Member Reviews

A big shoutout to Netgalley for providing me with a review copy of this book!

Zodiac Rising by Katie Zhao was quite a rollercoaster. The premise of this book focuses on the 12 clans that were granted to the emperor to help protect the country. Over the years these clans grew, until one year where China was invaded by foreigners and five of the totems for these clans were stolen. This caused the clans to become cursed, with some turning into vampires, some into werewolves, some into fox spirits and one clan turning human.

The story focuses on the Dragon clan, the Longs, who are at the head of the council governing the clans. When something catastrophic happens, setting an ancient prophecy in motion, Evangeline Long scrapes together a team of Descendants to go on a heist to reclaim the missing totems. But being gone for an extended period of time might mean losing their power over the other clans as well.

There isn't a lot I can say about this book that would not be filled with spoilers. However, this book was really fun to read. The world is our regular world, but the clans are based off of the Chinese zodiac, each having their own characteristics. And I also liked how each of the supernatural beings were created to fit their personalities.

I do have to say that the writing was quite repetitive. Some points were hammered home by saying them multiple times in the span of a few pages, especially when it came to the supernatural speed at which these characters can run. But I think the plot overrides that.

It was one of the most fun books I've read in a while, and I am super excited to see where this leads. I do appreciate that while there was a cliffhanger, the main heist was completed within this first book. And we got to see a few different realms in that span as well, including Faerieland, for anyone looking for more urban fantasy that has fae in it.

I will definitely be continuing this series. And I'll keep an eye out for anything else that Katie Zhao brings out.

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I liked the bones of this story. I wanted the characters to be developed a little more to be differentiated. They all talked the same, had the same temperament (except Alice and Lei) - hot-headed, immortal supernaturals, who just barely control their powers.

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Omg this book. My HS kids will love it.

This book is so good and I cannot wait to already be back with these characters. Evangeline and Alice. The power this duo could have! I want them to want to be each others ride or die but they keep getting in their own ways.

Nicholas, Lei, and Tristan. They just bring everything that’s missing to this group. I understand some have some bad history but I hope they make it through. I adore them. Tristan’s got me though. Ugh hands down favorite.

All of these characters though, please stop beating yourselves up!

Anyway. THE END. Absolutely not, no sir. I cannnnnnot.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for a chance to read and review.

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This story was a letdown. I was expecting this wild adventure but it was much more subdued than I expected. It took way too long to start and I was confused as to why immortal beings would still be pretending to be in high school. It also felt like far too many elements were included in the story that made it feel like it was trying to check off as many genres as possible. That characters were also underwhelming and a bit cliche. And the ending was not it and left me disappointed. Not for me I guess.

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Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with an ARC of this story.

I've read a few of Katie Zhao's books over the years and each one of them has had very different ratings from me. I loved her MG novel "Last Gamer Standing" and enjoyed "The Lies We Tell" but some of her other books I've read like "How We Fall Apart" and this story "Zodiac Rising" don't capture my attention. I think she works best in MG novels and not with Ya, at least in my opinion. Much of this novel felt very boring and slow for me but her MG novels are very exciting and funny. I did enjoy the characters but the plot twist of Julius not actually being dead and his reasoning for faking his death/going against the other Desendents was faulty. His actions didn't make sense to me. All we knew about him was that he wanted to get the Zodiac Heads back and maintain peace between the Houses so watching him do a 180 on these beliefs was confusing.

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Thank you Netgalley for an arc in exchange for an honest review. I ended up DNFing this book. I tried reading it a while ago but it felt a bit like middle schoolers pretending to be high schoolers. And the worst part was the fact that all of the characters are at least 100 years old but stuck in teenage bodies but seem to have not matured in that time at all. I was really excited about this book but it just fell flat for me. I didn’t connect with the characters and I never felt the urge to pick the book back up. I made it about 20% so I gave it a good try. I hope other people enjoy it.

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I did not enjoy this book even thought I was really interested in the premise and the Chinese Zodiac! However, I often felt lost and confused by the storyline. The idea of forever vampire teenagers is ridiculous since they are already in hiding. Why are hundreds of year old vampires stuck taking the same classes over and over again? Why are they being hidden in Manhattan rather than China. I understand that it’s YA, but overall this book just wasn’t for me. The heist to steal back the stolen artifacts was fun thought, but the characters fell flat no matter what personal demons they were dealing with. You guys are hundreds of years old! C’mon! 2.5 stars rounded up to 3. I even feel bad for writing this review. Hoping the next book is more readable and coherent.

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I felt lost as I read this book, unsure of some of the background details that would have made it a more complete story. However, I really enjoyed this and think that it has potential as a series. It is a fun and unique fantasy.

Thank you to Net Galley and Random House Children's for the eARC!

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okay, this is a VERY unexpected idea on the classic "teeen vampire action fantasy romance" trope but I love it. The zodiac vibes were twisted in well and it all felt natural.

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I loved the Chinese Zodiac aspect a lot. I don't see many books or shows with that. However, the character felt a bit all over the place. Though I enjoyed the story overall!

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Zodiac Rising had a great concept and a lot of potential. Unfortunately the characters did not always feel rounded out and the plot was difficult to believe at times.

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A murder mystery, a heist and a magical fantasy all wrapped in one great book! I can’t wait to see what happens next after that plot twist.

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I can't say I was a super fan of the writing, but I did feel like the story was unique. Chinese zodiac fantasy isn't something I've read before and so the concept was pretty cool. I did not particularly care for the writing style of the author, but I powered through and did enjoy the characters.

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Zodiac Rising by Katie Zhao offers an intriguing blend of mythology and action, centering around the Zodiac signs. The plot is fast-paced, with moments of excitement, though it may feel familiar to fans of similar genres. While not groundbreaking, it’s a solid choice for readers who enjoy mythical adventures with a contemporary twist.

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I loved the concept of the origins of monsters. There was. lot going on here. I had to go back and make sure I was clear on which characters where which at times. The mystical creatures were a win. The powerful warriors as descendants of the zodiac was a win. There was a lot going on and I can see YA readers getting really into all of the characters and the action.

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I loved the idea of this book, an urban fantasy about descendants of the
Chinese Zodiac (powerful warriors in their day) that have been cursed and are trying to restore stolen artefacts. I And I loved the beginning, the air of mystery, the political shenanigans, and what looked like to be a great adventure. However I was left with mixed feelings about the rest. Some parts confused me, like why these immortal being who are hundreds
of years old are at a school, attending classes, including those in charge of their whole society? I also didn’t love the main character, Evangeline. I felt like she was supposed to be a strong female heroine but she came off as an arrogant, egotistical and a little incompetent. I did like Tristan and his nuances and Cecil who I wanted more of. I also enjoyed the twist at the end, it surprised me completely. In the end, I liked reading Zodiac Rising but I feel like I will forget it quickly.

3.5 stars

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This was a really fun read & set the scene for following books really well! I loved the use of the Chinese zodiac in the magic system & how Asian culture was woven into the story. I also loved the characters & can’t wait to see them develop further in the next book! Very intrigued to see how the romance subplots unfold as well. I loved how readers are transported from modern Manhattan, to the shaman realm, to the Descendant academy, & to faerieland! The ending left off with a bang & has me itching for the next book!

I do however wish we had some elaboration for the following things:
-the curse: it didn’t really seem that bad, so why were the Descendants so desperate to get rid of it?
-the midsummer sprout story: had major jaw-dropping potential, but the execution fell flat; i wish there were some subtle clues leading up to the reveal
-the final betrayal: seemed out of character for that person; again, i wish there were some subtle clues for readers to try to work it out leading up to the event

Overall this was such a fun read & I’m really looking forward to reading the next book! Thank you so much Penguin Teen Canada for the ARC copy!

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This is a great read for people who prefer character-driven stories that still pack a ton of action into the plotlines. I appreciated the Zodiac element and how the characters' relationships to each other was such a huge driver of the plot. It was especially refreshing to see a strong, confident, powerful, agentic female character (Evangeline) who wasn't distracted by romance.

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“Zodiac Rising,” by Katie Zhao

I really liked this book. It was so full of action and tons of characters. I loved the Chinese zodiac sign spirits lore. I love school drama books, and the characters were so mysterious. I think this book as a YA is very good for the age group. I do wish there was a little bit more romance, but it was good the way it was too. 5 out of 5 stars, a really fun book.

-Chinese Zodiac Spirits
-Multi POV

Thank you for the ARC, Netgalley.

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Thank you, Random House and NetGalley, for my free copy for review.

Katie Zhao's "Zodiac Rising" plunges readers into a captivating urban fantasy realm that's impossible to resist. In a world where paranormal creatures, known as Descendants, coexist with humans, political turmoil erupts following the assassination of their leader. As extinction looms, the question of succession becomes paramount.

Enter Evangeline, the deceased leader's sister and rightful heir. Grief-stricken yet determined, she discovers her brother's final message and resolves to complete his audacious plan: a high-stakes heist to reclaim the Zodiac heads and restore their human forms. To accomplish this daring feat, Evangeline assembles a diverse team of skilled individuals. Their first mission? Breaking an imprisoned Shaman.

The narrative unfolds with heart-pounding action and suspense, keeping readers perched on the edge of their seats as the ragtag group of Descendants attempts their prison break and subsequent heist. However, the true brilliance of Zhao's storytelling lies in the intricate web of relationships and personal struggles woven throughout the plot.

Each character grapples with their own demons and aspirations, creating a rich tapestry of motivations and conflicts. The team's forced collaboration, despite their initial animosity, adds layers of tension and complexity to their interactions. While Evangeline's prolonged withholding of information from her team occasionally tests the reader's patience, it serves to build anticipation for the revelations to come.

The novel's conclusion delivers an unexpected twist that leaves readers reeling and hungry for more. Although some questions remain unanswered, they serve as tantalizing hooks for the sequel. "Zodiac Rising" establishes itself as a solid foundation for what promises to be an exhilarating series, leaving this reader eagerly anticipating the next installment.

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