Member Reviews

Violette inherits a cheese shop from her late great-uncle, come to find out it's more than just cheese that is hidden in the shop. Four men, that turn into cheese during the day, come into Violette's life and churn it up side down. Roq, Cam, Cheddy and Brie; all personalized like their name-sake. The novel follows the men and Vioette running the shop and getting to know each other and protect one another.

The pace of the writing sometimes seemed off and wordy, but overall the novel was entertaining. It is a fun read and interesting in concept.

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I really wanted to like this book more. I was absolutely drawn in by the hilarious description and cheesy pun chapters. However, the characters and their development with the FMC just did not mesh for me. I felt a lot of things didn’t make sense for the sake of “oh it’s just silly” nature of the book. It does seem others really enjoyed this book, but it did not hit the mark for me.

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LOVED IT! enthralled, amused, amazing. Such a funny concept, an even funnier execution that still had very touching, heartfelt moments. Good character development with FMC! I've already recommended this to my friends!

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This is a book about cheese shifters. It's exactly as ridiculous and fun as you expect something with that premise to be.

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Loved the premise and creativity of this book - men who were cursed to become cheese by day and return to their human form by night - this is fun and ridiculous in the best way. Sounds almost like it could be an episode of Charmed :) I liked that the book doesn't take itself too seriously and there's lots of cute moments, and yet it tackles some difficult topics too, like dealing with OCD and an overbearing/gaslighting parent.
Unfortunately, for all the good parts of the story, somehow they didn't tie together in a satisfying way. The second half of the story felt weaker and the ending didn't work for me. Also, I had no problem suspending my disbelief of these were-cheese men, but the idea of nobody questioning Vi for managing to make the cheese and run the shop all by herself, with no cheesemaking qualifications or food safety certificates, or anything - that seemed so unrealistic that it took me out of the story more than anything else.
Overall, I think this was an awesome idea for a book, and I am sad to rate it low, but it just didn't click.

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This book was cute, I love cheese, the idea was definitely one I have never read before. The relationship was cute and I enjoyed seeing that build. Maybe a little too much cheese for me

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Surprised to enjoy this as much as I did. The concept was insanely silly but worked fine. My only complaint was that the abusive relationship between the lead character and her mother was not necessary to tell this story. It was appalling to read and really made no sense since the character was a fully grown adult. Not sure why she was still kowtowing to an abusive overbearing parent. There were also a bit too many scenes with the main character listing her bodily imperfections over and over. But looking past that it was a fun read. Ellen Mint-Chuck Tingle. You decide.

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I did not really know what to expect with this one because I don’t read a ton of romance and the premise is so out-there, but I ended up loving it! It is light-hearted, silly, smutty, and has great mental illness representation. The men in this book are the types of men most of us wish we could meet - hearts of gold, bodies of steel, absolutely worshiping us. I definitely needed a palate cleanser and something uplifting (and hot) to make me feel alive and this delivered big time. Thank you NetGalley and Ellen Mint for allowing me to read this ARC.

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I absolutely love cheese so I didn't know what to except with this but i found myself enjoying it, it was a fun read. Put cheese and some handsome men yes please. It's a spicy cheesy goodness that'll make you swoon.

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This book is so cheesy (pun intended) but I LOVED it! I was hesitant to read after the description, I mean come on Cheese-shifters!?!?! Since cheese is one of my favorite food groups I said why not. My gamble paid off and will definitely ready more books from this author. This book is in the Erotic genre, and very spicy but also lighthearted and funny.

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Violette goes to wrap things up at her late uncle's cheese shop but gets the shock of her life when some of his cheeses come to life as hot men. Yes, I'm serious. Now she has to decide if she will keep them safe in the shop or send them on their way and make some big money.

There are so many layers to unpack here. But, once you accept the fact that the boys are werecheese (LOL actually), you start to enjoy it. This is pretty spicy and mad awkward, but it's sweet too. It's the perfect blend. It was a fun time.

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I'm sorry I couldn't get into this book. Unfortunately it wasn't meant for me. Hopefully others enjoyed it

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Why Cheese? is a goofy, funny, strange, and very cheesy ‘why choose’ romance following Violette and the four cheese shifters/cheese vampires/werecheese men who live in the cheese shop she inherits from her late uncle.

I don’t read a ton of why choose or reverse harem romances but this one piqued my curiosity and was certainly more memorable compared to others I’ve read. I ended up liking it much more than I thought I would!

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This was an adorable why choose which i don't read a lot of adorable books in this sub genre. The guys were too cute and the sex scenes were ultra hot. Some moments were downright cringy (choo choo), and there was far too much cheese education in this for my liking. I don't know that I absolutely loved it but i enjoyed my time reading it and i love the OCD rep in this book a lot.

cheese shifters
super spicy

You will love this book if this is what you are looking for.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing the ARC copy for free though all thoughts are my own.

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4.25⭐️/5 (rounded down to 4)

I'd recommend this if you enjoy:
- Cheese
- Reverse harem/why choose (4 men, 1 woman)
- Emotional depth
- Mental health representation
- A mystery element
- Paranormal shifter romance

When I first heard about this book, I didn't think a cheese shifter romance would be gouda. You heard that right.. a cheese pun and a book where the four MMCs turn into CHEESE.. like the food that's edible. The premise intrigued me and I loved it, despite my hesitation at the beginning.

The book starts off with Violette at the cheese shop she inherited after her uncle Mateo passed away. She has every intention of selling the place until she discovers the pieces of cheese that transform into the four men.

Violette suffers from OCD and has a mother that likes to control everything in her life. I hated her mother and liked when she wasn't on page. Violette, I loved her. Unlike other FMCs, she didn't annoy me and I connected a lot to her character.

The author did an incredible job at creating the male main characters and what I liked most was that their traits and part of their appearances were their cheese form personified. The cheeses being: Roquefort (Roq/For), Camembert (Cam/Bear), Brie and Cheddar (Cheddy/Sir Chedward). I think this made this book even more unique and a nice addition overall.

Near the beginning of the book, Violette finds out that the four men have engaged in 🌶️ with each other, that they've shared everything. For a reverse harem book I enjoyed that fact that it wasn't all smut, that there was plot, character development and emotional depth. The surprise of Roq and Cam's relationship was an intriguing element as it was obvious that they cared for each other in more ways than one and didn't hide it.

The spicy scenes were well written and I liked that they differed from one another throughout. The various environments and slow increase of who and how many people were involved was a nice element. The personal bond the FMC formed with each of them shone through in these scenes and I liked that it wasn't only physical, there was caring and listening involved which made the romance even better. Further emphasised when Violette brought them dinner, small gifts based on their tastes in addition to teaching them more about the modern world.

I liked how the story ended and how they were all closer together then too. Although, I have to say that I will probably not look at cheese the same way as I did before but I'm glad that I read this book.

The reason why this book isn't 5 stars is because the storyline with Alva, Mateo and Violette's mother wasn't entirely explained and I was confused as to why he was a deviant to them. I presumed it was because they saw the picture of him with the four men and assumed he had a personal relationship with them and didn't like it, instead of his quirks. I also didn't understand why he betrayed them.

Another reason why is because even though the story of how they got turned into cheese initially was explained, I was still a bit confused. However, I'd reread this book again to understand it better. This is also the reason why I was puzzled in *that* scene with the special chest following the panic of the thought of losing them. Even Violette didn't know, but I felt a similar array of emotions while she did which is another nod to the author's talented writing.

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Ok, well, where do I even start with this one. I love punny, so I was sold on this one from the chapter headings alone. It is ridiculous and funny and also sad. The relationship with her mother is so toxic and heartbreaking. The boys are funny, and I loved how "cheesy" their personalities were and how they matched the cheese type. Was this the height of literature? No. Was it fun? Yes.

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I downloaded this book because i had never heard of this genre and figured it would be a silly, punny read. I was surprised at how spicy and raunchy it was. If this is your thing, this would be a better book. Just not for me. I received a free copy of this book from netgalley and the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

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I loved this book more than I thought I would.

I’ll be the first to admit I saw this book and immediately thought it wouldn’t be a good book. When I read some of the reviews, I decided to give it a shot. I mean, I’m from Wisconsin and cheese is our thing, so why not? Well, I fell in love with this story and its characters.

The premise of this book is like nothing I’ve read before. You thought werewolves were hot? Uh, step aside because these were-cheeses will have you fanning yourself and craving some dairy.

Did I mention this is spicy? Good lord, i think this is hotter than Fifty shades of Grey - no joke. These men (cheeses?) are to die for. They latch into Vi and become everything she has ever needed.

Cam, Roq, Brie, and Cheddy are just so lovable. I wanted to run away with them myself. I love how they each came from different background and we got to see that in their mannerisms, clothing choices, and speech. Also, making Brie (the ex-Viking) a vegetarian made me smile.

I absolutely loved this book and nothing could make me rate this lower than 5 stars, but I did want to mention a couple of things: 1) sometimes the characters (especially Cheddy) spoke as if they were children. I think they are supposed to be late 20s to early 30s but that was never established. It was sometimes weird when they had an articulate vocabulary and then would say or do something childish. 2) Vi’s mom was so evil I wanted to reach through the book and slap her. That was probably the point.

I guess the only thing I really wanted at the end of the novel was for a resolution to the curse.

I know this book sounds strange, but pick it up! It is well worth the read. It will put a smile on your face the whole time.

*An ARC was received from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Full disclosure, I read this book entirely out of curiosity and nothing more.

Y’all, this was so wild & weird hahahaha

Four hot MMC’s…who turn into cheese by day and smoking hot men by night.


Cheese shifters.

I don’t know how Ellen Mint came up with this story line but it had me amused the entire book so I’m here for it.

I loved seeing the FMC grow and find happiness.

The men made my day with their banter and adorableness.

It was just over all quirky, weird, and so cute.

The smut was very open door but sometimes had an almost fade to black vibe without being fade to black. If that makes any sense at all…

If you need a good laugh with a splash of spicy & a whole lotta quirky scoop this up and enjoy the extensive amount of cheese puns the way that I did, you won’t be disappointed!

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Oh this is a ride! I was a little concerned that it was so long at first but honestly my attention was kept the whole time.

Violette is a sympathetic heroine that you want to succeed, hard working and good, with her own baggage that she needs to deal with.

The four werecheeses (haha) are all as distinct as their cheese flavors, and have their own strengths and insecurities to guide their actions. They have dynamics with each other as well as Vi.

Just be ready for a lot of cheese puns and exclamations, and some very good spice.

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