Member Reviews

This is the second book I've read in the Seashell Key series, and of course I always enjoy anything Lourdes Heuer writes. The short chapters tell stories about different characters who live on the island, but throughout the course of the book they all interact with one another. The chapters are short, with aentences for a transitional reader. This also makes a good read-aloud for preschoolers who have the stamina to listen to a short chapter book.

During the first half of this book, I was unsure how to feel about it. It was repetitive, the stories felt disconnected and I couldn't yet see where it was going. In comparison to other chapter books with a similar format (words and illustrations on most pages), it didn't have the same flow as I was expecting. Think: Henry Heckelbeck, Dragon Masters, Mia Hayhem, etc. However, the story did come together eventually and it was a very sweet read. I read it again to my 5 year old to see what her reaction would be. I wondered if she could follow the story (or stories, really) and if it kept her interest in the same way many of the other more adventure-driven stories do. She seemed to like the simplicity of it. There were no magical terms she needed to learn. No crazy worlds she needed to understand the complexities of. These were normal kids at home, creating their own excitement. After finishing the book with her, I asked if she liked it (didn't like, or just so so) and she replied with an emphatic yes and that she would want to read another about Seashell Key. I'm still a little on the fence and would probably give it a 3.5 stars, but will go with 4 rather than 3 because my 5 year old's opinion likely matters more than mine here!