Member Reviews

A good collection for fans of Novik’s other work, as several stories are set in worlds she has created in various series. The standalone stories are also well-crafted.

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Naomi Novik masters any genre and writing style and is a spectacular storyteller. Each short story in this anthology pulls you in and leaves you wishing for more even if there's a conclusion, if only to continue in the world Novik created. Loved the mix of fresh new stories and dipping back into stories Novik has already created.

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I will eat up anything Naomi Novik puts out. She has such a way with words and characters that you sometimes forget you’re reading a novel. Every world she creates feels tangible, even in this short story format. I loved being able to revisit old worlds and I loved hearing twists on familiar stories. Some of the stories left me wanting more and that would be my only complaint despite not being one.
Whether you desire pirates, magic academies, dragons, pride and prejudice retellings, futuristic alien wars, or seafaring expeditions, this anthology has something for you.

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i absolutely adore naomi novik's writing. aside from this, i've only ever read the scholomance series from her, but these introductions into the worlds of spinning silver and temeraire have me fascinated. despite being short stories, most of them have brilliant characterization and masterfully woven plotlines.

commonplaces might be my favorite of them all, despite it being one of the quieter tales, because i, too, love irene adler in all her many incarnations, and she stole the show even being surrounded by the crazier and more magical fairy stories that this book holds. anything that gives me irenelock and johnlock within the same five pages is bound to immediately seize my attention. vici was hilarious and if temeraire is anything like it at all, i will positively inhale it. the long way around was equally witty, and somehow every character managed to shine, despite it being around forty pages long at most. i connected to tess, aston, and ferantis in a way that i rarely do with any novella character.

a major theme in many of the stories was a girl in historical times shedding her role of wife in order to be a person first, and of course i loved every instance in which this occured. araminta, especially, was beautifully written. i loved the retelling of sleeping beauty as well, particularly the idea of maleficent being a mentor to aurora.

other stories, i liked less. the return to the scholomance in after hours elicited mixed emotions in me. somewhat like driving by your old house, seeing a different car in the driveway, different curtains in the windows, and realizing someone else lives there now. not completely unpleasant, but i don't really do well with sequels that have different characters, and this has nothing to do with novik's writing. lord dunsany's teapot i read three times, and it still makes no sense to me whatsoever. reading it gives off the aura that something major occured just before the story began, and something will occur after it ended, but in the two second glimpse we get of this world, all we do is watch grass grow.

in short, i loved most of the stories in this—i will always love novik's prose and her worldbuilding. she remains one of the most creative and skilled fantasy authors i've read. thank you to netgally for the advanced copy.

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This is a beautiful collections of stories written by Naomi Novik that have been published in other collections over the years. Of the 13 stories , one is the basis for her book Spinning Silver. the collection is an eclectic mix of stories which I found very enjoyable. The author is a gifted writer and I have enjoyed reading these additions to her portfolio. These would be enjoyed by fantasy readers.

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I love these bite sized snippets of Novick’s writing. As a fan of her work it was especially enjoyable reading stories that were extensions of her previous work or the jumping off points to her novels. She has such an authentic way of writing it feels poetic but contemporary

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Buried Deep is Naomi Novak’s collection of short stories, sourcing worlds from all of Novak’s previous works and including a few more besides. The tales included in this collection were phenomenal, but the introductions left something to be desired. There was less than a page’s introduction for each story, and none of them added much to the reading experience.

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A delightful collection of short stories that will not only satisfy the curious reader who isn't familiar with Novik's work, but also give dedicated readers a sneak peak into a world that the author promises to explore further in upcoming novels. It was a lot of fun to revisit stories that have already been completed, and I was excited to see a retelling of the myth of the minotaur, so it felt like half this book was tailor made for me specifically.

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This is a splendid collection from the brilliant Novik. There's (the) Minotaur, and a Spinning Silver alternate tale, and a bit from a new book that I can't wait to read, and some stories of the Scholomance, and other wonderful treats. It's SFFH at its very best, and I love that Novik creates tales out of Jewish folklore and tradition as well as tales from other cultures and groups. Pre-order this one now.

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Naomi Novik's collection of short stories are enchanting in the way that she writes. Most were published previously in other anthologies, but this was my first time reading them. I found some of the stories hard to get into. But I know this book will find its audience!

Thanks to NetGalley and the Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine Del Rey for this ARC.

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I was completely charmed by this new collection of stories, some old and some new themselves, from an author whose work I've loved ever since it was fanfiction on LiveJournal. There were a few stories I've read before (and enjoyed returning to for a reread), but several I haven't. I loved getting another glimpse into the Scholomance, and I was especially enchanted by the final story, part of a new world Novik is working on and one which feels especially pertinent to my interests (hello seafaring stories). A strong collection all in all, and a delight to read!

Thank you to Del Rey for the advance copy in exchange for an honest review!

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Ugh, I hate to say this. I thought I was a Naomi Novik fan, but this collection of short stories made me reconsider that. I loved the Scholomance series, but *what if* I just really loved El? What if it's that I loved this specific world that Novik created rather than her writing itself?

I was so excited to pick this up, and I just kept putting it back down again. The only story I read through in once sitting was, of course, the one that took place in the world of the Scholomance. And now I'm just feeling so guilty.

Maybe I need to come back to this collection in the future; maybe I just wasn't in the right place for it.

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Novik collates a lot of her short stories into this anthology of short stories. They're all of different length and the standout ones for me were her retelling of Pride and Prejudice with dragons, an alternate ending to Spinning Silver, and a sweet story about forgiveness set in the Scholomance.

Personally, I am not a big fan or short stories as they feel like a lot of investment for only a little return.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the eARC!

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I am not one for reading a compilation of short stories as I am a reader who prefers to immerse myself in the worlds and characters through multiple books in a series, short stories just don’t give this experience.

So, read this review with this in mind and I’ll do my best to review without my personal preferences getting in the way…

When I saw Naomi Novik had released a series of short stories I wasn’t sure what to expect. I absolutely loved The Scholomance Trilogy, I really enjoyed Spinning Silver and Uprooted but couldn’t get into the Temeraire Series. I’ve come to realise that I really enjoy the way that Novik writes but the theme of the story plays a big part in whether I can get into the story.

These stories were the same, there were some that were absolutely amazing and I didn’t even realise I was reading a short story, After Hours (scholomance side story) and Spinning Silver (a short version of the main book) were two I loved a lot, but it was easy to jump into with the background knowledge of the books that they matched with. I also really enjoyed Blessings which was quirky and funny.

I decided on a healthy four stars for this book, I still would always choose a series or longer book over this compilation but as a series of short stories it was definitely a great reading experience.

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With complete bias, I knew I would love Naomi Novik's short story collection from how much I loved Uprooted as a story, journey, and wholly unique universe.

Each story in this collection brings you to another world, similar only in how special each of them are. Araminta is a magical, sea faring epic. Buried Deep is a mythological retelling of the Labyrinth. Actually, quite a few of them are reimaginings of familiar stories with very familiar characters with a twist.

I won't give anything away, but each of them was a treat. She packs fully developed settings and characters in every story, whether in a few pages or many, and I'm in awe.

Thank you to NetGalley, Ballantine, and the author for the opportunity to preview this collection!

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This book was GREAT! I loved the variety of stories brought forth! They're was no shortage of indicating and creativity used in putting this together. The wiring will draw you in and keep you there! Much thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free eARC in exchange for my honest opinion.
4/5 starts

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I have only read Novik’s Scholomance series, but I adored this collection of short stories regardless. I got to revisit the Scholomance, which was really cool to see how things ended up after the series ended, but I enjoyed the unfamiliar tales just as much. Novik’s writing is lyrical and gorgeous, and I love a folk tale with a dark atmosphere.

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This short story collection has something for everyone. If you've ever read a book by Naomi Novik and enjoyed it, there's at least one short story in here for you. If you haven't read anything by Naomi Novik before, this is a great place to start, and a great introduction to the worlds of her other books. I went into this collection thinking that my favorite story would be the one set in the world of the Scholomance, but I was surprised by how much I enjoyed a lot of the other stories. I've found that there are always a few stories in any collection that aren't quite for me, but I loved almost all of the stories in this collection. Some of my favorites were "After Hours," "Seven," "Blessings," and "Buried Deep."
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC.
Rating: 4.5/5

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Buried Deep by Naomi Novik is a delightful collection of magical stories set in her previously explored worlds.
Novik visits the Scholomance, now devoid of most mals, Captain Elizabeth Bennett in the Royal Aerial Corps wooing her Darcy, and a new seafaring world where a whole forgotten continent is rediscovered. Each story thrusts you into the life of a fully formed character, immerses you in their story, and spits you out at a satisfying end. Each of these stories is vivid and fun. I also enjoyed the insight into some of her writing process. As a fan of Naomi Novik, this was a fun read to expand the worlds I already love. 3/5 stars just because I found it a little hard to read these quickly.

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An interesting collection of stories - from folktales to other worlds to high seas piracy. A quick read and some great insights into a fascinating author's brain (she provides headnotes to each story).

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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