Member Reviews

Josie Quinn is back in one of my favorite series of all time! As with the other books in the series, this book was gripping, shocking, and hard to put down! I love the Denton police team, except for one new officer who comes off like nails on a chalkboard. One of the strengths of this book, besides their detective work, is the relationships between the characters and their support for each other. Plus, the character development of Josie and those in her life from the first book in the series to now, has been wonderful.

In this book, Noah and Josie are discussing their decision to make a life changing step, when Josie receives a call which brings her to the scene of an accident. But was it an accident? When Josie surveys the scene and the wounds on the women in the car, she knows there is more going on and that this if far from being a simple car accident. When she sees a child's drawing in the hand of one of the victims, Josie's is determined to get to the bottom of things. Fearing a child may be missing or may have come to harm, kicks her into high gear as she throws herself into the case.

As the investigation progresses, Josie and her team come up against a mountain of secrets and lies. There are quite a few people in this book who do not want their secrets to be known and are willing to do whatever it takes to keep Josie from learning the truth!

There was a nice amount of tension, suspense, and danger in this book to keep me turning the pages wanting more, more, more. I love trying to figure out whodunit and was not even close to figuring out whodunit in this book.

I enjoyed the blending of Josie's personal and work life in this book. I also enjoy her relationship with Noah, and her relationship with her fellow detectives. I love how Josie has her work family and her personal family who all support her. Except, one new member of the team had me cringing and booing and hissing at him each time he referred to his female co-workers as 'Sweetheart' UGH!

I look forward to reading future books in the series. Maybe, just maybe Josie and Noah will get some much needed cooking lessons in the next book!

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I don’t read a lot of series because so many run out of steam or become formulaic – NOT THIS SERIES! I can’t believe this is #20 and I still love every book by Ms. Regan; who managed to stump me completely this time!!

Detective Josie Quinn was enjoying some rare time off when she was summoned to the site of a car crash. There are two victims in the car, one is transported to the local hospital and one to the morgue!!

The driver is quickly identified as Mira Summers. After interviewing the owners of a local horse ranch, Josie discovers that Mira had just come from the stables; however she was stopped on her way home - at which time the alleged attack took place. Mira is suffering from a concussion but denies knowing the female victim passenger in her car. She was found clutching what looks like a child’s drawing in her hand.

“. . .the discovery of Mira’s prints on the child’s drawing is all the proof Josie needs that Mira knows more than she’s letting on, and a witness saw Mira meeting with a man with a gnarled diamond-shaped tattoo at the stables. In a race against the clock to track down this elusive man, Josie faces danger from the most unexpected places. Pushed to her limit, can she stay alive long enough to catch the killer and save the life of an innocent child? “

This was possibly the most intricately plotted book of the series! There are a lot of possible suspects and questions swirl around as to what the motive for the killing could be?

Josie, along with Gretchen and her husband Noah team up to unravel this mystery. They are helped not one bit by the new addition to the team, Detective Turner. No one likes him and he is lazy and incompetent at best. Questions remain as to why he was hired?

Along with her job Josie has other things on her mind, including an inspection by child services to see if she and Noah would be suitable adoptive parents!! We’ll have to wait for the next book to discover what comes next for them!

I kept turning the pages and the last quarter had me holding my breath!

This was a great buddy read with Carolyn, DeAnn and Debra, please see their great reviews!

I received the ARC of this novel from the publisher through NetGalley. It was my pleasure to read and review this title.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for my copy of Her Dying Secret by Lisa Regan.
The twentieth book in the Detective Josie Quinn series.
When a car crash happens on a cold rainy night Josie is called out. As soon as she sees the passenger she knows whatever killed her, it wasn't the crash, but with the driver unable to tell her anything Josie must work backwards to find the truth.
I enjoyed this book but I don't understand the new character that was brought in as a detective. Kyle Turner is not a team player and I'm sure the reason will emerge why he is there, but at the moment he irritates me, he's so out of place with the rest of the team and story.

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I absolutely love this series by Lisa Regan! Each book never disappoints and always brings a great bunch of twists to follow while Josie and the team try to help.
Once again, the team is jumping in to help. This time trying to find a child who they didn't know existed until clues helped them realize there was a life in danger. Will they figure out where she is in time and help save her? Read this fantastic book to find out!
Thank you Netgalley for the chance to review this book in turn for my honest review.

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I've been following the Detective Josie Quinn series ever since the very first book came out, and it is without doubt one of my favorite detective thriller series. I'm always looking forward to spend more time with its characters, so it's a treat whenever a new sequel finds its way to my kindle. The previous book was quite different than the rest of the series, but Her Dying Secret returns to the same formula I've become used to with these books. And while a certain character kind of put a damper on things, I still had a great time reading what is already book number twenty! of a series that shows no signs of slowing down.

While technically you could read Her Dying Secret as a stand-alone, I personally wouldn't recommend it. This series focused a lot on the personal development of the main characters as well as the actual crime, and it's best to read the series in order both for the character background and because you will avoid spoilers this way. Book number twenty once again offers quite a development in both Josie and her husband Noah's lives, although thankfully nothing negative this time around. The case itself does stand completely on its own though.

The team is back together after a little deviation in the previous book, although we of course have a new team member to deal with: Turner. And here is where it went wrong for me: Turner is such a horrible character, and having to deal with his antics, sexist comments, lack of teamwork and laziness over and over again really started to frustrate me. I get why the author would have introduced him to mix things up, but his negative behavior is way too present and it just isn't believable that he is able to get away with the comments he makes and the things he does in this day and age.

That said, the case itself was intriguing. What seems to be quite a simple case at first glimpse turned out to be so much more complicated... And while I did guess part of the truth, I never saw the whole picture until it was revealed. I had a great time following the investigation, and there are plenty of moments of action and danger incorporated. There are also plenty of secrets to unravel, and the plot twists to enjoy of course. The writing style is just as engaging as always, and I loved the banter between the characters (excluding Turner).

If you are looking for an engaging, fast-paced and suspenseful detective thriller, I can highly recommend this series in general. Things can be said about the credibility, but the entertainment factor is high! I already can't wait to see what Josie and the rest will be up to next (although I can't deny that I'm not looking forward to meet up with Turner again).

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This book is a must read for mystery-thriller fans. We pick back up with our beloved Josie and team at the scene of a tragic car accident that reveals a homicide and possible missing child. There are so many twists and turns that you will never guess the ending. I loved watching Josie and Noah grow together anticipating adding to their family. I gotta ask though, what is the deal with Turner- cause right now, I see no redeeming qualities. I can’t wait for the next book.

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Lisa Regan's latest installment in the Detective Josie Quinn series, "Her Dying Secret," had me on the edge of my seat from start to finish. Seriously, if you're a fan of gripping crime thrillers that keep you guessing until the very end, this one's for you!

From the moment Detective Josie Quinn uncovers a cryptic message hidden in the palm of a victim's hand, you know you're in for a wild ride. The tension escalates as Josie delves deeper into the mystery surrounding a seemingly routine road accident, unraveling a web of secrets and lies that kept me guessing at every turn.

And can we talk about Josie's character development? She's come a long way since the first book, and her dedication to seeking justice for the victims is truly admirable. Plus, her dynamic with her squad adds an extra layer of depth to the story, especially with the introduction of the enigmatic Detective Kyle Turner.

The plot twists in "Her Dying Secret" had me second-guessing myself at every chapter. Lisa Regan's writing is so immersive, it's like you're right there alongside Josie, racing against the clock to catch a killer before it's too late.

Overall, "Her Dying Secret" is a thrilling ride that you won't want to end. Lisa Regan has once again delivered a knockout addition to the Detective Josie Quinn series, and I can't wait to see what she has in store for us next!

Thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

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In the latest installment of the Josie Quinn series, Her Dying Secret, Josie is called to the scene of a car accident with a fatality. What Josie believes will be a quick assignment soon turns into a massive search for a missing child and the man who took her. Seth Lee suffers from a mental condition that causes paranoia and a fear of being watched. Unable to function normally in society he has taken to living in the outdoors, moving often. Josie and her team believe that the missing child is in Seth’s “care” and will stop at nothing to find her. As things begin to unravel and lies and half truths are brought to light, one thing is certain… Josie must find the missing girl before she has another murder on her hands.

As always, Lisa Regan writes a story that will draw you in from the beginning and keep you reading “just one more chapter”. In book 20 we get to know Kyle Turner, Mettner’s replacement. He is crass, rude, and not very good at his job. I have never cursed a book character so much. I’m curious to see where Lisa’s going to take his character. He did very slightly grow on me at the end, so maybe he has a chance. I don’t know that a TW is necessary, but Josie and Noah start the process to foster or adopt in this book as well. If that’s something that you are sensitive to, it is part of the story, but not the biggest part and I think if you needed to skip those chapters the story would still be great.

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In this twentieth book of the series, detective Josie Quinn may just have her most baffling case ever—a car crash with two women, one dead and one seriously injured. Closer inspection finds them with stab wounds from a sharp object. When they find a child’s drawing folded up in the dead woman’s hand, the mystery gets deeper and more complex.

As Josie tries to balance her personal and professional lives, a new twist appears in the form of Detective Kyle Turner, an obnoxious smart mouth whose work ethic can’t be trusted.

This one keeps you guessing till the last page. Write faster Lisa!

Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for an early copy in exchange for an honest review.

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On her day off, Josie gets called in to cover what should have been a routine traffic accident. It turns out to be anything but routine. Now the hunt is on to find a murderer and a missing child. The surviving witness is hiding something. Clues are few and far between. Josie’s team is working long, hard hours to find the child and solve the crime. It’s not easy with their new co-worker, Detective Kyle Turner, who never seems to be where he’s supposed to be, makes inappropriate remarks, flirts with everyone, and makes the job a little harder than it needs to be.

A story dealing with mental illness, manipulation, secrets, jealousy, and more! Such a good read!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I do not know how Lisa Regan keeps doing it. Twenty books in and I am still 100% hooked and invested on Josie Quinn and her team. Josie and her team are working a murder and I am loving watching her navigate the replacement of Mett, although I am still missing him deeply. This book still delivers every twist and turn that you have grown to expect from Lisa Regan, as well and a few glimpses into Jose and Noah working toward adoption. Loved EVERY moment of this book. Thank you to Netgalley for allowing me to read this book for my opinion,

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Book # 20 and still Lisa Regan kept me up all night reading! Josie and Gretchen are all the hunt to find a missing child but uncovers so many more questions about what happened to Rosie . Who is April and Mira ? Who is Seth? So many people involved and so much more going on that it keeps you reading ! Love this series and LOVE Josie and Noah. Recommend 100% this series and this book. Look forward to the next book to see what case Josie gets involved in next!

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I can’t believe we are up to book 20 in this amazing series featuring Detective Josie Quinn and each time I finish a book I sat the same thing “best one yet’ and it’s true because each new episode and mystery is as addictive and fresh as the previous ones.
Right from the off this a real page turner of a read as Josie and the team are tasked with another addictive crime that certainly takes some figuring out and I must admit it certainly had me scratching my head quite a few times !
Great to be back with the team also and the introduction of the the new member Turner is just brilliant and omg what an annoying character he is I would have strangled him with my bare hands if he had been real lol, but that goes to show what a fantastic author we have in Lisa Regan to be able to get your hackles rising so well.
So for me another 5 star addition to the previous books and long may this wonderful series continue and a massive thank you to Lisa, please keep them coming.
My thanks also to NetGalley and Bookouture for giving me the opportunity to read the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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CONTEMPLATIVE, Demonstrative, PULSE-pounding!!!

HER DYING SECRET started with all the subtleties of a slow-burn thriller that keep readers hooked… THEN, like a roller coaster winding up for the whiplash of a lifetime, once the action started, the story took off like a shot!!!

LOVE the exposure given to the condition of the main suspect! Psych conditions should not be discounted when seeking a motive for murder…

#HerDyingSecret #netgalley #mystery #book20 #thriller #pulsepounding #newrelease #pubdaymay14#detectivejosiequinn @lisareganauthor @bookshell_f

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Thrilling, keeps you thinking. Good to read whole series, but can be read alone. Can’t miss with Josie and Noah.

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I am an avid fan of the whole Detective Josie Quinn series and I have been surprised by this last installment. I am not entirely sure I like the change in writing for this one. Knowing the whodunnit almost since the start and having it dragged all the way through was something really different to the other books in the series and especially after book 19 (which was in my opinion certainly the best in the best in that series), a bit disappointing. Thank you NetGally for the opportunity of an advanced copy of this book in exchange of an honest review!
I just reviewed Her Dying Secret (Detective Josie Quinn Book 20) by Lisa Regan. #HerDyingSecret #NetGalley

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Lisa Regan has quickly become one of my favorite authors and her latest book did not disappoint. It is filled with twists and turns and just when you think you have it all figured out there is another twist. Once you pick up this book it is impossible to put down.

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Can’t believe we are up to book 20 in this series….. Despite having had many travails in her life, Josie is a strong, capable, likable, although vulnerable, female protagonist. The fast paced mysterious plot has twists and turns; I spent the first half of the book wondering what the heck was going on it was so baffling. Loved getting drawn into the storyline and fully recommend this full series.

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This is book #20 of the Detective Josie Quinn series. Whilst it is part of a series, it can easily be read as a standalone book, although I would recommend reading it in series order for better understanding of the back stories. We are back in the town of Denton where a traffic accident has turned into a murder case. We are brought straight into the action with Josie and her team, and whilst Josie and her husband Noah have issues at home which they need to focus on, they find themselves caught up in looking for the killer.

I've really enjoyed this series and it was great to be back with Josie and the team. Josie is such a likeable character with such grit and determination but you can't help but feel for her with everything that has happened over the course of the series. Her and the team are still feeling the loss of one of their colleagues, and the new replacement, Turner is doing nothing to help that loss! Whilst Turner doesn't comes across as a team player, I do hope that he stays and begins to fit in more as there is something about him that I quite like (please don't prove me wrong!!).

The storyline has plenty of gripping action and is full of suspense as to who the killer could be. It followed a good pace and the plot unfolded as it moved along. The storyline certainly gets you thinking as to what is going to happen and we are treated to plenty of twists and turns throughout. Another great addition to the series. Would recommend!

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Her Dying Secret is another page turner, a hold your breath, nail biting read in the Josie Quinn series.

It's hard to believe its Book 20, I feel like I just met Josie, laughed and cried with her and even got mad when she put her own safety at risk.

Her Dying Secret has Josie is called out to a fatal car accident but as always its just not that simple.

The woman' death is just the start of a very complicated case that Josie, Gretchen and Noah are working diligently to solve the case as they race against the clock.

Turner, the new member of the team is a piece of work, but I have hope for him and it adds a great aspect to the story.

Lisa Regan always does an amazing job of getting you hooked from the first to the last page and Her Dying Secret is no exception.

Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for another exciting case for Josie Quinn.

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