Member Reviews

I enjoyed this new collection of short fiction from Naomi Novik. It was fun to visit the Scholomance and Temeraire universes again; the Pride & Prejudice retelling was a particular highlight. I am also curious about the new world she is exploring in the final story in the collection, which she says is the basis of a future book or series. These tales are imaginative, clever, and thoughtful, with daring female protags galore.

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I love fantasy short stories they are very intriguing. Naomi Novik is an amazing author and especially when it comes to fantasy story telling. Her writing is absolutely beautifully written and I am always amazed and in need of more. Thank you NetGalley for giving me this amazing opportunity. I will always support Naomi Novik’s work. Can’t wait to purchase a physical copy for my collection.

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This anthology is a great companion to any of Novik's full-length novels. As a big fan of the Scholomance series, which I think is her strongest work, I was most excited for her short story set in the world of the Scholomance. However, I enjoyed all of the stories in this collection, even the ones related to novels I haven't yet read.

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This was a mostly fun collection of short stories. Naomi Novik is a great storyteller and I enjoyed her spin on some known literary characters mixed in with her own ideas. Not all of them were winners and when looking at the previous publication dates of the individual stories, I definitely preferred her later work.

I've read The Scholomance trilogy, so appreciated the short story After Hours as a way to revisit that world. It had the same quirky dark comedic quality that I loved about the series.

My favorite story was the book's namesake, Buried Deep. I like spins on mythology, and felt myself wanting the story to be longer when it ended. I could see myself reading a full length book on Ariadne's story from Novik.

The audiobook has a different narrator for each story which was great when reading the stories back to back.

Thank you NetGalley and Del Rey for an early copy in exchange for my honest review.

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3.5 hearts

Novik had created some worlds I've really enjoyed. I was excited to get her anthology of short stories. Most of these have been previously published throughout the years, but I hadn't read any of them previously so I was intrigued. Like most anthologies of short stories, some I really enjoyed and others are just so so for me but it always great to see how an author's mind is at work when they aren't committed to their larger novels.

Of the thirteen short stories in the book, by favorites stories were After Hours since it was set in the Scholomance world after the events of the series and I was interested in seeing what the school was like now. Blessings was a cute story about what could happen if too many Faeries decide to bless a child, it was short but pretty funny overall. Dragon's and Decorum was an interesting twist on Pride and Prejudice if it was set in the world like Temeraire with Dragons and war. I am a big fan of Pride and prejudice so I really liked this one, plus dragons of coarse.

The last story The Long Way Around is one I think fans of Novik will be the most excited about. This is a story where Novik is playing around with new characters in a new world as she is developing something that might be her next series. I think it will be a lot like Spinning Silver, where you could see the bones of the short story that turned into a novel. If you only read a few stories in the Anthology I think this should be the first one even though it is at the end of the book.

Of the thirteen stories, I think there were two I struggled to push through, but all the others were fun stories that show how creative Novik can be and how her mind work when crafting a bigger story. The stories in the book were 3 and 4 star reads for me with one being a 2 star read.

If you have enjoyed Novik's works in the past or if you were interested in seeing if her writing style is one you could enjoy this may be a good find for you.

***Finding magic, finding a thing of magic, while you were still young enough to truly believe, could open the door, and then if you had some little gift as well, a powerful magic could awaken it to bloom.***

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Buried Deep and Other Stories is an anthology that belong to Novik‘s previous universes. For me, I came here for the Scholomance short stories and I enjoyed all of them. Nobody does that dark academia/fantasy/magical school setting better than Novik. It makes me want her to continue writing Scholomance stories for as long as she will.

Thank you #Netgally for the ARC in exchange for an honest review

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#NaomiNovik is one of my absolute favorite authors. I was spellbound with the novel #Uprooted and then again with #SpinningSilver. Lets not forget about The Schoolomance series as well. Naomi Novik has kept readers spllbound with her words since the very start and the stories within the pages of #BuriedDeepandOtherStories is just as spellbinding as ever. Full of smaller stories from her other novels including the aforementioned ones she takes you on more journey's into the worlds of the characters that we have loved for so long. I have loved every moment of being taken back into the stories of those who's books I had already closed.

I want to thank #Netgalley for the chance to read #BuriedDeepandOtherStories by #NaomiNovik in return for a fair and honest review.

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a beautiful, beautiful collection of short stories from an author that i already adore--there is no universe in which i could write a review that could encapsulate all of the feelings i have about novik's work. a quality of novik's work that i have always admired is that every story feels like a tiny, passing glimpse into an enormous, functional world, and this book exemplifies that so, so well! these characters feel like complete <i>people</i>, with all their little idiosyncrasies and gripes and passions, and the language that novik uses to approach both her characters and her settings is baked with so much love and care. everyone's personhood is handled so meticulously that they really feel like they're walking, talking <i>people</i>, and you just have a momentary glimpse into their psyche. something about her work just reminds me of how much i love art!!! i would have to take years and years and years to write down everything i felt with each of these stories, but i will sum them up as a full five stars instead.

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Although they're not split this way, I'd divide the 13 short stories in this anthology into 3 groups: one for Novik's existing series of books ("Temeraire," "Scholomance"), a second for those based on her fairy tale retellings ("Uprooted," "Spinning Silver"), and a third for standalone stories. There's enough variety in quantity and topics to please readers,, too.

(Full review in link)

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I think this book will be perfect for fans of Naomi Novik, especially if they have read all of her works. I found this hard to get into due to the fact that I haven't had the chance to read most of her books yet. This is a book I will revisit once I have read het other books and understand her worldbuilding more.

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I've read about half a dozen of Naomi Novik's novels and thoroughly enjoyed them all. I remember when I picked up Spinning Silver and, the entire time I was reading, felt acutely aware of how lucky I was to be experiencing such a book for the first time. It was truly wonderful, finely crafted and magical. I wasn't sure how I would like a collection of short fiction by the same author, but I was hopeful.

I haven't felt this electrified by a short story collection since I discovered Aimee Bender over a decade ago. This collection is brilliant. It's rare to find a book in which I love virtually every story. I usually find a few standouts and feel that the rest are decent. But every time I finished one story in this collection and thought, "Wow, that was really great. I can't imagine that I'll enjoy the next one nearly as much," I was proven wrong. Even the stories that I didn't instantly adore are solidly in the "very good" category.

I received a review copy of this book via NetGalley but intend to purchase a finished copy for my home library. I can't recommend this one enough.

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3.5 Stars

This is a delightful collection of 13 short stories by Naomi Novik, a master storyteller. Each story stands alone, some more enjoyable than others. Each tale is accompanied by the author’s note giving us background on the tales, which I loved and enjoyed the insight into the author's way of thinking. A couple of the stories have been published previously. My favorite stories were Buried Deep, a take on the Minotaur myth, After Hours, which takes place in her schoolmance setting, and Spinning Silver, the origin of the novel. While I don't think previous knowledge of Novick's works is absolutely necessary I do think it would help. Overall I feel if you like Novick's other works you will like this. It is nice to have something you can pick up read a story and go on with your day.

Thank you NetGalley and Random House for allowing me to read an advanced copy. My opinions are my own.

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As expected of Naomi Novik this is an absolute delight filled with adventure, fantasy, dragons, and magic. In this collection of short stories you’ll find old favorites such as the Scholomance and Temeraire worlds revisited as well as a peek of something new to come.

For me returning to the world of the Scholomance was a big draw and it was so great to be able to jump back into that world . After Hours, is a story about a new group of students at the Scholomance that takes place after the book trilogy. This story could be a standalone but if you a haven’t read that series and would like to it may be good to hold off on just this story however.

This collection also has two stories set in the Temeraire universe and these require no knowledge of those books and work well as standalone stories. The dragons and settings were delightful taking place in a Pride and Prejudice and a Roman setting and it made me want to read that series as I haven’t had the chance to yet. I also found the short version of Spinning Silver to be a really surprising and interesting addition.

The Long Way Round gives us a taste of what to look forward to in a new upcoming novel and the story and characters were definitely intriguing and compelling. I’m really excited for it! Some of my other Favorites were the dark and mysterious Castle Coeurlieu and Common Places, a story featuring the character of Irene Adler from the Sherlock Holmes novels. I also found Novik’s take on Sci-fi to be unexpected and poignant.

This is a must read for Naomi Novik fans and a really good introduction to her work and style for those interested in giving her writing a try. It’s a perfect cozy autumn read!

Thank you very much to NetGalley and the publisher. I received an advance review copy, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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DNF @ 55%

There were a few stories in the beginning of this collection that I really liked (Antony with the dragon, the Scholomance story, even the very first pirate-esque story!). But then I started to DNF a handful of stories in a row and I just feel like maybe most of the stories in this collection aren't for me. I think if you've read a lot of Novik's work this will be really enjoyable, but I have only read her Scholomance series.

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It is always difficult to review a collection of short stories because there are so many different ideas and narratives taking place. I very much enjoyed these, but for sure some more than others. One wonderful thing about this collection is that it really feels like a tribute to fans of all of Naomi Novik's work. I've read at least part of all her series and so it was great fun to dive into some of the worlds I hadn't been in for a while.

In the ideal reading experience I probably would have read this slowly. A few stories sprinkled between other books I was reading rather than straight through.

Overall 4.5 with the ratings per story ranging from 3-5 stars. None of them were bad but like I mentioned, some were far better than others.

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I had some mixed feelings about this book which seems to be my MO for short story collections. I loved the story from Spinning Silver, the take on the Minotaur, as well as the Scholomance world. But other stories, I was confused the entire time and never truly understood what was happening so it is difficult to rate the book as a whole. Luckily, the stories I enjoyed made up for the ones I didn't.

Naomi Novik creates such amazingly complex magical worlds and intricate societies that I am amazed by her creativity. However, in short story form it is very difficult to explain such a complex world while also make sure certain things happen in such few words. This wasn't always the case, as half of the stories I was sucked right into and loved (and understood) every moment. But the other half I had to reread certain paragraphs or almost push through because I just could not wrap my head around everything.

I've read each of Novik's books and will continue to do so as I truly enjoy her way of writing fairytales and her creative worlds. I wish I could have received more of some of these stories, and maybe she will extend them some day.

Overall, another enjoyable "book" from Naomi Novik, and I look forward to the new world she is creating!

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What a delight! Naomi Novik knows how to write tales that pull you in, and spark your imagination, and this collection does it over and over. I wish each one was its own book, I would read them all.

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Buried Deep and Other Stories is a unique collection of fantasy short stories from Naomi Novik. Some of these short stories are set in worlds familiar to readers of Novik's fantasy novels, and some will be new. Some have been published in other anthologies, but they were all new to me. I honestly enjoyed this read and rated it 4.4 stars. The highlights of the short stories include: After Hours - set in the Scholomance world and I gave this one 5 stars. Dark academia done so well. I also loved Spinning Silver which started out as a short story and then was written as a full length novel. Seven, Long Way Round and Blessings round out the remainder of my favorites - all at 5 stars. The drunk fairy godmothers trying to outdo each other will stay with me for a long time. If you enjoy fantasy and short stories, and honestly, how could you not, you will like this collection from Naomi Novik. I highly recommend it. Thanks to NetGalley #netgalley and the Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine Del Rey for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Naomi Novik is a go-to, always pick and read author for me. And I’m so incredibly thankful to have read this arc. I’ve been reading a lot of anthologies, short stories, essays, etc. because toddler life is time consuming. This was well done—pacing, characters, world building—it all hit the short story sweet spot. And there are dragons!

While some of the stories are related to Naomi Novik's other novels, it isn't necessary to read her other books. The short stories are a great peek into numerous fantasy worlds.

Thank you, NetGalley for the opportunity to read Buried Deep and Other Stories!

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If you love Naomi Novik books, this is a win because you get more of her beautiful, magical words and worlds. And if you are new to this author, it's a win because you get to dip your toe in and you will want to dive in and immerse yourself in her magical words and worlds.

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