lyrical and mystical, and it's super refreshing to instead have a bold, action-packed, modern writing style to chew on. I liked how Sunny and even the other magical beings all kept a very modern vibe, despite being surrounded by traditions and ancient customs.

I'm really excited for book two in this series and I'm going to be waiting on the edge of my seat for any news!

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I enjoyed this story so much! What little I know about Korean mythology comes from the kdramas I've watched so I really enjoyed feeling like I was learning more reading Nine Tailed. I also spent a lot of time wishing this was a kdrama and recommended it to my kdrama group!

Sunny is a Gumiho (nine tailed fox) that has been hiding her powers and living on the run for the last 100 or so years. One night she runs into an old friend, Ethan, who asks her to help catch his brother's killer. She quickly realizes this has to do with the shingae and likely her rather than it being a regular murder. The pair travel to Korea for answers and guidance. Sunny soon realizes there may be more to Ethan than he lets on and her feelings may be more than friendly.

I'm DYING to find out what happens next and can't wait for the next book in this world!

Thank you, Netgalley!

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Sunny and Ethan are in the middle of this mystical fantasy that is Nine Tailed (Relm of four kingdoms book1 ) by Jayci Lee.... The talent that is Jayci Lee can so effortlessly weave this magical world together and keep readers engaged and on their feet as the story comes together.... Fantastic fantasy experience!
Highly recommended ! 5🌟

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Nine Tailed was a fresh take on the romantasy genre focusing on Korean folklore. I really loved this aspect of the story. I’m also a huge fan of found family, which I felt that Lee did well with the cast of characters she ended up surrounding Sunny and Ethan with; however, I wish we had more time with these other characters. They brought in a nice balance to the awkward insta love that Sunny and Ethan were struggling with. I felt like the world building in the other realms was well developed and loved being able to move throughout the world and realms. Additionally, the magic systems were unique (to me) and well explained. While I enjoyed both main characters, Sunny and Ethan, as individual characters, I struggled with them together. As someone who doesn’t love instalove/lust, there wasn’t enough relationship building for me. While they knew each other when they were younger, we missed out on that development and are going off what we’re told rather than shown/experienced between the characters. The plot itself moved along well and was interspersed with enough assassin battles and secret revelations to keep me interested. Overall, while I had some challenges with the story, I enjoyed it overall and plan to continue with the next book in the series.

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Nine Tailed for me was a great book. It combines Korean Folklore x Urban Fantasy.

What made me interested in the book:
I love Korean culture/Dramas and my favorite mythical creature is a Gumiho. So when I found out that Jayci was doing a fantasy book about a Gumiho I jumped for the opportunity to read it. This book took me a while to read because when I really enjoy a book (and if I have the time to-esp if it is an ARC) I really want to take my time to read and digest it. So I appreciate that I received this copy early so that I could do that.

As a Korean American I loved that this book depicted characters that are similar to myself (like Ethan's character for me). I don't see many modern korean american fantasy books out there and I felt represented and I want to see more diversity in this space. So I am truly thankful that this book exists and Jayci in writing this book.

I also loved that this book had a glossary of terms which I think is super helpful when reading this book (esp. if you are not familiar with Korean phrases or words) and a lot of the terminology comes up a lot in the book so it is helpful to have that guide when reading it.

What I liked about this book:
I loved the FMC, Sunny Cho- love her wittiness and her snarky come backs. She is the perfect anti-hero. Love her demeanor-even though she has strong ties to her Korean roots she has def embraces her American side (which I loved). She is honestly a breath of fresh air (from of the other Asian Fantasies I've read).

Ethan-to me- is the cinnamon roll MMC. I really enjoyed reading Ethan's story in this book and all the discoveries that unfold with his character.

Of course I loved bits of romance we get (I need more--- a lot more---) - and before people criticize the age of the characters etc. I did not see an issue given that IT IS A BOOK with FICTIONAL CHARACTERS. I have seen K-dramas that center around Gumihos that are hundreds of years old falling in love with mortal beings etc as the romantic storyline- so it didn't bother me (again- I don't get the difference when there are vampires that fall in love with high schoolers). I loved that both Sunny found someone in which she could trust and also open herself up.

What I wanted more of:
Romance- what parts we got were great- I just can't wait for more (although I'm so nervous for the next book).

Wish the side characters were introduced a little earlier in the story. The last 1/4 of the book was chock-full new information/new characters that I was not expecting-it was not bad but definitely changed what I thought was going to happen and how in my mind things were going to happen with the story.

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Betrayal is never forgotten, but new love will conquer it.

Nine Tailed by Jayci Lee is the first in the Realm of Four Kingdoms series and is definitely a beautiful blend of Korean mythology and modern America. Sunny, a gumiho, longs to be human but gets betrayed by her husband the day before her transformation. So she puts up a wall preventing her from getting too close to people moving forward. However, one day a friend from her recent past, PI Ethan, finds her and asks for her help to find his brother’s killer. She must set aside not only the gumiho urges, but also face the possibility of something more with Ethan.

This is the second book I’ve read by Jayci and I just have to say this is only the beginning! The Korean culture intertwined into every story she has is perfection! I really love that this has a focus on a gumiho! Who doesn’t love a good gumiho story, right? The way she was able to bring Sunny’s character to life is so fun yet filled with conflict.

The pronunciation guide at the beginning is a huge plus for people who may not be familiar with Korean pronunciation. I really enjoyed the totally unexpected inciting incident mixed with the great introduction to the characters and backstory breakdown. However, as the story progressed, the continued explanation for everything got a bit too much for me. I just wanted to experience the events of the story without exposition. Just let things unfold in their own time and in a natural way.

I also like that there’s a mix of mental health within the fantasy and mystery. Sunny is such a complicated character, it’s really fun to see how she progresses through her internal and external conflicts. At one point it’s like they’re never ending, but it also shows her strength as a gumiho. The themes are relatable for many people.

I can’t wait to dive into the next book in the series!! But until then, I’ll check out more of Jayci’s books like the A Sweet Mess Series, The Heirs of Hansol Series, and the Hana Trio Series. If this and That Prince is Mine have anything to do with it, I know the others will be awesome!

*This was an honest review for a complimentary copy of Nine Tailed from Jayci Lee via NetGalley

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This book was such a fun ride. Sunny was a sassy gumiho who was unapologetically herself. The story kept me interested through the whole thing and I really enjoyed Sunny's POV. Some of the later characters that come into play are a whole riot and I cannot wait to see what comes next for this series. It got a little spicy at points and built up tension between our main characters in an effortless way.
It was a beautiful glimpse at old Korean lore and mythology while in a modern setting.
I had several laugh-out-loud moments while reading especially when a certain character enters into the story late in the game and calls Sunny by a certain term.

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I was so excited to read Nine Tailed because it sounded amazing but the info dumping from pretty early on bogged down the story and made it a chore to read. I also wasn't a fan of the writing style. It pains me to say it but I DNFed this one.

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This was a solid three stars for me. Generally, I liked the story and I appreciate the inclusion of a pronunciation guide, a map, and a glossary (though I wish the glossary wasn’t at the end). I also appreciated that the author didn’t dumb down or English-ify the story. It was unrelentingly Korean and while sometimes that made it hard to follow, I appreciate that it didn’t feel dumbed down. I liked the concept a lot, the idea of mixing Korean folklore into a modern setting was really cool. But the execution felt clunky and occasionally jarring. I think, in part, because the writing and the dialogue felt very juvenile. But for the steamy, well written sex scene, I would have thought this was a YA novel. The world building was insufficient but it’s hard to tell if that was intentional, given our FMC had a distorted, detached knowledge of it. I wanted to like the FMC but her acting like a horny teenager during critical points of the story really diminished her likability. There was massive potential for her to be a badass FMC but it just never came to fruition, with the author instead having her act like a middle schooler with their first crush. It was really disappointing. I also didn’t enjoy the focus on the men’s physical appearance. Everyone is hot, we get it, but that really detracted from who the characters were and what they brought to the story. I’ll likely continue with the series, I gave the first ACOTAR book this same rating and ended up loving the series so I’m very optimistic the series will only get better from here.

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A captivating fantasy novel rooted in Korean folklore, featuring a rich narrative and compelling characters. The protagonist, Sunny, is relatable and resilient, while Ethan adds a delightful romantic element. The story's blend of romance, mythology, and mystery keeps readers engaged, though some sections feel slow. Overall, it's a highly recommended read for fans of culturally rich fantasy.

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✨This book was a happy surprise! A unique story with a lot of heart. I enjoyed the Korean folklore aspects of this book and all of the food descriptions.

✨Sunny is a grumpy complicated being that hides a secret. Her quiet life gets turned upside down when her past walks back into her life. Catapulting her on a dangerous journey with high-stakes consequences.

✨Sunny is my spirit animal! She had me laughing out loud with her inner and outer dialogue.

✨Ethan is grieving his brother's untimely passing. He searches for the one person who could help him on a personal mission outside of the human realm. Reawakening complicated feelings, despite Sunny walking out of his life years ago.

✨The world-building is executed perfectly. An adventure that has our MCs on the run within Earth and other realms. There is magic, adventure, heartbreak, and revelations that will keep you on the edge of your seat!

✨Read this if you love family, grief, food, adventure, folklore, sunshine MM, grumpy FM, magic, intrigue, blossoming love, and friendships.

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What a great debut fantasy!
This book was a rollercoaster of star ratings. It started out as a 5 - the start was so strong, I was hooked right off the bat. Then, about 60% through, it dipped to a 3 - the spice was great, the lead up was meh, it wasn't really "hot tension" more just annoying. Then all of a sudden there was a new group of friends and a heavily implied 'found family' trope that seemed rushed. But it started to feel real and the adventure really picked back up pretty quick and it jumped back up to a 4 star for me. This was action packed, and honestly, that ending. If a second book is in the works I will definitely read it!
*****THE BEST PART was the folklore flashback chapters! OMG!! Those were sooooooo good, and so well placed!!!!

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This was such a unique tail (see what I did there?)! Sunny is a Nine-Tailed Fox in hiding but her past comes back to haunt her and she finds herself re-entering the magical world she left behind. Did I mention there is also romance?

I'm usually not a fan of Insta-love and this did have a variation on that. I didn't hate it, but it wasn't my favorite thing. I would have preferred a gradual build rather than the FMC constantly making double entendres, oggling the MMC, and/or blushing. I understood what the author was trying to do as Sunny is meant to be sexually inexperienced but it just came on too strong for my liking.

Ethan was super sweet though and I liked a lot of his character arc. It was a bit of a bummer when they separated the main characters though and since this is single POV we never know exactly what happens to Ethan when the characters are separate. We also have to learn a lot of his growth later when he tells Sunny everything because so much happens off the page.

I'm a huge fan of an ensemble team and I enjoyed the extra cast of characters that were introduced in the book but I was disappointed that they were introduced so late in the story and they were also put on the back burner once Ethan and Sunny were reunited.

If you're a foodie, there is so much food love in this book! There's also a lot of Korean culture and Korean foods woven into the plot. I loved this addition and thought it was a lot of fun :)

Overall I wish this was paced better and wasn't so insta-love, but I liked the originality, the characters, and the representation and food in the story!

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Thank you to the author, Jayci Lee, for allowing me to read an ARC of this book.

I want to start off by saying that the writing style was truly refreshing. I felt like it was so well done! Any time I felt even a little confused about any of the Korean or fantasy terminology, Jayci did such a good job immediately explaining things so that the readers knew exactly what was happening or what the Korean words meant. I also felt like her writing was incredibly descriptive, which made it easy to imagine exactly what was going on throughout the storyline. Not to mention, the glossary in the back of the book, of all of the Korean words and their meanings, was such a thoughtful inclusion for the readers (coming from someone with Korean heritage who needed and loved this Glossary page).

The Korean folklore and modern day world, mixed with magical realms, was such a fun twist on fantasy. I genuinely enjoyed the time I spent reading this book and can't wait to see where the series goes.

My only grievance with this book is Sunny and Ethan's age gap. This may be a personal preference, but I am never a fan of age-gap romance where one of the main characters was a minor when they met. I understand that Sunny meeting Ethan as a 16 year old was a way to add depth to their relationship, because Sunny was able to help Ethan, both with his confidence in standing up for himself and teaching him how to protect himself (and really just how to fight in general) -- however, it was hard for me to get past the fact that she was supposed to be 21 when they met and he admits that he already loved her at 16... Gave me a little bit of an ick when the reconnected and immediately were attracted to each other.

Moving past the age gap fiasco though, the inner circle type characters, like Hailey and Captain Song, where EVERY. THING. I loved how quickly their distinct personalities came through and their individual relationships with Sunny. These characters where *chef's kiss* and I cannot wait to see what happens with them in the future.

Overall, I would highly recommend this book to all fantasy and romantasy readers -- I think this series is really going to be a good one! The storyline is very well done.

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This book read a little like a K Drama. I loved this aspect. I also appreciated the folklore that was so intricately built into the story.

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The depth of culture woven into this fantasy for world-building was immaculate. I did not want to put this down and I HOPE there are more coming with POVs from the different ancient beings. Especially the sassy teenage dragon. The world seemed complex but was introduced in a slow enough way that you could absorb it and keep following the story. This story now has Jacyi Lee on my watch list for future books to read because I ate it up that much.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Sunny is a snarky and fun character to follow as she traverses the hardships that have sprung on her. I really appreciated the pronunciation guide at the beginning, especially since I don't speak Korean. Following the development of Sunny's character was both heartbreaking and entertaining to watch. Her slow burn acceptance of who she truly is was done spectacularly, I greatly appreciated it did not happen all at once but her self acceptance ebbs and flows.

*Spoilers below this point!
The introduction of Jihun and the other Suhoshin was pretty comical. I think the quick friendship between Hailey and Sunny was a welcome development. In fact, the friendship's Sunny gains was a very happy outcome because this girl needs some friends.
Also, Draco being a teenager is amazing and he gave me a few good laughs.

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