Member Reviews

Thank you for the ARC!
I love this series . Each book is great and this one did not disappoint .
I love following Lana and her friends and seeing how they figure everything out. Loved the Chinese new year theme as well! Definitely recommend !

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Peking Duck and Cover is the 10th book in A Noodle Shop Mystery and it was a nice addition to the series. Lana Lee manages her family's restaurant. Her best friend Megan is her roommate and sleuthing sidekick. Lana is dating Detective Adam Trudeau. They are becoming close but there wasn't as much advancement in their relationship as I hoped but he is a really good character. It is Lunar New Year in mid January in Cleveland. The Asia Village merchants are involved in a big event with a lion dance group, fireworks, and food. Unfortunately one of the lion dance group members ends up dead and Lana and friends need to figure out who the culprit is. The book has a good pace and Lana's interactions with the suspects is friendly for the most part. She is a strong independent character and is very likable. The series is good but after 10 books I expected a little more story advancement but it was enjoyable and I will continue to read the series. #PekingDuckAndCover #ANoodleShopMystery #NetGalley #StMartinPress

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I love Lana Lee and her adventures. This new book did not disappoint and it was great to catch up with everyone. The mystery in this one was a fun one and I didn't see it coming.

Thank you to NetGalley and Minotaur Books for the advance copy.

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These Noodle shop mysteries are some of my favorites and I eagerly anticipate each new one as it comes. This time it is Lunar New Year in the Plaza and Lana is helping plan the party of the year to celebrate it. Unfortunately, Lana does not have the best track record with events despite her best intentions and things go awry.

One of the dancers she has hired to perform the Lion Dance is killed during the performance and everyone is shocked and outraged that this tragedy occurred and does not bode well for the New Year. The Mahjong Matrons, the elderly foursome who visit Ho-Lee Noodle House daily without fail, are particularly worried and want Lana to solve the crime as soon as possible. The suspect pool while not wide, is confusing and there are too many loose threads Lana keeps grasping.

I enjoy following Lana on her trips to the plaza and the exploits of Lana, Megan and Kimmy Tran. I do feel like there was one plot point that was significant but seemed to be put on the back burner, though I suspect it was intentional and did not detract from my enjoyment of the story. I base a lot of my cozy preferences on if I would be friends with the main character and I would definitely love to befriend Lana Lee.

My thanks to St. Martin's Press and Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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There are fireworks in more than one way when Lana Lee helps host Chinese New Year celebrations in Cleveland's Asia Village.

The cast of the delightful Noodle Shop Mysteries is back at it again with another stellar addition, expanding the universe of characters even further with this book. I genuinely wish that I could be a fly on the wall at the Zodiac Bar while Megan bartends with Kimmy and Lana in the crowd.

When the newest murder threatens the livelihood of Asia Village itself, Lana knows that it's up to her to get the stories that people wouldn't otherwise tell cops like her boyfriend Adam. I adore the fact that the author never shies away from the reality of life, with Lana's boyfriend often spending the night and the characters indulging in more than just one drink.

Without spoiling much, I am beyond happy that Megan now has a potential love interest too.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read this book for free and provide my honest opinion.

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I do adore this series. So very happy that Vivien Chien's health improves and she feel well enough to write additions to the series.

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I liked this book and rated it 4⭐️. I liked seeing all the characters again and the mystery kept my attention. I liked the interactions between Lana, Megan and Kimmie. Anna May doesn’t appear much or even Betty, but it was more focused on the girls since the victim was someone their age. Thank you Net Galley for allowing me to read and review this book.

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Another super fun installment in the Noodle Shop Mystery series. These books never disappoint and I'm always so excited when there's a new one to pick up. The world building continues to be cozy and the characters feel like old friends. I can't wait for Lana's next adventure!

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Another nice installment to the Noodle Shop Mystery series, centered around Chinese New Year's festivities this time. Lana has a murder to solve with all the usual family, extended and close, helping in their own special ways. The story does not disappoint.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy in exchange for an honest review.
Peking Duck and Cover is the 10th book in A Noodle Shop Mystery Series by Vivien Chien.

I enjoyed this book a lot more than the one pervious to it. In this mystery we are back in Ohio and now someone is dead, red envelope in their pocket containing four one-dollar bills—an omen of death in Chinese culture.

I have 2 issues with this book that keeps it away from 5 stars, the first is that I really think we are past due time for a conversation with Lana's sister about her "relationship" rather than pushing it off and treating Lana like a villain for being concerned. It needs to be a full blown conversation or drop the subplot altogether, it's aggravating.

The 2nd is that the ending felt rushed. It didn't even feel time to reveal the killer, their intentions, or reasoning. I feel like there was a time crunch here and it was tossed together at the last second. Honestly, the killers reasoning made no sense to me and it really felt like "really? Seriously?" the entire time.

However, I loved that Lana was more confident in her skills this time around! It really brought out the things I thought were missing in other books and I'm excited to see where it takes us. Her longtime boyfriend Adam is such a great support and her best friends were great characters in this story. (Also a potential romance for Meghan? I'm living for it)!

I do honestly think you should read the other books in this series before this one. It will really help you understand the characters and their personalities.

4/5 can't wait for the next one.

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This was another winner in the Noodle Shop Mystery series, it had everything that I was looking for from the previous books. The characters had everything that I was looking for and thought the mystery element worked and enjoyed figuring out what was going on, It had everything that I wanted from Vivien Chien and enjoyed reading this.

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Chinese-customs, Chinese-culture, Chinese-Americans, Cleveland, amateur-sleuth, cozy-crime, family-business, family-drama, family-dynamics, local-gossip, local-law-enforcement, friendship, friction, situational-humor, suspense, suspicion, verbal-humor, restaurant, lawyers, siblings, sisters, Asian-Americans, secrets, investigation, murder, pet-dog, pug, senior-citizens, unpleasant-co-worker, relationship-issues, relationships, relatives*****

Was the wrong woman warned and shot?
It was supposed to be a fun lunar new year celebration until one of the dance company was shot and an Omen of Death was found in her pocket. Lana has family and friends making her crazy because some do NOT want her investigating, while others (including the Mahjong Matrons) urging her on! Another twisty cozy in this delightful series!
I requested and received a free temporary EARC from St. Martin's Press/Minotaur Books via NetGalley. Thank you!

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This book was outstanding!! I just so love the Noodle Shop series, it’s fun and entertaining!! I always look forward to a new book is this wonderful series to release!! I would highly recommend this book to everyone!!

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I have really come to love this series, and #PekingDuckandCoverANoodleShopMystery #NetGalley did not disappoint me.
Lana Lee is working hard to have her small Asian village celebrate the Chinese new year with flair, but we all know trouble singles out Lana and she can't resist a good murder investigation.
There was a lot of action in this book, and I found myself very interested in what was going on, wishing I was with Lana.
Lana's pug Kiko adds color to the books, and it's always so much fun to catch up with everyone.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for selecting me to read an advanced copy of this book.

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So this was a much better offering than the last book. I think Chien moving things to California in the last one didn't really work cause Lana was without her usual friends and ability to actually get insights into law enforcement like she is in Cleveland. The only reason why I gave this four stars is the whole subplot with Lana's sister and her "boyfriend" is beyond tedious. It needs to be addressed or not discussed anymore. It's aggravating. Also, the murderer's reasoning behind things was beyond messed up and didn't even make a lot of sense. I just went with it though.

"Peking Duck and Cover" has Lana preparing for the Lunar New Year. Hiring a dragon dance troupe should put a fine pin in things, but when one of the troupe dancers ends up dead, Lana is asked to investigate by Ian (thorn in her side) and Donna.

Lana is now more confident in her investigative abilities. What's great is that her and her now long time boyfriend, Adam (Detective Trudeau) share things with each other. I think this is the most he's been in any of the books and it was great to see him interacting with Lana's family, at her job, at events, and meeting his partner too. Meghan was not as annoying in this one. Neither were a few other characters like Kimmy.

I thought the overall plot though needed some fine-tuning. Like I said above, the murderer's why behind things had me going seriously? Lana's blow up with her sister though just does not work anymore. It doesn't feel real and I wish that Chien would have them have a conversation and that's that.

The ending was good though, I think that Lana's family is now just accepting of her investigations and putting herself in danger. I wonder how long this series is going to go.

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This is one of my favorite series, and I was so excited to see a new release. I am glad that Lana is back in Cleveland for this installment. It is time for Lunar New Year and the Asia Village crew is pulling out all the stops. Of course, given Lana’s history with party planning, no one should be surprised when one of the dancers is found dead. Lana is on the case to discover which one of the attendees is also a killer.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an early copy of this book! Below is my honest review.

Given that I didn’t read the first 9 books in this series (because I didn’t really realize it was a series), I feel like I missed some important connections/relationships that could have made the reading process a bit more enjoyable. Instead I thought everyone was a suspect no matter what. But I enjoyed how the author incorporated Chinese culture into this mystery novel (a rare thing to see)! The mystery itself seemed kind of meh to me and slightly rushed in my opinion (even though we don’t get to be mystery plot until chapter 9). I’d be interested to read more from this author!

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