Member Reviews

This was so damn silly and funny, I had a great time with it. The humor is very simple, but it worked very well for me. The art is nice and I love Astaroth's design in particular. The story is just vibes, so if you expect this to have a neat plot, maybe lower your expectations.

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This isn't what I was expecting but I enjoyed it all the same! I was envisioning more of a cutesy romance vibe but this was sort of all over the place.
A funny, random, paranormal adventure! Hilarious! This volume contains the first half of season 1 of the webtoon and I'm definitely intrigued enough to carry on with the series!

Thank you NetGalley and publisher for the eARC!

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I’m not sure what I was expecting from this but this was part paranormal, part action, part romance, and overall funny. I enjoyed the story and found myself laughing out loud at times at the antics of Paul and Astaroth and his minions. It did get confusing, at times, when it would bounce back in time to explain a scene but I got used to it after a while. Looking forward to reading the next one.

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😈 Love Advice From the Great Duke of Hell
💘 Romantic Comedy
📚 NEW- Nov 2024
📱 Printed publication of popular webtoon 👀

Paul is a lovesick, hopeless, teen who summons a Duke of Hell to help him win the heart of his crush (who doesn’t even know he exists).

This kid is TOTALLY clueless to the soul-binding contract he’s entered into, meanwhile, the Devil he summoned is already done with this kid’s shit. He’s like, “WTF am I doing here? How did you even summon me?? …stupid mortal weakling” 🤦🏻‍♀️ 👿

I’ve only read the first volume, and I really wanted to love this, but I couldn’t get into it. There were some funny moments, but I think there was too much set-up for the next volume - which is obviously great for the long term story.

It’s clear that Paul’s father is hiding something, but that alone wasn’t enough of a cliffhanger to make me want to read Volume 2. I also wish I could have learned more about how hopeless Paul’s love was for his crush.

The writing was really good, and the art was beautifully done!

Read if you liked Romantic Killer.

Thanks to #netgalley and #WebtoonUnscrolled for the chance to read #LoveAdviceFromTheGreatDukeOfHell for free.

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The tone and mood of this graphic novel is absolutely fabulous and makes the story for me. An image, especially facial expression, can be both horrifying and hilarious with such ease and add to the storytelling without any words needed. This is a ridiculous story, and meant to be, that shows the stresses of a crush, being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and misunderstandings that build, and build, and build. The end ended abruptly to where I felt like I was missing pages (maybe I was as this is an arc), so that was my only negative, in assuming there will be continuation in the future.

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This was so weird and I think I loved it?
Honestly though if I think about it too long that might change. It was so not what I was expecting! Def going to read the second one

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I really enjoyed reading this webtoon. Paul is not relatable at all, but I laughed so hard at everything he said and did.
Asteroth is pulled into a situation outside of his control, a situation caused by Paul unthinkingly, and this situation sets in motion a chain events that, like the falling of dominoes one after another, cannot be stopped. These events are also increasingly ridiculous and hilarious. I genuinely feel bad for Asteroth. He comes off as intelligent but resigned about this situation Paul has created, but he's just as goofy as everyone else. This webtoon takes the genre of slice-of-life and turns it on its head in a way that was simple and fun.

I loved the stylistic choices made in the illustrations. It made the flip flopping between tension and resignation really stand out. And I love the character designs. Everyone's facial expressions were so delightfully over-the-top.

I genuinely cannot wait to read Volume 2.

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oh my god this was so freaking funny. it had my exact type of humor. I can not wait to read more.

thank you Netgalley and publisher for the ARC in exchange for a review!

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Thank you netgalley and the publisher for this ebook ARC!

I was pretty misled by the cover for this series. I liked the art a lot more on that, while the art within the actual comic. Much more subdued colors and more intense lines (sorta reminded me of Attack on Titan, whose art style I'm also not a fan of). The story also wasn't what I was expecting, having very jumpy focus and little interaction between the MC and the Great Duke of Hell.

Can I see why people would like this? Sure. It has a specific type of comedy and mysteries sprinkled throughout. I'm just not one of the people.

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Okay, so I was drawn in by the description and the cover. It sounded cute and silly but it was a little too ridiculous for me personally. I will say though that I was pulled in enough by the middle to want to see how it ended. I didn't like the main character Paul and I was a little confused by the story because it felt like a lot of random moving parts. I think the next volume will be more steady since by the end of this one you should have an idea who all of the major and side characters are. There's not really any romance yet and some of the characters came out of left field but if you like the art style and humorous/over the top scenarios then this may be a good fit for you. The concept from the description is mainly what drew me in but since it's just the beginning it doesn't get too deep into the plot. I'd be interested to see how it develops and think I need to read at least another volume to give it a fair shot and see if it's something I might like.

Thank you Wattpad WEBTOON Book Group | WEBTOON Unscrolled for the digital ARC via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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What the hell did I just read?

I liked the drawing style and the demon, and the guy with a fish head, were great characters, but that's it.

The story was all over the place and the main character was intolerable.

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To be honest I didn't care for this at first. The story was really funny but I found the art work really jarring but it grew on me after a bit and by the end I was in love with this. I really enjoyed the over the top situations and the way the mc just seemed so clueless. I honestly can't wait for the next volume.

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This was my first introduction to this WEBTOON comic and I was super intrigued by it!

Based on the blurb I expected more laugh out loud comedy from shenanigans and bad dating advice for romance, but this took a bit of a different turn. There was still plenty of comedy, it was just dry and anxious, which can be even better sometimes. The romance hasn’t really taken off yet, but it appears that will be happening in volume 2.

In this book, we get a lot of groundwork set up for future episodes. There are quite a few people to keep track of, but by the end of the story you have a good feel for who everyone is and what their purpose to the overall storyline will likely be.

I must say, I’m not a huge fan of the MMC, Paul, as he seems really naïve and selfish, but that doesn’t make me dislike the book at all. I feel he is supposed to be this way as a juxtaposition to Astaroth given the ending of this book (no spoilers!).

I was taken aback by the ending in a good way…I am a masked man/demon/God dark romance lover so this is looking right up my freaking alley!!!

I enjoyed this book and it has a lot of elements I like. I’m very intrigued by the stopping point in this book, so I will definitely be checking out more episodes on Webtoons!

Thank you to NetGalley, Wattpad WEBTOON Book Group | WEBTOON Unscrolled, and unfins for the opportunity to read this book. The thoughts and opinions expressed above are honest and my own.

3.5 stars!

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The title and summary of this graphic novel made it sound more interesting than it ended up being. It was amusing, however, didn't include enough to really get me super hooked. I will for sure read the next volume to see if it picks up at all. My biggest issue that made it hard for me to get into it was the graphic style. It simply wasn't my taste and it made it challenging to enjoy the illustrations, not to mention the giant watermark across every page. It's an interesting concept and I'll keep an eye out for volume 2, but ultimately, a bit lackluster.

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This story made me laugh so much. It's about a kid who summons a demon just to get the girl of his dreams. Things aren't going too well as the demon is like what the heck? A lot of things happen and the people around the kid are thinking they are going crazy. Can't wait to see what happens in the next one, as it left off a really good part.

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Teenager summons a demon in the hopes that the demon can give advice on how to get one's crush to notice one. Instead of a graphic novel with an overarching "novel" plot, each chapter had more of a discrete setup and punchline that built off of the one before it. It's funny, but the humor is balanced on the edge of "gross out" (hell gives a lot of disgusting options). If that works for you, I think you'll like this one. Sadly, it goes in the "not for me" column.

This objective review is based on a complimentary copy of the novel.

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One of my favorite webtoons has finally found its way into formal publication and I couldn't be happier. Forgive the scribbly, often unpolished art with minimal backgrounds. The meme humor and deadpan punchlines more than make up for it. The only downside is that it's not long enough. Can we get the whole season 1 together please?

If an omnibus ever comes out, it would be worth the purchase. 4.5/5

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This was such a wild book. I think the concept of our main character, Paul, summoning a Duke of Hell because he wants to get a girl to like him is hilarious and the concept is funny. I think the characters had a great humor and the dialogue was good. The art style wasn't for me, personally. I found that it was super intense even in moments where it was supposed to be funny but that is a subjective taste. If you are looking for a wild manga that is going to take you on twist and turns this is the book for you. It is a true rollercoaster of events

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3 out of 5 Stars

Love Advice From The Duke of Hell was an okay read. It wasn't bad by any mean but it feels like it's missing an actual a beginning to the story.

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Paul summons the demon Astaroth from hell in order to get his help in wooing the girl of his dreams. Hilarity ensues. This was laugh-out-loud funny. I love the trope of people/demons/aliens not knowing how to "human," so the parts with Astaroth's minions were my favorite. There were silly puns and quips and miscommunications that made this so enjoyable to read. I loved every second of this.

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