Member Reviews

The Seaside Sisters by Pamela M Kelley is a cute romance which takes place near the ocean in Massachusetts. Hannah Brewster, published author of one romance, has returned to her childhood home of Chatham after experiencing a panic attack that took her to the emergency room. It had been a bad year: her mother had died, she had broken it off with her boyfriend of two years, and this next book would just not come to her. She decided to go to the beach. Her mother’s death was still too raw to stay in her house, her sister’s four boys kept her from staying there, but she had an aunt who was in a big house on the beach so it was there she went to recover. It was perfect. She found a coffee shop where she could go and write for several hours a day and she dug in. Slowly the words began to flow and she began to meet people. Her aunt’s next door neighbors had a grandson that she had gone to high school with. Spencer was a lawyer and his grandmother suggested Hannah shadow him for a week so she could write more authentically about lawyers. She’d found her people.

Hannah was determined to not fall in love. She was too raw from the past few months. She met another author and they went on a few dates but that went nowhere. She continued to see Spencer and the lawyers he worked with. What a great group of friends. Summer would be over soon and she would return to Brooklyn, her home. Hannah was a sympathetic character as in fact were most of the characters we got to know. She was essentially a light and happy person. The story was good, but like most romances, predictable, although the journey was different. It is a thoroughly modern romance. A feel-good story as we watch Hannah and her family negotiate rough relationship waters. A relaxing read.

Stephanie Nemeth-Parker was the narrator and listening to her reminded me why I like to read light romance rather than listen to it. Too often the voices of the women sound too young and vapid. The give women no credit audibly. I recommend you read this book rather than listen to it for full enjoyment.

I was invited to read The Seaside Sisters by Sr Martin’s Press and to listen by MacMillan Audio. All thoughts and opinions are mine. #Netgalley #StMartinsPress #MacMillanAudio #PamelaMKelley #TheSeasideSisters.

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I don't think The Seaside Sisters will disappoint. It's the perfect summer/beach read as its setting is the beautiful Cape Cod. It's got the feels...ocean, sun, and sand, along with love in all its love, rekindled love, and sister and family love. My favorite part is the bookish elements....the protagonist is a romance writer (perfect), and her sister was a librarian, now a bookseller. Feature a bookstore in any novel, and I'll own it. I really did enjoy Pamela Kelley's new novel.

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2.5⭐️ This story was full of a bunch of characters all battling their own issues and how they worked through them over a summer in New England. It was just ok for me. I never really felt a real connection to any of the characters and I’m not sure if it’s because the cast was too big for my taste or if maybe I was just not the target audience. I listened on audiobook so it may have been easier to follow in physical book form. The narrator was just ok. Definitely not my favorite. Overall, it could be a mindless, easy, summer read if that’s what you are going for. But don’t expect much depth and it probably won’t be one you will remember in a few months.

Thanks to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for the ARC.

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I have listened to a few Pamela Kelley audiobooks and I always enjoy them. Stephanie Németh-Parker narrated this cozy story about family and the struggles we go through. Stephanie had a very soothing voice that just held my attention through this book. The characters were well written and relatable. This book gives you feel-good summer vibes, a touch of romance, complicated, but realistic relationship situations, and friendships. I can't wait to see what Pamela writes next. I would definitely recommend this book and her other books.

Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for allowing me to listen to this ARC for my honest opinion.

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I loved The Seaside Sisters. I'm new to author Pamela M. Kelley, but I've already gotten more of her books to read because I enjoyed this one so much. The story is enchanting, the characters endearing, and the setting was beautiful. I know it was beautiful because of well the coastal town was described. This story was "clean" in that it didn't have any language or adult situations, which I appreciated. The characters were woven together yet had their own journeys. One of my favorite things about the book's setting was the lovely descriptions of local food and the fashion. I highly recommend this book. It's a perfect beach read as it was easy to read and flowed nicely. At no time was I bored with it. In fact, I listened via audiobook and had it playing at the gym, in the car, and while I cooked. It was that good.

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I listened to the audio version of this book narrated by Stephanie Parker. The narration was very good and added to my experience of the book.

There were actually three main female characters in the book. Hannah is a writer with writers block who thinks going to her aunt's house on the coast may get her writing again. Sara is Hannah's sister. She is married and has four sons. She's losing herself and feels under appreciated by her husband. The third character is the aunt. The book wasn't really about their relationships to each other, but their separate relationships and jobs.

To me this book by Pamela Kelley wasn't quite as good as some others I have read by her. I still enjoyed it, but found it not quite as interesting as some of her other books.

Thanks to Macmillan Audio and NetGalley for the audiobook. All thoughts are my own.

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The Seaside Sisters by Pamela Kelley
Narrated by Stephanie Németh-Parker

This cozy read focused on the family unit and the struggles families face in life: the loss of a parent, struggle in a marriage, a new relationship, and relocation.

Pamela Kelley does a great job conveying the emotions of the characters as they faced the challenges life threw at them. The characters were well demand likable.

The narrator did a wonderful job. Her voice was appealing and relaxing.

Overall, an easy, clean audiobook listen. I give it 3.5 stars.

Thank you @netgalley for this ARC #NetGalley This is my honest review. I was not paid to give this review.

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Really enjoyed this one! I will just say, I was worried that the ending might not be the one I was hoping for! It kept me on pins and needles right until the last few minutes.

Hannah, a writer who lives in Brooklyn, has come home to Chatham for the summer. This is where her mother lived, and she has her sister and aunt there. She’s trying to work through some writing difficulties with her latest book. It’s a beautiful place and a welcome retreat.

We also meet Sara, her sister with a husband and four boys, Sara is frustrated with being a full-time mother and wants to get back into the workforce just to keep her sanity.

Together the sisters enjoy each other during a summer filled with memories and new friends, including the reconnecting of Hannah with Spencer, a high school acquaintance turned attorney and

The story flowed well, but more character development, especially with Hannah,
would have added depth. I never really connected with the players to any great detail.

I received a complimentary copy of the audiobook from NetGalley and MacMillan Audio. My review is voluntary.

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This was a very enjoyable story. It was nice to see how the main character Hannah went in search of a change of environment to break her writer’s block, but instead she found so much more. I enjoyed the narrator. I listened to this book in a single sitting. I recommend it especially to readers that enjoy books about writers.

Thank you NetGalley and MacMillan audio for the opportunity to review this audiobook.

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Nice story. Enjoyed learning about Chatham, MA area. Narrator was good. Characters were fully developed and relatable. All in all, a nice summery read.

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Hannah is a writer and she’s experiencing writers block in her busy and loud New York lifestyle. She decided to head home to her aunts house for the summer to relax and hopefully write. I love that this book is not only about Hannah but also about her sister and aunt. They all go through ups and downs in their love lives throughout the summer.
I really enjoyed this book. It made me feel all the emotions while listening to it. I would definitely recommend this book.

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Thank you to @macmillanaudio and @netgalley for the audiobook of The Seaside Sisters by Pamela M. Kelley. All opinions are my own. This book is actually not about two sisters, as the cover and title imply; it is about two sisters and their aunt. It is written in third person and I think I would have preferred three narrators to differentiate the main characters. Their personalities were not easy to distinguish.

All three women are dealing with some sort of romantic issue. Unfortunately, I didn’t notice growth as a couple and I couldn’t see, hear or feel them falling in love (or falling back in love).

Lots of characters are introduced, and they are pretty much all nice, which is…nice. This novel is a very matter-of-fact, slow-paced, low energy, low-angst book with a small-town, regular-life feel, and it is a very light read. For me, there was nothing drastic- no excitement, no twists, no mystery and no conflict. I realize there is not meant to be, and I don’t need all those things, but it was missing something for me. Even a character seeing sharks didn’t raise my heartrate. This book may be perfect for a day at the beach (without seeing sharks, ideally), or for someone who just needs a drama-free read.

This author has so many 4+ rated books and glowing reviews so I know there is a huge fan base out there, but I am not it. I always thought I would love a book with no third act problem, but this book did not have one and I learned that I should be careful what I wish for.

Narrator Stephanie Németh-Parker had the right voice to read this book.

The Seaside Sisters publishes June 4, 2024.

8 hours 22 minutes at 1x on audio
Kissing only
Locations: Brooklyn, NY and Chatham, Cape Cod

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The Seaside Sisters revolves around Hannah, a debut author who is working on her second book. Hannah currently lives in Brooklyn, NY but is from Chatham in the Cape Cod area. Her mother recently died and she is struggling with the grief. Hannah is given the chance to stay with her Aunt Maddie back in Chatham for the summer at the seaside. This will allow Hannah time to relax and focus on her writing and spend time with her family. Hannah's sister Sara also lives in Chatham. She is a mom to four boys and is struggling with finding herself again. She was a librarian before her children were born and she longs to get back to work.

Hannah reconnects with Spencer, a man she went to high school with who is now a lawyer. Hannah shadows him at work for a few weeks as she is writing about a lawyer in her newest book. She makes friends with Spencer and his coworkers. Sara gets a job at the local bookstore which upsets her husband because he believes that she will begin slacking on her motherly duties. Aunt Mattie reveals that she is actually separated from her husband. He has moved permanently to their NYC apartment but they decide that they want to try to work things out.

This is a long-ish book (a little over 8 hours) and a lot of things happen without much really happening (if that makes sense). I'm not sure why it's called "The Seaside Sisters". Most of the story focuses on Hannah, not Sara. It would have been more appropriately titled "The Seaside Summer". There is no real plot here to me, just a bunch of side stories. I feel like there are almost too many characters for this novel to work. It was a feel good book, nothing truly bad happens (other than her mother's death- but they discuss positive ways to grieve) and everyone gets a Happily Ever After, but it's just a lot going on with nothing really happening. It wasn't a bad book, just not anything to write home about. I finished the book yesterday, and I've already forgotten details. 3.5 stars rounded up to 4.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC!

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Thank you SMP Romance for my #gifted ARC and thank you Macmillan Audio for my #gifted ALC of The Seaside Sisters! #MacAudio2024

Title: The Seaside Sisters
Author: Pamela Kelley
Narrator: Stephanie Németh-Parker
Pub Date: June 4, 2024

The Seaside Sisters was my first book by Pamela Kelley and I enjoyed this charming book with its beach vibes. I love books that talk about other books and enjoyed how Hannah was a bestselling author in this book. On top of that, this book took place in Chatham, and I was able to spend time in Chatham last summer on a girls trip and visit many of the places mentioned in this book. It was so fun to hear mention of the Chatham Bars Inn and the Impudent Oyster. Overall, I found this to be a sweet read with a touch a romance. This would be perfect for the beach this summer. Add this one to your summer reading list!

🎧I really enjoyed my time listening to Stephanie Németh-Parker narrate this audiobook! I felt like she was perfectly cast for this audiobook and did a great job bring the characters to life. I felt like the story flowed so well with Németh-Parker narrating and I would highly recommend listening to the audiobook if that option is available to you!

🩷Books about Books
🩷Loss and Grief
🩷Perfect Summer Read
🩷A Touch of Romance
🩷Cape Cod - Chatham

Posted on Goodreads on May 28, 2024:
**Posted on Instagram - Full Review- on or around May 29, 2024:
**Posted on Amazon on June 4, 2024
**-will post on designated date

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This is such a good read about three women and life. It covers two sisters, Sarah and Hannah, and their aunt, Maddie. They’re all in different stages of their lives, going through different struggles. While also supporting each other. I most relate to Sarah, who is a stay-at-home mom trying to find herself again. Her husband, Tom, was a real jerk, but Maddie had the best advice. They were also transitioning after losing their mom. It was a good show of how grief and coming to terms with the new stage of life can lead to good changes.

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The Seaside Sisters
By: Pamela M. Kelley
Narrated by: Stephanie Nemeth-Parker
Publisher: Macmillan Audio
Pub Date: 6/04/24
What a great beach read for summer! Hannah is a bestselling author who has been through it in the last few months. Her Mom passed, her cat died and she broke up with her boyfriend of two years. Dealing with writer's block she’s craving a change of scenery from her home in Brooklyn. Her sister talks her into returning to her hometown Chatham, Cape Cod. Her sister and nephews are there as well as her Aunt Maddie. She sinks herself back in to live there. She joins a local writers group. Starts a new book that she had been struggling with in the city but it seems to flow better in Chatham. In an effort to get the new book right she shadows Spencer, a local boy who became a lawyer and was a year of her in high school. She still intends to return to the city at the end of summer but her friendship with Spenser has grown and she starts to question that decision. Will their friendship develop into more?
Thanks to Macmillan, NetGalley and Pamela M Kelley! Happy reading!

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Hannah is an author struggling with writer's block. She recently lost her mother and ended a long term relationship. The stress triggered a panic attack and she decided to leave Brooklyn for the summer and go home to Cape Cod. Her sister, Sarah, is a stay at home mom of four boys. She is in a rut because her life solely exists for her family and her husband takes her for granted. Their aunt, Maddie, is newly separated from her husband. They are all at a crossroads this summer.

I hate when books like this get shoved into the romance category. It isn't romance. If you want romance, look elsewhere.

I enjoyed this light read. I typically enjoy this author's books, but I never quite love them. It is overly descriptive of irrelevant things (a lot of food talk in this one). When the author went into a lengthy explanation about cornhole, I wanted to throw the book out the window. I think cornhole is pretty universally known. And when I come across things I don't know or are confused about, I look them up. It just makes things drag to me.

Stephanie Németh-Parker narrates the audiobook and always does a good job.

I received an advance audio copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This is my first Pamela M. Kelley book, but it won't be my last! I so enjoyed this light and quick beach read. Also, the narration was really good. Set on Cape Cod with the main characters being sisters, Hannah a writer and older sister Sara, housewife. In the story, Hannah hit a writers block and Sara feels unappreciated by her husband. They both are also trying to get over the recent loss of their mother. The story is a heartwarming feel good light romance without any bad language or sex.

Thank you #NetGalley, #MacMillanAudio, #PamelaM.Kelly and #TheSeasideSisters for the advance audiobook for my honest review.

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I am sad to say that The Seaside Sisters disappointed me. I was looking forward to enjoy a fun beach read but this one never really took off. I know that Kelley is known for adding foodie content to her works, and I have read books that have made be famished by the time I was done, but I am afraid the constant insert of food descriptions here did not have that effect. Rather, the story felt very flat, the characters were not well developed and I didn't really feel invested about the sisters or their relationships. The marital stories were interesting. I was most invested in the aunt and her husband finding there way to reconciling, but even that felt like the story was still just going through the motions. There really wasn't much here to make me recommend it.

Usually a good performance by a narrator for an audio book can help pull me out of feeling this way, but this audio book felt flat as well and the narrator seemed to just be reading without much expression. Granted the writing didn't give her much to work with, but I was hoping it would help.

The two things that are good about the book is the cover and the length. It is short and could be easily read or listened to in an afternoon. If you are looking for a book to get you hungry without much emotional investment- this may be the choice.

Thanks to Netgally and Macmillian Audio for an Advanced listening copy for review purposes.

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One summer can change everything, and in “The Seaside Sisters,” Pamela Kelley captures this transformative magic beautifully. Set against the charming backdrop of Chatham, Cape Cod, the novel follows two sisters, Hannah and Sara, as they navigate personal challenges and rediscover their passions.

Hannah, a bestselling author, is struggling to write her second book after enduring significant personal losses. Her retreat to their aunt Maddie’s oceanfront house in Chatham is both a creative escape and a chance to reconnect with her older sister, Sara. Sara, once a dedicated librarian, is now a mother of four in a faltering marriage, yearning to revive her love for literature and find fulfilling work outside the home.

What drew me to “The Seaside Sisters” was the captivating blend of an author’s journey and a beachside setting—two elements that Kelley intertwines seamlessly. The bond between Hannah and Sara, despite the physical distance and differing life paths, adds a layer of warmth and authenticity to the narrative.

The novel’s core theme revolves around pursuing joy and personal fulfillment. Sara’s struggle with a self-centered husband, who is oblivious to her desires to re-enter the workforce, resonates deeply. Her journey towards asserting her needs and making her husband recognize her contributions to the family is both inspiring and empowering.

Hannah’s creative block and her quest for inspiration back in Cape Cod are equally compelling. The shared grief over their mother’s recent death adds a poignant touch, making their summer retreat not just a physical journey but an emotional healing process.

Aunt Maddie, who is also grappling with marriage troubles of her own, adds another layer of depth to the story. Her struggles mirror those of her nieces, creating a multi-generational perspective on love and commitment. Maddie’s presence in the novel is crucial as it highlights the importance of family support during tough times and the different ways women of various ages deal with marital issues. Her journey towards resolving her problems provides a sense of solidarity and shared wisdom, enriching the overall narrative.

Kelley’s characters are wonderfully relatable and endearing. The romance, particularly Hannah’s rekindling of an old flame with Spencer—a high school acquaintance turned attractive grump—adds a delightful spark to the story. The sense of community in Chatham is vividly portrayed, making it a place I’d love to revisit in future books.

The discussions on marriage within the story are insightful, emphasizing the importance of communication, equitable division of household responsibilities, and the necessity of nurturing the relationship through date nights. These themes are handled with sensitivity and realism, making them resonate with readers.

The Audiobook Narration:

I opted for the audiobook version of “The Seaside Sisters,” narrated by Stephanie Nemeth-Parker. Her pleasant tone and distinct character voices enhanced my experience, and I wholeheartedly recommend this format for those who enjoy audiobooks.

Final Thoughts:

“The Seaside Sisters” is a heartwarming, beautifully crafted story about family, love, and the pursuit of one’s true self. Pamela Kelley has created a memorable and touching narrative that was a joy to read.

I received an ARC of the audiobook from the publisher but the thoughts and opinions expressed here are my own.

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