Member Reviews

I really wanted to love this book, but unfortunately I found it a bit lackluster and predictable.

The potential for this world so full of magic and immortal beings was boundless but sadly fell a bit short of my expectations. I think the plot is intriguing and while a magical heist is enough to captivate anyone I felt it was a little rushed and a bit too easy.
Everything goes a little too perfectly and they seem to have no problems getting out of every bad situation they find themselves in with little trouble or difficulty. There were no heart wrenching moments that made me truly worry for their safety or their wellbeing and I think that’s the main issue I had with getting into this story.

On the other hand I feel the characters are interesting and I enjoyed the view into their backgrounds. However, I felt almost zero romantic chemistry from any of them. Lei and Titus had more chemistry than anyone else in this book and they were only together for a few pages. I feel the pairings could have been chosen a little better rather than going with the most obvious choice in Evangeline and Tristan who felt incredibly forced to me.

I think my main issue with the characters is how they behave like a bunch of teenagers which is understandable for Alice but not for the other three who were hundreds of years old. These were people who had lived through wars and the near extinction of their people and yet they act no different than a bunch of grade school kids with a crush. I just wish they had a bit of the wisdom and maturity you would expect from someone who has lived for as long as they have.
And please for the love of all things can we not stand and argue while deep in enemy territory?

The last few chapters were a bit better, but sadly still just as predictable as the rest of the story. I will still read the next book since I hate leaving a series unfinished but I hope that it will be a bit deeper and make me feel all the excitement that this world has the potential to bring me.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an early copy of this book! Below is my honest review.

Summary of the plot:
Over 100 years ago, 5 statues representing 5 of the Chinese zodiacs were stolen, thus disrupting the power of the descendants of the Chinese zodiac. Some were changed into supernatural creatures, such as vampires and werewolves, while others simply lost their powers. Evangeline is part of the Dragon family and is a vampire. Her brother, Julian, is murdered one day, but before his death, he left her a letter with instructions on what to do if he died, including a lead on how to find the missing statues. Evangeline enlists the help of four other students to travel to the Fae world to retrieve them.

Thoughts on this book:

Rating: 3.5 stars out of 5 stars

I have such mixed feelings. I wanted to really enjoy this because the plot sounded really interesting. However, I could not understand how the secret boarding school was important to the story. If the author took it out, I think the plot would have essentially been the same. Descendants must attend this school to take classes for... an indefinite period of time? Until they go on assignments? But then they have to come back to the school anyways? I was a little confused about its important, but okay. I also wasn't sure why it was important for some of the Descendants to be supernatural. I wish I knew what the author's thought process was behind that. I will also say that some scenes felt a little too convenient and easy, so that irked me a few times.

On the other hand, I appreciated this balance between Chinese and Western folklore. The Fae world is one that I'm familiar with as I grew up in America reading a lot of Fae stories. But as a Chinese American, I do not often read stories of the Chinese zodiac. So I thought it was interesting how the author incorporated both worlds into one while also combining the struggles of being Chinese in America (or a non-Western person in a Western society, to be more general).

Overall, it was a decent read, but I did not like the plot twist at the end.

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This was a beautiful blend between Chinese mythology and the supernatural, so with vampires, werewolves, fox spirits, and fae, fantasy readers will surely find something that appeals to them. That being said, was I extremely confused at first? Yes, because as far as I was concerned, I'd never heard about vampires or werewolves in Chinese mythology, but I enjoyed the curse (or you know, the reason why the descendants have become said night creatures). Apart from just mythology, Zhao intertwines history, dark academia, political struggles, and several betrayals and plot twists to keep you invested until the very end.

We're set in at a secret academy meant for the descendants of the zodiac, but most of the plot revolves around our main cast straying away from school and off to the Underworld and Faerieland to pull off a dangerous heist. Usually, it's frustrating to read a book where the characters are students! You know, set at school, but then they're never AT said school. In this case, Zhao manages to keep the academy consistently incorporated with the main conflict as Cecil (hello, my favorite character), a side character, does her best in fighting the political conflict between the Houses of Descendants.

Unfortunately, as with every book, there will be factors that some readers just don't like! And in my case, it was our favorite little trope: a love triangle. I mentally fastforwarded whenever it the three characters got into a love triangle-y vibe argument or situation. Also, weirdly, half the time, it was just not clear who this one character actually liked? One moment they were fawning over one love interest, and then a few pages after, they're admiring another? Sadly, the romantic aspect in Zodiac Rising does not do it for me.

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This book was wonderful! It was lush and gorgeous with plot twists to keep you on your toes. Great read, very enjoyable, and so exciting!!

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Urban academic fantasy pulls me in right away and is right up my alley, and this did not disappoint. Pull in the Chinese zodiac, vampires and shapeshifters, and you've got a killer premise. This was a lot of fun and has a beautiful cover that I wish I had on my shelf!

Thank you to NetGalley for this eARC copy gifted in exchange for my honest review.

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I enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed Fourth Wing!

So... There isn't a nice way to say this, but I regret requesting this arc. At least this was a buddy read with Mai so I had someone to commiserate with.

As someone who has read a ton of books, nowadays I don't expect my reads to be life-changing or anything. Hell, I can even get down with something that's cliche and tropey if the characters are interesting or the worldbuilding is top notch.

Zodiac Rising is none of the above.

It's like Twilight meets magical school, but make it Chinese American. The writing is boring. The story is boring. The characters are boring. At least the worldbuilding was somewhat passable.

I guess this book is great if you have limited experience with BIPOC authored YA urban fantasy. But if you're looking for something fun or exciting with memorable characters, better look elsewhere.

I feel like this book really tried with its mixture of Chinese and Western lore, but in the end, it read so bland. Vampires? Werewolves? Magic? Fae??? Nothing made sense at all, other than the fact that the novel hit all the right story beats in a very formulaic way, so at least that part made logical sense.

Why are these 160+ year old supernaturals going to a private high school with teenage human Descendants? Why aren't they running multinational corporations, or sitting on boards, or, idk, pulling a Carlisle Cullen and raking in money by playing the stock market?

Instead, they're going to regular classes all day to learn... Advanced Mandarin? Even though they've been alive for 160+ years and were born in China. JFC. Make it make sense!!!! They aren't even going to grad school. This shit blows my mind. And all of this is only in the first 20% of the novel.

I thought I'd at least like Evangeline because she's a girlboss, but I draw the line at being mean to the help and others who literally didn't deserve it. Talk about girlboss, gatekeep, gaslight. Yuck.

One of the MCs, Alice, had the personality of a wet sock, even though people kept saying she was "interesting." It was probably supposed to be foreshadowing, but after reading until the end, I still found her boring.

As an OG lover of Twilight (Millenials, rise up!), I actually got so sick and tired of all the Twilight references (high school, playing baseball, vampire piggyback rides, Alice being so Bella coded that I can't even [oh no, she's clumsy~~]).

There was another huge reveal that was literally recycled from one of the author's previous books. It felt cheap, tbh. Like the author ran out of ideas and decided to do the same thing again. Hell, the entire novel felt like an amalgamation of all the popular YA fantasy tropes and cliches from the past 20 years.

The existence of fae in this novel felt very shoehorned. Like the author had to add in a popular trope to rope in more readers. It didn't make sense because the vibes in this novel were very Asian American and then suddenly, fae!

I think the one overarching theme I hated was that everything was solved so easily. Oh no, the main characters are being attacked? The bad guys are knocked out in an instant. They're being chased by their rivals? No one actually gets captured.

The prison break was boring. The heist was boring. The Six of Crows gang could easily outwit these supernaturals. Two characters almost start a fight with each other in the middle of said prison break. Two characters make out in the middle of said heist. Like, can we not? Are we not in life or death situations with extreme time constraints??

I only finished this because it was an arc. I stopped caring early on in the story. By the end, I wanted Marcus Niu and co. to take over the Descendants. Give me a villainous world domination story that might or might not include using Alice as a broodmare.

I'm getting too old for this shit.

Actually, there was one thing I liked. When a character was described as "Slenderman," that shit sent me.

Thank you to Random House Books for Young Readers and NetGalley for this arc.

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🥃 Take a shot every time someone mentions the midsummer's sprout 🥃

What is it about Asian fantasy that keeps disappointing me?

This is labeled YA, and while that is partially to blame, the crux of this novel centers around Descendants, all of whom are immortal. As such, I expected them to be mature. They are not. They still attend school like the high schoolers they pretend to be, and though born in China in the 1800s, still take classes such as Advanced Mandarin. The math isn't mathing. (Even stupider, there is a class named So You're a Descendant, So What? I'm not making this up.)

Chinese mythology is rife with its own stories and creatures, and this book chooses to become Cassandra Clare Lite with the immature high schoolers continuously butting heads with the fae. I hated the heist. I hated the characters. I hated the twist. I hated the lack of resolution.

I was enjoying the vampire resurgence in fiction as of late, but these vampires are so vapid, shallow, and stupid, I didn't know what to make of them. Instead of drinking blood like "normal" vampires (I give a little leeway to Twilight, because it was actually entertaining), we have incredibly laughable means of consumption, e.g. blood coffee and blood baos. (Speaking of Twilight, the multiple references to it were unnecessary and unwarranted.)

The one plus? It's not a colonizer romance.

P.S. The werewolf/wet dog comparisons will never not be funny to me.

P.P.S. I didn't think I'd read something I'd hate more than The God and the Gumiho so soon, but here we are.

📚 Buddy read with Zana

📱 Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Books for Young Readers

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I'm bummed to say this because I was looking forward to this one, but I'm DNFing at 18%. I might come back to it one day but right now I just can't deal with the immortal entities in high school. I don't think the writing is bad, and there's set up for a good plot, so I think lots of teens will enjoy this one.

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I really enjoyed this book. I was waiting a while to jump into it. It was a slow read in the beginning but it made it worth the wait. Highly recommend. 10/10

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Big thank you NetGalley and to the publisher for the chance to review this book pre-release. Zodiac Rising was a super fun read, and kept me entertained. I will say that I wish there was a bit more explanation as to why all of the characters were centuries old, but were in school and acted fairly teenager-ish. I ignored that part as much as possible but I would have loved a reason, as that really stuck out at me. I would however still recommend this to those who love a classic teen fantasy! 3.75 Stars

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Such a fantastic concept, but an ultimately disappointing execution. I was left with many questions - such as why are these hundreds-of-years-old characters attending school? However, the writing style is fantastic, and I soon found myself swept away. My thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this in advance.

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Omg when I tell you this book had everything I love in a fantasy book. It had found family, magic, werewolves, vampires and even faes. I had the best time reading this, I love a book with a good heist and this one was so much fun, I absolutely loved the world building and the character development of everyone. I CANT wait for the next book because what was that ending? Im still mad at THAT person, iykyk, needless to say I really enjoyed this book. Thank you so much to netgalley and to the publisher for sending Zodiac Rising my way!!

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I had high hopes for Zodiac Rising. I love Asian-inspired fantasy and urban fantasy. I love an ensemble cast and multi-POV. I even loved How We Fell Apart, an earlier novel written by Katie Zhao. Despite all of that, I was disappointed by Zodiac Rising.

Zodiac Rising is the start of a series, so it is possible that these questions will be addressed. Even so, I want to put them out there and get some reassurance that I am not the only confused reader.

The main characters, with the exception of Alice, are all hundreds of years old. They were alive during the Opium War and yet they still go to school. Why? What more is there to learn? I understand that they're trapped in teenage bodies, but nothing is stopping them from straying from typical teenage activities. What's the point in putting up a front if they don't interact with other people?

Also, it is mentioned that Alice is enrolled in Mandarin 101, but she manages to overhear and understand a conversation in Mandarin. If she's still a beginner, how is this possible? Maybe this is a consistency error or maybe her powers need more clarification. Either way, I couldn't get this out of my head.

It took me weeks to finish this, not because of a lack of time, but because I only got more frustrated as I read. I have yet to decide whether I want to continue with this series. The sequel is expected to be released in 2025, so maybe I'll have settled on what I want to do by then.

Bottom line: I am still so conflicted when it comes to Zodiac Rising.

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A super packed novel filled with an intriguing ensemble cast, tons of world mythology, and so many plot twists.

A lot of heist stories are secretly about grief. This one is, instead, overtly about grief, along with identity and living in the diaspora. It's an absolute panoply of the supernatural: Chinese mythology sits at the center, but we've also got vampires, werewolves, shapeshifters, the fae, and... more??? It all clicks in better than one would expect, as the varied supernatural elements mirror the world our leads live in. It's a mix of culture and history, and the characters all struggle to find their place in it. It's probably the most relatable part of the story. The less relatable part for me is all the messy romance drama. I'm aware this is a me problem. I've never done well with high drama romances, but if that's your thing, I think you'll be delighted. We've got hot exes, a love triangle, and secrets galore, all set on a dark academia background. Add in extra plot twists, betrayal, and prophecies for a fast-paced story that covers a lot of ground in a short amount of time.

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I was so excited for this book and desperately wanted to love it. An urban fantasy about descendants of the Chinese Zodiac (powerful warriors in their day) stealing important artefacts from the Fae? Sounds incredible!

And for parts, it really was. I adored the characters and learning more about the mysteries in their lives. However, the world building (and by extension, most of the plot) was ... Confusing. After finishing the book, I still don't understand why these immortal being who are hundreds of years old are at a school, attending lessons? And the people in charge of their whole society appear to be ... Also attending school? The twists towards the end of the book were brilliant, but didn't quite detract from my confusion.

Thank you to the publisher for providing a review copy

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Thank you Netgalley and Random House Children’s for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

"Zodiac Rising" by Katie Zhao is a fun urban fantasy YA book filled with well-loved troupes like magic boarding schools and heists. The books also contains elements of Chinese mythology and dark academia. All of these combined made for a very unique and engaging book, which I absolutely lobed. I especially liked the Chinese zodiac element (as a lover of Fruits Basket); that is what drew me in and kept me interested throughout the entire time I was reading.

The story unfolds in a secret Manhattan boarding school where the Descendants of the Chinese zodiac reside, their powers depleted after the theft of the zodiac fountainheads during the Second Opium War. Led by Julius, Chancellor of the High Council, the Descendants face looming threats from vengeful faeries and monstrous Wrathlings. The diverse cast of characters, including Evangeline Long, a vampire; Tristan She, a werewolf; Nicholas Hu, a shapeshifter; and Alice Jiang, a mortal with mind-reading abilities, forms an unlikely alliance to break the curse and reclaim the stolen artifacts.

What I enjoyed the most about the book (besides the Chinese zodiac element) was the diverse points of views with the different characters. There are multiple points of view that provide deep insights into each character's struggles and motivations, which enhances the book's complexity and suspense. Each character had a distinct voice, and I never found myself forgetting who was who or forgetting whose POV I was in in the middle of the chapter, which is something that usually happens when I’m reading a book with so many perspectives. I found myself quickly becoming attached to the different characters, and I sped through the book, hardly stopping until I was finished.

The plot itself is quite fast-paced; there was never a dull moment, yet Zhao was still able to get me invested in the characters and the story. If you are a lover of popular YA troupes (found family, love triangles, heists, etc), you will definitely enjoy this book as Zhao brought along a breath of fresh air with these troupes through the unique setting/plot of the book. I will say that there was almost an overwhelming amount of YA troupes that made the plot a bit predictable throughout. However, Zhao's clear writing style and well-established backdrop make for a compelling read. The illustrations also added an extra layer of visual appeal; I really loved the visuals in the book!

Overall, as the first installment in a series, "Zodiac Rising" sets the stage for an epic adventure; despite its predictability in parts, the story remains highly enjoyable and entertaining. The book ends with a cliffhanger, which has led me to be desperate for more.

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Guys, this book is so freaking amazing! From the moment I cracked open the pages, I was transported into a world of magic, mystery, and Chinese mythology that had me totally hooked.

The premise alone had me hooked—secret Manhattan boarding school, Descendants of the Chinese zodiac, hidden magic, and a curse? Sign me up! But it's the characters that truly stole the show. Evangeline, Nicholas, Alice, and Tristan each bring their own unique struggles and strengths to the table, and following their journey was an absolute thrill.

The whole crew assembled to break the curse is just so amazing: Evangeline, the vampire with a century of hunger behind her; Nicholas, the shapeshifter on a quest for justice and redemption; Alice, the mortal searching for her mysterious heritage; and Tristan, the werewolf desperate to control the beast within.

I absolutely loved the multiple points of view in this book. It gave me such a deeper understanding of each character and their personal journey. Plus, it added this whole extra layer of intrigue and suspense to the story that kept me turning the pages late into the night.

As a first book in a series, Zodiac Rising does an incredible job of setting the stage, introducing the main characters, and laying the groundwork for an epic adventure. And can we talk about the illustrations? They were seriously next level! Not only did they bring the story to life in a whole new way, but they also added this gorgeous visual element that I couldn't get enough of.

Of course, it wouldn't be a YA fantasy without some juicy drama, and Zodiac Rising delivers in spades. Love triangles, secrets, betrayal—you name it, this book has it all! And the pacing was spot-on, keeping me on the edge of my seat without ever feeling rushed.

I wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone who loves YA urban fantasy with a healthy dose of adventure and mystery.
And now, the agonizing wait for the sequel begins...

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I absolutely loved this book! It was captivating from start to finish. It’s such an amazing blend of the paranormal, fantasy, mystery, and Chinese mythology. Reading the events from multiple characters point of view was so interesting and added another layer of depth to the story. I can’t wait to see what happens next!!
Thank you to Netgally, the publisher, and the author for letting me read it early!

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This is my first novel from this author and I was surprised at how much I ended up enjoying it. Normally I don't always get sucked in when there are several points of view. However, something about the way the author differentiated all of the characters, kept me around easily. The pacing on this novel was really what kept me reading in just a couple of sittings. I was thoroughly entertained throughout and it was easy to root for the characters. I will be eager to get my hands on the sequel, but this was a lot of fun.

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Wow. Okay. So this took me a bit to get into. I think once the heist took place and we saw some action, that’s when the book really picked up for me. I do love a good heist. The betrayal at the end was also surprising. I didnt see it coming at all.

Ok spoilers!

I had a feeling Evangeline wasnt the prophecy, but didnt think of Alice until we entered the Faerie land. She had those dreams about the lost child and that was wild for sure. I wonder if Alice will still like Evangeline after Evangeline almost left Alice for the fountainheads. Also I couldnt believe Julius is still alive. That was for sure shocking. I cant believe he’s basically the villain, all for some money. I think the Collector also works with the Phoenix? That is my guess. We didnt see much of the Phoenix. I think she was in the second part? Not entirely sure.

I wonder what will happen in the next book!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for allowing me to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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