Member Reviews


I literally want to buy a million copies and just hand them out to every busy mom I see trying to juggle life while pushing a screaming toddler through Costco, because yes you need milk, chicken nuggets, toilet paper, a rotisserie chicken and of course a $1.50 hot dog and your kid won't cooperate. This book could change lives... truly, changing our mindset from the busy busy busy more more more mentality we have been born and raised in.

Kendra for president!

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I finished Kendra Adachi’s latest book, The PLAN, over a week ago. And while my usual pace is read a book, post fairly quickly, move onto the next, I can’t help but think that the most appropriate thing that I did after reading this book on time management was to wait—wait until I had the energy, the mental space, and the time, because this hobby of talking about books is just that, a hobby.

You see, this isn’t your typical time management book. This isn’t about micromanaging your time down to the second to be efficient as humanly possible. This is how to manage your time so that you feel like a human. And, unlike most time management books, this one is written by a woman for women. She’s going to talk about your menstrual cycle and how it affects your energy. She’s going to talk about the distribution of tasks in a household. She’s going to talk about how most time management books are written by men, who do not understand what it’s like to live in a woman’s body and therefore don’t really have a lot of helpful things to suggest to us. In short, this might be the most gentle and loving time management book I’ve ever run across.

Now, if you listen to Adachi’s podcast, The Lazy Genius, you’ll already have been introduced to a good portion of this book’s content. However, I do think it’s pretty great to have it all laid out in one place.

This ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. The PLAN will be available to purchase on October 8.

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Great perspective and new ways to think about prioritizing tasks for the overwhelmed. I appreciate that Adachi recognizes how most time management and planning resources are patriarchal.

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Everything Kendra Adachi writes resonates with me deeply. I appreciate her no-nonsense, kind, and tender approach to organization and planning. Her care for her family, friends, and herself is what sets her writing apart from the crowd. This book, offering time-management skills and processes for women specifically, is a gem. She looks at the common issues and stresses particular to women and compassionately offers a different path than the “try harder,” “achieve greatness,” one most often praised. Reading The PLAN was like taking a deep breath. I could sense Kendra saying throughout the entire book, “you’re doing great.” She confronts so many of my personal tendencies. I can definitely relate to the catastrophic, everything is awful, black trash bag energy. I can become quite black-and-white, all-or-nothing when under stress, and the exercises and pep-talks in this book combat that line of thinking and encourage starting small instead of the common “go big or go home.” Well, I think I’d rather go home, actually. And that’s what The PLAN is, a call to be at home with oneself, to tend to oneself, and to let that core value be the guiding principle in every arena of life. This book is practical, informative, and funny. I feel like Kendra is my biggest fan cheering me on, and without knowing her personally, I’ve become one of hers.

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The Plan:Manage Your Time Like a Lazy Genius by Kendra Adachi is a book you may find helpful ideas in if you loved Kendra advising you how to live a Lazy Genius Way and have a a LazyGenius Kitchen.The book has three sections called Principles,Strategies and Pep Talks.Two quotes from the book spoke to me.”We have diminished living to getting things done.”Another was“Learning to pivot is more important than learning to plan.”You may not appreciate her rants against the patriarchy If you are post menopausal you may find parts of the book unnecessary.However you will appreciate her pep talks and the quick reference guide at the end is great!Thank you Net Galley and Convergent Books for allowing me to read this ARC!

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As an avid listener to the Lazy Genius podcast and a follower of Kendra on social media, I lucked into getting to read this book before it's release! Thank you Net Galley and the publisher! The idea of a time management book written by a woman is apparently a new concept and one that Kendra tackles easily. She takes her LG principles and adapts them to time management, all while weaving personal issues and stories into the mix. As an empty nester a few years from retirement, I may not be the target audience, but I did glean some ideas and tips from the book.

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I've read Kendra's other titles and listened to her podcast for years. I love how simply she delivers concepts that help us in our every day lives. It's changed how I've planned my budget and meals all the way to how I spend my time with separate children. Can't wait for others to use this resource to change their lives.

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I knew this book was going to be a 5 star read by the first chapter! I was already a huge fan of Kendra Adachi aka The Lazy Genius and this book solidified that fact for me. I already preordered a physical copy so I can get all the extra goodies. Kendra made a management plan for women, by a women, and broken down into bite-sized and easily understandable pieces. I love that this book focused on women's needs, and how they may differ from mens. I have been interested in learning about hormonal cycles for quite some time but felt overwhelmed at where to start and this book offered a nice overview without throwing too much at the reader at once. I absolutely loved the third section that basically offered "Break in case of an emergency' type advice. I loved the TL, DR that was at the end of each chapter that one can go back to and reference without reading the entire thing. Living seasonally is something I have been trying to slow down and do, and Kendra offered the framework in which to do so. I see myself returning to this book often.

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I love that Kendra is using her voice in the space of time management to bring some much needed compassion and female perspective. It is a fantastic read with the first half of the book explaining how the productivity has shaped us in less than helpful ways. The second half is all of the strategies and approaches to manage your time and your energy more compassionately. It is very a very needed reframe in our "do it all" culture. The chapters are succinct and laid out in a way that you can return to a specific section as you need it. I love investing in a book that I know I will reference again and again, just as I have with her previous books, "The Lazy Genius Way" and "Lazy Genius Kitchen".

Kind Big-Sister Energy is how she refers to her method of supporting us ladies, and it is, but there is definitely life coach/ therapist vibes in the language she is giving us all and I am here for it! I cannot wait to see where she takes us next on the journey of becoming our best lazy genius selves!

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I've read Kendra's other books and faithfully listen to her podcast weekly. This is a lovely distillation of her time management guidance in one handy place. Suppose you are curious as to why the 'get your life together' section of the bookstore falls flat for you. In that case, you might be someone who: has a body that menstruates, has other humans who depend on you to sort their lives out too, and/or a neurospicy brain (of most any flavor) that isn't operating like a neurotypical brain does ... or some combination of these. This book tackles all of these angles and offers strategies with gentle encouragement to take what you can use and leave what you cannot. As with all her content, Kendra writes like she speaks -- full of anecdotes from her own experience, full disclosure when something goes horribly (and usually hilariously) off track, and with a compassion rooted in her faith. (If you don't share it, that's fine and it's not overly pushy ... but I do and I appreciate the kindness and welcoming of anyone as we are into the world.)

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This book would be wonderful for parents who feel overwhelmed. Kendra Adachi hosts one of my favorite podcasts and I love her “kind big sister energy.” The pep talks at the end of the book are a wonderful touch!

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I have followed Kendra for quite awhile through her podcast and have read both “The Lazy Genius Way” and “The Lazy Genius Kitchen,” which were easily 5 stars. After finishing “The Plan,” I was left with a derpy look on my face. The writing style was clearly Kendra but it didn’t feel like her normal brain child. It’s difficult to explain so I will leave you with a pro/con list:

- Conversational writing style
- Recaps at the end of each chapter
- Pep talks

- Alphabet soup of acronyms
- Watered down Lazy Genius concepts
- Unexplained rage against the patriarchy

If you are considering picking up one of Kendra’s books, I would point you to the two mentioned above.

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THIS! This book is saving me right now. All the stress and ideas bobbing around in my head keeps me up at night. Kendra has found a way to read my mind, put in into a book and into tangile bite sizes that I can understand and process. Finally a time management book that doesn't waste our time and efforts!!

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In American society, we have forgotten how to be human and not just some cog in a productivity wheel. My expectation was that this book was going to be kinder version of the same narrative we have heard thousands of times growing up. However, this take on time management caught me by surprise and was not at all what I expected. In a good way! Kendra, through this book, coaches the reader to find ways to place time management into the rhythm of our daily lives as opposed to adopting new systems that ultimately fail. I am thankful to have read this book because it has freed me from the guilt of feeling that I have failed in taking charge of my plans and empowered me to make decisions that reflect who I am and what matters most to me.

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Time management book for women by women, it is an interesting concept but also had me skeptical. Overall the book was decent, there were tips, lots of pneumatic device tips, and it was funny. I see the appeal of a book like this for when people need the assistance with planning or get overwhelmed with planning and cant do so while also living in the present now.

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Fans of Kendra Adachi will enjoy the latest entry in the Lazy Genius series. Steeped in her typical brand of practical wisdom, Adachi tackles time management from a woman's perspective. If your goal is not to conquer the world, but simply and wholeheartedly embrace and live your own, The Plan might be the book you've been waiting for. The book shows you how to look at your life holistically and accept yourself for where you are at this stage in life, rather than chasing the "someday there'll be greatness if I just do these ten things" carrot of most time management books. As you learn to PLAN (prepare, live, adjust, and notice), you'll learn to do so while giving yourself grace and compassion. The approach is refreshing and specifically directed at women who need to learn that they don't need to do it all, have it all, and be everything to all people in order to have a productive and successful life.

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I am not a fan of Kendra Adachi. I am not a fan of the Lazy Genius. That isn't to say that I don't like either, more so that I'd simply never heard of either. What drew me to The Plan was the idea of a time management book written by a woman, for and about women. As Adachi discusses, there are many time management books out there, some even written by women, but almost none of them take into account that a woman's life, motivation, and physiology is different from a man's, and therefore influences how she addresses time management quite differently.

The Plan is written to address the parts of women's lives that get overlooked, ignored, or, at the very least, downplayed in most time management books. Even without Adachi's overly enthusiastic diatribes about THE PATRIARCHY, women know that historically, they are the ones who will be staying at home with sick kids, caring for ailing family members, and dealing with the majority of the things that happen to disrupt the smoothly running plans of the days typically addressed in time management books. The Plan encourages women to step into that realization with full acceptance of the limitations they face, not with guilt, but with compassion. Women are implored to accept how flagging energy and hormonal shifts can easily hijack a day (or seven). Being gentle with oneself is possibly the uppermost theme in the book. That said, the book is not for everyone. Women who are menopausal or childless might not find much in here that speaks to them. Anyone looking for a quick fix and easy solutions, isn't going to be happy either. There are lists and acronyms galore. Redemption is found in the summaries that tie each chapter into a slightly less confusing bow. Those looking for a comprehensive plan that they can implement all at once might also not be the best candidates for the book. This is one best read in its entirety and then, after taking careful notes, the chapters that speak to you most should be implemented one at a time for best success.

For myself, I like the book in theory, even if I wasn't the target audience (she says all women, but really its probably best for those aged 20 - 45). There were a few things that I could implement and find some success in. I could have done without all the patriarchy bashing from someone who espouses acceptance and compassion. We know what we face as women, state it once clearly and them move on. Overall, I think the book is a worthwhile read and one worth recommending. It was certainly enough to make me learn more about both Kendra Adachi and The Lazy Genius.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Convergent Books for an ARC. My opinions are my own.

I am a huge fan of Kendra and the Lazy Genius. I’ve read her other books and I’m an avid podcast listener. I was so excited for this one.

It was witty and funny and I was highlighting things right from the Introduction - that’s how soon useful nuggets were identified. It was short so seemed promisingly “to the point” but just didn’t quite deliver on that.

There a few too many pneumonic devices and sometimes it felt like the same information was being given via a different pneumonic. I felt a bit overwhelmed.

Not a bad read, just not quite the straightforward jumpstart to planning I was hoping for.

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The Plan by Kendra Adachi
This book is something that I know that I’ll come back to time and again, like her first book, the Lazy Genius. Kendra is gifted with the knack of helping the reader figure out the season that she or he is living in and what matters in that season. She is clever with her catchy acronyms to help us check in on what’s happening in the different seasons of life. The title of the book, the PLAN, stands for Prepare, Live, Notice and Adjust.

Kendra helps us discover what is important in our own lives, how to plan with the energy we have for the day, the week, the month and the season. She gives us hope that we can organize our busy lives by organizing our tasks and systems and putting them in their proper place. This is a book that can help us all find balance and peace in the struggle to get it all done. Thank you, Kendra.

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Kendra is brilliant! I had given up on books in this category because they always flood me with shame, motivate me to try harder, and then fall apart because none of it is written for normal people living normal lives. Kendra is one of us - a person trying to be kind, generous, and wise, and leads the way in all of it.

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