Member Reviews

I was disappointed about this book as it lacked the historical references that I expected. It was trite. I felt that an outline was followed. Seemed like a sophomoric piece rather than a work written by an established author.

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Thank you for the opportunity to read an early release of The Paris Gown
It was a moving story about love and friendship

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Delightful book about three friends in Paris. These women share the ups and downs of life while enjoying good food, good wine and a beautiful Dior gown.

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thank you netgalley for letting me review this arc. I absolutely loved following the three women's journey and reconnection years later. The world building is excellent! It makes you feel like you're in Paris shopping in the designer stores. I loved the friendship between these women over the sharing of the Dior gown. Christine Wells never disappoints!

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Set in the 1960[s in Paris, three young women from three different countries love window shopping by Dior. Going three separate ways they keep in touch through letters and meet again years later. Yet each of them have had their disappointments and challenges while their lives didn't turn out as they expected.. It is the gown that is the background of this novel which is a lovely and warm story of friendship My thanks to NetGalley for this ARC.

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A story of the friendship of three young women who met while in school but whose lives changed dramatically until they reunited in Paris. Claire is an aspiring master chef who is sidetracked when she needs to take over her father’s batiste’s. Margot is fleeing her past and her identity as she catches the interest of Dior, the founder of his famous fashion house. Dina, a young socialite and aspiring author, has just broken her engagement to an up and coming politician because her father has lost his fortune and she has become a liability to her fiancé’s political career. When Claire is gifted a Dior gown, each young women acts to change their destiny.
Though engaging, the plot becomes unnecessarily convoluted with sub-plots that never materialize and with a redundancy of language that is unexplained and inconsistent.
A light read for fans of historical fiction.

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I received an Advanced Reader Copy of The Paris Gown through Netgalley and am leaving this review voluntarily.

The Paris Gown follows 3 friends who had met when studying in Paris. These women used to meet in front of the Dior display window to admire the gowns. They had a rule that they may only discuss positive things in front of this display case. These women are filled with their own ambitions and go onto live their lives while continuing their friendship through letters.

These women all find themselves back in Paris years later, each harboring their own shortcomings and life dilemmas. The story follows them as they navigate the next steps in their lives.

This story overall was easy to read, felt warm within the friendship and even works through some issues within the 3 women. However it felt to me as if everything in the plot happened too easily. The depth in the characters could have been built with more descriptive words. As well as being in Paris, I didn't swoon over the details of the fashion they way I would have hoped. There were times too many details were given as if a play by play was happening-So and so got dressed, then applied make up, and then added jewelry.

***Potential Spoiler***There was also one thing that confused me for the second half of the book, maybe I missed it. Margot had told Andrew to call her Margot instead of Marie. She did not however give her true last name but he had introduced her as Margot Macfarlane. This made me feel that he new about her past life and possibly was not who we thought he was. Possibly sent by her husband to follow her.

Overall there was not a huge climax in the book, I would not outright recommend this to someone except as an in between read if they needed to switch genres after a heavy world building or emotionally intense book.

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"I thought this was really well written and I look forward to reading more from this author in the future. I think it will find readers at our library, so we will definitely be purchasing for the collection.

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I finished this ARC called The Paris Gown by Christine Wells. This book is about three college students who become friends in a culinary school. Two of them really do not care anything about the culinary world but one knows it's her goal to become a Michelin-starred chef as she has grown up in the family brasserie. The other two young women are socialites and enjoy all Paris has to offer, until life happens to each of them. Will they always be true friends through life's struggles each has thrown at them? Will one lady's generosity help bond them with a beautiful dress from Dior? This is a very well written book, and you grow to cheer each character through the ups and downs each have. It was a light read and very good. I enjoyed this book. Thank you to #NetGalley and to #ChristineWells #theparisgown

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Thank you Netgalley for this ARC.

For starters - the description of this book on Goodreads is not quite the story that is actualluy in the book (it is correct on Netgalley and Amazon if you're interested).

The story alternates POV between three young women from three different countries who met in Paris and love window shopping at Dior in the 1950s. They go their separate ways to follow dreams of marriage and careers, but all end up disappointed - and back in Paris. A Dior gown is loaned to one of the women. The gown doesn't play a huge role in the novel but they all do eventually get the chance to wear it.

This was a sweet story about friendship and navigating life when things don't turn out how you've planned. There is some romance but nothing spicy. Each girl has her own version of a HEA.

Three stars. Enjoyable but nothing super special for me.

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The Paris Gown has everything I look for in a novel - a narrative told from multiple viewpoints, friendship, intrigue, romance, and fashion! I loved the complicated yet true to life friendship between Gina, Margot, and Claire. While Margots' decisions at times seemed a bit all over the place to me, in retrospect, her actions are probably more realstic than not given the situation she was in. I flew through the second half of the book dying to see how all three women would end up.

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This charming story explored fashion, food, and true friendship. Paris in the 1950’s is the idyllic place for three friends to launch their new lives after attending a cookery school that was intended to prepare them for marriage.
Claire, Gina, & Margot are soon living contrasting lives around the world while trying to keep in touch. They get back together by choice and chance.
Although their education didn’t seem to prepare them for life outside of marriage, their true friendship is what carries them thru struggles, disagreements, and ultimately encourages them to live life lavishly.
Their friendship, how they remembered it and maintained it was my favorite part. It was clear that they made choices to preserve and grow their bond.
I would have enjoyed reading a bit more about the relationships with the men in their lives but then that may have distracted from the women’s friendship. Instead, I was able to develop a bit of history using what was shared.
Historical Fiction lovers will get a taste of Dior fashion from the gorgeous descriptions of dresses. Foodies will be able to almost taste the meals and wine shared among friends.
NetGalley and HarperCollins Publishers share and Advanced Readers Copy with me. It was my pleasure to read The Paris Gown and share my review.

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Thank you NetGalley for the eARC. This book was super cute! The story of 3 friends in Paris, add in a little Dior and you have yourself a winner! From one chapter to the next I was left guessing to what was going to happen.! I was very pleased with the ending as well. Each woman made me proud.

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Wonderfully written book about female friendships spanning several decades. Had a difficult time putting this book down and almost hated for it to end! Found myself wishing to be the fourth friend!
I think the cover on this book will grab a readers attention immediately.

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The Paris Gown” by Christine Wells took me a few chapters to get fully immersed, but I'm glad I stuck it out, because the book got better as I was further in. Three young women living in Paris, all going through their own very different experiences. One beautiful Dior gown links them together. This was clever, a unique twist, and a lovely book about female friends. I think you will love it.
Thank you NetGalley and William Morrow for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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“The Paris Gown” by Christine Wells was a delicious and entertaining read. It’s about three young women who meet in Paris in their formative years. They are from very different backgrounds, different countries and part to live their lives while keeping in touch through letters to many of which were never delivered. They reunite years later after their lives have taken turns with great disappointment in failed marriage, family crises and professional disappointment. Their dreams of wearing a Dior gown brings them together in an unusual way. Their journey of personal growth and career success is poignant and emotional. But most importantly, this book speaks to the meaning of true friendship and the message of how important it is to have those women friends in our lives. That message will resonate with everyone who reads this book, it’s one I highly recommend!

Thank you NetGalley and William Morrow for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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A Dior gown! Paris in the 1950s! The food and wine! Who could resist a story that has all three? The Paris Gown is stitched together so nicely as it tells the story of three young women who meet in Paris and become friends. Margot is from a wealthy Australian family, a real beauty and is returning home with plans to marry and have a family. Gina is American and also from a wealthy family. She returns home to begin her career as a writer and meets Hal, also wealthy with political aspirations and they plan to wed. Claire is French and lives and works in Paris at her family’s restaurant but she dreams of becoming a world class chef with Michelin stars in her eyes. The three friends used to window shop at Dior. Who knew a dress from the famous designer would play a role in their lives and bring them all together again in The Cityof Lights. I thoroughly enjoyed the story line of each young woman as they pursued their dreams, learned some hard life lessons along the way, and yet persevered to reach their goals. Life at that time didn’t always prove easy for women who valued careers of their own and took a non-traditional route. Christine Wells handled the subject nicely and I was drawn into 1950s Paris with pleasure. An engaging story! Thank you to NetGalley and William Morrow for the chance to read this ARC!

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I enjoyed this book. It was an interesting exploration of women's rights and roles in the post-WWII era. The dress was a nice literary element to tie the storylines together, but really was not essential to the plot. Each of the 3 main characters did have an interesting plot line, although the character that initially seemed to be the main character felt less important as the book continued. The pacing could have been a bit better. The plot seemed to drag a bit in the middle and then pick up rapidly at the end. Overall, this was a charming and enjoyable book.

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I adore Christine Wells' historical fiction, and THE PARIS GOWN is an exquisite example of why. The setting in the City of Light is sumptuously described and the narrative beautifully written. I grew to care deeply about Claire, Gina, and Margot and how their lives entwine around one spectacular Dior gown. Histfic, Paris, and haute couture fans will love it!

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Many thanks to NetGalley and William Morrow for the opportunity to read The Paris Gown by Christine Wells. This was a magical novel with characters I fell on love with in a city everyone loves.

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