Member Reviews

The Forge by Chris Fabry is the novelisation of the titled Christian movie by the Kendrick brothers (War Room writers). I always love books over movies because books take you into the unexpressed thoughts and emotions of the characters. This is a very inspiring read and the lessons of trusting God, forgiveness, spiritual growth are invaluable. A great read and recommended to everyone, especially Christians.
Thank you, Netgalley and Tyndale House Publishers, for giving me the ARC. All opinions expressed are mine

I was so glad that I did not miss this outstanding book! I did see the excellent movie, but the book provides more details. Single parent Cynthia is frustrated in trying to raise her teenage son Isaiah. He loves his mother, but is not very responsible, and prefers to spend his time with his electronics and shooting hoops with friends. Cynthia gathers her sister, co-workers and the legendary Ms. Clara to pray for Isaiah. Then soon after, Isaiah is given an opportunity to be a newly hired employee and join a group of mentors and other young men. He is forged into a focused, Christ-honoring, hard-working, valued employee after learning many things. You might even call it an answer to prayer! This book can touch us all, especially teens and parents.
I appreciate being able to read this book, compliments of the publishers. The views expressed are my own.

This book accompanies the movie by the same title. Those who have either read the previous book, The War Room or watched the movie will quickly recognize many of the same characters. This book focuses on Elizabeth’s sister, the focus of War Room, Cynthia and her son Joshua. The Forge was a very enjoyable read and read like the book version of the movie. This reader can’t wait to watch the movie and compare. The message of the importance of discipleship is strong and handled in such a way that is should give older folks a nudge to spend time with younger Christians and see the impact and importance in their walk. A very enjoyable and important read.

I'm so enjoying this book and I'm really looking forward to watching the movie. I love the characters and the powerful messages that are being conveyed that will be life changing. This is such a pleasure and I'm sure I'll revisit this book again.

“The greatest gift you give Him is yourself. All of you. And that becomes the greatest gift you give the world, the way you allow God access to every nook and cranny of your life.” That’s one of the many jewels (lines) that stuck out to me while reading The Forge by Chris Fabry.
In the story, Cynthia and her son are dealing with the aftermath of abandonment. Darren leaves his family and honestly, even when he was around, he wasn’t always there for them emotionally.
I really like how the author focuses on how Isaiah needed to fall in love with his Heavenly Father and see Him without the hurt and pain he endured from his horrible dad. The story really stuck with me. I can’t wait to see the movie and glean parallels from the book to the silver screen.
Fabry was spot on when showing the interaction between Cynthia and Isaiah. I got a kick out of some of what the mother would say. However, there were a few instances while in Isaiah‘s point of view. Especially in high school, that some of the words were unusual for a teenage boy and I am not referring to slang, but some of Isaiah’s vocabulary sounded a tad mature.
This was an amazing story, and the message was solid. We are called to live for Christ and to support each other. The scene with the sword really shows how the support of fellow believers is necessary. I would be proud to know men who are members of the Forge. This story will inspire you, so go grab a copy for yourself.
I received this book through Net Galley and was not required to give a positive review.

Isn’t it just like God to have a solution ready before the problem even arrives?
This is the story of Cynthia, whose life is reeling as she navigates life as her marriage ends and Isaiah, her son, who is struggling with heart wounds of his own.
Those readers familiar with Miss Clara from War Room will be pleased to again have a chance to have her presence and wisdom in full prayer warrior style. We also meet Mr. Joshua Moore who is a mentor of men via The Forge.
Written from alternating perspectives of Cynthia and Isiah we see multiple plotlines take unexpected twists and turns. The pace is comfortable and able to keep my interest. Characters are deeply developed and feel real. The story covers Isaiah from his mid teen years to early 20s. We see him walk thru issues of anger, abandonment, surrender, forgiveness and trust to show much personal growth. Cynthia learned about the need to be vulnerable and about pride. In addition to the issues with Cynthia and Isaiah, we also get to see Mr. Moore walk thru dicey times at the fitness company. Spiritually, there are many Word-filled prayers, both from the ladies' group and from the men of The Forge. God’s faithfulness and provision are repeatedly demonstrated.
Those seeking spiritual inspiration will find this a fantastic read. This book could also be used as a group study as there are discussion questions included at the end of the book.
I received a complimentary copy courtesy of the Tyndale House Publishers through Interviews & Reviews for my honest opinion.

The Forge by Chris Fabry is a Christian novel that is a bit of a spinoff of the War Room. It is about the power of prayer, the importance of mentorship and how it can change a person’s heart. I have read most of this author’s books and enjoyed them all.
The story follows Cynthia and her son Isaac through very difficult times in their lives. A broken marriage and a son who is lost and going down the wrong path are just a few of their struggles. The story deals with prayer, change of heart, forgiveness and so much more. At times it felt a little preachy though. Overall I enjoyed the book and would recommend it.
Thanks to NetGalley and Tyndale House Publishers for an advanced copy of this book.

I like how the character are written with a good authenticity and it woven together in a good way, so I cannot stop reading this book until finish. I really hope that this book, The Forge, can be brought into a movie.

"This book is a must-read in Christian fiction. The characters are written with depth and authenticity. I was drawn into their lives and didn’t want to stop reading until the end.
“Hope is a four-letter word I have a hard time spelling in my soul.” Cynthia finds through her personal journey—being abandoned by her husband and dealing with the fallout of her son Isaiah’s reaction—that hope isn’t as far away as it seems.
Through the support of friends and encouragement to pray, Cynthia finds the strength to move forward toward God’s plan for her life and as a single parent. At the same time, in the midst of his struggles, insecurities, and feeling like he doesn’t measure up, Isaiah finds a mentor who encourages and guides him toward fullness in Jesus. Neither has an easy road to follow but as they embark on their journey, God, who is faithful, responds.
What a testament to the power of prayer and perseverance. This book is one for the believer and nonbeliever alike. It digs deep into the human condition, offering a solution in the form of the Savior. I love this book.
I was given a copy courtesy of Tyndale House through NetGalley and Interviews & Reviews. This is my honest opinion of the book."

THE FORGE by CHRIS FABRY is a beautiful story of redemption, full of life and Scripture that fits in, not only with Cynthia and Isaiah Wright’s problems, but will minister to the readers. I really enjoyed the story and the characters, and was pleased to come across the indomitable prayer warrior, Miss Clara, and the Jordan family from War Room.
Cynthia works hard at her hairdressing salon and keeps her lazy, game playing and drinking husband and their son Isaiah going. She is terrified of Isaiah becomibg like his father, and when Darren walks out on them it looks like her worst fears are coming true. She tries very hard to be both mother and father to her son…..
Joshua Moore, owner of Moore Fitness, sees something in the angry young man who comes looking for a job and becomes a father figure to Isaiah. Joshua and his friends meet twice a month at The Forge which is a place of discipleship, where the mascot is a sword, bringing to mind the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, which destroys rhe works of tge enemy…..
This is a story about choices made, overcoming fear with faith, the importance of forgiveness, dealing with rejection, unconditional love and the importance of never giving up in prayer. In fact it is about living life God’s way.
I cannot recommend this encouraging and inspirational read highly enough.
I was given an ARC copy of the book by NetGalley from Tyndale House Publishers. The opinions in this review are completely my own.

This is a good book, but I think the movie will be better! For those who don't attend or watch movies, I definitely recommend this story!! If you read the book of War Room, you will certainly want to read this one, as it's a continuation of that story. An enjoyable read.
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the advance e-copy of this book! All opinions expressed are entirely my own.