Member Reviews

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the eARC!

This collection of stories had some great ones and not so great ones. I thought the first five stories were pretty entertaining. My favorite were Buried Deep, After Hours, Vici, and Spinning Silver, which were all in the first half of the book. Unfortunately after the 50% mark, I just could not get into the stories and found them to be hard to want to finish, hence only three stars.

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Was really excited to get this eARC of BURIED DEEP as I'm a big fan of Novik's fantasy (especially SPINNING SILVER and A DEADLY EDUCATION). While the endings didn't always hit the way I love a good short story to do, I continue to be blown away by by Novik's inventive world building and writing talent (her language/tone adjusts to accommodate each story in a way that really shows this off). I wouldn't recommend this as the first book to pick up from her, but if you're already a fan of Novik's, I doubt you'll be disappointed with BURIED DEEP!

Some standout stories:

After Hours - This takes place after the events of the Scholomance Trilogy and was a great dip back into this very memorable academic institution.

Buried Deep - A haunting retelling of Ariadne, the Minotaur and the Labyrinth. Maybe the most emotional version of the myth I've ever read.

Spinning Silver - Just as immersive, even as one familiar with the plot. Interesting to see how this original short story was adapted into the full length novel.

Seven Years from Home - Politically-minded explorer gets emotionally invested in the native people she meets on an interstellar mission. I loved the play with language here (felt very historical)

Dragons & Decorum - Pride and prejudice but with dragons (although I admit I liked HEARTSTONE by Elle White more, which has the exact same idea)

The Long Way Round - This was the original reason why I requested an eARC of BURIED DEEP as the blurb promised "a glimpse at the world of Novik’s upcoming series, a deserted land, populated only by silent and enigmatic architectural behemoths whose secrets are yet to be unlocked"- which totally delivered. Will definitely look forward to her next full length pieces, especially if it takes place in this world!

Thanks to Netgalley and Random House Publishing Group for the free eARC!

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Thank you to NetGalley for giving me an advanced readers copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

It’s difficult for me to accurately rate this collection. I confess, I am not really a short story type of person. They tend to focus more on metaphors and I am unfortunately a very literal person so oftentimes the themes go over my head completely and leave me feeling confused. I requested this ARC dispute that fact because I am such a huge fan of Noemi Novik’s novels. So my feelings on the collection were sort of a mixed bag: I absolutely loved some of the stories while others I couldn’t quite “get”. But that’s more of a me problem than a problem of the book itself I feel. Getting to revisit the scholomance was absolutely delightful and I really enjoyed all the tales that were an extension of the Temeraire universe. So even though some of the stories were a “miss” for me I still rate the collection four stars and would absolutely get it for the bookstore

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I thoroughly enjoyed this collection of short stories. From revisiting familiar worlds to getting glimpses of new ones I found something to love in every story in this collection. My favorites were a retelling of Pride & Prejudice set in Temeraire's world, and also the final story of the collection. I can't remember any of the titles but those two were highlights for me. But I also enjoyed the other stories. A wonderful collection!

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I love Naomi Novik. I read everything she writes. Her writing is pristine and lush. I enjoy the characters in these stories. I was thrilled to see this book. Each story is unique, just like her other books. Highly recommend!!

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Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to read an ARC of this book.

I love Naomi Novik's work, this is the level of mastery that I aspire to one day have. So when I was approved for an ARC of this collection of short stories, I immediately dropped what I was reading to start reading this. Naomi Novik is one of those authors whose works I have physical copies of, in pristine condition on my shelf.

I love this collection. I find that with so many of her stories, I always wish for more. I cannot wait to read her new series Folly.

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3.6 I guess…it took me a while to work my way through these stories, but most of them are enjoyable enough. Most are previously published and many are riffs on or side-stories of Novik’s novels, so it helps if you’re already a fan. Thanks to Netgalley for the advance copy.

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Naomi Novim can do no wrong in my book and Burid Deep certainly loved up to my expectations! I loved these stories and am so happy I got to visit the lands of her imagination again. And with one of the stories being a Pride and Prejudice reimagining, well, need I say more? Every story I read in this book became my new favorite by the time I finished it!

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Collection of stories, including from the worlds of Temeraire (Caesar, and also a Pride and Prejudice retelling), the Scholomance, and the in-progress world of (architectural) follies. Nicely representative.

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If Naomi Novik writes something, I will read it. This short story collection includes previously published stories as well some new ones such as an appealing teaser of a story creating a new world that will be a novel (hopefully soon). There were a couple of the short stories (the ones with sevens) that need a re-reading to understand their worlds better, but they didn't pull me in enough for me to want to do that. The new Scholamance story is wonderful, and it would be great if she would continue to write more short stories set in that world if she didn't want to create another novel. The dragon story, set in Temeraire's world was previously published but so much fun to read again (as was the story that was a short re-telling of Spinning Silver). Each story has a short introduction by the author which added to the enjoyment. Novik fans will definitely want this book.

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I love Naomi Novik. I was excited to find stories from her Scholomance world, her Regency dragon world, her Spinning Silver world and the new world with a new unexplored unpopulated continent in it. If you love Naomi Novik, you won't be disappointed either, except that each one ends so soon.

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Naomi Novik is a genius. I have been her biggest fan for years. This collection of short stories was a breath of fresh air. I loved getting to be in her worlds without having to commit to a 400+ page book. It was dark, thrilling, and magnificent.

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This book is great if you’ve read some of this authors previous books. Naomi Novik is well written and puts you in worlds you could never imagine.

Overall I recommend “Buried Deep and Other Stories”!

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A wonderful adventure through the many worlds of Naomi Novik in the form of short stories. In addition to dragons, schools of magic and fairy tales, we are treated to a glimpse into Novik's newest world. A wonderful intoduction to the many works of Naomi Novik, or a treat for those who have read her complete catalog.

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3.5 stars. I always find it hard to give a proper star rating to anthologies: in this case, the stories ranged from 3-4 stars for me, with my favorites being “After Hours”, “Seven” and “Blessings”. Many of these stories are reimagined fairy tales or myths, providing new takes on well known characters, giving them life and personality, intertwined with fantasy. Some of the stories (for example “Commonplaces” which is about a character in Sherlock Holmes) might have felt a bit stronger had I been familiar with the original source material, but stood on their own well enough. With dragons, pirates, magic and X, the stories should all be enjoyable to any fantasy fan! Definitely recommend for anyone who likes short stories.

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3.5 stars!

I originally requested this ARC for the story that returns us to the world of the Scholomance. I really enjoyed being back in that world from a new students perspective after everything happened in the trilogy. It was all around really fun. I also really enjoyed Dungeons and Decorum. Wasn't expecting a fantastical Pride and Prejudice retelling with dragons, but thoroughly enjoyed it! I could take or leave the rest of the stories as I haven't read a lot of other Naomi Novik books, but I can see how readers would really like them.

Thank you Del Rey and NetGalley, for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Book Name: Buried Deep and Other Stories
Author: Naomi Novik

Thank you to Netgalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine Del Rey for an ARC of Buried Deep and Other Stories by Naomi Novik

Stars: 4.5
Spice: 0

- Thoughts.
- strong world-building,
- fascinating magic systems
- intricate societies.

It's hard to write a review for a collection of short stories as broad as these. You have monsters, you have dragons, you have mythological retellings and high seas adventures… you kind of get a bit of everything honestly the best way to describe it is as the charcuterie board of Naomi Novik’s work that makes this such a fun and easily enjoyable collection.

This is my first taste of Naomi Novik’s writing and I must say I will be reading more. None of the short stories required prior knowledge of early work making this a great teaser for those of us who were a bit intimidated to jump into one of her other series. I am sure having the background info would enrich the reading experience but I truly enjoyed the accessibility of them

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I will happily read anything that Naomi Novik gives us. I love her writing style, she can really transport you to another world. This book of short stories shows off that skill well. One minute you're on a pirate ship, the next deep in the scholomance. Since there are references to her other works, I do think this will be most appreciated by those who have already enjoyed Novik's other books. There were definitely stories in this that I enjoyed more than others (I could have spent a whole series going on high-seas adventures with Araminta).

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine for providing an eARC of this book!

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Good overall, but like most anthologies there were some major hits and misses. I definitely still think it was worth the read!

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I received an ARC of this book. I really enjoyed it overall. I thought the premise of a short story book was interesting as this was my first one. I loved having the forewords before each story to give a little extra info about how or why the story came to be. I also enjoyed that at the end of the stories it showed where some of them were initially published. The last story was supposed to have a picture of a map in it but my copy didn’t have it so that was a little disappointing. I enjoyed most of the stories and that they were very different and now all centered around the same thing.

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