Member Reviews

As good as the first one! She nailed it again! This series is my first foray into pirate adventures and I love them! I cannot wait to finish the story! Why do I have to wait so long?

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Ah! What a phenomenal sequel to my favourite book of last year. I absolutely ate this up - and it just kept solidifying HM Long as one of my favourite fantasy authors ever. Her ability to write a connected series so far is super impressive; seeing as we've only seen her work as a collection of connected stand alone stories. The way this trilogy has been just stepping up the intensity and intrigue and building such a fantastic world that HM Long is dabbling in with INCREDIBLE characters.

I absolutely LOVED the way this story continued on from the previous book, having brought in our characters at roughly a year later from the events of the first; it offers up a new mystery, more political movements, and more intrigue on the high seas. The play with magic and HM Long's worldbuilding in these books is just amazing, and I cannot get enough of it.

Mary Firth and Samuel Rosser are some of my favourite characters that I've read in the past two years, and they have stuck with me so deeply since reading the first few pages of Dark Water Daughter last year, and I cannot wait to see where they end up in book three when that comes out.

For a book two, which are usually the worst books in series because they act like a bridge between the epicness of a book one and book three, this one blew me away. It amped up the stakes, it raised the intrigue and opened up the world even more, and stood very well on its own as a story while still leading into the next book's intrigue.

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I LOVED dwd, but this one unfortunately really didn't work for me. It’s hard to put my finger on exactly what the problem was, but here are some loose thoughts:

1) Mary and Samuel had a bunch of development happen off page in between books, so now what was a simmering will-they-won’t-they slowburn in the first book instead feels tensionless and inevitable and bland.
2) Samuel, in general, feels pretty bland in this one.
3) The plot feels incredibly disconnected from the plot in the first book, and I just simply don’t care about it nearly as much. I miss the folklore and the ghistings and the pirate lord and the nautical setting. We’ve spent way too much of this book on land, and I don’t care about the stuff they’re exploring and discovering - I just want them to get back out to sea.
4) More vaguely, the plot just feels… overly convenient. Too nebulously strung together. It’s like a random series of events that just happens to lead them into these grand discoveries, and something about it feels frictionless and too easy.

Anyways, this isn’t a “bad book,” it’s just missing too much of what I loved in the first one, and I feel completely apathetic about it. I'll keep an eye on book 3 when it's announced and may still try continuing the series.

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this is a phenomenal sequel. Top notch characters who have only gotten better and a really fantastic middle book that gives a clear indication of where the story is going from here without ever feeling like you’re just slogging through to get to the next one. Intentional and well crafted. This series continues to be absolutely buckets of fun.

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You guys KNOW I love this series, like the first book was an instant five star read for me and one of my favourite books of 2023, so naturally I was not so patiently waiting for this sequel and WHAT a sequel it was.

10/10, I actually have no notes like this a strong sequel. Strong enough to stand on its own, honestly, and it never once felt like you were dragging yourself through a load of filler to get from A to B. Like yeah, things ARE set up for the next book and you can see where it’s headed with the Usti, but that’s not the main focus of the book. It doesn’t exist purely to bridge the gap between books until things get going again.

The plot was well structured, and while setting a few things up, it also had a clear direction of its own both tying it to the previous book and leading us towards the next like it kinda reminds me of the POTC movies honestly.

The world I loved so much in the first book only expands in this one and you get both see and explore more of it while tensions slowly rise and more discoveries and developments erupt throughout the book. There’s a great mix of humour, action and a splash of romance with some truly epic naval battles as well as prison break and plenty of intrigue with a focus on the magic of this world, specifically Benedict and Sam’s.

Speaking of, imagine my surprise when I went from ‘must we rescue Benedict?’ to ‘damn, I kinda like him’ like the pure SHOCK when I actually chuckled at his antics!? The me reading Dark Water Daughter would NEVER have imagined such a shocking development but…I actually kinda like Benedict?!

I feel like he really did redeem himself, like he’s still not perfect but the complexity of the characters is honestly what I like about this series not to mention the occasional moral greyness to them. You know who else redeemed themselves? Charles!

I’m ngl, I was stoked that my favourite highwayman turned pirate made a reappearance, along with some other familiar faces from book 1, but Charles really made up for some of his more questionable actions in the previous book and honestly? I lowkey ship him with Benedict, like their friendship was such a highlight for me along with their banter! The epilogue didn’t help matters either, I’ll be honest!

There’s a lot of character development in this book, not just for Charles and Ben, but also for Sam and Mary and their super slow burn romance! Which I live for, by the way, but it truly is a wonderfully done slow burn romance! I’m genuinely looking forward to seeing how it as well as the characters, continue to develop throughout the next book!

The plot for this one is just as complex as the first book, with multiple threads woven throughout. Some of which tie into the next book and have laid the groundwork for what comes next but as I said, there’s a clear purpose to this book and while the world expands, so too does the magic system and lore alongside the characters who have their fair share of growth and development too.

They ‘level up’ as it were, which is a good thing considering things are set to ramp up and be even more explosive in the third book!

Genuinely, I love this series it’s like it was made for me specifically and the writing truly leaves me in awe, like the amount of plot threads woven throughout which all end up wrapped up by the end of each book with a handful left to lead us into the next book never fails to amaze me while the author has a particular knack for writing scenes that leave me with the chills.

I mean, Mary and the other stormsingers during the battle? Chills, truly.

Epic, brilliantly written and a hell of a lot of swashbuckling fun, I really can’t wait to see what happens next and I’m lowkey hoping for a Demry reappearance!

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Thank you NetGalley and Titan Books for this arc!

4.5/5 stars rounded up!

I was soooooo excited for this book, and it did not disappoint! It was full of the magic and mystery like the first one, but the way the story went was a complete surprise - which I liked!! The only thing that annoyed me was how much Ben was in this, but thats a me problem lmao. I just don't like him and I know that like you're not supposed to, but dammit is don't like him 😤😤😤 😂 some things that happened at the end were a little confusing, but I feel like they'll be explained more in the next book as it feels like that's how the story is leading us. I can't wait for the next one!! Definitely going to read Long's other series this winter, yes yes

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I rarely DNF books but I have been trying to read this for months and it unfortunately just isn't keeping my interest. I made it about 30% in and I haven't felt compelled to keep going which is a shame because I truly enjoyed the first book! I will revisit this at some point and try to push through, but unfortunately will be DNFing for now.

Thank you so much to Netgalley and Titan Books for the eARC!

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When I read Dark Water Daughter, I did not enjoy it as much as I expected to. I just did not connect to the story. But it was still very well created and written and so I gave it four stars. I found myself having the exact same problem with Black Tide Son.

The world Long has created is super detailed and fascinating with interesting magic and creatures and compelling characters. However, for most of the story, I could not care less about Samuel’s perspective. I was hopefully I would enjoy Samuel’s POV more in this book than I did in book one but that was not the case. He is just like cardboard for me. I do like the romantic. tension between him and Mary though, fighting their feelings for the good of society.

I felt the chapters in Samuel’s POV that jumped back in time to fill in the gaps very disjointed and they often took me out of the rhythm of the story. They didn’t seem to flow well with the rest of the narrative and the timing of them felt very abrupt. It was good to learn more about Sam’s backstory but I felt like these jumps in time didn’t actually fill in many of the blanks.

I feel like these books would make a great TV show. All the scenes and battles on ships, plus the politics and the intrigue and missions off of the ships. The characters are great and the story is always moving and shifting but for some reason I just cannot seem to connect to it.

It’s nice to see the male character (Sam) be so rigid in his desire to do what’s honourable and follow the rules. It is often the female character who these traits fall to. Mary is a more selfish character, still willing to be selfless at times but always looking out for her own self interests. Mary was the shining beacon of both books in the series to me and I wish we’d spent more time with her in this entry.

The climax of this one is just as action packed as book one but for me, I am finding the frustrating more than anything else. Why was the rest of the story always so frightfully dull for me until this point? The end always draws me in and leaves me thinking I could pick up the next book in the series right away. Here’s hoping book 3 is more captivating for me.

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HM Long never disappoints. The world building was deliciously layered throughout with the politics, magic. It is atmospheric and the perfect read for when you want a certain "eery" vibe filled with adventurous moments! The Sam/Mary moments is where it fell a little flat for me...I would have liked that to have been explored a little differently but overall didn't hinder my enjoyment of the book overall!

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Dark Water Daughter was one of my favourite books I read last year, so when I received an early copy from the publisher, I can confirm I squealed with excitement. I absolutely adore this series and think this was an excellent instalment. The fantastic worldbuilding and set up in the first book was really well continued into the sequel. In this book the world expands, the politics become more complex and the characters are pushed into new and challenging situations. H.M.Long's writing is so engaging that even in slow parts of the narrative I was never bored or wanting to put the book down. My one and only criticism is that occasionally I found there to be a convenient solution to plot points, but this wasn't enough to detract from my overall enjoyment of the story.

I love these characters so much, their motives and flaws are so well established that they are interesting and engaging to read from. This book continues to be atmospheric and exciting with one of the best fantasy settings I have read. I cannot wait for the next book, but in the meantime I intend to read all of this author's backlist.

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It took me a while to finish this book but that's not really the books fault. Not nearly as good as the first one, the pacing a bit slow but overall still an interesting read. I had thought this was a duology but the plot twist ending left me hanging. Curious to see where the world takes Benedict, Sam, and Mary next. Maybe Sam will finally stop being a prude.

Thank you Titan books and NetGalley for the ARC!

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Blurb: Samuel and Mary are thriving as privateers on the Winter Seas. As they navigate the complexities of their growing bond, in a world that would see Mary as chattel to be traded, the pair are forging a new, better way to live, under the sails of Hart.

But when their latest prize brings tales of Benedict’s capture by Mereish forces, they must make an impossible choice: to serve their nation or save Sam’s brother.

Thrust into a mission of intrigue and infiltration, they seek to break into the most secure prison on the Mereish Coast. But as they sail deep into enemy territory, they find themselves hunted by a cunning and mysterious new foe—an enemy who seems to know their every secret, and who will kill to keep their own.

As the Black Tide rises, and fleets take to the water, Samuel, Mary and Benedict are on a desperate race for survival—both their own, and the free nations of the Winter Seas.

So if you’ve followed me on here or on Instagram for a while, you will know that I am always talking about the work of H.M. Long. Hannah is one of my favourite fantasy authors and I have adored every single one of her books. Dark Water Daughter (book one of The Winter Seas) was one of my most anticipated reads in 2023. I loved the bones out of that book and Dark Tide Son is the perfect sequel to it. Unlike many second books in series which struggle with middle book syndrome, Dark Tide Son stands strong in terms of the development of the storyline, the evolution of the characters and the expansion of the world they inhabit.

This book focuses on Sam and Benedict, how their magic was corrupted by the Black Tide cult, their complicated relationship as brothers and how they will deal with this in the face of epic battles and the threat of the Mereish. The development of these two characters was the standout element for me. Mary’s story still has a prominent place within the story but I love how Hannah’s focus on the two brothers brings more richness and depth to the overall story.

There are epic battles, heartbreaking moments and struggles as well as the developing romance between Sam and Mary. The inclusion of new creatures, magical elements and characters work perfectly within Dark Tide Son to create a fast-paced, addictive read.

I can’t wait for book three to see how this story concludes because it’s going to be even more epic than books one and two I can promise you! (Red Tempest Brother will be released in July 2025). Black Tide Son is out now- thanks to NetGalley and Titan Books for the arc. 5⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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I absolutely adored Dark Water Daughter, it was one of my favorite reads last year, which immediately makes Black Tide Son one of my most anticipated releases of 2024. I have also read several of H.M Long's books, and loved most of them.

Let me then tell you, that this sequel to Dark Water Daughter did not let me down. There is simply something about H.M Long's ability to create such a captivating and engaging world. It's so much fun to read her novels and I have such a great time. I fly through them, and Black Tide Son was no exception. As a sequel in a series, it's easy to fall into the slump that almost always comes with the middle book. The story slows down, fillers are thrown in and if it's done well, that doesn't really matter.

Black Tide Son is Samuel and Benedict’s book more than Mary’s. We learn how their magic became corrupted and explore the brothers' complicated relationship. Mary, Sam and Benedict have come a long way since book one - each following their own arc to show believable character development.

I can't even begin to explain how much I am looking forward to book three!

A huge thank you to Netgalley and Titan Books for approving my request!

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Dark Water Daughter is one of my ultimate fav books, and while it did take me a bit longer to read this one, I'm happy to report I loved it just as much.

But first, I have to say that I'm suddenly a fan of Benedict...How did that happen you ask? WELL. Let's just say I'm a villain girl through and through. But for real, in my review of the first book I said he'd have to do a lot to be redeemed in my eyes, and guess what? He listened!!

He's still not a ~good~ person, per se, but I really ended up loving him by the end, and can't wait to see where his character goes from here. He got the most development by far.

I also have to admit that there were moments where I shipped Mary with him more than I did Samuel. BEFORE YOU ATTACK ME, there were legitimate reasons for it, okay. Like when they conspired together, I felt the chemistry, it was leaping off the page. And I know I'm not the only one who felt it.

But you know what? I kinda ship Benedict with Charles too...tell me you see the vision. I lived for their friendship the whole book, their banter was probably my favourite, and if it turned romantic? They'd be my fav couple.

Speaking of couples, Mary and Samuel are the slowest of slow burns and I love it. It's almost agonising, waiting for them to kiss or for Samuel to not be as proper as he is, but that's also why I like him as a character. You can really feel the tension with these two.

I enjoyed getting to know Sam better as well, and reading about his relationship with his brother. It made me appreciate both of them more as characters. Another reviewer said that this is more their book than Mary's and I agree, but she gets her chance to shine too, don't you worry.

Like, for example, that scene where Mary's singing with the other Stormsingers, I'm still in awe of their power.

I love the lore & magic system expansion we got, the new characters and creatures we met, the delightful (but at the same time chilling) atmosphere on the high seas, the plot, the battle scenes, and just how well H. M. Long can write! I was once again easily led into the story, even though it's been more than a year since I read the first book.

The pacing was a bit off though, not a huge deal in the grand scheme of things, but it seemed to follow a "big event, break, big event, break" formula. But rest assured, this book still caused me great amounts of stress, particularly in the last third.

The epilogue was perfect, and unexpected. If I hadn't already been excited about what was to come, that would've done it.

Now with book two done, I can say that the author likes wrapping up plots by the end, while still leaving us with one that stretches throughout the series. And it's more fun that way, because stuff actually gets resolved, but there's still more story to tell.

The only thing I missed here, is Demery. I needed him to show up sooo bad. Hopefully the gang will be back together again in book three. And until then, PLEASE READ THIS SERIES!!!!

*Thank you to the publishers and Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*

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This sequel is just as addictive and fun as its predecessor! It combined all the fun piratey adventures of Dark Water Daughter while also expanding upon the world and magic system. The pacing in this one seemed a bit off but it was still such a fun read.

Where this story really shined is the character development. I really enjoyed the deeper dive into Samuel and his relationship with his brother. I also found the dynamic between him and Mary very interesting and compelling. I'm excited to see how this series ends!

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Another amazing installment in The Winter Sea series! The world building and magic is unlike anything I’ve read before and the way H.M. Long writes has me hanging on every word. I knew when I picked this book up that I wouldn’t be able to set it down, and I was right! This book is action-packed and I really liked how the story is progressing. I can’t wait for book three!

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Thank you to NetGalley and H.M. Long for letting me review this book.

There's feelings that keep you waiting for more and adventure that hooks you.

I also love the characters. They are so rounded and they genuinely feel real.

I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a new fantasy read with a bot of romance on the side.

An intriguing fantasy world

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4.5/5 stars.

I've had the privilege of reading everything H.M. Long's published since the description of Hall of Smoke piqued my interest. I can say with no uncertainty that she's found her stride with the Winter Sea Trilogy. She recently spoke about how the story has evolved over time (r/Fantasy AMA) and I am so happy where it landed (though fiddler Sam would be good iykyk).

Black Tide Son picks up where Dark Water Daughter leaves off and the plot is quick. This absolutely does not fall into middle book syndrome at any point. The characters are compelling, especially Benedict but catch me interested in the darker characters, always. I don't want to get into the plot since it's a sequel but rest assured it's fast-paced, completely captivating. Long's prose is perfectly crafted to suite the world she's crafted. In my mind this is very much Kiera Knightley and Orlando Bloom from Pirates of the Caribbean adjacent which I am absolutely in love with.

If you haven't yet, I highly recommend checking out Dark Water Daughter (which does start a bit slower, but stick with it!) and then continuing on the series.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Titan books for the eARC of this book. I was really excited to get this sequel in my hand after reading Dark Water Daughter. I found that the characters came to life in this installment, really breathing life into them. Mary in particular really shined. Ben was my favorite character out of the group, I love how cynical he is.
There were moments in the story where I would get frustrated with character decisions and then they would almost immediately be resolved and everyone has a lot of plot armor. However, I definitely really enjoyed the storyline and writing. The plot moved forward and there wasn’t a lot of filler. If you’re looking for a highly original pirate story with the barest touch of romance, then this is for you!

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I reread Dark Water Daughter before starting the sequel, Black Tide Son, and I am so glad I did. The first time reading Dark Water Daughter, I gave it a 3.5/5, but on the reread it was bumped up to a 4. I have a feeling that Black Tide Son will be the same way. With both books, my first read through was a bit of a slog and I really could not say why. The writing is fantastic, the characters are well developed, there is plenty of action, yet I still felt bored. On my reread of DWD, I read it much quicker and seemed to appreciate it more, so I think part of my hangup is the amount of side characters and quests happening. There are only two POVs in both books, but so many extra characters that I think I had a hard time keeping track and staying invested. I enjoyed Black Tide Son, but it still took me 9 days to get through (which is relatively long for me). I will likely reread Dark Tide Son before the third book comes out and I'm willing to bet that I'll enjoy it more the second time around.

3.5/5 stars.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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