Member Reviews

I was gripped at the beginning and the premise of this story is really interesting. I love horror graphic novels, and this one had cool art and managed to pull off jump scares and movement in an impressive way. However, the story moved a bit too fast for me. There were no red herrings or time to really wonder what was going on. The characters just followed the right clues the whole time and so the reveal wasn’t as effective. I would recommend it as a quick read, but it definitely deserved to be longer.

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This was a fast-paced and tightly woven story! The plot moved at a relentless pace and had me guessing at every turn. The story did an excellent job of slowly unfolding the larger picture and was careful to never tip its hand. It's one of the stories that makes you want to reread it after you finish, just so you can see it again in the new light of knowing the end. Madoc was an interesting, and very well-developed character. His very personal ties to the case and the way his history is slowly revealed was compelling. The ending was also NOT what I expected it to be, and honestly made this entire story elevate itself to a 5-star story.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review!

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Writer Scott Snyder has made a name for himself working with the Bat Family over at DC Comics. With the Dark Spaces anthology, he is going another step beyond.
Dark Spaces: Dungeon tells the story of Bodhi Madoc, who is investigating a man known only as The Keep. He kept Bodhi prisoner in a torture chamber as a child. Until he eventually escaped.
The story here is on point for dark and moody. The artwork was very much on point for a story like this.
I’m looking forward to the next installment of the Dark Spaces Anthology.

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Very wonderful. I really loved it. It is my favorite genre. The story will draw you in from the beginning and you will feel excited when you finish it. The events in it are very interesting, and the drawing style was wonderful and expressive. I did not really expect the ending in this issue. It was amazing for me.

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This is a very adult graphic novel. It doesn't have any nudity but the content is meant for very mature readers. I loved it. It was dark and kept me hooked. The art is great and while I guessed the end before "the end", I was still enthralled by it. Great purchase for adult readers.

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I didn’t care for this. The story was all over the place and the art was pretty crap. Just boderline unreadable.

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An absolutely chilling work of horror. I read this on my phone in a dark room, and I could feel my heart racing at times. Excellent use of blacks in the art, and the characters are complex and interesting. Could have done with a couple more issues to really build the suspense: the ending felt a little rushed and out of line with the horror of the first issues. However, still an awesomely dark and distrubing read.

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Ah, fucking hell, this was one of the most intense graphic novel reads in a while. Thriller-based tales are often such a hit and miss, but Scott Snyder has hit it right out of the park with this one. I want a follow-up like yesterday!

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This was a nice comic over all. I liked the main character and concept but I do think some parts could be worked on. I wasn’t a huge fan of the end either and it didn’t feel satisfying even for horror. The art was also nice for most part and over all its definitely a comic I would recomend to horror fans

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I really enjoyed this one. The concept of a killer that steals away folks that would be 'most missed' and puts them in awful traps but keeps them alive? Very cool. I wished there was a little more character development. I'm unsure if the story concludes or if this is just part of a larger series. I sure hope so - I feel like there are still so many more avenues to explore, especially with the reveal right at the end. Overall I give this one 4.5/5 stars.

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story was too convoluted, dull and slow, art and writing were not impressive. couldn't hold my interest.

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Okay so this one is a little too dark for me, but I definitely think some darker horror fans will really love this one. It was intense and a bit traumatizing with the gritty art style. The plot was intense and I NEVER saw that twist coming. I probably won't continue with the series, but I think there are a lot of people who are going to be fans of this. I definitely would recommend it, but for a very specific audience.

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A fantastic, fast paced, plot twisting book. I could not recommend this enough! The art was amazing and the story was the icing on the cake.

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Dark Spaces: Dungeon is Scott Snyder's second story from his curated line at IDW and I was incredibly impressed with his previous entry. I think this one is better. Dungeon is an amazing crime story that will keep you guessing right up to the twist ending. I won't lie, I was a little angry with the way Snyder left it, but in the best way. I'll certainly look forward to his next story.

Special Thanks to IDW Publishing and Netgalley for the digital ARC. This was given to me for an honest review.

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I absolutely loved this book! It was like Hellraiser meets Saw meets the movie Seven! The illustrations were perfect for most people, not too graphic (which my level of too graphic is VERY high) but just enough the get the point/emotional across! I really enjoyed the dark psychological aspects and that the author wasn’t afraid to bring children into the mix of victims. The ending was so subtle that in a way it made you question really how did it end? I look forward to reading more from this author!

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This one was not my cup of tea!

The story did not grip me at all and I did not like the illustrations.

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Thank you NetGalley for the digital ARC of this graphic novel!

Dark Spaces: Dungeons plays out like an illustrated episode of Criminal Minds and had me hooked right from the start. It tells the story of a man who finds an underground dungeon on his property used to torture people and the assigned detective with a personal connection to the case.

The art in this graphic novel is as gorgeous as it is shocking and truly immerses you into the story. Detective Bohdi is a standout character and someone you find yourself rooting for. The twist at the end had my jaw on the floor!!!

The only criticism I have is there were some redundant dialogue (ex, someone says something along the lines of “you changed your email last year when you left the company last year”) and a strange choice in naming (specifically a character is told a story about their son who has a girlfriend with the same, not common, name as their mother).

I’m happy to say this is my first 5 star read of the year and I am excited to dive deeper into the Dark Spaces series!!

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I received a free ARC, and this review is voluntary

Starts off with Tyler, and his family moving to a new place, where they discover a dungeon in a hidden part of the structure. An FBI Agent named Madoc gets involved, because the dungeon is another location, or clue, of the individual responsible for its design, and its usage of torture, that he's been on the trail of for sometime. The hunt for the abductor begins, and Madoc showcases why he's been the lead on the case because of his attention to detail, and obsession in tracking in guy down.

I hate to sound cliche, but this is a perfect example of a "pulse-pounding thriller." As new clues about the killer are revealed, so too are new clues about the rest of the characters presented. It adds layers to not just the story, but to the development of each character. Beautifully written, and the art is amazing. As the second installment in a series, I look forward to its continued development.

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The premise here, a serial killer with a network of ingenious automated dungeons hidden across America, owes a clear debt to Saw and various other thrillers whose flavour of nastiness has never appealed to me. The plot relies heavily on clichés (the federal agent investigating him is the only person ever to escape one of the cells), convenient stupidity (he takes a civilian who found one of the cells along on a bust) and crashingly obvious developments (leaving the civilian's family unguarded - what do you think happens next?). There are also some bizarre leaps of logic: the agent is convinced that the killer has given each captive one piece of a riddle that would lead to his identity - "It's something kings did to prisoners in their dungeons in medieval times", apparently, which is news to me. So with a grand total of two clues from probably dozens, the words 'wing' and 'guard', he knows exactly which abandoned penitentiary to investigate next, while I for one would be after a Jason King lookalike. All of which sounds like I was as unimpressed by this as by Snyder and Sherman's previous Dark Spaces mini but no, in spite of being able to see all those problems and more, I couldn't deny that the tension had hold of me anyway, so I kept reading compulsively through - until a final twist which was 30% ingenious resolution of a thread I thought had been dropped, 70% stupid. Interesting contrast to read this right after The Deadly Percheron, where I was forewarned that the resolution sucked; did that make me less ready to accept bits of it might not have? Or just insulate me against the annoyance I felt with Dungeon?

(Netgalley ARC)

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In the shadowy world of this graphic novel, a serial killer known as "the keep" wields a peculiar method to inflict pain upon others, seeking to gain an eerie form of control. Victims and their loved ones are ensared in a web of horror, although if some of them manage to escape by sheer luck. Amidst this chilling backdrop, an agent embarks on a relentless quest to unmask the killer, unraveling a tapestry of thrills and unexpected revelations. For aficionados of suspense, this concise yet gripping book is an absolute must-read.

Remember, sometimes the darkest secrets lie hidden in plain sight.

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