Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me an ARC copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

This was such an excellent book!!

I liked her first book but I did not like her second book very much at all, so I was nervous to see how I’d like this one. I didn’t have to worry though because I loved this one! I think it’s safe to say that this is my favorite of hers! It was so well done.

The characters were so unique and cool and fun! Every character that is introduced is instantly loveable, which can be very hard to create. Even her mom was cool and so loving.

I loved the found family of it all. That was one of my favorite aspects of this book.

I fell in love with Delilah’s parents in one page, so that just shows she is a good writer. Even though Klaus wasn’t a good father, I couldn’t help but love him a little bit. He is a loser (derogatory) but there was something about him that I knew was a good guy. He showed up when it mattered. He has a lot to work on, but I could see him getting better. I’d like to think him and Charolette will get together in the end!

Even before she could talk I loved Adelaide. Even though Santiago and Ariel weren’t in it a ton they were also great characters as well!

I loved that Briar was more prickly off the bat and Kieran was super sweet and a loser (affectionate).

I am obsessed with Kieran. There was just something about him that was so sweet and kind. I felt so bad for how the curse affected him. I just wanted to wrap him up and hold him. I’m glad he found Ash, they were so cute together!

Delilah was a great main character to follow! She was a spitfire and spunky, cute and caring and funny. I loved her friendship with Kieran and I LOVED her relationship with Briar. They started off ribbing each other and kept that going even when they started to like each other. Their relationship felt so natural to me! I was eating it up.

Cottinghan needs to write a proper romcom because I was laughing out loud at so many of her lines! The banter was incredible.

I would love to have a second novel or even a novella to see all the characters and where they end up to catch up with their lives. The plot of this novel was really good but the characters was really what sold it for me! I can imagine how they all get their happy ending, but I’d still love to actually read about it.

This is such a cozy and wholesome read, I highly recommend picking it up! The banter is top notch, the relationship is incredible, and the friendships are everything. I wish I could have read this in the fall because it’s the perfect fall read, but it’s also worth it to read it at any time of the year!

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This review will be posted on August 27, 2024 on Instagram and Goodreads.

Another cozy whimsical YA Fantasy read for the win. Practical Rules for Cursed Witches is centered around Delilah, a seventeen year old witch who must complete her Calling in order to keep her magic. Callings are a six-month challenge that witches must complete in order to keep and practice their magic. Delilah’s family has been cursed for generations to not be able to fall in love. If they do, the person they love forgets about them. Delilah is determined to break her family's curse as her Calling challenge. However, on the big day, Kieran, a son of a powerful aristocrat demands she break his curse instead.

This book was lighthearted read perfect for late summer and a solid four star read. It had a delightful cast of characters and had one of my favorite tropes which is a tough strong gruff character that turns out to be a big softie. I’m also a sucker for quirky magical systems and really enjoyed how Delilah used baking to use magic and also process emotions. I did struggle a bit with the pacing of this book and also wish the author would have given us a few more scenes with the twins reconnecting after being separated for their entire lives.

You should check this book out if you enjoy:

Found found
Magical quest
Sapphic romance
🏳️‍🌈 characters
Twins separated at birth
Curse breaking
Cozy fantasy
Grumpy/sunshine trope
Coming of age

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Mini synopsis: Delilah is cursed, but she’s determined to break the curse. That is until Kieran Pelumbra waltzes in and takes over her plans bc he needs her to break his curse, and QUCIK! Adventure awaits!

This is easily my most anticipated book of the whole year bc This Delicious Death was my favorite book last year! And while it’s not my new favorite, i really liked this! If you’re looking for found family and magic, then look no further than this book! I loved this rag tag group of friends. They all had complex back stories & motives to root for. I loved the slow burn of the relationship 🥹 knowing that Delilah’s cursed made it to where they couldn’t be together made the stakes so much higher! The quest was fun to follow but I loved the ending at the masquerade ball, so much action! The ending was so sweet & I love this was a stand along sweet little story! 😍 this cements Kayla Cottingham as an auto buy author!!

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Man, this was such a cute, cozy read! I loved the characters and the setting. Unfortunately I wasn't as much a fan of the pacing, so I can only give it four stars - but I'll definitely read more by this author!

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"Practical Rules for Cursed Witches' was overall a very wholesome read with a fun plot. Unfortunately, the pacing of the book made the plot and relationships feel rushed and underdeveloped. It was a solid fantasy read and it would be enjoyable for anyone looking for a low-stakes book about witches.

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I received a free copy of this book thanks to NetGalley and Random House Children's | Delacorte Press; all opinions expressed are exclusively my own.

This was a quick and delightful read featuring lively, sparkling, sassy characters and banter set in a world that puts me in mind of Studio Ghibli. It's not without sadness or drama, but overall the experience is short and sweet.

For sensitive readers, this book includes depictions of abuse, neglect, body horror, and violence.

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Unfortunately this is a DNF at 25%. I've had mixed results with Kayla Cottingham's books. I loved "My Dearest Darkest" while "This Delicious Death" was a big miss for me. Sadly this one had a lot more in common with "This Delicious Death" in terms of writing style and character development. As in, there were none.

The characters were very flat and the story is already very "tell instead of show." I absolutely love the idea behind the story, but the actual writing was younger than I expect from a YA book, bordering on middle grade instead. I just wish that I cared where the story was going, but I don't and that's why I can't continue in the book. I'm really hoping her next book will feel a little closer to YA than this one. My last point is that I just couldn't get a grasp on the world. it started off feeling very old-timey with no technology, small villages, etc, but then airships were brought up and other technologies that I wasn't expecting. It was just really jarring not really understanding the world in the book.

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An interesting witchy drama and romance that has vibes of Harry Potter and Wizard of Oz. The characters were engaging and realistic, while the plot held a hint of mystery and drama.

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Will Delilah succeed in breaking the Pelumbra curse and her own?

Delilah Bea, a seventeen-year-old young lady, is cursed to never find true love. So, she sets out to become a cursebreaker witch to break her mother's family's curse, and that is what she will do for her Calling. However, her plans change when Kieran Pelumbra interferes, and she must now break the Pelumbra generational curse. In each generation, the Pelumbra twins are cursed, with one draining the other of their life and magic. To fix this, they need Kieran's twin sister, and breaking the curse will prove to be no easy task, especially since some of the family members don't want the curse to be broken.

Within the fantasy realm of Celdywin, magic, and witches reign supreme. Witches possess unique magical abilities, with some being gifted with an extraordinary sense of smell, enabling them to detect the presence of magic. The text delves deeply into the intricacies of curses, portraying the profound emotional toll they inflict.

The protagonist, Delilah, exudes intelligence and compassion, often emanating a maternal aura. Kieran's endearing charm captivates those around him, while Briar's sharp wit is coupled with occasional moments of profound insight.

This enchanting tale is perfect for those who revel in richly detailed fantasies featuring genuinely relatable characters.

Happy Reading, Paige ❤️ 📚

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I’m a big time fan of Cottingham and her YA thrillers. So you know I had to read her new cozy fantasy romance.
And y’all she did not let me down.
Practical Rules for Cursed Witches by Kayla Cottingham is a phenomenal queer cozy romantasy story.
And one I’ve been dying to read.
This sapphic romance has the perfect amount of romance, magic, curses and witches.
The world-building and magic system was so intriguing I was hooked.
I enjoyed the romance between Delilah and Briar. It is impossible not to fall for their chemistry.
Overall, I absolutely loved this book and I’m looking forward to see what Kayla comes up with next!

Thank You NetGalley and Delacorte Press for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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This book was exactly what I was hoping it would be; a fun, cozy, witchy adventure. I loved these characters SO MUCH. Honestly, if there’s not a sequel, I’m going to be really disappointed because I need more time in this world. Delilah was such a great character to follow. She was strong and confident, but also had great moments of vulnerability and softness. I loved seeing her friendships with Kieran, Briar and the others grow. She and Briar also had fantastic chemistry from the second they meet and I enjoyed that part of the story. Also, I absolutely adored Kieran. He captured my heart pretty much immediately. The Magic system in this book was also so interesting, unique and so easy to understand. Also, the found family trope was done SO WELL. One of the best I’ve read in a while.

CW: child abuse, infidelity

Thank you to NetGalley and Delacorte Press for an advanced digital reader’s copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Practical Rules for Cursed Witches follows Delilah Bea as she is about embarking on her Calling, a coming of age journey for every witch, when her moment is hijacked by Kieran Pelumbra, a boy with a fatal curse who enlists Delilah to help break it.
This book had everything I was looking for from a cozy fantasy story. Sapphic romances will always draw me towards a book and the romance here had me yelling at them to just get together already (not unlike most of the supporting cast lol). I was surprised by how much I loved the found family built over the course of the story. The adventure/cursebreaking aspect drives the plot of the story and honestly had me picking up the book more often than I would’ve expected (I needed to see what happens to everyone!). As cliché as it is, I felt it fitting for this story that love conquers all. At its heart, this is a story of friendship, family and love.
After reading a couple books that took me a lot longer than normal to continue, this story renewed my faith in my ability to finish a book quickly. My reading experience with this book was such a refreshing change! I only wish there was a bit more time taken for world-building.
I’m looking forward to picking this up once it comes out!✨
Thank you Random House Children’s | Delacorte Press for providing this eARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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*Actual rating is 4.25 stars*

Practical Rules for Cursed Witches is a cute and cozy queer YA fantasy. It’s a lighthearted book about a witch forced to help a set of cursed twins break their family curse before one of them dies. The search for the solution takes the main character Delilah and her rag tag group of mischief enablers all over the fictional world. This results in so many wholesome found family moments, fun hijinks and two slowburn romances. There’s both a f/f and a m/m romance, so at least one of them will make my root for them. The banter is really fun, and the story is very fast-paced and easy to follow. It’s a stand-alone that actually feels finished when you’ve reached the final page. There was some back and forth that got a bit old after a while, and there were some obvious plot twists. But the vibes were so good that it didn’t bother me to much.

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This was a great read! It's so magical. The worldbuilding and magic system was easy to follow while also being well thought out. It's a very cozy read with its ensemble cast making their own family. I'd definitely recommend anyone I know to read it at least once!


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This is such an adorable, cozy, adventure story that also reminded me a lot of Gilmore Girls (specifically in the mother daughter relationship aspect but also in the small town vibes we got). I loved the uniqueness of this adventure. I loved the characters and the writing and really felt like this was a perfect fall-ish read to bridge the gap between summer and fall.

Witch books, or Magic in general, can sometimes feel cheesy or overdone but this was definitely not the case with this read. It felt fresh and new, and frankly just really cute and light hearted. This is YA so as long as your okay with younger content (though not too young to the point I was taken out of the story) this is a great read for any age really.

On a non content note, I loved the set up of each chapter and how we had TITLES and each title was a different rule which was just *chefs kiss* since that’s a practice that doesn’t happen all too often these days - so kudos to that!

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Well that was just cozy and delightful! I didn’t expect to love this book as much as I did when I started it, but it surprised me! I could be nitpicky and point out a couple of little plot holes and some weird pacing on occasion but there are such tiny moments compared to how much joy I got from reading this adorable delightful cozy sapphic fantasy.

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2 stars, DNF’d at 27%.

I was looking forward to this book but was left bored and disappointed. The world building is kind of a mess, felt very duct taped together like the author couldn’t decide what kind of fantasy world to write so stuck it all together. The characters were so boring, bland and uninteresting. Things were feeling very predictable and the writing didn’t gripe me. I could see where things were going with the romance already and knew I wouldn’t enjoy it.

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DNF at 34%. I really wanted to like this book. The premise was interesting: Delilah is a young witch whose family was long ago cursed that should anyone fall in love with them, the lover will forget them. It's all very sad. Add in that, upon reaching the age of 18, all witches must undergo The Calling, a bespoke test that determines whether or not you'll be allowed to keep your magic. Obviously, the Calling she suggests is breaking her family curse, especially since her father is a renowned curse breaker, and then it's hijacked by Kieran Pelumbra, member of a very rich, influential family with a lot of secrets. One of those is that, every generation, a pair of Pelumbra twins are born, cursed that one will slowly drain away the other's life force until, well, something terrible happens. It's all a big secret and would be a huge scandal if it got out. Kieran would like to get it out because, well, this is going to kill him. So he takes Delilah off on a quest to first find his twin, an obnoxious, asocial girl named Brier, and put the pieces together before time runs out, or his family catches them.
See? It sounds cool. They even get around via airship. However, I found it...really boring. I could not get invested in any of the main characters. The stakes were life and death (and Delilah's magic) and I just could not care. The characters were so flat. Kieran's only personality trait was naive optimism, Delilah was somehow even flatter, and Brier was the most interesting at mean and antisocial. On top of this, Cottingham was trying to sell a romance between Delilah and Brier? I was not going to stick around and watch that continue to unfold.
Shame. Very intriguing premise, unspectacular execution.

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When a witch comes of age, they must complete a Calling to prove their skill. If they succeed, they become a licensed witch. If they fail, they are stripped of their magic. Delilah intends to use her Calling as a chance to break her family curse. Bea women never find love, because when feelings start to grow, their men forget all about them. Just as she is about to set out, Kieran shows up and hijacks her Calling, asking her to break his curse instead. He and his twin are doomed. One is draining the other of their magic and is cursed to become a monster. Together Delilah and Kieran set out to find Briar, his twin, and to bring an end to the Pelumbra curse. The two girls get off on the wrong foot, but there is something about Briar that Delilah can't ignore.

Read if you like:
-Coming of Age Stories
-Frist Love
-Magic and Curses
-Found Family

I really enjoyed Practical Rules for Cursed Witches. It was vaguely reminiscent of several movies and TV shows I enjoyed growing up without being too close to them that it felt like a carbon copy. Kayla Cottingham has filled with pages with a lovely supporting cast of characters to build a wonderful found family for Kieran. They seamlessly adopt Delilah and Briar as the story progresses. I also enjoyed the romance between Delilah and Briar. They both dealt with their fears and found a happily ever after. The quest took readers across the kingdom to a number of unique locations.

The only thing that kept me from giving this book five stars was that I was never fully clear on the look and feel of the setting. Was it fantasy? Steampunk? Historical? Modern? I couldn't place it. Eventually I just gave up and focused on the characters.

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Thank you! Just downloaded and will read asap! Final review will be shared on scheduled tour date with TBR and Beyond for book tour!

Review will be posted on instagram, Goodreads, and Amazon.

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