Member Reviews

This was my first book with Detective Josie Quinn, but will probably not be my last. When asked to solve the complicate case of two women found stabbed, Josie works with her team to discover how the women were connected, and who wanted them dead.

Although this was part of a continuing series, I felt the author did a good job of filling in some of the "back story" at some junctures to let you know who the characters were and how they fit into Josie's life. There were a few things that I was confused about that were probably better explained if you read previous books, but overall I feel this could have been a stand alone and you could follow the story well enough to understand what was going on.

It was a good mystery/thriller, with just enough red herrings to keep you guessing at who the culprit its, and what the motivations are. It was also a chilling tale of domestic violence and how it can affect not just the people who are injured, but the people who witness the violence. I also appreciate the mix of action that was included, along with a glimpse of police procedure.

All in all, it was a good read and I look forward to reading mroe in the series.

I was provided a copy of the book by NetGalley and the publishers in return for a review which I appreciate!

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Wow, I actually cannot believe I’ve just finished reading book 20 in this amazing series. How Lisa Regan keeps writing these truly thrilling stories I can’t imagine! From book 1 to book 20 there have been considerable changes to Detective Josie Quinn, all of them good. I have absolutely loved these books.
In this book Josie attends a road traffic accident only to find something much worse. Once again her and Noah are trying to solve a terrible crime. Aided by their new colleague Turner, who although a pain, actually makes me smile occasionally.
Hugh thanks to Netgalley and Lisa Regan for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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Book #20 and as gripping as the ones before. Once you start reading you can’t put it down. A car accident that is anything but. Did not expect where the Author takes us. Love this series and am (im)patiently waiting for the next instalment. Thanks to NetGalley, Bookoutre and the Author for allowing me to read and review this book. Bring on #21.

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Another great read in the Josie Quinn series. Interesting story line in this one. I didn't get the full picture of who done it, til it revealed it. Would've liked a little more closure on what ends up happening with the charges for all involved in the end though.
I'm hoping in the next book that Josie and Noah finally adopt and to find out the whole back story on the newest member of the team, I'm so curious about what his deal is... Also hoping to see more progression in the Sawyer character

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The twists and turns in Her Dying Secret kept me on the edge of my seat and my mind churning from beginning to end! I don't know how Lisa Regan keeps Josie Quinn and her team's adventures so vividly real, but I hope she never stops! From the first page of this book, not only do feel you are living in Josie Quinn's world, but also feeling everything she does. You'll never regret joining the team (even the new annoying detective) in a race against the clock to locate and save the life of a young girl and her mother!

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I love this series so I couldn’t wait to read what happens next to Josie. I have enjoyed watching Josie grow and change through the series.

Josie is called to a traffic accident but she soon discovers it is way more complex. Two women are in the car and one is dead and the other has defensive wounds. One woman is clutching a child’s drawing with the word help scrawled on it. Josie will push herself to find this child and protect them.

This one was heart wrenching as you feel for the child and desperately want them found. It was full of lies, secrets, and murder which kept me intrigued until the end.

They added Kyle Turner to the Denton team and he was one awful human being and the words he said made me cringe and wished he was fired.

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20 books in, still my favorite series out there!! It's a great book & series to read if you enjoy crime books without extreme goriness, a little police procedure, and friendships/ hardships of the members of the team. I really enjoy that we get a little more insight into Josie and her fertility struggles and what her next steps are.
The book was so great but overall it might be my least favorite. We didn't get as much time with some of my other favorite characters like Noah, Misty and Trinity, as we did in previous books. I do love the addition of the member Kyle Turner even though he is a pain to Josie and her team. I am excited to learn more about him as the series goes on.

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Thoroughly enjoyed this novel by Lisa Regan featuring Detective Josie Quinn, book number 20 in the series. She investigates a road traffic accident where the two women in the car are discovered injured previously, one fatally. with a note clenched in her fist with HELP on it. The book keeps the reader engrossed until the final pages and I would recommend it to anyone who loves a good thriller/murder mystery.

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A car accident with much more than they bargained for is Josie's next mystery. A murdered woman in a car. The only clue; a child's drawing clutched in the palm of her hand. Who is she? Where is the child? So many questions with very few answers. Josie & the team are determined to figure it out. But that isn't all. Building a family starts to take shape, too. The twists & turns, as always, kept me glued to the book! I absolutely adore Josie's & Noah's relationship & I can't wait to continue watching it grow even more. Her Dying Secret will not disappoint!!! I can't wait for the next one!

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As usual, this book is well written and has excellent characters, and the plot is really intricate and well thought out. Easy to read and entertaining, but what I don't like are the chapters written in first person POV, totally unnecessary.

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Lisa Regan continues to blow me away with each new book in the Josie Quinn series. As usual I loved the latest book in this series. Jose is called to the scene of a car accident with a fatality, she soon learns the passengers death was not caused by the accident. The driver has no memory of what happened and Josie’s team suspects there may be a child in danger. This book had so many twists and I couldn’t put it down. I highly recommend this book and series. Thank you Netgalley and Bookouture for this arc.

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I've read all of the Josie Quinn books and continue to love them. I'm invested in the characters and enjoy police procedural and how Josie works with her team to solve crime. There is a new detective on the team and the conflicts and tension with him are bound to bring more story angles in the next books in this series. Thank you to the publisher, Lisa Regan, and NetGalley for the opportunity to review an advanced copy of book 20 in this series.

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Her Dying Secret
Lisa Regan
May 14, 2024

Lisa Regan gives readers Detective Josie Quinn #20 in Her Dying Secret. We find Josie and Noah preparing for a visit from a case manager in preparation to be considered to adopt a baby. Due to medical reasons they had finally made the decision to start the process. Knowing full well their professions could be a consideration for the state of Pennsylvania to refuse, they did the research and prepared for the meeting. When the phone rang in the middle of the night Josie knew she had to answer despite her not being on call that night.
Her Dying Secret will be published on May 14, 2024 by bookouture. I appreciate their allowing me to read and review Regan’s latest novel via NetGalley. With each new book in the Quinn series I am certain the story can’t get any better than the last. Wow! I was wrong. This unstoppable suspense takes the department to a new, very explosive plot. I could not put it down. As ever the reader is never certain what the conclusion can be. Enjoy this one!

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Another gripping story for our favorite detective. Josie Quinn has her hands full while searching for a child associated with a woman who was recently killed. Josie and the team are working to unearth clues that may lead them to her but of course she’s running into roadblocks and the new detective on her team seems less then willing to put in the work.
The thrilling end has a major twist you’ll never see coming.
You don’t want to miss this one or any of the Josie Quinn books.
I can’t recommend this enough and 5 stars doesn’t seem enough.

Thank you #NetGalley #Bookouture #Herdyingsecret

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Twentieth book in the series, and Lisa Regan still keeps it fresh. A unique mystery unfolds as Josie Quinn and the other three investigators try to understand the death of a woman stabbed prior to a car accident that left the driver saying she is unable to remember what happened prior. The details are revealed at just the right intervals to keep me from getting anything else done while I’m in the middle of this book - I couldn’t put it down! Beyond the mystery that is the focus of this book, Regan continues to build Josie’s familial relationships by sharing her hopes and fears that, if she’s not careful, can threaten her focus on her investigation. And then there is the new detective, the one who replaces her friend who died at her side. This new guy, Turner, is quirky, irreverent, and maybe even mean - he obviously has secrets and I can’t wait to find out more about him in future books.

Thank you to Bookouture, Netgalley, and the author, Lisa Regan, for early access to this latest entry in a fabulous series.

(Review posted on Goodreads and will be posted on Amazon at publication)

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4.5 fooled me stars

Lisa Regan, how do you do it? I can’t believe this is book #20 in the series and I always drop everything else to read your newest book. That’s a pretty impressive claim!

In this book, Detective Josie Quinn has a big mystery to solve. Reporting to an accident site, she discovers an emaciated passenger with a child’s drawing clutched in her fist. The woman was a victim of an awful crime, and the driver isn’t explaining anything to the police.

Josie and her team get to work solving the case and potentially finding an endangered child. They spend time at a stable near the outskirts of Denton, putting the pieces together of who these women are and what happened to them.

I have gotten to know these characters through this series, and we are introduced to a new police officer in this one. I’m hoping we get to know more about him in the next book, as he was not a favorite in this one. I think there’s more to him.

I always like it when we get more time devoted to Josie and Noah. They have a great relationship and work well together. This author takes time to tell us about her character’s personal lives as well as work lives.

This was another thriller that I read quickly as the tension built. I was nowhere near figuring this one out, but it was a great read. This series is a winner for me and I’m ready to read #21!

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Her Dying Secret Lisa Regan. Book #20 in the Detective Josie Quinn series which is still going strong with a fresh new case with unexpected twists and turns. So many secrets brought to light and as always an engrossing and fast paced read. Enjoyed revisiting the team, their work and personal lives. Am wondering if the new Detective Kyle Turner will ever lose his obnoxious attitude and blend in. He did have Josie's back during one part of the investigation, however. Also looking forward to the changes that appear to be coming for Noah, Josie and Trout. Highly recommend this series.
Thank you to Lisa Regan, Bookouture. and NetGalley for the opportunity to preview the book.

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Book 20 for Josie Quinn and killing it as always. Really enjoyed this one, twists and turns galore.

Thank you to the publisher for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you #NetGalley and #Bookouture for the opportunity to read and review Lisa Regan’s 20th Josie Quinn adventure.

Like the first 19, Lisa Regan has produced another eminently readable thriller. I love a good thriller with a surprising ending. This was just such a book. Josie and the team, including its newest addition. Kyle Turner, pulled together and solved the murders plaguing their small Pennsylvania town.

As for me, I was concerned when Det. Mettner was killed, as to how he would be replaced In the department and how someone new would integrate into the team. Turner has certainly been an irritant, to say the least. I think this tool was purposeful to continue to generate interest and offer new storylines. While I loved the character Mettner, I think Turner has put some new squeak in the wheel and will insert more tension in future books. I’m looking forward to more.

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If you can't read this all in one sitting, don't start this book. The action and mystery start from the very beginning and go until the end. Josie and Noah are dealing with the personal issue of adoption and all the emotional stress that goes with it. Then there is the group of detectives that are trying to deal with the loss of their colleague and his very annoying replacement. Finding out who killed April and where is the child who drew the picture asking for help take the team through many twists and turns. Just when you think you have it all figured out, there is another twist. A compelling read with a suspenseful mystery.

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