Member Reviews

I can truly say I have never read anything like this. It had me laughing out loud and the premise is just so insane it actually works. I wouldn't say it is everyone's cup of tea but it certainly was mine! I enjoyed it quite a bit and look forward to future volumes.

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This was interesting read in the beginning. It’s a very different type of comic playing with the element of fantasy. I thought the Duke of Hell was a little cute, being who he is, I imagined the character to be gruesome and pure evil but he was quite a foolish being.

The start of the story was intriguing as to how a mere human could summon the Duke of Hell but eventually the story got a little boring and sadly I lost interest. However this was the first volume in the series so definitely there is more to the story. This was a simple read and if one is looking for a quick read to kill time or enjoy fantasy reads then I think they’ll enjoy this one.

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I wouldn’t continue reading this series for free via ARC, Webtoon, or library.

There is almost no story; the main character summons a demon in the first panel and asks him to help him get a girlfriend. The demon says no I can like mind control her but that’s it basically, MC asks for advice, demon is like uh???? MC breaks the contract because he thinks it’s not helpful. But the MC can still use the demon’s powers? Which appear to just be arms coming out of the ground randomly. Super unclear.

It was a fun premise but it’s really unstructured and jumps between characters frequently and seems to focus on being random without forward movement or character development. But it’s random without being funny so it’s 200+ pages of not much.

This is the first ARC of a manga, webtoon, or graphic novel I’ve gotten and not liked thus far.
If you’re curious, try checking out a few free chapters on Webtoon and see if you’d enjoy it, before committing to spending money on it.

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Thank you NetGalley for this, I can't tell you how much fun I had reading this book!

Paul likes a girl but doesn't know what to do, his answer? Summoning Astaroth, a great Duke of hell to help him. This was so fun to read because it seemed as though neither me or the characters had much idea what was going on!! This is a brilliant idea for a story, Paul is powerful (somehow) enough to summon this demon but only wants to use him to get a girl. The demon can't believe what he's been roped into. The artwork of these characters had me laughing so much, it really conveyed their frustrations, reactions to the stupidity and the humour of it all. I particularly loved the scene with Astaroth hoovering! This could have just been silly (which it is in the best way) but there are also multiple different storylines happening that I am excited to get more into when this series continues.

Overall this was dark and absurdly hilarious and I would highly reckoned everyone give it a read as it will make you laugh whilst being confused and not wanting to stop reading.

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Love Advice From the Great Duke of Hell is a lighthearted comedy about Paul, who summons a demon to help out with his love life

If you liked The Devil Is a Part-Timer, you would like this series. It has similar humor where people who are overqualified for the job are reduced to doing menial tasks. Personally, the comedy and art style weren't for me, and the plot was sparse and it could improve on the pacing.

The art feels unfinished. I know that webtoon artists have deadlines and that it takes a lot of work to make a comic, but I would have liked to see some more detail or rendering. The background is meant to be implied in most panels. There are panels with a sketched look for comedy purposes, and it works for that context. I will say that drawing the Great Duke of Hell's head over and over again is pretty impressive. His set of teeth and muscles look like a pain to draw.

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I'm not going to lie the art is not my personal favorite but it still has really nice art. I did come to like the art more as the story went on, I do think it fit the aesthetic of the book really well. As for the story itself it’s very weird but in a funny and good way. I laughed out loud a lot with this has similar vibes to death note in some ways.
Honestly the humour alone is worth giving this a read. Like there was a whole scene about who's the best powerpuff girl. I could keep about talking it but I fear I would enter spoiler territory and this is very much a GN you need to read for yourself.
Honestly can't wait for the next volumes! Really fun read!

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I was drawn in by the cover art and premise, but I DNF it faster than I started reading it. The actual art of the series was not up my alley, and the MMC seemed young and too immature for the story that I believed was going to be told. I was hoping for cheesy rom-com bad dating advice giggles, but instead I got a whiney teen boy who sold his soul for attention.

Giving it 3 instead of 2 stars for the demon, he's the only good thing about this.

*also, I get that it's an ARC but having a watermark over art and words is really distracting.

**ARC provided by NetGalley, WEBTOON, and unfins.

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Honestly? Maybe I already had a way too detailed expectation on what this would be and the actual thing didn't fit the picture in my head but this was very random and I'm not really sure where the plot even wants to lead us. Sure it was funny. The artstyle was okay, kinda cool. And I had some fun reading it but so far I'm not really very desperately in need of knowing how the story resumes in the next volume. Maybe I'll check it out, we'll see.

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This was quite funny, to summon a demon for help to talk to someone he likes. I found myself enjoying it, it was simply cute but I felt like something was missing for me.

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I. . . really tried with this one, but it's just not my type of humor. Love Advice From the Great Duke of Hell tells the story? of a young teen who summons a Demon Lord to help him get a date with the girl he likes. I was all for this concept and was ready for the hilarity because I have heard good things about the webtoon.

First the art: The art is fine. It oscillates from general muted tones/traditional graphic novel comic art to incredibly overemphasized "ugly" art for the sake of comedy. This was fine for me as I don't exactly need to the art to be uniform all the time. This manner or over exaggerating for comedic effect is not my favorite, however.

The plot: is there? The story is told in chapters and follows multiple characters. While I didn't like the main character very much, some of the side characters were pretty funny with their absurdly dead pan reactions. For the plot to be about the duke giving love advice, there's surprisingly little focus on the girl the main character actually likes. This is probably purposeful, however, because the main character isn't particularly likeable or considerate of other people's feelings so far. Suffice to say, the plot suffers to enhance the running gag. If there were stakes at any point, they've been beaten to dust. Don't expect a story taking anything serious if you go into this.

The humor: When it comes down to it, the humor here just isn't for me. It feels random, dated, and just overall lackluster. I know there's definitely an audience for this, however. I know the absurdist humor can work, but I legitimately almost dnf'd the book half way when the powerpuff girl argument started happening. There were moments when the humor worked for me. When the CEO goes "As you notice there's a giant ******* hand on our building." or when one of the side character's truly unfortunate luck with timing gets him into all sorts of situations, I had a chuckle.

Overall, this is someone's book, but it's not mine. I just didn't vibe with the humor.

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Fun little webtoon about a guy who really didn't consider the consequences of summoning a literal demon to help him catch the attention of a girl he likes. This was a super fast read and enjoyable but I did sometimes forget who was who since everyone was very surface level at best but that's to be expected with a comedy comic honestly.

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Oh my gosh, this was so funny and deranged in the best way possible!! You’re telling me this kid summons a powerful demon to help him talk to the person he’s crushing on?? And the demon just goes along with it?? I loved it. Especially the facial expressions, how the kid goes from cutesy to murderous and then back to cutesy. The story progression was nice, the art is great, so overall this gets a 4/5 from me! I can’t wait to get my hands on a physical copy and recommend to all my friends
Thank you NetGalley and publishing for the chance to read and enjoy this!!

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Thank you to NetGalley, WEBTOON, and unfins for this advanced reader’s copy! I actually read a bit of Love Advice from the Great Duke of Hell when it was getting popular on the WEBTOON app and so I am super stoked to see it get serialized and pushed for print. It’s definitely a very specific kind of humor and audience and you don’t get hooked just yet on this first volume. But if you’re looking for a tongue in cheek webtoon that is lighthearted and fun, this is it! It’s a little bit ridiculous, a little bit mysterious, and a whole lot of fun. You follow Paul on his quest to find love and on this journey, he enlists the help of the devil himself. Obviously, chaos ensues. Looking forward to seeing how the public enjoys this webtoon! It’s getting published Nov. 5th so keep an eye out!

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I gave up on this about 50% in. I really like the premise and title of the book. However, there was no character development and everything felt very hectic and confusing. There were a lot of randomly introduced characters that feel unrelated to anything else. I was also very confused by the random argument about which Powerpuff girl was the best. I think the attempts at humor did not balance out the lack of a cohesive storyline. This was just not for me.

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Got access to this via NetGalley. Was really intrigued by the premise/cover - shy teen summoning a demon to help him get the courage to speak to his crush. While that’s technically accurate when it comes to the plot, it’s also not at all what I expected in many ways. It has potential and humorous parts for sure, but it felt way more unfinished than I expected. It also jumped around a bit in a way that was more confusing/jarring than helpful. I didn’t hate it, but wished it had lived more up to the expectations I had going in from the cover and description. Overall I enjoyed it, but not enough to seek out the rest of the story, unless it was in a bit more of a polished format.

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This was so cute and funny! The title really does mostly describe what the manga is about but it was even more charming than I imagined. It also has some unexpected and mysterious elements to it. I actually laughed out loud at some of the jokes, and the mannerisms and expressions of the characters. Also, this in color rather than black and white! I'm excited to see where the story goes from here.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this ARC!

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I absolutely loved this! I laughed sooooo much while reading this. This was a fun mix of romance, and action. I can’t wait for the next book

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In terms of formatting, it's fine. There's nothing that stood out to me.

In terms of content - I have never read this webtoon and I didn't read the summary, so that's on me. I couldn't tell if this was dupposed to be funny or stupid - it's just not my cup of tea.

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I was really excited about the concept of this book but once I started reading I found it really goofy and kind of stupid. I stopped reading half way through.

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Hahaha, ok this is quite unique and funny. The art is very interesting and I wasn't a big fan at first, but it really did grow on me. The story is unique and funny, I definitely had some laugh out loud moments. I like where this is going and would be really interested to see where the story is taken.

Thank you to NetGalley, unfins, and Wattpad WEBTOON Book Group for an early copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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