Member Reviews

There are three main POVs in this book. Jade, a mum with a husband she can’t trust; Christina, Jade’s old university friend who is staying at her house; and Mazza, a young girl who is blackmailing Jade’s husband.

The plot was interesting, but predictable. It was a very slow paced beginning, and the ending seemed to be quite rushed. It was lacking the suspense and twists that usually come with thriller stories.
It would have been nice to see what happened with Mazza and Sam, as it ended abruptly with Jade being none the wiser to what her husband had done.

Thank you to Net Galley & Headline for this ARC.

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The Other Woman by Tania Tay was an exciting mystery read. Jade struggles as the mother of three young children while her husband, Sam, tries to keep an ad agency afloat. When an old university friend, Christina, arrives at their door, life gets turned upside down. This was an exciting story about friendship, trust, and deceit.

Many thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the advanced copy of the book.

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Thanks so much to NetGalley and the publisher for my advanced copy!

This book follows Jade, a mom of three who has just reunited with her college best friend, Christina. Christina ends up living at Jade’s house helping out with the kids some so Jade can do some work. Jade confide in Christina when she spots a text from an unknown number on here husband’s phone one day.

This book started out great with a heart pumping prologue. Then it’s got real slow and felt like nothing really happened until 60% in. I enjoy British thrillers but this one used a lot of slang and SO much baby talk from a young son that really added nothing to the story and got on my nerves. It’s made it’s hard to read at times. But I powered through, and the ending was great.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of this book.

Jade is a stay at home mum of 3. She has recently reconnected with her old university flat mate, Christina, and is excited to meet up with her.

When Christina turns up down on her luck, Jade offers her the chance to move in. A grateful Christina offers babysitting and allows Jade to go back to work. So much is hidden-what is Christina’s secret and what is going on with Jade’s husband Ben.

This was a nice easy to read story. Not my typical choice of thriller. There was a lot of mystery and suspense but also a lot of relationships and family life. I did have the motivations worked out from early on, but it was nice to have these proven correct! It was well written and I enjoyed the descriptions of Edinburgh and the Scottish scenery. Jade was written as a strong character but her biggest weakness was her love for her husband. Christina had her heart in the right place, but was essentially a lying manipulator.

A good choice for a holiday read.

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I enjoyed this thriller about “the other woman”.
A married mon of three is ready to go back to work part-time and reunites with her college friend. Life is going great for her until another mystery woman comes in the picture to ruin her perfect life with her family. Who can she trust?
So many lies and twists to be discovered!!

Thanks to Netgalley for this eArc!

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So I thought this book was okay and the kids were super cute especially Leo but it was very predictable and lacked the suspense and thrill factor. It didn’t keep me wanting to read more.

The plot was interesting and I did want to know how it would end but it wasn’t anything crazy.

Thanks netgalley for this ARC. Publish date is sept 24, 2024

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Jade appears to have everything she ever wanted, but somehow none of it is adding up to happiness for her. Her husband seems distant, her mother is relentlessly critical, and her children are swiftly growing up and away from her.

So when an old friend from University re-emerges in her life and needs a place to stay, it seems as though her moving in could be a win win situation for Jade.

But is there more to the convenient timing of all this than meets the eye? This is a novel packed full of twists that delivers plenty of action. Definitely worth checking out if you enjoy domestic thrillers, it gets 3.5 stars.

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I love a good thriller with a excellent plot which this definitely was. It had me wanting to read more and I could not put it down finished in the space of a few days. It was very intense read which had me heart racing at parts did not know how it was all going to end. The characters where very interesting and so well developed. Highly recommended fantastic thriller. Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for my advanced copy.

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This started slow but had me on the edge of my seat as it went on. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this ARC!

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This felt like a story I had read before but Ms. Tay tried to make it her own. Two college friends reconnect after many years - one married with kids and the other is the loose cannon and as the reader, you assume she's going to cause some trouble. I didn't care much for either character and the story seemed to just float along until the ending which was a bit of a reach to get onboard with.

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Fairly heavy on tropes and you’ll need to suspend disbelief for the end.

While the marketing is for a thriller you won’t find that here, it’s a domestic noir novel more than anything else.

It’s a good read for quick drama and probably ideal for the beach.

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This book had me hooked right away and it really had me questioning who to trust or not, great read overall.

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The concept and plot are very common but this book is well-done and had me on the edge of my seat. There were some slow parts in the beginning but once it heated up, I couldn't stop reading.

The characters in this book will make you want to rage but in a good way that makes you emotionally invested. The ending felt very satisfying.

Thanks for the advance review copy.

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This book had me addicted from the start! It was so intense that I could not wait to see the twist. Authot knows how to deliver the breath taking, draw dropping twist that we all know and love and never expect the ending. I believe this book is her best one yet but I say that everytime I read one of her books. Thank you for allowing me to read your book in advance.

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I always enjoy domestic noir so I was keen to start The Other Women. I enjoyed the mystery element in the storyline and was intrigued by how everything going in was linked. I enjoyed the writing and found it a clever concept. However as the story went on I found it a little far-fetched, especially the ending. That said I think this was more of a it's me, not you situation, and so I would definitely read more by this author.

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"The Other Woman" by Tania Tay earns a middling 3 out of 5 stars from me. Marketed as a thriller, the book struggles to deliver on its promise of suspense and intrigue, particularly throughout the first half, which drags considerably.

The story lacks the essential twists and turns expected in a thriller, maintaining a monotonous pace with minimal suspense until the very end of the book. When the plot finally does pick up, it provides some needed engagement, but this comes too late to fully redeem the narrative.

Overall, "The Other Woman" was not my cup of tea. It might appeal to readers with a preference for slow-building stories that focus heavily on character dynamics, rather than those seeking a fast-paced, twisty thriller.

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Thank you Netgalley for the ARC.

I found this an interesting read. Lots of twists and turns. It was a little predictable in my opinion.

3 out of 5 ⭐️

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The other woman by Tania Tay

Thank you to NetGalley and Headline for this Arc!

Two friends who went to university reconnect after 20 years together, Jade is married with three children and finds herself in need of a nanny when she tries to return to work as a copy writer , and of course her best friend Christina is in the right place right time situation after not being able to get along with her mother and is in need of a place to live.

After Jade finds a message on her husband Sam’s phone from an unknown number with questionable content, Jade starts spinning. Wondering about her relationship and her husband’s behavior starts becoming erratic and shocking.

The drama really adds fuel to the fire when Mazza a woman that Sam is having an affair with starts blackmailing him.
This book was eerie and predictable and I was engaged throughout. Good read.

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A DNF for me,i found Jade’s personality odd, changing from minute to minute without warning or real reason given as to why she would suddenly explode into temper with her hubby ( mainly in her thoughts ) but then the next be out having a fab time with him and guarding him so jealously
At 31% there has been a lot of talk,plenty of drinking champagne and cocktails,making pizzas and kid talk etc and many nice citrusy smells on people but nothing much else happening tbh except Christina at last moving in…maybe this is where it starts but had lost interest and so decided was not for me,apologies as I seem in the minority reading the other comments on here

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The Other Woman is a gripping and addictive tale of betrayal, friendship, family drama, domestic drama and suspense. This is not a thriller so do not go into it thinking that, but it will keep you invested and hooked from start to finish. It was highly suspenseful, and kept me on my toes.

The characters were really well done, so believable. I thought the author did a great job in fleshing them out, it is a highly character driven novel, which is not my Forte, but the author truly did a great job with her debut novel.

Once I started this one I was truly absorbed and hooked in Jade’s world. I just needed to know what was happening and what was going on. It was very well crafted, great storytelling skills and character development. Stellar debut !

✨️ Thank you to @netgalley, @headline & @taniatey for my gifted ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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