Member Reviews

I love cheese so that pushed me into reading this strange book about cheese shifter men but I don't regret it, it was fun, romantic and I ended up loving it.

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This book was SO FUN!! A why choose with CHEESE MEN?!?!?! uh SIGN ME UP!!! the internal thoughts Violette has had me rolling because same sister!! Brie is probably my favorite but man i love them all. Run, don't walk and read this now!!

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I had seen this book and was intrigued by the premise of it. A cheese shifter romance? Not heard of anything like that before so I thought I’d give it a try. I wasn’t expecting to enjoy it as much as I did.

I wasn’t sure how this was going to work if I’m honest but it does. These guys are great I loved Brie, he was my favourite if I have to pick! I really liked Violette, I honestly felt for her so much. Her mother was awful, I don’t think there are many characters I have disliked much more than her!!!

I loved the ending but I won’t give anything away. I do recommend you give this one a read. Is it insane yes probably but it works.

Thank you to Netgalley for the ARC.

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Ok - I obviously picked up this book because of the ridiculous premise and absolutely genius title but Why Cheese? was actually a fantastic reverse harem shifter romance (even if the boys are turning into cheese!) that delves head on into some serious mental health topics. I actually thought this book had one of the most realistic depictions of OCD I’ve read. Her mom was so vile I physically cringed away from my book anytime she spoke. I loved the guys relationship with each other and how they saw Violette for all of the things she couldn’t see in herself

“I hate that I cannot give you enough to make up for the wounds the world has caused you” - You’re telling me this is in a book about cheese men???

I loved this stupid book. The premise was so beyond silly but the actual book was weird, sweet, funny, spicy and even had a few good twists!!

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Why Cheese?
3.5 stars: This book is honestly such a trip (and I mean that in the best way possible). I read this entire thing on one 4 hour plane ride, and I could not have asked for a better way to distract myself from my crippling fear of planes. The characters are all very interesting, and more importantly, they are all very distinct. I was worried some of their personalities would run together but I had no problem remembering who was who. There was also a surprising amount of plot. I was expecting mostly romance and smut scenes, but there is a ton of action and not as much smut as I would have expected (definitely a plus for me). If you’re a fan of this genre, I definitely think this book will be a five-star read, and the only reason it isn’t for me personally is because I don’t love romance.

Side note for the publisher: please for the love of God provide a warning in the beginning of the book about the art. It is the single most terrifying image I’ve ever seen, and it haunts my dreams.

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It was more serious than I had expected. Honesty I didn't expected a why chose cheese shifter romance to have a real plot. But it did and it was good. Sex scene in the park and the cellar was so hot! I enjoyed some of the cheese puns but most of them were so forced for my liking. There were some plot holes that bothered me like what exactly happened in Marseilles. Also the relationship between the guys wasn't clear enough.

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It feels weird to give three stars to a book about a woman who has regular sex with cheese men (which includes so. many. cheese. puns.) but honestly, I cannot hate on it too much.

This book is exactly what it says it is, and I can't fault it for that.

There was a semi-decent plot (though I still have no idea what the fuck Uncle Mateo was doing to be considered such a 'deviant' by so many people, or what the hell the Soap Lady had to do with anything). The main character wasn't totally intolerable (except when she followed each orgasm with a sneezing fit. Because. Yeah. That happens.) And I guess the guys were fine. I didn't really see anything incredibly special or interesting about them 90% of the time (with the single exception being the Roq x Cam dynamic, which really carried a good portion of the book for me) but they also didn't make me want to rip my hair out or set fire to my Kindle so we'll call it a win.

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"Well, we're in this together."
"I'm sorry, do you also become a curdled dairy product when the sun rises?"

If you ever wanted to read a why choose book about 4 were-cheese men who are human at night and cheese by day, this is the book for you! I can't say that I ever wanted to, but due to some healthy peer pressure and an abundance of positive reviews I still gave it a fair shot. I'm apparently more of a sweet tooth, because it did not hit the same as it did for other people.

Yes, this was ... well ... so awkward and cringe 90% of the time. There were some cute moments, sure, and I personally really appreciated the OCD rep as someone who has OCPD and has a gremlin of her own in her head. I'm also an enjoyer of bad puns, so every chapter title made me smirk. However, I have my limits. And those limits have were crossed by this book in tenfold. I still don't entirely know why I kept reading - I was a little too committed to the bit, apparently.

So many parts of this book made me uncomfortably cringe, but I hoped that at least within all this unhinged madness there would be some good smut. Unfortunately those scenes just made me cringe even more.

🧀 Were-cheese
🧀 OCD rep
🧀 Smut scenes (that made me want to wash my eyes with soap)
🧀 Why cheese when you can have the entire charcuterie board?
🧀 Will make you rethink your life choices

I would like you all to know that this pains me especially because my dog is called Cheddar and I am well and truly horrified right now. I can never sneeze, eat a babybel, or have cheese fondue ever again. Or just cheese in general, for that matter.

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I don't think this book was for me. The premise seemed funny but I just did not overall enjoy it. I can see other people enjoying it but overall it was not the book for me.

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🔥ARC Review🔥

Why Cheese? by Ellen Mint
Release Date: April 16, 2024

Pages: 380

⚠️Content Warning⚠️
Please check content warnings BEFORE reading.

Format: 📱

What to Expect:
🖤Cheese Puns
💙Cinnamon Roll MMC
🖤Contemporary Romance
💙Found Family
🖤Golden Retriever MMC
💙Mental Health Rep
💙Why Choose

FMC: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
MMC: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Plot: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️
Overall: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐.5

After her Uncle passes away, Violette inherits Goudafellas, a cheese shop. While she’s cleaning up the place to sell, she meets Roq, Cam, Brie, and Cheddy - four men with a passion for cheese.

I am madly in love with Roq, Cheddy, Cam, and Brie! Cheddy is my little puppy, and Brie is such a cinnamon roll. I appreciated Violette's struggles but found myself getting a little frustrated when she wouldn’t stand up for herself. But when she finally did, I was her biggest cheerleader.

Why Cheese? is perfect for readers who enjoy puns, a handful of sexy MMCs, and a cheesy love story.

Thank you to Ellen Mint and NetGalley for the ARC.

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Thanks to Netgalley and victory Editing for the eARC!

Why Cheese? Is a shot of delight that I didn't know I know I needed in my life.

I knew I was getting into mm reverse harem cheese shifter goodness and yes things get pretty steamy. But what I wasn't expecting was the authors portrayal of OCD to pretty much match my experience exactly. And I appreciate it so much.

Anyway on to the cheesy Gouda times!

And if you hate cheese puns, this book is not for you.

I loved this book. It was a great read.

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Thank you for the ARC!

Wow. That was definitely an experience.

I'll start off by saying that this was definitely one of the better shifter romances that I've read, not that I've read many. However, this was my first why-choose romance, and let's just say I have questions. Prior to starting the book, I was under the impression that why-choose romances were more in the way of all the characters being in a relationship with each other and if that is the case, I feel like that wasn't really translated in the book as it was more of the guys all fawning over Violette by the end. If I'm entirely wrong, please disregard that; this point is solely based on me having no background knowledge on why-choose romances.

I feel like plot-wise, it was kind of solid. What I didn't really get was what were the guys' goals after the three months were up? Were they just going to go find some other place to hide and hope no one would eat them?

Character-wise, I am pleasantly surprised that I liked most if not all the characters in the RH. Roq was hard to understand at first which made me wish we had some of his POV at some point but once we got a little deeper in the book and see him warming up to Violette, he quickly became my favorite. Brie was a little hard for me to enjoy as a character because of his more reserved/shy nature in the beginning which caught me off guard, but I found myself surprised to like his character by the end of the book. Cam was a treat from start to finish. I can't say much else other than I genuinely enjoyed his character throughout the book. For me, I feel like Cheddy was the outlier. I enjoyed his character at first but as the book progressed somehow he became more & more himbo-like and it felt like he was there solely for humor. Violette was great. My only little issue was that I feel like there was an attempt to make her quirky and I just was not a fan of that.

Some last little things that I did want to say was that I wish that by the end their problem has been resolved. I won't say explicitly what it was to avoid spoilers, but I truly did think that it would be fixed by the end and it was a little disappointing to find out that it wasn't. Also, for the life of me, I could never figure out positions they were in during intimacy which I thought was a little funny but that could just be on me for not understanding. Also, I enjoyed the fact that there was a bit of Roq and Cam together which I think was a well-rounded part (as in, I didn't have any questions after the fact), I just assumed we would see more of some of the other guys' duo interactions, if that makes sense. But again, that could just be me entirely misunderstanding how why-choose romances work.

Overall, I never expected this book to be a a regular length and actually go into plot-lines and delve into the characters personalities and backgrounds, but I'm not mad about it.

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If someone told me 3 years ago that I would be reading a reverse harem, MM smut featuring men who shift into cheese during the day, I would think they're insane but here we are.

Chedward, Roq, Brie, and Cam are our cheesy MMCs. Violette discovers then I'm the cellar, looking sharp and aged to perfection, just like a fine cheddar.

Violette is on a mission to get her late uncle's cheese shop restored to sell, but the cheesy men have different plans.

Why Cheese? was my first sentient object romance and I feel like a whole new world just opened for me. This sharp cheddar romance was a gouda read, melting my heart with every page turn. Who knew love could be so cheesy?

Thank you to Netgalley, Elle Mint, and Victory Editing for this delightfully cheesy read.

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This was a delightful tale that combines elements of whimsy, romance, and deep introspection, making it a captivating read. At its heart, the story revolves around a woman grappling with OCD and the unexpected inheritance of her uncle's cheese shop. Little does she know, this inheritance comes with an extraordinary secret: four men who transform into cheese during the day.
One of the most commendable aspects of the book is its exploration of mental health, particularly OCD. Through the protagonist's struggles, we are offered a sensitive and insightful portrayal of the condition, fostering greater understanding and empathy. The narrative doesn't shy away from depicting the daily battles faced by individuals with OCD, thus contributing to its destigmatization and acceptance. As someone who struggles with OCD herself, it really hit home.

The relationship dynamics within the story are compelling, particularly Vi's complex and heartbreaking interactions with her mother.
The four men who transform into cheese add a whimsical and charming layer to the narrative. As the story unfolds, I enjoyed the gradual unraveling of their personalities, making them endearing and multi-dimensional characters. However, the mystery surrounding why the uncle locks them up for so long remains unresolved and you just have to guess why. I found that annoying.

This book seamlessly weaves together themes of mental health, family being who you make it, and the transformative power of love and acceptance.

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Thanks NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review

3 Stars

- Shifter romance
- OCD rep
- Found family
- spice
- why choose (or why cheese ahaha)

I chose this book thinking ti would just be a weird funny read, who knew it would actually make me have feelings.

Men that turn into cheese during the day, were-Cheese.

This had OCD representation, a controlling, emotionally abusive parent, and kindof a found family.

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This was a really hilariously brilliant book. I enjoyed the originality of having not werewolves but were cheeses… with as many puns about the fair fromage as could be written in.

It was enjoyable to read and with enough spice added, though some of the characters did feel a little underdeveloped at times.

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Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the opportunity to receive and review this ARC.

Why Cheese? After reading I'm still not exactly sure why.

My first note is simply that I think this book is far too long. It's drawn out like the cheese off of a slice of pizza when you pull it from the pie. It keeps stretching, growing thinner, and you want it to break off so you can actually eat!

Also what is up with the veins in this book- I know that a lot of romance authors have certain descriptors that they latch onto and repeat but oof did it really have to be veins?

The other thing that makes the humor of this all dampened is the daftness of the protagonist. Violette could not find her way out of a paper bag if you told her there wasn't a way out. Less charming, more I'm internally screaming at a fictional character to put some braincells into a potential thought.

There's also the author's attempt at OCD representation that is unfortunately presented. It seems insensitive to consistently refer to the serious compulsions of a mental illness as a brain gremlin.

It's simply not the right setting for that presentation. It makes it seem less genuine by placing it alongside such a ridiculous premise. It can't carry emotional weight when it holds little to no relevance to the overall plot.

There is a level of ignorance that is funny, but Mint overdoes it.

Don't get me wrong, there are funny moments through, it's just a bit disappointing that I find a lot more swiss cheese sized holes where humor should be.

Onto the actual why choose romance, it (hopefully) is hyperbolic to the point of hilarity. The cheese men each embody a common archetype in the Why choose genre. The shy one, the grump, the flirtatious one, and the himbo.

Each is for the most part a funny take on the tropes save for the himbo. Sir Chedward is about as artificial as Kraft cheese. Nothing he does seems remotely natural or all that funny because its so jarringly presented. Find your own organically sourced himbo from some other free-range why choose farm.

The moments of romance have a significant flaw that I find can break a book. Confusingly written physicality is a major problem with the romance genre in particular. Readers should be able to understand movement and positioning through the text. This book struggles in several moments with this and lacks clarity of description to the point where I felt like I was having an aneurysm trying to conceptualize placement of people.

If you're not reading intensely as I do maybe this read can be funnier and more wholesome. A better experience than what I had. Maybe it's just too campy for my tastes, and that's alright.

For now though? I can't tell if this cheese needs to age and mature- or simply be sliced into more edible chunks.

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this book was absolutely INSANE in every way but i couldn’t get enough. silly books like this are exactly why i read. loved every minute.

huge thanks to netgalley for the arc!

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DNF at 34% in.

Thank you to Netgalley and Ellen Mint for providing me with an arc.

I like reading ridiculous things and I thought this would be a fun time but it wasn't for me. I didn't connect to the characters and the humor wasn't working for me. I understand why some are enjoying this, truly it is just that this didn't work for me.

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Holy cheese! these cheese men were delicious! (especially Roquefort and Brie)
This book was so much fun most of the time and I loved the OCD rep! I will say the mother was horrible and made me want to throw my kindle but the HEA makes it all worth it 💛
all in all I would definitely recommend this book because it was really cute and unique and its a cheese man why choose?? who doesnt love cheese?? YUM

*Thank you NetGalley and the author for providing an arc copy, this honest review is my own

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