Member Reviews

I forced myself to read this book slowly because I was so in love with Novik's writing that I knew if I let myself I would devour this in less than a day. I BARELY managed to hold myself to reading this slowly and I cannot wait to get this book in a physical form and re-read some of these stories again. I absolutely loved this so much!

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Naomi Novik has been and continues to be one of my favorite fantasy authors and I can sing this author’s praises all day long.

Buried Deep is a collection of 13 delightful short stories spanning fantasy, science fiction, and “historical” fiction. For long-time Novik fans, a few of these stories tie into or are in the same universe as some of Novik’s full length works (Temeraire, Spinning, Silver, Scholomance).

These are stories to be savored. Each story is immersive, beautifully written, and just pure magic - perfect bedtime stories. Reading these stories gave me such a warm, comforting feeling, like meeting up with an old friend. This entire collection was such a treasure.

I loved getting an insight into Novik’s mind, writing process, interests, and inspirations. My most anticipated story was a first look at Novik’s current project, the last story of the collection “The Long Way Round”.

I strongly recommend this collection if you enjoy any or all of the following:
- Pirate adventures
- Magical schools
- Dragons
- Fairy tales
- Mythology
- Roman times
- Regency times
- Sherlock Holmes
- Pride and Prejudice

⭐️ 5 stars ⭐️

A dragon-sized thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing - Ballantine for the ARC!!!

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I am not usually a fan of short story collections (mostly because I feel that I am not able to fully understand and appreciate the deeper meaning and symbolism with the shorter format. However, this was definitely an exception! I loved how the stories connected to the worlds in her other books/series and the explanations before each story helped give the context and hints about the underlying meaning I sometimes miss in other short stories. I would recommend this to anyone who loves fantasy, but especially if you have enjoyed this author’s other work.

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“He wanted to keep this piece of himself separate, this part that could love her, for as long as he could. Even if he had to stay down there in the dark.”

You don't have to be familiar with any of her Temeraire or Scholomance works but you will definitely be introduced to them in this collection of short stories. I have not yet read Spinning Silver but after reading the short story version of it included in this collection I was immediately interested in the whole other book that came from that. There is even a glimpse from the world of her new project FOLLY.

I have to say "After Hours" the Scholomance related story unexpectedly made me cry. I really loved the strength of this story about friendship, roommates, and magic midnight supply runs.

Another favorite was "Buried Deep" , a retelling of Ariadne and the Minotaur. I loved it so much I wish it was longer. It had so many beautiful quotes.

I already mentioned how I loved "Spinning Silver" but it really is top tier storytelling. The pacing, the wording, the realness of it despite being a retelling of a fairytale.

Those are most likely my top 3 stories but the rest were equally as well told and I love that there is an author's note before you go into each story. "Dragons & Decorum" is also a really cool reworking of Pride and Prejudice but with Dragons. People who love Sherlock will most likely like the addition of "Commonplaces" , the story with Irene Adler. There is also a really cool regency pirate story. I think this is a good starting point to see Naomi Novik's style of writing if you are not familiar with her work. She truly is a gifted storyteller.

Special thanks to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group-Ballantine| Del Rey for sharing this book with me in exchange for my honest review.

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A delightful collection of stories from the various universes and works by Naomi Novik. I have been a long time fan of Naomi Novik's books and this collection just felt like a fun return to many of her previous works. The writing is really well done and the stories themselves are really interesting. I loved getting to see new perspective and characters in the universes and getting cameos of old favorite characters as well. It's a fun collection and honestly you don't have to have read her previous works to enjoy this collection. It's a great fantasy anthology and one I'd recommend!

Release Date: September 17,2024

Publication/Blog: Ash and Books (

*Thanks Netgalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine | Del Rey for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*

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"A thrilling collection of thirteen short stories that span the worlds of the New York Times bestselling author of the Scholomance trilogy, including a sneak peek at the land where her next novel will be set.

From the dragon-filled Temeraire series and the Gothic magical halls of the Scholomance trilogy, through the realms next door to Spinning Silver and Uprooted, this stunning collection takes us from fairy tale to fantasy, myth to history, and mystery to science fiction as we travel through Naomi Novik's most beloved stories. Here, among many others, we encounter:

- A mushroom witch who learns that sometimes the worst thing in the Scholomance can be your roommate.
- The start of the Dragon Corps in ancient Rome, after Mark Antony hatches a dragon's egg and bonds with the hatchling.
- A young bride in the Middle Ages who finds herself gambling with Death for the highest of stakes.
- A delightful reimagining of Pride and Prejudice, in which Elizabeth Bennet captains a Longwing dragon.
- The first glimpse of the world of Abandon, the setting of Novik's upcoming epic fantasy series - a deserted continent populated only by silent and enigmatic architectural mysteries.

Though the stories are vastly different, there is a unifying theme: wrestling with destiny, and the lengths some will go to find their own and fulfill its promise."


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Though this is advertised as a with a unifying theme of destiny, the stories are too varied to feel cohesive. I enjoyed some stories quite a bit, while others I yawned through.

It would greatly enhance the reader experience if one was already familiar with Novik's body of work, but I don't believe it is necessary.

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The extra stories about the Scholomance series were enough to give this book an easy 4 stars. I absolutely love how Naomi Novik writes. It's so easy to be swept away in her storytelling and this was no exception. The only stories I didn't read were the ones relating to Temeraire because I haven't read them yet. I loved all the little extra tidbits and almost some behind-the-scenes stories following different characters than who we're used to. I loved the Scholomance story following a new character after the school had been fixed. I was literally kicking my feet while reading it. I'm obsessed and definitely plan to get a finished copy.

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I cut my Novik teeth on Spinning Silver when it released in 2018, absolutely entranced with the world building and beautiful prose. It was the first book I ever got in a book box, and I still have my signed 1st/1st on my Novik shelf today. Though I read it first, I quickly followed with Uprooted, which I liked even more, and I knew I may have a new favorite author on my hands. Cue the release of A Deadly Education, which had me so excited I absolutely made an infant of myself whenever I talked about it. But the Scholomance series for me was not Novik; it felt disconnected somehow from the writing that transported me before. Buried Deep, though I hate short stories, gave me back the Novik I first read and fell in literary love with. I read past my bedtime, pushing myself with lies of “just one more story” until I couldn’t keep them open anymore.

To start, I’ll give a brief overview of the contents:

“Araminta, or, The Wreck of the Amphidrake”
previously published in Fast Ships, Black Sails (2008). Ed. by Jeff and Ann VanderMeer.
“After Hours”
New story from Novik’s Scholomance universe
previously published in The Dragon Book: Magical Tales from the Masters of Modern Fantasy (2010). Ed. by Jack Dann and Gardner Dozois.
“Buried Deep”
previously published in The Mythic Dream (2019). Ed. by Dominik Parisien and Navah Wolfe.
“Spinning Silver”
previously published in The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales (2016). Ed. by Dominik Parisien and Navah Wolfe.
previously published in The Improbable Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (2009). Ed. by John Joseph Adams.
previously published in Unfettered III: New Tales by Masters of Fantasy (2019). Ed. by Shawn Speakman.
previously published in Uncanny Magazine, Issue 22, May/June 2018.
“Lord Dunsany’s Teapot”
previously published in The Thackery T. Lambshead Cabinet of Curiosities (2011). Ed. by Jeff and Ann VanderMeer.
“Seven Years from Home”
previously published in Warriors (2010). Ed by Gardner Dozois and George R. R. Martin.
“Dragons & Decorum”
previously published in Golden Age and Other Stories (2017), a novella-length anthology of Temeraire short stories.
“Castle Coeurlieu”
previously published in Unfettered II: New Tales by Masters of Fantasy (2016). Ed. by Shawn Speakman.
“The Long Way Round”
New story from Novik’s upcoming book universe

Many of these stories are reprints from previously published anthologies. We get only 2 new stories. As I don’t own the preview anthologies and/or haven’t read any of them before (because I hate short stories), I don’t feel so miffed about the recycled/repackaged content. Other readers may not like old wine in new skins, so be advised before purchasing that most of these stories have been out for years.

“Araminta, or, The Wreck of the Amphidrake”

If I hate any kind of story more than a short story, it’s a pirate story. I think because Novik makes up worlds that are interesting and then puts what I would consider boring things in them (pirate stories), they could possibly be not so bad for me. Overall, if this one were fleshed out into a novel, I’d pick it up. I loved the magical realism and time period melded together to make a story about a woman who doesn’t really want to live a typical female life in a time when ladies had no options to do so. Also, I love the small details on the ships for avoiding certain catastrophes while sailing the Atlantic. Not my favorite story of the bunch but not the worst.

“After Hours”

One of our new stories in this anthology comes from the Scholomance universe, and I was incredibly surprised that I didn’t hate this one, considering I did not like the original trilogy at all. Actually, I’d love to see a more fleshed out story with the main character in “After Hours.” I really loved the connections here among the new students, and the end might have warmed my heart just a bit.


If all of Novak’s Temeraire series is written like this, I am going to need to start reading it stat. This was brilliant. Mark Antony doesn’t take himself seriously until he becomes a dragon daddy, and even then only slightly more than before? One of my favorites in the anthology.

“Buried Deep”

The titular short story in this collection unquestionably takes the status of my favorite, and I don’t care for Greek myth imaginings so much nowadays. If the massive flooding of the current offering of Greek mythological retellings/reimaginings possessed the je nais se quoi present in Novik’s story, I’d devour them all.

“Spinning Silver”

I’ll admit, I was disappointed with this one for several reasons. First, I had no idea one of my favorite Novik novels was first a short story. I’m still not sure how I feel about that, and I’ll need time to reflect in order to come to terms with this recyclage. Second, it’s a pretty long short story and it’s in this anthology, which goes back to my first feelings about this new book with old stories. Still, I enjoyed reading the story in its infancy, and I’m happy with the changes that made it into my first favorite Novik novel.


Not necessarily fantasy, but I’ll take it anyway, “Commonplaces” takes a look at a beloved Victorian character in depth and imagines an after for a series that’s been read, made in to TV series, and adapted for the big screen ad nauseam. I quite like this one in terms of its catharsis, but it’s bit short and the character may be off from Novik’s interpretation in my own mind. Nevertheless, Novik can make a person performing daily commonplace tasks the most fascinating in the world for me, so I don’t care if it’s how I imagined it or not.


Novik really drew me in with this one but left me hanging, so I have mixed feelings. The worlds she comes up with in just offhand short stories amazes me. Because it’s a short story, however, the world building is incomplete and I don’t understand how many things work, what’s going on, what happens after the end, etc. I realize this may be the point of short stories—which is another reason I hate them. I loved this one, though, against my own will.


Possibly the shortest of the stories, I quite enjoyed the fairies in this one and the brief glimpse of a dynamic between a reimagined Sleeping Beauty and Maleficent. As with other stories, I’d love to see this one fleshed out into a whole novel or series. I feel the world building would be amazing.

“Lord Dunsany’s Teapot”

I’m not sure what to make of this one except Dunsany fraternizes and falls in love with one of his men while in the trenches of WWI. He subsequently dies in battle, leaving the man his teapot to grieve over. The telling, as always with Novik’s writing, was mesmerizing, but it was quite short and not really fantasy. The teapot in the trenches felt out of place in the collection.

“Seven Years from Home”

Meant to be a bit of a sci-fi rendition of, what Novik called in the introduction of the story unbelievable events of T. H. Lawrence’s Seven Pillars of Wisdom, I can’t testify to the credibility of Lawrence’s account of his experiences, but I can say I really liked this world Novik created for the sake of the commentary. Fantastic places and space travel meet colonized planets with stark dichotomies of environmental practices. I found myself fascinated with the possibilities of living at one with nature while being a technologically advanced warrior with advanced biological warfare skills. Another one I’d love to see fleshed out into a whole series.

“Dragons & Decorum”

Pride & Prejudice iterations are a dime a dozen nowadays, and I tend to not like them very much. It’s hard to beat Austen’s genius on social commentary served with subtle and very insulting wit, but many try. I feel Novik’s “Dragons & Decorum” falls into the better category, with her inclusion of the Napoleonic wars and dragons, but the characters were a bit anachronistic for my taste. I do quite like the steampunk vibes, but I could have done without the wimping down of Darcy. Add to that the fact that this story was previously published in another anthology from Novik already, and I believe this may be one of my least favorite stories.

“Castle Coeurlieu”

This medieval story stole my heart—pun intended—completely. The tale of this connection between the new, young wife of a warrior lord and the young son she becomes the mother of shows excellently the skill Novik uses when creating characters. I grew to love Isabeau and Jerome because of their attachment to one another, and by the end of this short glimpse of the magical world the author weaves around the Heart Place, I had invested much of my emotion into the fates of the characters. As per usual, if I love a short story because it draws me in and grips me, it’s over much too soon; and I’m left with more questions than satisfaction. Once again, my disdain for short stories receives vindication.

“The Long Way Round”

I left the last story last in all respects: I did not wander through the book and skip around to read some stories before others, and I left all of the details about the new world for what Novik appears to tease as the setting for upcoming books until I came to it and began reading it. The story framing disappointed immediately, as I don’t really ever enjoy the type of story it is (I won’t spoil for those who want to read it surprised). While my curiosity is piqued and I’d like to know what the weird structures the characters encounter are, I’m just not so excited about this upcoming series.

My overall rating stands at 3.5/5. A few of the stories kept me truly engrossed, but I would like to have seen more than two new stories in a whole new book for a whole book price. I’m also more thrilled with some of the old stories than the new offering proposed to be from Novik’s new book universe soon to come. I would like some more Spinning Silver and Uprooted Novik, please.

My thanks to Del Rey via NetGalley for the eARC, for which I willingly give my own, honest opinion.

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Thank you to Random House Books for the ARC; this is my honest review.

I came into this as someone who hadn't yet read Naomi Novik's work: I will be rectifying that clear oversight on my part! This introduction shows me that she's a fantastic storyteller, capable of drawing readers in within just a few pages.

After Hours is possibly my favorite story in the book -- and yes, now I *have* to read the Scholomance trilogy, but there was something to like in each of them. Drunk fairies! Dragons! Mysterious teapots!

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I've read Uprooted by this author and enjoyed the first third of the book and then the remainder of the book lost me. I figured this short story collection would be a great way to connect to this author's work even more. Unfortunately this collection just wasn't for me. Many of the stories had interesting premises and I think readers who are familiar with Novik's style and enjoy her writing will sink into these stories. While Novik is an author with stunning prose, I just have trouble connecting to her writing so ultimately this series was not for me. Araminta was my least favorite story in the collection but I did enjoy Buried Deep the most.

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I was really excited about this book but after actually reading it, I came to the conclusion that maybe I don't like this author's writing as much as I thought I did. Omitting the Spinning Silver and Scholomance short stories, only one other story stood out to me. While many of the stories have great premises, a lot of the writing felt "pretentious". It could have been the character or the times, but it really turned me off from them.

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I usually prefer novels over short stories but this may be my favorite short story collection in a very long time. There wasn’t a single one I started said meh to and skipped over. I even enjoyed seeing the short story that spinning silver expanded from. I highly recommend for anyone who enjoys fantasy. And the science fiction story in there too…

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Buried Deep and Other Stories is a collection of thirteen short stories by Naomi Novik. I have a love/hate relationship with these types of collections as some short stories feel complete while I feel there are elements missing from others. In this collection, each story was written at a different time and belong to different universes.

Araminta (The Wreck of the Amphidrake) is a pirate story from 2008. It has some elements that remind me of Pirates of the Caribbean, only with a focus on Elizabeth. The main character of Araminta was interesting, and I enjoyed following her journey from being sent away for causing trouble to interacting with pirates.

After Hours is set in the Scolomance universe, which means that the reader should have a general foundation from that trilogy. I think if you read this story blind, it wouldn’t make as much sense, so while it is great for those that already read it, this story won’t connect with everyone. The characters in this story are different, but that core foundation, I believe is needed. While I had that foundation and can have a full understanding, I did not agree with including this story for those readers that haven’t experienced the trilogy.

Vici is set in the universe from the Temeraire series and was written in 2010. The setting is the Roman Empire and features pirates. It follows a Roman named Mark Antony after he hatches a dragon’s egg. Since I have no connection with the Temeraire series, I wish I had a little more foundation, but it still had its enjoyable moments.

Buried Deep is a short story written in 2019 that retells the story of the Labyrinth, Ariadne, and the Minotaur. Since I’ve read a full-length Ariadne retelling, this short story had a lot to live up to and I don’t think it quite got there. This story was well-written, but the abrupt ending needed a little more work, for me.

Spinning Silver is a short story version of the full-length novel, which was completed earlier than the full-length. The foundation of the story is the same as the full-length where it is a loose retelling of Rumpelstiltskin, although the endings are varied. Since this short story and the full-length both feature similar features, this one can be read easily without the foundation of the full-length.

Commonplaces is a short story about Irene Adler from Sherlock Holmes and written in 2009. There is enough information for the reader to understand everything without a background in the source material, but there was not enough detail for me to connect with it.

Seven is set in the city of the same name hat follows art and an expert sculptor. It was cute and sweet with the sculptor and her patron.

Blessings is twist on Sleeping Beauty without being a retelling that goes over dynamics of fairy blessings. As this one was very short, there wasn’t enough time to connect with any of the characters or story. I think some additional detail is needed, even as a short story, to make this one more memorable.

Lord Dunsany’s Teapot is follows two soldiers during the second world war that revolves around a magical teapot. This one was difficult to follow the connection between the characters, setting, plot, and title as there just wasn’t enough time to get it all done. I think this one had potential, but it needed a lot more work to feel complete.

Seven Years from Home is colonialism story involving distant worlds. The language in this one is more formal compared to other stories. There is also a lot of background for the reader to absorb and a lot that still felt missing.

Dragons and Decorum is a Temeraire universe story that is a reimagining of Pride and Prejudice. It takes Elizabeth Bennet and has her as a captain of the Aerial Corps with dragons, but the rest of the general story seemed to follow the pattern of the original.

Castle Coeurlieu was an interesting horror story that follows Isabeau who marries the Compte de Coeurlieu in a time of war and plagues. The castle is the atmospheric setting of the story, and the suspense portion is the standout compared to the rest of the story.

The last story is The Long Way Round is set to become a full-length novel, so this one was a great intro to the universe. It features a brother and sister who set sail to find a new continent. There was a lot to enjoy about this story as there was world-building, romance, sibling dynamics, and adventure. I can see this turning into a great series; however, this tiny fraction needed a little more to be complete on its own. Since the new story will feature part of this short story without expanding on the existing, this is going to be interesting to see how the future story will turn out.

There are a lot of stories in this collection, so there is guaranteed to be something for every reader. Some stories are based on other novels while others are original. The original novels had some hits and misses and while the other stories were good, I feel you do need the originals to understand them better. I don’t quite get the decisions to include some of the stories, but I do like the collection. Overall, some of these stories were great while others were a miss for me, so I went with a middle-ground rating as an average for all the stories combined.

**I give a special thank you to Netgalley and the publisher, Del Rey, for the opportunity to read this entertaining novel. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.**

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Being a massive fan of Naomi Novik and a collector of her books, I was thrilled to receive an ARC of "Buried Deep and Other Stories" from NetGalley!

“Buried Deep and Other Stories” by Naomi Novik is a compelling collection of thirteen short stories that catapult the reader across her past anthologies. The stories include several well-known characters and stories outside of her own series as well. Novik also provides an inside look into her story building before each story, which is an absolute joy to read.

“Spinning Silver” has always been a favorite book of mine, and I loved the short stories added to this collection, as well as those included in the Scholomance Trilogy. The book also includes a Greek mythology and classic retelling with fairies, dragons, and magic sprinkled about. Each story is a masterfully crafted gem, showcasing Novik's exceptional talent for weaving intricate plots and developing rich, nuanced characters within the constraints of short fiction.

One thing I have always loved about Novik's storytelling is how it can be both haunting and beautiful. These short stories are no different. Her prose is evocative and immersive, painting vivid images and evoking genuine emotional responses. From the eerie and otherworldly to the poignant and introspective, each story offers a unique and unforgettable journey, drawing readers into diverse worlds and experiences that seamlessly intertwine fantasy and reality. The teaser story, “The Long Way Round”, into her new project has me very excited for its release!

The stories within this collection are diverse and thought-provoking, exploring themes ranging from love and loss to magic and mysticism. Novik's ability to weave these elements together in a way that feels organic and genuine is truly remarkable. Each story is a testament to her talent for creating unique worlds that resonate with readers.

What sets "Buried Deep and Other Stories" apart is its ability to transport readers to different realms and time periods all in one book, showcasing Novik's versatility as a storyteller. The balance between enchanting prose and poignant storytelling makes this collection a must-read for fans of fantasy and speculative fiction.

Overall, "Buried Deep and Other Stories" is a captivating and immersive collection that showcases Naomi Novik's exceptional skill as a writer. I’m looking forward to adding this hard copy to my existing Novik collection and reading her next project, “Folly.”

Thank you to #NetGalley, #NaomiNovik, and #DelRay for the free ARC in exchange for my honest review. #BuriedDeepandOtherStories

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This is my first read by Naomi Novik. This collection of short stories definitely has a fairy tale vibe to it. But best part of this book - the writing is beautiful. I don't know that I have ever read a story (and I am an avid reader) that was more beautifully written. If this is similar style to her other books like Uprooted, I can definitely understand where all of the hype came from about this writer. Reading it was a true treat. I can't wait to read her other stories. Enjoyed the book but had a bit of trouble following some of the stories, the deeper into the book I got. For this reason, giving 4 out of 5 stars.

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Once again, I’m delighted by Naomi Novik. She is an author that, in my humble opinion, can do no wrong.

Buried Deep and Other Stories is a collection of short stories she has previously published in other anthologies. It's nice to have them all under one roof. I think it showcases her strengths as a writer and storyteller. Giving us complete stories in a short number of pages. Some elaborated on previous works she's published, and some were standalones or prompts she participated in.

It was wonderful to read the original Spinning Silver and to compare how Novik evolved it into the beloved novel it is! Are you a fan of the Scholomance Trilogy? There's a story in there for you (although don't read it unless you've completed the trilogy, it's a bit of a spoiler). Heck, if you're a fan of her series that includes dragons in the Napoleonic War, AND love Pride and Prejudice, well I won't go on, but I hope it piques your interest.

Anthologies that include various authors are normally hard to rate because of drastic differences in writing. No such difficulty here. I loved some stories more than others, however this is a solid companion book to add to your collection, and I feel like I will go back to it often when I need a pick-me-up.

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I really enjoyed the Scholomance series by Naomi Novik and was very excited to get an ARC of this book! I will say that I enjoyed the one connected to the Scholomance because it just had the same magical quality to it like the series. I didn't dislike the other stories, but I do think I would have enjoyed them even more if I had read the other books by the author. I think I'll probably come back to re-read them once I read her other books! Overall a solid read. Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for this ARC!

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I normally have a hard time giving reviews of anthologies since there’s always a couple stories I don’t enjoy, but I didn’t have that problem with this one. I thoroughly enjoyed all the stories in this collection and found myself wanting to learn more about all the worlds.

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I think for the right audience this could be a great book. It collects stories from some of Novik’s passed characters and setting and also sprinkles in some new characters and setting. It’s not bad. I just don’t feel I was the right audience for this. If you have loved Naomi’s passed books and series then definitely give this one a try.

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