Member Reviews

Black Tide Son returns us to the Winter Sea world, where I make my exit early out of this series.

I gave "Dark Water Daughter" a re-read after receiving the ARC last year and wasn't sure what I loved about it the first time. I tried many times to get through it and skimmed the final few chapters hoping for reprieve in this installment, I was left out to sea. Quite honestly, the series could have ended at book one and it would have been a fine ending to a rather okay novel.

Black Tide Son was follows the protagonists with Mary the first contracted stormsinger to Sam's ship. They play this lackluster "will they/wont they" game throughout the novel while some paper tiger gods and monsters linger throughout the book as they figure out that yes, countries will do what they can to come out on top as the most powerful.

The problem with this series is not just its used coffee grounds for characters, its that there isn't anything new or exciting happening and it became harder and harder to pay attention to this novel. I don't think Long's writing is for me and for that I gave this book 2/5 stars and won't be recommending it.

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Black Tide Son by HM Long - eBook ARC
4.5 Stars!

Prepare to be swept away into a world where magic flows like the currents of the sea and danger lurks beneath every wave. In "Black Tide Son" by HM Long, readers are treated to a creative fantasy that not only immerses them in a richly crafted world but also introduces a captivating magic system that adds depth to an already compelling narrative.

Long's storytelling is akin to a masterful tapestry where threads of adventure, mystery, and the supernatural are intricately woven together. Set against the backdrop of a sprawling coastal city, the protagonist, Finn, discovers he is not just any teenager—he's a wielder of rare and powerful magic tied to the mysterious Black Tide.

What sets "Black Tide Son" apart is Long's ability to paint vivid scenes with words, transporting readers effortlessly from bustling markets filled with exotic goods to eerie underwater caverns teeming with ancient secrets. The world-building is meticulous, with each locale and culture feeling distinct and alive, making it easy to lose oneself in the sights, sounds, and smells of Finn's world.

The magic system is a true standout, seamlessly integrated into the fabric of everyday life yet imbued with a sense of wonder and danger. From elemental manipulations to the enigmatic powers of the Black Tide itself, every spell and incantation feels both familiar and refreshingly unique, keeping readers eagerly turning pages to see what marvels—or perils—await Finn next.

At its heart, "Black Tide Son" is a coming-of-age tale that resonates with themes of identity, family, and the struggle to find one's place in a world filled with both beauty and darkness. Finn's journey from uncertain youth to formidable magic user is a compelling arc that will resonate with readers of all ages, reminding us that true strength often lies not just in power, but in understanding and compassion.

Overall, "Black Tide Son" is a thrilling debut that promises a deep dive into a fantastical realm where imagination knows no bounds. Whether you're a fan of epic adventures or intricate magic systems, HM Long's novel delivers on all fronts, leaving you eagerly anticipating the next installment in Finn's spellbinding journey. Grab your copy, and prepare to be enchanted!

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The Winter Sea hides a multitude of dangers for our seafaring crew.

Mary and Sam are still recovering from all the magical shenanigans from book 1 but they do not get much of a reprieve before they are locked into a new adventure. This time Sam and Ben are the focus of the storyline as the crew of the Hart attempt to find a way to stop Sam slipping into the Other permanently and Ben from becoming a complete unemotional shell.

We set sail to far distant shores and learn more about the wider world this time around. Chunks of the story take place when the crew are separated, incarcerated or otherwise alone and I felt that really helped amp up the danger they were in as they rarely had anyone they could count on.

Politics are again a big motivation for a lot of the plot and sadly the Navy do not paint themselves in a good light, they were willing to ride roughshod over everyone to win.

There is lots of redemption going on too. Charles continues to grow a character, lol and I even began to empathise with Ben. He's not quite likable yet, but he's growing in the right direction. Mary finally takes things into her own hands and ensures that Sam sees that their love is not a power structure and that they could actually be a powerhouse and a formidable team.

There are some interesting new additions to the cast, including an Usti spy and I'm still not sure if she's on the right side yet!

A great mix of action and adventure with Regency/Privateer vibes and a collop of dry humour!

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I really love this story and how it is unfolding. It is a dense novel with intricate, detailed and original world building. This can take a reader by surprise as they will have to settle with this read and invest some time with the world to get the most out of the story.
This book will appeal to those who enjoy:
- Epic fantasy
-Golden age of piracy-ish/ Seafaring books
-Unique Magic (ensorcelled weapons of various kinds as well as musical sorcery)
- Magical creatures/hybrid humans
-High Stakes
- Strong independent FMC
- Low to No spice (seriously the slowest romance ever, this is not a Romance book, though the characters do love each other deeply and romatincally- it just isn't that kind of book)
Knocked down one star because for me.. it was like eating a super dense pound cake and it did take me longer than normal to get done. At times I felt the details and the very formal language used did overshadow the plot and narrative, but for other readers this may add to the immersive feel of the story. For me, I enjoyed Black Water Daughter a bit more, but enjoyed this volume as it forwards the story arc along. I assume there is a book three forthcoming?

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This is one of those rare cases where the second book is better than the first. The balance of adventure, challenge and plot was perfect. The flow was great and felt like the plot both wrapped up loose ends and continuously moved forward. The dialogue and characters were perfect. The relationships honest and real. Also I ship Ben and Grant.

The only negative thing I can say is that there was quite a bit of grammatical errors but likely will be corrected when it’s published

Thank you Titan Books via NetGalley for the advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review

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Black Tide Son
Dark Water Daughter was on of my favourite fantasy reads of 2023 and so I was very excited to read this next book in the series.
Black Tide Son begins soon after the events of the previous and I didn’t find it as immediately engaging as the previous book. However, that’ s perhaps not a surprise as it would be difficult to surpass beginning a book with your main character about to be executed. It took me a while to remember the details of the characters and previous events and I definitely don’t think that this is a book that you can read without having read the earlier book.
Once I had re-immersed myself in H M Long’s world, I was carried away by the events. I loved being back in this strange world that has similarities to our 18th century but also a complete magic system consisting of the otherworld with the Magus, Sooths and Ghiseau.
The story is told by both Mary and Samuel who have alternating chapters and I loved both of their points of view. Both characters really grew over the course of the novel and their slow burn romance was brilliantly portrayed. I really sympathised with Mary’s frustration at how Samuel was so determined to protect her. It was fun having Grant back after his role in what happened after Mary’s near execution. His dry comments added a nice line of humour to the story.
The most interesting character for me in this book has to be Samuel’s twin brother Benedict. His magic has been corrupted which has left him at best a morally grey character. This means that nobody can ever be quite sure what he will do in any given situation which adds an interesting level of uncertainty to the plot.
Although it’s the middle book of a trilogy, this part of the story is fairly self-contained with the ending leaving our characters at a satisfying pause point rather than leaving the reader on a cliff hanger The extracts that began each chapter were a really effective way of giving the reader information without it slowing the story down.
The plot is quite fast paced through out the book but the final third is as thrilling as anyone could wish as all of the strands came together and Mary and Sam find out who they can actually trust.
This was a brilliant follow up to Dark Water Daughter and I can’t wait for the final volume.
Huge thanks as always to Net Galley and the publishers, Titan Books for providing me with this ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I remember saying in my review for the first book in this duology that it reminded me of the high that the original “Pirates of the Caribbean” movie delivered. Like the movie, it was just a blast from start to finish. Similarly, it left me hankering for more and I eagerly began waiting for the sequel. Well, we all know how that turned out with those movies (though I will say that I don’t hate the sequel quite as much as others)… But I’m happy to report that this book sequel did not share a similar fate. In fact, I enjoyed it just as much as the first!

I’ve already used the word “blast” to describe this book, and I can tell that it will be a struggle to refrain from simply spamming that word throughout. Because one of the first things that stands out about this sequel is the adventurous romp it is from start to finish. The first book was action packed as well, but it did had to slow down more at times to properly introduced our two main characters. This book doesn’t have to spare the page time for that, so instead the writing whips the reader up in the first few pages and then doesn’t let you go until the final stop! That’s not to say that there aren’t quieter, more reflective moments, but even these are all bookended by sweeping action sequences. Our heroes spend the majority of the book racing from place to place, and, like them, the reader will be left simply trying to keep up with the events around them (but in the best way possible!).

I will say that this book was a bit less boat-focused than the first book. Going in, I’d have said this shift might have knocked the book down a notch, as the emphasis on naval/pirate shenanigan’s was one of the primary appeals of the first book. But the story more than made up for it by focusing a large chunk of the action on our main characters and a few other characters racing first to break Sam’s brother out of a heavily guarded prison and then from the various parties wishing to re-capture them all. The book also expanded on the political maneuverings between the various nations that make up this nautical world, especially their varying levels of understanding of the magic that exists and the ghists.

And, lastly, I can’t not talk about our main characters, Sam and Mary. Man, I love these two so much! For her part, we see Mary’s growing partnership with the ghist she is bound to and the incredibly creative abilities their teamwork produces. These abilities, alongside her own powerful weather singing magic, did have the potential to maker her a bit overpowered, but the author showed incredible restraint in this area, using all of these elements carefully and judiciously throughout. As for Sam, we learn much more about his (and his brother’s) backstory in this book. Indeed, much of the secondary arc is centered around his search for a cure for his poisoned abilities. I also absolutely LOVED the way Sam’s and Mary’s romance progressed. There were so many ways this could have gone wrong, and then every time, right when I began to be concerned, Long would completely nail it. Unlike the first book, Sam and Mary are together throughout most of this book, and the few quiet moments we get are almost all devoted to them feeling out the next steps to their relationship.

This was pretty much the perfect sequel for me. It built on all of the great ideas presented in the first book, allowed its characters to grow both as individuals and as a couple, and expanded the world and magic system in every way. It also wrapped up the story in a completely satisfying manner, though it did seem to leave a crack in the door for future installments. If you enjoyed the first book, this is a worthy sequel in every way. And, generally, I can’t recommend this duology enough to fantasy readers looking for adventure and slow-burn romance!

Rating 9: Chock full of adventure, romance, and an incredibly unique magical world. If you ever thought “hey, I want pirates but with magic!” than this is the duology for you!

Link will go live July 10 on The Library Ladies blog.

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Thank you to Titan Books and H.M. Long for the arc in exchange for an honest review. 4.5/5 stars. I am happy to report that this definitely does not have the dreaded “second-book syndrome”! Black Tide Son shifts its focus from Mary to hone in on Samual and Benedict and their corrupted magic. I loved the brother’s dynamic and found Benedicts character to be so layered and complex. He isn’t a good person but I found myself unable to root against him. This book fleshes out the magic system much more than in the first book and adds new protagonists around every turn. My anxiety was definitely on edge the whole time. And THIS is the type of slow-burn romance, full of tension and longing glances, that I want in my fantasy books! An engaging plot with a dash of achingly slow-burn romance is what Long has delivered and I ate it up. I will say that it did feel like the characters could never catch a break. Every time it felt like the characters were finally getting ahead of all the chaos, the next round of bad luck struck. This is definitely not a complaint. It kept the story engaging and the plot moving forward. Overall, I really loved this installment in the Winter Sea series and can’t wait for the release!

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I really enjoyed this 2nd instalment of the series! Book 1 was a straight 5 star read for me and book 2 didn’t disappoint either. The storyline was a little slower at the beginning but the action packed and exciting 2nd half of the book was worth every slower chapter! The final chapters felt as if you were watching an epic fantasy movie and that was really great! I already saw there is a 3rd book planned and I can’t wait to read it!

For the characters, Mary retained her status as one of the most interesting characters. She isn’t the usual fantasy-book-heroine that is helpless and tries to navigate the adventure, but she is fun and brave. I liked her a lot! In addition, Samuel became a main character in this 2nd book and that was a great add to the plot. He is a very fair and kind character and fights for his brother Ben even though he not always treated him nicely in the past. Last but not least, Ben was a side character in book 1 and now became more prominent to the plot. He is very interesting as he is that character who you like but dislike at the same time. He doesn’t get boring.

I really hope that I can read book 3 very soon, as I really want to know what happens next! If you like fantasy books that are a little less romantasy, but fantasy in the foreground, this is your series to pick up!

(The review will be posted on my instagram & Goodreads on July 8th).

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After devouring Dark Water Daughter, I couldn’t wait to dive into Black Tide Son. Overall, this was a fantastic continuation of the story and characters from the first book. It suffered a little from book 2 syndrome, requiring a bit of a slower pace to flesh out more world building at the beginning, but it was definitely a satisfying read overall.

While Samuel and Mary are still the two pov characters in this book, it really is Samuel and Benedict who steal the show. Their character development and tenuous relationship kept me turning the pages throughout. Charles kept things light and funny as well, so I appreciated his inclusion even if it wasn’t the most necessary to the plot.

I loved the extension of the world from book 1! The Mereish country added much to the world and its magic. I also enjoyed learning a little more about how the magic and the creatures work.

This is a definite must-read to follow up on Dark Water Daughter, and it sets up perfectly for what I believe will be the final book in the series to follow. I can’t wait to see where it goes next!

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the advance read of this book. All opinions are my own.

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‘For him, I would risk nothing. But for you, I would do anything.’

Let me start this review off by saying I am first and foremost, a Mary and Sam stan. I love them so much and cherish every moment we got of them together. I also am obsessed with this world and all of the other characters. Dark Water Daughter was one of my top reads of last year so it really pains me to write this review, but I felt really disappointed by Black Tide Son.

While this book had some very strong elements and a great set up from DWD, this fell quite flat for me. It lacked the lure DWD had and felt quite rushed in comparison. I feel like the world building wasn’t as strong, some plot points were lazy and the POVs all felt disjointed and lacked their unique voices.

The second half of the book certainly picked up. A certain conflict scene was so cool, immersive and vivid. I felt like I was truly there on that ship with Mary, I just wish it had gone for longer and we got more from it. But one of the big build ups in the book fell flat once again. It felt so underwhelming after everything we went through?

‘We have seen one another at our worst and our best, and ay affection for you has only gown, even against my own will.’

Black Tide Son set up so much for us to explore in book 3 and I really can’t wait to see how this all wraps up. While BTS answered some questions, it left so many more unanswered and I cannot wait to see how it ends. I also am so excited to see how Mary and Sam’s relationship continues to grow and really hope we get more tender moments between the two.

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Black Tide Son, the much anticipated sequel to Dark Water Daughter, brings us back to the Winter Sea with many of our cherished friends from book one to continue on their high seas adventures.
This time, Samuel, Mary, and their faithful crew go up against a new mysterious foe while on a quest across worlds to find a cure for the Black Tide sickness ailing Samuel and his twin brother Benjamin.

The vivid setting was again a stand out (as it is for all of H.M. Long's books) where I swear I can feel a winter wind blowing as I'm reading some of these scenes. The magic system and all original lore built upon itself from book 1 and brought more creatures and an expansion of Mary's magic in particular into book 2. As anticipated, Black Tide Son provides more historical context into the world's different societies and cultures - what motivates them and what would push them to the brink of war and I am VERY excited to see how this continues to play out throughout the rest of the series.

Though completely brimming with action the pacing felt a little choppy in comparison to Dark Water Daughter and I so wish we had gotten a little more of Samuel and Mary's burgeoning romance --talk about slow burn -- pick up the pace, Samuel, my man! I missed Demery's character and getting to know more about Anne and I hope they make a return to the narrative in the next book!

Overall, I enjoyed another foray on the high seas with some of my favorite characters and their various magics but Black Tide Son wasn't *quite* the powerhouse that Dark Water Daughter was (it was high bar!!). I am, however, excited to see what comes next in the series!

Thank you netgalley and Titan Books for the opportunity to read and review Black Tide Son as an e-arc!

Please Note: public review is withheld until publication month as requested. Feedback will be updated with links upon posting!

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4.5/5 ⭐️ I love when a book doesn’t fall prey to second book syndrome.

Perfect for fans of One Dark Window and A Study in Drowning.

Black Tide Son continues the story of the Winter Sea in a way that builds on Dark Water Daughter’s banter, tension, magic system and character development in terms of the Rosser twins.

I would definitely recommend a reread of DWD before reading this as there isn’t a ton of recap on the previous story as we jump right into what’s next for Sam and Mary…and Benedict!! I loved having more Benedict and seeing his character flushed out more. He gets a whole journey of his own that I think is a fantastic piece of this novel.

I loved the way the battle scenes were written and there isn’t really a moment of this book that isn’t high stakes and high octane.

I did want more of just about everything! This is my main sticking point of this book not being 5 stars. I felt like we rushed through some of the plot points in a way that almost felt too fast paced for everything that was going on in this book. Things were solved so quickly that it didn’t always feel like the huge accomplishment that it was.

Spoilers here:

specifically in terms of healing Sam and Ben. We don’t really know how this was accomplished or if it was difficult it was just left as it only takes minutes and that parts of it were held by separate characters to protect themselves. This is something that has been a quest for 2 books and it was solved so vaguely I wanted more from this.

Overall I would recommend this book and this series. Cannot wait for the next installment!

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I really enjoyed Dark Water Daughter so I was excited to read this second installment. The book was an overall good time. My only complaint with the first book was that it was a bit slow in the middle, so I was glad that Black Tide Son had a better flow. This second book brings us back to Mary and Sam and it was nice to see their relationship blossom. I loved the character of Mary even more than the first book and it was great to see her come into herself as a character. Without giving anything away, this book also involves Benjamin and I was so intrigued by his character and look forward to learning more about him in the future. The writing was great, the plot flowed well and the ending was pretty satisfying.

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I cannot say enough good things about The Winter Seas series. These books are the gripping the edge of your seat, anxiety reading as fast as you can, stay up all night kind of high fantasy novels. The world building is immaculate, the characters are so complex and nuanced, and the fantasy world and creature are like nothing I've ever read before. These books are highly immersive for me. I feel like I'm in the book - which sometimes is concerning because her fight/battle scenes are insanity. This is NOT just another pirate adventure.

Where Dark Water Daughter was centered around Mary's journey to find her mother, Black Tide Son is centered around Samuel rescuing Ben and trying to find a solution for their corrupt magic. I anticipate the next book will be about Ben's journey. Which suits me just fine, as I really love the morally grey brother.

I am so thankful to be able to get an early copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. 10/10 no notes. But don't go in thinking this is going to be romantasy, because it is not. We get slices of a very complex romance, but it is not the focus of the stories.

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This continuation from Dark Water Daughter is gripping and adds a world of lore and depth that i truly appreciated!

All of the relationships between the characters (both platonic and romantic) are extended and have so much more to them which i loved, all of the characters are more fleshed out and fit the world so well. The world and magic continues to grow and the lore of this world is so cool, the monsters and creatures are more present in this which helped to add to the tension

The combination of narratives from past and present really helped add to my understanding of the characters and add complexity to them and how they act within the world.

This series is heading in such an interesting way, the relationship have been cemented and we are left with multiple routes for all the different characters which i’m so excited for!

The relationship between Sam and Mary makes my heart melt, they work so well together and understand and care for each other in such a beautiful way

I do wish we had spent more time on the battle that the book leads up to - there was lots of lead up and tension yet i feel like the battle was over so quickly and we didn’t have the time to appreciate the tension within it

I cannot wait to continue with this series as it comes and the potential of this will keep me on my toes for future books!

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4.5! Thoroughly enjoyed this.
Black Tide Son picks up where Dark Water Daughter left off- and we finally get to see the elusive Benedict Rosser.
I LOVED the banter between the characters in this book. I loved the little quips from Charles, and the tension between Mary and Samuel was perfection. Their relationship felt realistic (as much as a magical pirate relationship can), and Samuel is just such a stand up man. 🥲 Mary’s sarcastic wit was fun to read and I thought the interactions between her and Benedict were equally as enjoyable.
I’m looking forward to the third installment in the series as we were left on a bit of a cliffhanger; but nothing so drastic that it didn’t feel as if the story wasn’t concluded enough, if that makes sense.

Thank you to NetGalley, HM Long, and the publisher, for the opportunity to read the ARC! Here’s to waiting for the next book 🤪

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My review was left on Goodreads and Amazon serval weeks ago. I’m not sure why it didn’t post here but…..

I just finished reading this and just as I knew I would, I loved it. This review might contain spoilers so please read with caution.

First and foremost I was excited that we got to learn more about Ben. I hated him in the first book, but there was something so intriguing about him that left me wanting more. Long did not disappoint with his story and character development. He has quickly become one of my favorite characters. The relationship he forms with Mary was unexpected but I loved the partnership they developed. His relationship with Charles has me cackling half the time. (Charles comment at the end that Ben was kidnapping him made me giggle. After he sold Mary off in DWD this felt full circle lol)

Mary. My gosh she has turned into quite the power house. We saw in DWD that she was a strong woman, but seeing her unleashed in BTS was perfection. Long continues to captivate me with her work. It’s compelling, stunning- it takes hold of you like a fairy tale full of dark magic and spell binding visuals that I adore. I love Mary’s character development. I love that we saw such strength between her and Tane and I’m looking forward to what she will unleash in the next book.

Sam, endearing as ever and stubborn to a t. I love him too. Through him we got to see and learn more of what happened to him and Ben to make them what they are today. The creatures in the Dark Water were absolutely wild! (Speaking of which the implings are terrifying. If you wanted to creep out your readers you did it. I hate them.)

All in all I loved Black Tide Son. It did not disappoint in any aspect and was jammed packed with action and suspense that… as I always say… was cinematically written that it jumped off the pages.

Please read this series. Immediately. Add it to your TBR, buy and preorder. You will not be disappointed.

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Once again, H.M. Long has written and absolutely AMAZING tale! If you are a fan of the MAGIC in Two Twisted Crowns, and appreciate the complexity of such a unique and one of a kind magic system, you will absolutely LOVE this series. Not only is the magic unique, the entire story is as well. Yes, it is a pirate story but not like any pirate story I have ever read. This pirate story has magic, mages, monsters, morally gray men AND woman, fantastic mystical creatures, water witches called storm singers, that control the storms. There is romance but it is a very slow burn (no spice) which is my personal favorite. If you read Dark Water Daughter, you know of Mary and Sam’s relationship, and all about Sam’s twin brother Ben. Well, in this second installment, there is a LOT going on, I actually found it even more captivating than the first book. Mary tries many times to get Sam to give into her in the bedroom, but Sam is as stubborn as ever, in trying to maintain Mary’s good reputation. And although I pretty much hated Ben in book one, I actually think I like Ben now, although I have to admit, I do love a morally gray character. Mary and Ben have to go off on their own for a while and I actually wondered for a moment, if this story might become a love triangle. There is SO much to this story but I don’t want to say too much and give anything away.
All in all, this story is brilliant! With the most amazing magic system, characters I immediately fell in love with and visuals so detailed; I could easily envision it all. I just adore H.M’s writing and look forward to reading all of her future works.

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This was an epic adventure, between Sam, the mage and Mary, the storm singer. Just their abilities alone I found intriguing to read about. In this second book, they both struggle between serving their ship or bailing out Sam’s twin brother Benedict. Who just happens to be locked in the most secure prison. Overall, I thought this was great second book in the series. In general I the story has a low has more of a side plot of romance, but I don’t even mind because the story has kept my interest peaked. Excited for book 3!

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