Member Reviews

Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for a copy in exchange for review.

What do you get when a clueless teenager summons a Great Duke of Hell? A wild storyline, that's for sure.

Paul is the textbook definition of an unaware teenager. He finds himself crushing hard on a waitress at the cafe down the street, Elena- and he'll do anything to get close to her. Even summon Astaroth (by accident?), a Great Duke of Hell who is now contracted to help Paul with his mundane crush.

The two embark on a very one-sided adventure, with Paul's family and classmates ending up in the mix. This first volume was humorous and witty, and I find that the reader will never really know what to expect next. The details in the art adds another level of meme-humor to the story. Overall it was a solid 4/5 stars.

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Asks the question "What if a demon contract was told as a gag manga with a bit of a romantic comedy bent?" A brisk and breezy read, and the expressions captured are great. So many "I want to die" or "unhinged evil" faces that are fun to look at.

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This one was super cute! I liked the storyline and everything. The art was pretty too! It had me laughing a lot. There were a few different plot points that I needed to pay attention to otherwise I knew I’d get lost. Overall it’s a pretty solid graphic novel!

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I'm sorry, but this is so goofy cute. I'm obsessed. I don't know what else to say, honestly. The art style is nice, the premise insane, and the overall flow, fast and fun.

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This is one of those graphic novels where the title explains it all. There is a Great Duke of Hell who ultimately gives love advice to our main character. Kind of. The main human character summons this Duke of Hell who says he will make his crush fall in love with him in exchange for his soul. This story has over the top dialogue and expression which I ultimately was very entertained by. I do question the abrupt ending - will there be another volume? The ARC was unclear. I can only assume there will even though the title doesn't indicate a volume 1. If there is more then I enjoyed it! If there isn't I'd be asking why.

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This art style was so cool I really loved the way they did the Great Duke of Hell! It was a good read and fast paced. And I'm sorry but a fish named sushi ..... Hilarious

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Thank you netgalley and the publisher for this ebook ARC!
I enjoyed this graphic novel and really liked the graphics throughout the novel. The layout is easy to read and kept my attention throughout. I enjoyed the story line but found it to be a little slow. We met the initial conflict and plot point but it doesn't seem to be brought back up too much more. I understand this is the first installment, it just ends at a weird point.

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Super cute fun a quirky comic with amazing art! The character designs are fun and full of life and the art style works so well with the story! I definitely recommend checking it out when it comes out! It's a great well paced read for anyone who's a fan of funny but slightly edgy webcomics.

Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for an arc in exchange for an honest review!

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I would like to thank NetGalley for giving me an arc in exchange for an honest review.

This was cute and funny and absolutely ridiculous. From a teenager making a contract with a Duke of hell get the girl of his dreams, to the organization fighting against evil having an entire fight over which Powerpuff Girl was the best, this had me cackling.

I enjoyed the story, especially as Astaroth slowly goes crazy and devises a plan with the help of his friend Sushi to get back at the kid who made his life a living hell. Now I can't wait for the next book to see where it's going because there's so much going on and I need to know how it'll end!! Plus, the artwork is cute, rough, and looks unfinished in a way that totally works for this.

Overall, I enjoyed reading this.

Actual rating: 4.5⭐️

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC.

I wasn't sure how to set my expectations for this, but it turned out pretty interesting. Teenage Paul is helpless and desperate so he summons Astaroth a demon from hell to get him a date with the girl that he likes.

I liked the art style and the story was pretty funny, even though it was kind of confusing and hard to follow at times. Overall I had a good time with my first ever WEBTOON, but I'm not confident that the story will stay with me and entice me to pick up the next volume.

3 stars

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I love the idea of this book, but the execution misses the mark. It's trying way too hard to be funny. While there are some chuckle worthy moments and I really like the concept, the humor is too "lol random" for my taste. It feels like the Millennial humor that's now considered cringe. The concept is the strongest part of the book: a random kid summons a powerful demon in order to help him with his love life. What's not to like about that? But the humor is lacking. Some parts did make me chuckle and it has some likable characters, but otherwise it's a miss. Hopefully, future entries are stronger than this one.

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I really enjoyed this one. It was clever, cute, and very funny. I mean, what's not funny about a guy summoning a Duke of Hell to get advice and/or help him ask a girl out on a date? The artwork is good, though not necessarily my favorite. I definitely plan on reading more from this series.

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This one was just not really doing it for me. If you like silly and goofy stuff you'll probably enjoy this but I just didn't really find myself very interested in it. I didn't really dislike it or anything. I was expecting the main character and the duke of hell to interact more. But also his relationship with the girl is more weird than it is funny. I wanted more goofy antics between Paul and the duke of hell but alas. Overall it was just an okay series of events. I don't really feel a need to keep reading this series.

Thank you to the publisher for providing this eARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Love Advice caught my Faustian-enthusiast eye, even though I must confess I've never gotten into webtoons (the format or the app, Webtoon). This series follows a student, Paul, who summons Astaroth, Duke of Hell, for the purposes of getting the girl. The result is annoyed superpowered demon eating cereal. Meanwhile, the object of Paul's affection has her own secrets of course, and his own sister is trying to get rid of the demon. The human character design is lackluster but serviceable, while the design for Astaroth is actually quite good. The plot sort of meanders and doesn't focus on the human-demon relationship as much as the title would suggest. It's an okay start but didn't grab me as much as I had hoped. I expected more comedy from the odd couple setup and focus on the demon trying to help the human and that plotline is dropped very quickly. From other reviews I've read, other readers felt the same.

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i'm in a big supernatural demon witchy vibe right now and this was so fun and cute! i loved the art style and it was really fun! i'm looking forward to reading more

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I loved this whole scene of this book. I love how the demon was like "I am almighty" then proceeds to cook food, and do humanly duties. I think the whole concept of the human having menacing qualities and the demon having golden retriever qualities was hilarious just itself. I read it completely straight through, I loved the little twist of the love interest, and the whole idea of the cult behind it. Made my night!

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Love Advice From the Great Duke of Hell is a hilarious story about a young boy who summons a powerful demon to help him woo the love of his life. It does not work out well 🤣🤣 I loved the silliness of this one. The cover really lets you know what you are in for. I would have liked for it to end with a little bit more of a finished storyline, instead of a cliffhanger, but alas.. that is the style for many graphic novels. Overall, a super fun read with great art!

Thanks to NetGalley, Unfins, and Webtoon Book Group for the chance to read and review. My opinions are my own.

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This had the potential to be so funny, I was really disappointed. Maybe I'm just not the right demographic, but I felt like I was back on Tumblr in 2015. It felt like the author was just trying way too hard to be funny and relatable and it completely ruined it for me. The story didn't flow very well, it jumped around too much between random characters that were created for the sole purpose of including an outdated meme. The whole thing gave the vibes of a 30 something year old that was trying way too hard to be hip and funny to teens. My feelings were unfortunately confirmed when I saw the "Wattpad comic" warning.

I think this would be perfect for other 30 something year olds that were on Tumblr during the "le epic random" era of the 2012's. I think this would've absolutely done numbers online ten years ago and is just unfortunately a decade too late.

Giving two stars instead of one because I thought the art was quite funny!

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Overall I think this story was pretty funny if you dont overthink it. I didnt know what to expect when I went in to this webtoon but the premise and art definitely drew me in and kept me in. I think its mostly silly and great if youre looking for a quick read with fun comedic timing and character!

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I will always enjoy a story that I can turn my brain off and just enjoy the ride of it. very fun and very silly, had me laughing the entire way through!! I feel like the cover is a bit misleading though, as I thought this was going to be more romcom focused (more shoujo/romance leaning?) but the colors are muted and the art style is more sketch-like with the focus of the narrative leaning more on the comedy antics side of summoning a demon lord from hell. this isn't a bad thing by any means but I think I walked into reading this with a different expectation. but it was an enjoyable time nonetheless!

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