Member Reviews

This one holds lots of promise. Thank you Netgalley for the ARC. The beginning was so slow I had to DNF it but I do plan to pick back up later and write a new review

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‼️Mistress lover

Two longtime university friends, Jade and Christina, reunite after two decades apart. Jade, now married with three kids, seeks a nanny as she returns to her job as a copywriter. Coincidentally, Christina, facing conflicts with her mother, needs a place to stay.

When Jade discovers suspicious messages on her husband Sam's phone from an unfamiliar number, she spirals into turmoil. Doubts about her marriage and Sam's behaviour consume her, leading to erratic and shocking actions.

The situation escalates when Mazza, Sam's mistress, begins blackmailing him, adding further drama to the already tense situation.

Thank you so much to the author - Tania Tay and the team behind the book at Headline Books for sending out this book to be reviewed,

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I’m in the same boat it seems, as some of the other readers. I was not overly drawn to finish this book as i found it lacking in depth and it was somewhat predictable.

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This story is a slow-burn, with tons of building and character development for the first 60% of the book. While it was marketed as a twisty thriller, I expected more of the story to be suspenseful. There were so many POV with this book, and especially enjoyed the couple of chapters from the daughter. Overall, an entertaining quick read with an important message about consent woven into the plot at the end.

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An ok read , I found the storyline a bit predictable. Not a bad story but not very gripping. To be honest I struggled a bit to finish the book

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I can't work out if i liked this story or not. I kept waiting for that suspense feeling but it never seemed to come- it always kind of fell a bit flat. The storyline was predictable and it just didn't provide that wow factor that other thrillers with a similar storyline have given. I found i was putting it down more than picking it up to read. I don't tend to do well with multi characters POV though so that might be why i just couldn't fully get into it.
I didn't dislike it but i didn't really love it either.

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I love my domestic thrillers and dramas and this one unfortunately didnt hit the mark for me. The reason being is it was just too predictable. It lacked intensity that I enjoy reading.

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I was excited to read this book based on the description and other reviews about it that I had read. But I'm sad to say, I didn't love. The book was very slow to start (I was expecting a dynamic start to Jade and Christina's rekindled friendship that just never came) and each of the characters seemed too predictable. I love a good domestic thriller (blackmailing! suspicions of a cheating husband! a beautiful, single houseguest!) but I felt like The Other Woman became more of chore to finally finish. There were parts that interesting but I think there are other books in this genre where the entire plot and all the characters are not only all interesting but dare I say, fascinating! Great idea for a book but not so great execution in my opinion.

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#TheOtherWoman #NetGalley
A good read.
Jade has the life she always wanted: a husband and three perfect children. She's happy. Except, recently that isn't enough. Her husband is never home, and when he is, he's distant. She's a constant source of disappointment to her mum, and even her children are starting to push her away. Then she unexpectedly finds herself reconnecting with Christina, an old friend from university, and she starts to feel like herself again. As the women become closer, and Christina needs a place to stay, Jade welcomes her into their chaotic family home. But when Jade discovers a suspicious text on her husband's phone, she soon she starts questioning those around her..
It is the best suspense I've ever read.
Thanks to NetGalley and Headline Accent for giving me an advance copy.

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Jade is a mother of 3, struggling to balance her young family and the return to her career, with minimal contributions from her husband, Sam. After reconnecting with her old college friend Christina, Jade’s confidence starts to grow. Christina provides the perfect solution, offering childcare while Jade works. However, Jade’s relief is short-lived when she finds a suspicious text on her husband’s phone. While Sam explains this away, Jade’s doubt remains, slowly building and building. When Jade attends Sam’s work event, she meets a co-worker who allegedly holds a flame for Sam. Is Mazza the mystery texter? And is there more to the text than Sam is admitting?

The Other Woman has a strong opening scene, set in the future, where Jade frantically returns home to find her children missing. The reader is led to wonder how things escalated to this throughout most of the book. While there are some red herrings that build suspense, the overall pacing felt quite slow and less like a thriller. However, the latter chapters are quite fast moving and when there is a reveal about what happened to the children, the thriller genre does kick in. I just would have liked it earlier in the novel.
Point of views include Jade, Mazza and Christina.

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Jade has the life she always wanted: a husband and three perfect children. She's happy. Except, recently that isn't enough. Her husband is never home, and when he is, he's distant. She's a constant source of disappointment to her mum, and even her children are starting to push her away.

Then she unexpectedly finds herself reconnecting with Christina, an old friend from university, and she starts to feel like herself again. But then things start to unravel…

This was soooo damn good! If you want a twisty psychological thriller, then this is it. It’s the kind of story that doesn’t necessarily leave you guessing ( you get breadcrumbed each little detail) but it’s that story where you can see what’s happening and you want the characters to see it to.

The why for the whole story didn’t necessarily make the whole thing for me, but I loved the way the story developed that I actually just enjoyed the book as it was.

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All I can say is woah! Brilliant! A twist you won’t see coming! I very much enjoyed this easy to read book you won’t put down!

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Fantastic debut domestic suspense novel! Tay's writing immediately drew me in, especially the main character of Jade, who is so believable and sympathetic. As the mother of a toddler myself, Jade's feelings about being a stay-at-home mother felt authentic and honest, and the plot kept me intrigued right up until its dramatic surprise ending - which I didn't guess! Can't wait to read more from Tania Tay!

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Thanks to NetGalley for this arc. Unfortunately I couldn’t get into this story at all right from chapter one. The writing style really threw me off and the grammatical errors did too. The way the format was made it confusing and I just couldn’t follow along really good but if you don’t care about that kind of stuff I would encourage you to read this.

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If you are looking for a page-turning thriller then can I recommend The Other Woman.

Jade is a mother of three who is trying to juggle motherhood and an increasingly distant husband with a desire to re-invigorate her career as a copywriter. When she reunites with an old university friend Christina, her offer to help with the children seems like an ideal solution, but as she moves into her house and her family’s life, it soon becomes clear that not all is as it seems …. and where exactly is the threat to Jade’s marriage?

With well drawn characters and plenty of twists that will keep you guessing, this is one that will have you avidly turning the pages - ideal for adding to the holiday reading list!

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Lots of twists and turns. I felt like I had it guessed right, however there were other details I was definitely not prepared for! I also listened to the audiobook, but wasn’t the biggest fan of the narrator. However over all the book was a good read!
Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to review this book.

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A tad predictable but I still absolutely loved it! It's everything I could want from a psychological thriller. The writing flowed really easily so it was one of those "just one more chapter" type books. The plot itsself was a but far fetched but I really didn't care, I was so invested in the whole thing that I just went with it. Perfect escapism

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The Other Woman is an enjoyable and compelling domestic thriller. Jade has three children and a distant husband, she’s considering returning to work when she’s contacted by an old university friend on social media. Jade met Christina when they were both students at Edinburgh University, she hasn’t seen her for 20 years after Christina left during their second year. Christina is soon involved in Jade’s life and makes herself indispensable, running the house and looking after the children.
I found this to be a gripping read, although it was predictable and became slightly ridiculous towards the end. I found one of the storylines unnecessary and without this the plot would have been tighter. Overall an enjoyable read.
Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this digital ARC. 3.5 stars

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Firstly a big thank you to the publishers for my chance to read and review .
I was meant to have been having an earlier night but then started this book !
Once I started I couldn’t stop . This is a fantastic thought provoking cleverly executed psychological thriller .
Packed with suspense and moments that get under your skin with a foreboding sense.
Written in alternate narratives and timelines this keeps the pace fast and the story flow .
Unpredictable and chilling in places.
I can’t wait to read more from this author !

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An epic tale all the drama, tension and excitement you could want. Thrills where you don't expect and it will leave you guessing throughout. 5 stars

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