Member Reviews

We know who the darkness is. We knew who the bad people are, the villains of this book. We know from the beginning and now it’s do we defeat the villains or do we do something else. Plus, the Scooby’s really need to get Buffy back. This book also gets a little bit into Frankie‘s romance with a demon which is interesting but is a little too much Angel angst for this reader. Even Willow is like oh my god, Angel 2.0. I (Willow) do not need to deal with this. Overall, this is a fantastic conclusion to this series. Is this the best book series? Probably not. However, this book ended the series in the right place. I love that this book and the series wasn’t about the romance, even though that is prevalent in this book, unless you can Willow’s romance… This was about growing up taking on a new lead and learning that you can do anything and that others believe in you as well. I like this book. I like this series. It was a great trip down memory lane even if I did do a little look up for who some of the old characters were. I think this was a great addition to Buffy and I’m glad I finally got around to reading them.

**4.5-stars rounded up **
Against the Darkness is the 3rd-and reportedly, final, installment to Kendare Blake's In Every Generation series. I have enjoyed this series from the very first moment, but this is my favorite of all. These audiobooks are so much fun!
I was in college when the iconic Buffy series, starring Sarah Michelle Gellar, first aired. My best friend and I were obsessed with it, and her, and it became part of our routine to watch it together every week. Understanding the level of nostalgia that I feel for the tv show, I actually entered this series with a bit of trepidation, but it was quickly apparent that the Buffyverse was in good hands. You can tell Blake is a fan.
Blake was able to channel the vibes and humor of the original series without ever coming even close to copycat territory. This is a Slayer story for a new generation and that theme is carried throughout. I love how it felt like a true passing of the torch from one generation to the next. The new Slayer, determined in the first book and by no means a spoiler, is Frankie Rosenberg, Willow's daughter. She's the first ever Slayer-Witch and she knows she has big shoes to fill.
Throughout the series there are some constant character arcs, so you definitely need to start at the first book and work your way through the trilogy. They're all so good though, it's definitely worth a read for long-time Buffy fans, or to newer fans looking for additional content. Many characters from the original series are included within these books. My favorite being Spike. I felt like he got a lot of page time in this one as Frankie's Watcher. I was living for every snarky, sexy moment of it!
I mentioned the humor above, but feel it's worth mentioning again. I was really impressed with how Blake was able to make the stakes feel high, while also channeling so many funny moments. Listen, if you can't laugh while slaying demons and battling the darkness, when can you?
There was a very interesting aspect of this plot involving Willow that definitely brought me back a bit, say to Season 6. I had concerns. I loved how Blake wrote that whole thing. There were some nail-biter moments, for sure. This also tugged at the heart-strings a bit, being the finale. There was this one scene, it was fairly short, but still made an impact, involving Spike and Giles. It really got me. It was just the sweetest moment.
At the end of the day, I am so sad that this is the final book, but I do think it's a perfect conclusion to the trilogy. I actually wish it could have been longer. I am not ready to say goodbye to this new Scooby gang. Thank you to the publisher, Disney Audio, for providing me with a copy to read and review. The audiobooks are fantastic. The narration by Sarah Mollo-Christensen is a great match to these stories. I definitely recommend that format as well.
Kendare Blake, if you change your mind and decide to write more of these, just know, I will be first in line for a copy!!!

Frankie Rosenberg and New Sunndale's Scoobies are back for the 3rd and final installment of the In Every Generation series. This time issues with Jake pop up, and is Dark Willow making a scary return?
Blake nails the voice of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" once again. It really made this third installment just like watching the TV show. Beyond that, the story didn't quite grab me like the first two did. I think that maybe this should have been a duology and making it a trilogy just seemed to stretch the story unnecessarily, and it didn't quite land for me. Don't get me wrong, I didn't hate this. It just wasn't as good as the other two
in my opinion.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for this ALC. Sarah Mollo-Christensen was awesome once again especially in her voices for Willow, Spike, and Oz.

I enjoyed the audio narration. It might have been nice to have multiple narrators, especially since the author does not indicate who is speaking using a chapter title/heading. Overall, I think the narration was well done, but I don't think it enhanced the series by any means.

This book is another great addition to the Buffy the Vampire Slayer lore! As a long time fan of the show, I'm truly loving how Blake is continuing their story- lots of nostalgia, lots of butt kicking and extra whit. I would recommend this entire series for aduly audiences who may have watched the show as teens, or teens that are already into the genre.

This trilogy has been so much fun. I want more! Blake gets the characters and the tone absolutely perfect.
I listened to this on audio. The reader's voices were distinct and amazing, but I found her straight narration a little bit irritating.
If you're even a little bit of a Buffy fan, you need to get your hands on this trilogy from the beginning.
*Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing an ALC in exchange for an honest review.

Frankie and the Scoobies are back for one final battle. Can they bring Buffy and the other slayers back from the prison dimension? Can they thwart Aspen's plans - and what exactly are those plans? Quick listen that keeps you coming back. The narration is ok but not fantastic.

Entertaining and delightfully nostalgic - this is the YA Buffy reboot for fans of the original. A recommended purchase for collections where the previous titles were popular.

Let me be upfront and open: I have never read any Buffy the Vampire Slayer books, so coming in and listening to the last book left me needing more information about the history of the story and characters. That is no reflection on the book. I could still understand what was happening, how the characters related to each other and the storyline. I was intrigued by the description of the book. I was quickly enveloped in the storyline. I liked that there was more of a magic element, along with all the demons, vampires, and werewolves. The narration of the book was excellent. You could hear the emotion in the reading, which added to the storyline's climax. I want to go back and read the other two books in this series. I can recommend Against the Darkness audiobook.
In exchange for my honest review, I received an ARC copy of the audiobook from Netgalley and Disney Audiobooks. Thank you for the opportunity.

Wow! Just wow. I loved this book and although it was the 3rd in the series, and I have not read the others, I want to go back and read them.
This book was fun, it was nostalgic for those who loved the TV series, me, but I also think it would be something my students could sink their teeth into and enjoy and maybe make them go back and watch and learn more about the Buffyverse. It made me want to read the rest of the series, go back and rewatch the TV series, and I really hope that they will create some more spin-offs. I read this is supposed to be the finale, but I really hope there is more to come in some vein. It is so nice to be put back into the Buffyverse. The characters are so well written! New and old characters mesh perfectly. All of the callbacks were amazing. I truly felt like I was watching a Buffy season unfold, and rooting onfor the new Scoobies!
If you are a Buffy fan, this series is for you. It will enchant you, and I think even if you are not it will make you want to learn more and be a Frankie fan.
This is a series I would recommend whole heartedly. I also loved the audiobook, the narrator did a great job of capturing Buffy and the old character's voices and personality as well as giving great voices to the new characters.
Thanks NetGalley and Disney audiobook for the arc preview of the audiobook.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and Net Galley for an ARC of this book. I have loved all of the books in this series and this one is no different. It is a fun action packed ride. I would love to read spin off stories about Jake, Haley, Sigmond, and Grimlock. It has even inspired me to now watch the Buffy series. Loved this fast paced series. I will be purchasing it for our high school library.

I LOVE THIS BOOK! There was a lot of plot points to tie-up and it definitely delivers on the slayer vibes. Buffy references were fantastic and Frankie's journey to hero felt natural. With rogue slayers on the run and others trapped in another dimension there was plenty of action to love. I loved this whole series because it felt like a season of Buffy with nostalgia. I'm so happy with this ending and I will be rewatching Buffy pronto!

A fast-paced, action-packed conclusion to the In Every Generation trilogy!
Frankie and the New Scooby Gang are racing against time in a quest to retrieve Buffy and the remaining Slayers from a prison dimension AND defeat the Darkness. Alliances are questioned, hearts are on the line and powerful evil is afoot.
I enjoyed this new generation and am definitely hoping there will be a spin-off or two!
#NetGalley #InEveryGeneration #AgainsttheDarkness #Buffyverse

4.25ish stars
This book was a solid conclusion to a very fun trilogy (but if the Powers That Be wanted to extend the series, I would very much be in favour of that). I liked the characters and their continued development, and although I didn’t feel super invested in most of the romantic relationships, I think that might be more about my own age (it is YA, after all) as well as my continued attachment to and nostalgia for some of the romances from the original series. I was a fan of most of the characters in their own right, though, and enjoyed how they interacted with one another and strengthened their non-romantic bonds.
I loved the adjusted plot line for Miss Kitty Fantastico- she deserved much better than she got in the show, so that piece made me happy. The whole reveal where the major conflict with the big bad, along with the fact that it was presented as being about choice/bodily autonomy while really just being about power and control for an individual with bad intentions, felt very fitting. I liked that we finally got some actual Buffy moments, brief though they were. I appreciated Willow getting to spend a bit of time exploring some magical power again, and I loved that the new generation of scoobies required some assurance and teaching but ultimately still saved the day (mostly) as a younger group. I loved the Supernatural reference. I appreciated the continued character development for Spike and the fact that, ultimately, he didn’t take off on his own (graphic novels…ugh). I adored the brief but nevertheless valid Spuffy scene at the end- no, it wasn’t romantic, but there was potential in the moment, and I’ll cling to that.
I don’t love that Faith appears to truly be dead in this series. I really like her and would have enjoyed seeing a bit of her character in these stories. Sigh.
I’m still hoping there can be more stories to come from this universe, and if that ever becomes a reality, I’ll be eagerly waiting in line for the newest additions. In the meantime, I’m sure I’ll revisit these three stories myself at some point, and I’ve already purchased the first book for my classroom library (with plans to get the other two as well). This series was a fun, updated, and much-needed extension of one of my favourite, nostalgic fandoms. Thanks, Kendare Blake!