Member Reviews

I have just finished absorbing the last word in the latest book in the Josie Quinn series, Her Dying Secret. Lisa Regan continues to blow me away with the thrill and suspense that flows through the pages. The characters are so richly developed and you will find yourself cheering on Josie, her husband, Noah; and Gretchen. It’s taking a little bit of adjustment to handle their new team member, Kyle. But the edge-of-your-seat drama and mind-blowing things will keep you flipping through the pages and invested in the story. One of my favorite series to read and I am always excited to see that the author has a new book that is being released. I can’t wait for the next adventure with the gang from the Denton police department.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookoutre for my advanced review copy. All opinions and thoughts are my own.

For more reviews, please visit my blog at: Over 1000 reviews posted!

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I just love Lisa Regan and have read all 20 of the Josie Quinn Series. I just love Josie and all the characters. I love the dynamic between all of them. I am with Josie and not fond of Turner. I am just loving this series and all the different twists and turns and unexpected things going on in the book. It just keeps you wanting to hurry up and finish the book so you can find out what happened. If you haven't read any of these series you really don't know what you are missing and once you read one you will want to read all 20 of them. Thank you NetGalley!

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Josie Quinn books are my happy place. They are my comfort. I was in a reading slump, but Josie got me fired up again. That is what great writing and amazing characters do for you. I can't wait to see the journey to becoming parents unfold for Noah and Josie.

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Review for 'Her Dying Secret' by Lisa Regan.

Well, Well, Well Lisa you have done it again!!! Yet another absolute mind blowing page turner!!! I don't know how on Earth you manage to get better and better every time especially when I already LOVE your books but you absolutely blow it out of the water each and every single time!!!!

The storyline was very fast paced, absolutely nerve-racking and heart racing and kept me consistently on the edge of my seat. I was biting my nails and turning the pages until I finished it in one sitting. Lisa's fantastic evocative writing skills ensures you are sucked deep into the storyline with the events and atmosphere coming to life around you along with the larger than life characters. I have no idea how the amazing Lisa can create 20 books in a series and continue to make my heart pound and come up with unique crime scenes and situations every single time while getting better and better but she absolutely smashes it each and every time!!!! This book is ram packed with drama, murder, tension, red herrings, suspense, action, romance, abuse, secrets and absolutely everything you could ever ask for in a page tuner!! This book has everything and more that you want in a crime thriller. It is unique and realistic as well as being fast paced. There was constantly something happening and it left me questioning myself throughout the book. It was soo tense throughout the book and my heart was absolutely pounding, I don't think there's much left of my nails now either lol!!! It is also an emotional rollercoaster ride that will have you flying through the pages from beginning to end. This is one of those fantastic books that I promise myself that i will just finish one more chapter and then definitely go to bed. Alas, Lisa just would not allow me to do this as each and every time a chapter ended it left in a way that I just had to find out what was going to happen next. This continued throughout the book until, before I knew it, I had completely devoured the book in one sitting several hours later and THAT ladies and gentleman is a true sign of a blooming good author!!! I was absolutely mind blown by the twists and would never have seen that one coming in a million years!! I also never did guess who was involved so a huge congratulations Lisa!!! It is getting harder and harder to surprise me but you had me hook, line and sinker!!! I cannot wait to get my hands on all previous and future books of yours!!!

Clear your schedules before picking this up as you will not be able to put it down!!!

I absolutely loved meeting all the characters again and it really felt like I was meeting up with old friends I have got to know them so well in each and every book and it seems that every time I pick up one of these fantastic books I learn at least one more thing about each of them. they have genuinely grown on me like friends and each time I come to the end of any of Lisa's books I am absolutely devastated that I have to say goodbye to them and wait untile the next extraordinary addition to this addictive series comes out. Please, please tell me I wont be waiting too long Lisa!! I miss them already and I have only just closed the book!! This just shows how fantastic Lisa's writing skills are when the characters come to life every turn of the page and they feel so realistic that they start to feel like friends that you look forward to seeing and your heart pounds faster and faster every time they are in danger, which is most of the time!!! I absolutely love Josie's down to earth personality. Josie has suffered a horrific loss and instead of being the type or person to let it either overwhelm her or the type who completely gets on with life and forgets she is in the middle. Not only is Josie a strong female lead but Gretchen is also a fantastic female model and I love the bond between the two women. Every single character in this book "played their parts" perfectly to make an absolutely fantastic and memorable team who I love meeting every time I pick up one of Lisa's books.

Congratulations Lisa Regan on yet ANOTHER absolutely fantastic action packed book and this is why your in my top 5 female author list and why this series is in my top 5 list!! Looking forward to the next episode in this amazing series 🥂

Overall a heart racing, page turning, addictive and unputdownable fast paced crime thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

#HerDyingSecret #DetectiveJosieQuinn #LisaRegan #Bookouture #BookoutureAnonymous

@LisaRegan @Bookouture @BookoutureAnonymous

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This is still such a fantastic series 20 books in. Although they can be read on their own I recommend reading them in order to understand the full depth of the characters and how the team works. Speaking of the team I love to hate the new guy, Turner. He makes me want to punch him in the face but I can’t wait to see more of him and how or even if he settles into the team. He’s definitely an interesting addition.

The hunt for the killer and a potential missing child was tense and I had no idea how it was going to end. There are plenty of twists and turns to keep you hooked as well as a baffling set of clues.

I also really enjoy seeing more of Josie and Noah’s personal life and although I have no idea how they are going to fit a child into their hectic life I am really rooting for them. I look forward to seeing how their lives develop.

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I have been not very successful in tracking this author down. The few I’ve read are intense, this one too.

A routine traffic accident one woman dead, the other concussed with memory loss. The dead woman has been literally starved to death. She clutches in her hand a piece of paper with a child’s drawing with the word HELP. The driver of the car says she doesn’t know the woman, and how she got to be a passenger in the car. Nothing adds up and Detectives have to hold back till the driver recovers to talk and they to reconstruct the story and find the child before its too late.

The detective story and the careful unraveling of the mystery is just one aspect. The other is the work life balance of Detective Josie and the antagonism faced at work and how to deal with it. The book is a page turner and did not disappoint.

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Her Dying Secret is the twentieth book in the Detective Josie Quinn series by best-selling American author, Lisa Regan. Josie and Noah are preparing their home study for adoption when Josie is called out to a traffic accident where it becomes apparent that one of the casualties, a passenger, was dead before the collision. The driver, Mira Summers bears stab wounds to her arms, claims to have no memory of the accident and denies knowing the passenger.

The unidentified passenger is emaciated, shoeless and with stained clothing, hair roughly hacked, and with a tool impaled into her groin. In her hand, a child’s drawing and the word “HELP”. When she is eventually identified, it turns out she’s been missing for a year. How she came to be in the car, where she has been held and by whom are mysteries. But it’s the possibility that a child might be in danger that worries Josie even more.

Tracking the car’s journey back reveals that Mira had recently been at Tranquil Trails, a horse-riding anxiety therapy centre, which points the Denton PD towards a man loosely associated with the place, but it turns out that a number of people who might know his whereabouts are determined to protect this likely perpetrator.

With few leads and information only slowly trickling in, Josie spends time speculating, grasping at straws to try to understand what has happened to the two women and where the child might be. Not helping her state of mind is their newest team member, Detective Kyle Turner, whose attitude belies his effectiveness, and who apparently delights in intentionally irritating his colleagues.

As well as kidnapping, a conspiracy theorist, some tangled relationships, and several twists and turns, this instalment has a dramatic hostage stand-off involving a knife and guns. It does drag in places and is a bit repetitive, with a rather rushed resolution, but the developments in the protagonists’ lives hold the reader’s interest. An addictive series.
This unbiased review is from an uncorrected proof copy provided by NetGalley and Bookouture

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Her Dying Secret by Lisa Regan is book number twenty in the Detective Josie Quinn series. Once, Regan delivered a gripping tale that weaves a complex web of secrets and lies. Prepare for a wild and suspenseful ride while following Josie and her team as they face danger while trying to unravel the puzzling threads of a chilling case.

Detective Josie Quinn and her Husband Lieutenant Noah Fraley are making preparations for a life-changing event. While Josie is agonizing over this decision, she receives a telephone call which led to her turning up at the scene of a motor vehicle accident. A closer look at the scene revealed that this was not simply a motor vehicle accident. An apparent homicide and the possibility of a missing child has Josie and her team working tirelessly to find answers before it's too late.

The case came with a myriad of secrets and lies. Josie had her work cut out for her trying to decipher the lies from the truth. This is one of those cases where you think you have the answers. However, the deeper into the story one goes, one recognizes that they are way off the mark. The many suspects and the woeful lack of evidence will have readers guessing to the end, this coupled with the suspense and danger made for a page turning read.

While solving the case was the main focus, readers have the opportunity of getting involved in Josie's personal life. It was also interesting to see her trying to adjust to the new member of the team. This was not easy as he rubbed everyone the wrong way, not just once but all the time.

I look forward to seeing if Josie and Noah will realize their dreams. Also, I am keen to see if the new member of the team will eventually gel with the other members. At the twentieth book, the series is still going strong. I highly recommend Her Dying Secret as well as the series to fans of police procedurals.

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Detective Josie Quinn, book #20. I found this series just over a year ago and I think there were 10 books at that point. It’s been a ride and this quickly became one of my favourite series.
In book #20 - Josie and Noah are about to make a life change. Josie is called to what seems like a simple traffic accident. - but for Josie even a traffic accident isn’t what it seems.
Quick read and engaging mystery as always. My verdict is still out on the newest member of the team, can’t wait to learn more of his backstory..

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This is an excellent and very long series as this is the 20th instalment.
I was wondering what is making this series “special” and I thought that the character arc and the changes in their life plays a relevant role as Josie in novel #1 is very different from Josie in novel #20 as a lot happened and she moved on and was very happy and very sad at the same as she suffered from a couple of serious psychological trauma.
All the character are developed as Josie: changing and being realistic as there’s always something going on in their life.
This is another gripping and twisty novel, a fast paced page turner that kept me on the edge and guessing.
It brought me to dark places and to hope that everything was going to be well as I was holding my breath.
An excellent police procedural I loved.
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to Bookouture for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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Her Dying Secret
Lisa Regan


I think I would have enjoyed this more had I been reading the Josie Quinn detective stories before this one. Without having the background of the working relationship between the characters it felt unnecessary to further any part of the storyline.

The uncovering of the mystery and secrets was great, just wish it had been sooner in the novel. Following the investigation journey was engaging! I plan to read more of Lisa Regan! Thank you #netgalley and bookouture for the e-ARC!

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I just love Josie and her supporting cast! I hope the series continues for many many more installments!

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Every time I step into Denton PA with the incredible characters who feel like my fictional best friends!! I love Lisa Regan as a human and as an author!! 20 books in the Josie Quinn series and Lisa Regan always keeps it fresh. This book had me hooked from the very beginning. The way Josie has grown from book one vanishing girls to book 20 her dying secret is bittersweet. I’m going to be honest and say that I still miss a certain character and his replacement is interesting.🤭 we will see what happens I couldn’t help but giggle at the new replacements idiotic comments!! 🥲 I absolutely LOVED the plot it was so fun!! I was so off on who was behind the whole mess! I’m so ready for book 21🥹 this book was fast paced and simply incredible Lisa Regan knocks it out of the park every single time! Such in awe of her talent every single day.

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Lisa Regan does it again! Book 20 in her Detective Josie Quinn series, and each book continues to uphold the high bar she’s set.

Josie thinks she’s responding to a routine car accident, but it turns out to be anything but routine. The passenger is dead, but from her emaciated appearance and the pointy thing sticking out of her abdomen, it doesn’t look like it was the wreck that killed her. She’s got a piece of paper clutched in her hand, and it’s got the word HELP written on it in red crayon. The driver, Mira Summers, who was injured in the crash, insists she has no idea who the woman is or how she got in the car. She says she doesn’t know anything about that paper, and she has no children. But her prints on the paper would indicate she knows more than she lets on. And then Mira disappears.

This book. Up past my bedtime AGAIN. Couldn’t tear myself away AGAIN. Lisa Regan writes some of the best police procedurals I’ve ever read, but her books are more than just a formula. I feel like I know Josie and Noah and the team. I feel like they’re my friends, and had I worked with them when I was prosecuting, I think we would have gotten along swimmingly. They’re dedicated to their work and to doing it well, but they’re real people, too. Trying to do a good job while handling the crap life throws at all of us, only their job is a lot harder and more stressful than mine.

I don’t know where Ms. Regan gets all her inspiration from, either. Each book brings us a new twist on the capacity people have to be awful to each other. Here the focus is on how mental illness can affect not just the person suffering, but others in their sphere of influence as well. Sometimes it’s tough to read. There is a child involved in this story, and their situation isn’t always sunshine and roses. As Mira’s backstory unfolds, as we learn about the dead woman, my heart hurt for what they’d been through. My brain simply does not work to create scenarios like these, but man, I’m glad Lisa Regan’s does. It makes for some compelling reading.

And as an adoptee, I am super excited that Josie and Noah have decided to adopt! I’m thinking positively for them and hoping we see that story arc come to a happy conclusion (and beginning, because adopting a child would really be the beginning of a whole new adventure) in later books. I love that Ms. Regan lets us see these aspects of her characters’ personal lives. This is part of what makes her characters so good, these glimpses into things that go on with them outside of work.

Oh, I haven’t mentioned the new team member yet. Perhaps I should just say the new detective, because he certainly doesn’t act like a team player, and I’m pretty sure no one sees him that way. Kyle Turner. I think Josie must be biting a hole in her tongue to keep from telling him exactly what she thinks, and it sure seems like he never misses a chance to get in a dig or say something he knows will get a rise out of people. Is he just there to be that one co-worker everybody has had to deal with at some point? Will he ever learn how to work well with others? What backstory does he have that made him this way? I hope there’s more to come, because he is awfully fun to hate.

Kudos to you, Lisa Regan, on keeping Josie Quinn exciting and interesting and so much fun to read through twenty books. This is another five-star read as far as I’m concerned, and I’ll keep reading as long as Josie and crew keep having stories to tell!

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Wow! Book 20 in this captivating Detective Josie Quinn series! She’s a fantastic strong lead female character. You get parts of her own personal life where she is dealing with real-life issues, but also see her professional side as she investigates crimes in her kickass way. This book involves another crime to get invested in.

It’s fun to read each book in order, but it’s great that Lisa Regan makes each installment readable as a standalone book!

It’s obvious that Amazon, USA Today & Wall Street Journal bestselling author, Lisa Regan, knows what she’s writing in this crime thriller series.

Thank you, Lisa Regan, Bookouture, & netgalley for my early copy! All opinions are my own.

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5 enthusiastic stars!! Lisa Regan does it again with the best Heroine ever… Josie Quinn. Josie and her gang feel like family by now we have become so involved in her life. This book was amazing. A fast paced rollercoaster that grabs you from the first page and hangs on tight to the very end. The characters are always so well done and the plot is wickedly suspenseful start to finish. This one is a real page turner that will keep you up way to late because you need to know how it ends.
This is an absolute must read.

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Let me start by staying that I have read and enjoyed every book in this series. The continuing characters who feel like family (even the sadness I felt when Finn was killed) and the stories that keep you turning the pages until the final confrontation. Detective Josie Quinn and her partner in life and work, Lt. Noah Fraley, have their work cut out for them in this latest case. I have to admit that this was one of the hardest stories to read as the case moved back and forth between their search for the killer to the unknown and unnamed persons who were involved. I think I would have liked to know the names of these people a bit sooner. All the while Josie is pursuing the case, she and Noah must deal with the stress and personal issue of their plans to adopt as her team is still missing Finn and unhappy with the detective who replaced him. A truly exciting ending as Josie is determined to find and save the child who she believes wrote the message “HELP”. I received an advance review copy at no cost and without obligation for an honest review. (paytonpuppy)

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Congrats Lisa Regan on Josie Quinn #20! You did it again with this book, it hooked me right from the start. I love the Denton police team, minus the new guy, he is so frustrating! The rest of the team, however, are a found family.

When Josie gets called to a routine a routine road traffic accident on her day off (thanks to Turner being lazy) she finds out it is anything but routine. A child drawing with the word “HELP” is found, then the one survivor disappears.

As the team continues to investigate more secrets and lies are revealed. The tension, suspense and danger make this book such a page turner. Lisa does such a great job at blending Josie’s work and personal life into these books! The Josie Quinn series is definitely one of my favorites!

Can’t wait to see what more Lisa has in store for Josie, Noah, and the rest of the team in future books!

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the ARC of this book!

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This is a detective series that I think is strengthened with the intense backstory and continuing storyline that goes on in the background. The characters are robust, and multifaceted and feel authentic. I always love the setting, and Regan does a good job of placing you at the scene. The story was a little convoluted this time, and pretty out there, but didn't take away from the book for me personally. I will always always pick up these up! Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to provide my honest review.

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This book was AMAZING!! The mystery was well done, with great and interesting characters! I love Josie Quinn and I can’t wait for the next book!

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