Member Reviews

His Secret Highland Bride by Alison B. Hanson
Clan MacPherson Series #1

Marriage of convenience to avoid a marriage based on clan alliance filled with lies of omission and secrets kept does not set Shane and Lindsay up for smooth sailing!

What I liked:
* Shane’s rush to rescue a woman in distress
* Lindsay’s feisty strength, caring nature, and indomitable will
* Munro: blacksmith, widow, and someone willing to take in three boys in need of security
* Meeting Shane’s siblings: Alec, Ronan, and Tory – they will probably have books of their own
* The setting – love Scotland and thinking about romances there
* That it wasn’t all light and bright but in some ways more realistic due to the situation of the clans losing so much to a thief and the impact it would have
* Wondering if the thief will ultimately be caught and tried by the end of the series
* Thinking about an alliance made by Shane with the Campbells and how it will impact his brother
* That Shane and Lindsay were able to communicate fairly well until they hit a wall – glad they were able to eventually get over that hurdle
* Thinking about finding out how the couple will be doing in the future books of this series

What I didn’t like:
* Who and what I was meant not to like
* Times I would think, “Could this happen?” and wondering how believable it might be

Did I enjoy this book? It was okay
Would I read more in this series? I believe I would like to see what happens next

Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for the ARC – This is my honest review.

3-4 Stars

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3.5 stars
There were parts of this story that I really enjoyed, particularly the second half. I wasn’t so keen on the way the two main characters, Lindsay and Shane kept their secrets for such a long time. The pace, at times, was slow but there was plenty of action in the second half. There were a few things that didn’t seem possible, such as, how could a person who had been injured and lost a lot of blood, be up and riding a horse the next day?
As this is the first in the series there are a few unresolved issues which I assume will be included in future books. However, this book does have a happy ending. I would be interested to see how things pan out in the rest of the series. I received a copy and have voluntarily reviewed it. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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A venture into historical romance with Allison B Hanson.

This book jumps right in on the action! Lindsay and Shane both kept their secrets but they were drawn to each other and fate also seemed on board with the plan! Shane was tormented by his past but couldn’t resist his feelings for Lindsay and her strength to be all he needed.

The spice was a 1 for me. But the story was great! It kept me wanting to see how the secrets unfolded and wanted to see the HEA.

I also see the draw to wanting to see if Ronan and Alec get their stories told! Great read and I would read more!

Thank you to entangled publishing for the e-arc and letting me review this book.

#HisSecretHighlandBride #NetGalley #entangledpublishing

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His Secret Highland Bride is the first historical highlander book I remember reading written by Allison B. Hanson. I have enjoyed reading some of contemporary romantic suspense books. She brings her same style and attention to character development in this historical romance story. This is a character focused story with secrets between the two main characters.

I liked the characters, Shane and Lindsay and understand heir desire to control their destiny. Family loyalty and responsibilities seemed to get in their way. If only there had not been secrets but then there wouldn’t be a story. Friendship forms and then more, with some open bedroom door scenes. An enjoyable read with a reader trip back to the time of arranged marriages to keep peace among the clans.

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I thought the first 60% of this book was very engaging and well written. I liked both of the characters and they definitely had chemistry. It started loosing me towards the latter half, mainly because I felt like some of the conflict was too drawn out.

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It’s been a while since I have read such an engaging historical romance! Well done Allison Hanson. From the “meet cute” if you want to call it that, Shane - the Scottish Laird and Lindsey, a noblewoman begin the slow burn. This book had it all. First, an arranged marriage nobody wants, but only the reader knows the identities and the plan.. Sadness from the past and the future. Evil plots, lying, angst…oh the angst and romance of course peppered with a whole lotta heat. Even some moments of joy are brought to you by the dog Treun.

Was a great read, something constantly happening whether it’s deadly plots or wild passion. Worth your time, I know I couldn’t put it down!

Thanks to Entangled Publishing and Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for my unbiased opinion.

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I'm an avid fan of Highlander stories, however, I found myself struggling to connect with the characters of this book. While the pacing is well-executed, the dialogue lacks emotion I usually expect. The slow burn aspect of the story is intriguing, but I was left wanting more depth and emotion.

As for Shane, he comes across as indecisive, particularly in his treatment of Lindsey. His reluctance to fight for her and his constant comparison to his first wife left me frustrated. I think it is unfair for Lindsey. Additionally, his willingness to let Lindsey leave with her father without much resistance felt so disappointing and diminishing the tension that could have added depth to the story. Despite all of these, I did appreciate the moments of intimacy between Shane and Lindsey when they were alone. Their chemistry and connection were so sweet.

This is my first book for this author, and I remain open to exploring more of her books in the future. I extend my gratitude to NetGalley, Entangled Publishing, and Allison B. Hanson for providing an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

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3.5 Stars
It’s been five years since Shane MacPherson stepped foot on his clan’s lands. Still haunted from years at war and the painful ache of loss but duty has called once again and with it, his obligation to claim his place as the new laird of Clan MacPherson. Lindsay Wallace would rather die than call the MacPherson lands her home. She just has to survive a month with her horrid uncle before being married off as a peace offering between the Wallaces and MacPhersons. The only person she can trust is a simple soldier who is strong of body and heart.
A well written romance with strong characters & a well paced slow burn story. I liked both Shane & Lindsay & l liked the chemistry between. I preferred Shane to Lindsay, he still hadn’t got over his wife’s death & felt guilt for it. Lindsay who held grudges & found it hard to forgive. There were false identities, secrets & misunderstandings which I felt went on too long & once again I was almost shouting at my kindle – talk to each other. So I was on the fence with this book but would read further books in the series
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book; all thoughts and opinions are my own

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Thank you to Entangled Publishing and Netgalley for this ARC!
I gave this book a 3.75/5 stars.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. My only negative is the secret keeping/miscommunication/not communicating throughout most of the book. Miscommunication is one of my least favorite tropes, and I felt like the secret keeping went on too long. I wish that both Shane and Lindsey would have owned up to who they really were quicker than they did.

But, that does not mean I didn't enjoy the book or the relationship between Shane and Lindsey! I adored them and that we got to see them to together and alone for most of the book. This book wasn't super steamy, but the spice we got was good. It's not very detailed or anything like that, but I thought it was sweet. Shane is very loving and caring towards Lindsey and I love how they immediately have a connection with each other.

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This book has character development and some character background throughout. The main characters had to work through their own and each others emotions, as well as issues. They hid their identities from each other but still came together. It was a great read and I hope for a second book.

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A delightful tale of mutual deceit and love.


FMC marries the MMC to avoid an arranged marriage, but is actually secretly married to the man she was intended to marry anyway.

It’s a precious historical romance, the first 50% moving at the pace of a widower trying to grieve and respect the memory of his prior wife by NOT moving too fast. I wanted to be upset at how slow Shane(MMC) was moving but had to keep reminding myself along with our FMC that he was in fact grieving

I found the plot line of the greedy thieving stepmother was both comical and a great way to give chase in the story. I enjoyed all the miscommunication between the MMC and FMC because it worked as a part of their entire relationship arc.

Thank you to Entangled Publishing and NetGalley for the opportunity to review this book and providing me with an ARC. All views expressed are my own.

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Shane and Lindsey’s story is absolutely beautiful. This one started off a bit slow for my but quickly stepped on the gas and had me HOOKED! His Secret Highland Bride will make you laugh, cry, and leave you satisfied. Such a great read from a new to me author. Definitely recommend!

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Received this book as an #ARC. I struggled to finish. This book made me realize I'm not a fan of "miscommunication tropes", if that's actually a trope. I struggled to finish. It's slow and every time I thought it would pick up, it didn't. The overall premise was good, the new Laird coming home to claim his duties, weds the girl in the forest instead of heading home to wed the girl he agreed to (they're the same), unknown to him. Seems like it took forever to get there.

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As my first true Highlander romance (both MCs are from Scottish clans), I really enjoyed this book. This is the first in a new series, The MacPherson Clan, and begins when the new MacPherson laird must return home after being away at war in France, to claim his birthright which includes a betrothal to another clan. But in those years, Shane has lived and seen a lot and needs time to adjust to his new role and the idea of a new bride. Enter Lindsey. She’s tough yet beautiful, has been made to serve her cousins and uncle, and desperately needs saving from his borderline abusive and harassing home. When Shane intercedes on an almost assault in progress on Lindsey, it would only make sense that the two of them could help each other out. He can provide a safe space by marrying her AND get out of his betrothal.

It should be no surprise that there are lots of secrets between characters—it’s mentioned in the title! Lindsey also has her secrets and is supposed to be betrothed to the new MacPherson laird, but after living with her horrid uncle, she wants nothing to do with this clan. The storytelling was very thought out and developed and I enjoyed the saga-type story that developed between Shane, Lindsey, and their families. I got the feeling that this would make for a great movie: there’s the evil stepmother, the brawny MMC who has been emotionally scarred, the pure and good FMC, the warring clans with a fight scene…it read like an epic novel and I became invested in these characters.

The secrets and slight miscommunication did seem to last for a bit longer than I would’ve liked, but the reconciliation was well worth it. I also would’ve liked to see a little more steam? I think it’s because some scenes were danced around and I wanted to feel their intimate connection instead of just being told about it or having a scene begin only to have the end one sentence later. I enjoyed Lindsey as a heroine and liked her POV the most (probably because as a woman. I could relate to her more emotionally?) She volunteers and works tirelessly, she loves hard, and she gives 100%. It would’ve been interesting to see her secret ousted a little earlier because although Shane’s secret hurts her, she also carries some of the blame. The next book most likely will be Alec’s, but I’d love to see a future story between Ronan and Tory. I have a feeling those two would be on fire for one another. This was a great first Highlander romance and would definitely recommend Allison B. Hanson for her storytelling ability. I received an early copy in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Rating: 🌟🌟🌟.75 rounded up to 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Steam: 🪭
CWs: decapitation, death in war, threat to pregnant lady, attempted sexual assault, death of a spouse (mentioned, off page), drunkenness (brief)

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I enjoyed this book. Lindsay and Shane were both easy to love. I liked the building of their backstories and the tensions of their own personal conflicts. I will definitely be reading more from this author.

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His Secret Highland Bride by Allison B. Hanson was a fun book to read and I am thankful to Entangled Publishing, LLC for gifting this book to me for review! If you enjoy romance books set in the highlands full of older customs and cultures this is your kind of book! The chemistry between Shane and Lindsay is fun to observe throughout the story. Both are pledged to marry the other yet have no desire to do so. A twist of fate has them meeting each other without uncovering their true identities and they get married but have yet to discover who they really are truly married to! The secrets, twists to the plot and the clans being on the brink of war really captivated me. Overall it is an easy read and I enjoyed being immersed in the story!

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Shane Macpherson is returning from war, gone from his lands for five years , his father who ruled the clan, died and now the clan needs a leader and an arranged marriage. Shane is a widow and finds similarities in Lindsay.

Lindsay Wallace is living with her creepy uncle and Cousins who treat her more like a maid/ slave vs family. She wants to return home away from the MacPherson clan that she considers horrible and even the guards are crude and free range.

Both don’t know who the other is as they lie about their true identity, yet are suppose to be in an arranged marriage. They do have feelings for each other of “ peace” and comfort, while trying to resist the arranged marriage and marry each other first.

It is slow paced but very easy to read, believable and enjoyed the ride . I will have to look at other books by Allison B. Hanson, she has a detailed way of writing and grabs the readers.

Thank you Entangled publishing, NetGalley and Hanson for the fun read!

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Review of His Secret Highland Bride

Allison B. Hanson's "His Secret Highland Bride" takes readers on a captivating journey to the Scottish Highlands in 1695. From the beginning, Hanson skillfully immerses you in the lives of Shane, a returning soldier from France, and Lindsey, a laird's daughter. The narrative weaves a compelling tale of hidden identities, duty, an arranged marriage, and the complexities of grief and guilt.

The characters are well drawn, with Shane and Lindsey's evolving relationship at the heart of the story. As they navigate their secrets against the backdrop of impending war, the reader is kept wondering if they will choose duty over personal happiness.

Hanson's character development shines throughout the book, drawing readers in and leaving them eager for more. While the story is engaging, there were moments where the plot felt slightly stagnant, with a sense of circling before moving forward.

Overall, "His Secret Highland Bride" is a delightful read for fans of historical romance. Allison B. Hanson crafted a compelling story that lingered with me long after the final page.
Thank you Allison B. Hanson, Entangled Publishing LLC, and Net Galley for this ARC to read and review.

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~ARC~ Slow build romance. It is a good read. Takes a moment to adapt to the Scottish way of speaking but it is a good book. Treun is definitely a main character!

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Truly Emotional Love Story:
My first time reading this author and what a treat this story was. I enjoyed both H and h characters along with the supporting cast. Their desirous attraction and their emotional struggles throughout the entire story certainly kept my interest. There were some unneeded repetitive parts which wasn't necessary. I didn't enjoy the repeating reminders of Shane and Lindsay's situation. 
The story is filled with tension, heartfelt confessions, memories, a swoon worthy first kiss, fan worthy intimate scenes, many "OMG" shouts, and a villain that left me wondering?
I really did enjoy the story and this new author for me, and I will certainly look forward to reading the next book of the series
📣Special Mention to the charming dog Treun that brought much enjoyment to the story.
✔ Mature Rating💋💋💋💋

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