Member Reviews

Burned out on self-help books? Over time management books? Toss out the rest because this is the only one you need! Using easy to understand AND implement concepts, Kendra Adachi reframes everything you've ever been told about productivity.

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I love Kendra and The Lazy Genius "way of life" that she teaches. This book is no exception. She has a talent for breaking things down to their essential bits and using those to plan a great life. Highly recommend her new book which covers the WHY and the HOW of planning.

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What a unique perspective on time and planning. Kendra, brings a light into this world, including giving ourselves more grace and understanding, as well as recognizing our hormonal cycles and its relation to our amount of energy and ability. Also, just generally recognizing that every day can’t be a copy and paste, repeat into eternity, because we are unique and changing, as well as our loved ones we spend time with.

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I am a big fan of Kendra‘s previous book, The Lazy Genius. It actually changed my way of looking at things and simplified my life in so many different ways. I was hoping for more of the same in her new book, but found it a bit too complicated for my liking. Throughout the book, she warns us that we don’t have to try to Implement every idea/plan/list into our lives at once, but there just is so much and so many acronyms and plans to remember that I find my mind was boggled. I left each section feeling that there was just too much brain work and too many things to remember when a good old-fashioned list would get the job done in a simple, easier fashion. Perhaps it’s because I didn’t heed her warning and read the entire book before trying out each section, but unfortunately it just seemed a bit much. Thank you to NetGalley for the advance read copy.

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3.5 ⭐️ rounded up

I’m a fan of Kendra and The Lazy Genius (and have read Kendra’s other two books). I’m a planner by nature and was excited Kendra was going to write a time management book. This book is great for anyone feeling overwhelmed by aspects of their life. It has a lot of tips to help navigate seasons and craziness. It felt like maybe too many systems and acronyms at times, but it could be helpful for someone if they don’t read it all at once.

Thanks to NetGalley for the arc.

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Kendra Adachi does such a great job of making you not feel alone and helping you give yourself grace, which is exactly what the time management genre is needing. In The Plan, she doesn’t give you a hyper-specific method that will solve all your problems if you never stray from it. She gives you a system that helps you look at your life and the struggles you are having in a different way. A system that allows for pivots and grace. Really enjoyed reading this and i will definitely being revisiting it as new life challenges come up.

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Loved how this was a sequel to The Lazy Genius book. My favorite sections are planning a week, a month, a season, and a project. This book is full of easy-to-implement tips and tricks to improve your life, one plan at a time!

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In The PLAN, Kendra Adachi brings her Lazy Genius principles to productivity and organization in a way I didn’t know I needed. Her frameworks are practical and flexible and show that the most important piece is figuring out what works for you. Not everything will and that’s okay. I feel like this is a book I will be continually re-reading for the reminders.

Thanks to the publisher and Net Galley for the ARC.

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I’m a little bit of a fan of Kendra Adachi’s podcast The Lazy Genius, so it’s very possible that this won’t be a totally unbiased post, except that I think you don’t need to be a fan to appreciate this book. Knowledge of the podcast and the method will certainly help get it quicker, but I don’t think this is a rehash of the podcast or of her previous 2 books. This is more like an expansion and a philosophy.

The Plan gets very high level before getting down to the nitty-gritty. The topic is time management, which is a genre where you’d think everything has been already said and more. But Kendra (can’t help use her first name, she channels a friendly, big sister energy, except I think I’m technically slightly older than she is) proposes a rather new approach. New by combining elements that are often overlooked in traditional time management books.

The Plan is thought for women (not that some of it wouldn’t apply to men), acknowledging that they/we are already struggling with lots of injunctions and social expectations, but also that our body and our cycle do have an influence on our mood, energy level, and overall ability to function. The Plan is not a method that functions in a vacuum and requires you to start from scratch and to follow from a to z. On the contrary, you are free to pick and choose what is better suited to your situation once you’ve understood the underlying approach.

I can see many points in my daily life where I will be able to apply the plan, but to me the best part is the friendly and caring (and easy to remember) ways that Kendra delivers her messages.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley. I received a free copy of this book for review consideration.

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I have followed Kendra’s work for years. She does an excellent job distilling information into actionable, and memorable steps. I like the acronyms in this book and how each pillar builds on the others. I also recommend following her podcast and reading her other work.

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This book is a great "read it and check back in again" guidebook for managing your time and energy effectively. The author does go through things pretty quickly and succinctly so I think future readers will be better served by viewing it as a book that you should mark up and go back to several times as you try to put her theories into practice.

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I love Kendra and everything she produces. The plan is an innovated concept and a book needed for a lot of people. Some of the tone around her reason for writing it got annoying to me, but I enjoyed it overall.

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Kendra is a favourite author and follow and I very much enjoyed this book. I appreciated her perspectives that differed from usual time management books. She focuses on compassion, being kind to yourself, and the fact that learning to pivot is better than having a plan. There is even a whole chapter dedicated to planning rhythms in regards to the menstrual cycle. As Kendra point out, most time management books are written by men for men, so it was definitely nice to feel like the target audience; although, may have been a bit too much on the period talk. This book is full of acronyms, strategies, and practical tips.

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Kendra has done it again! Another book full of practical advice given by your favorite big sister. No need to have read Kendra’s previous books to pick this one up, you’ll get lots of good, actionable advice from The Plan.

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Kendra is great. She has such a strong voice in her writing and she does a great job of being gentle with the reader while offering solid advice. I also love that she can write about her own faith without making it something you have to subscribe to personally. I would definitely recommend this book in its physical form so that you reference it as needed.

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Kendra J. Adachi’s The PLAN is a refreshing and practical guide that offers clear, actionable strategies for organizing your life without feeling overwhelmed. Adachi’s approach focuses on simplifying tasks and creating sustainable routines, which felt both empowering and achievable. Her tone is warm and conversational, making the book feel like advice from a supportive friend rather than a strict how-to manual.

What I appreciated most was how adaptable her methods are. Rather than a rigid system, she offers flexible guidelines that can be tailored to fit different lifestyles and priorities. Whether you’re managing work, family, or personal goals, the steps feel accessible and grounded in real life.

While some of the ideas are familiar if you’ve read other planning books, Adachi’s approach feels less prescriptive and more focused on helping you create a plan that works for you. It’s a motivating read that leaves you feeling ready to tackle your goals with a sense of calm and clarity.

Overall, The PLAN is a great resource for anyone looking to bring more order and intention into their daily life without sacrificing their sanity. Highly recommend for those seeking balance and structure.

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A solid addition to the self-help genre. I really enjoyed The Lazy Genius - and while I do prefer that book, this one was also very helpful. I appreciated the focus on women, since many books in this category aren't as inclusive.

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Fans of the Lazy Genius Way and the Lazy Genius Cookbook will enjoy The PLAN...I sure did!

Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC. All comments are my own.

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This book was gripping and hard to put down. It didn't feel like everything else you see out there, it felt very fresh. I really enjoyed this book!

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In “The Plan”, Kendra Adachi helps readers (esp women) understand the external forces (menstrual cycle, societal expectations on women) that impact their ability to manage their time well . Adachi also give practical guidance for planning our your time efficiently and effectively.

In the end, this book wasn’t for me. Not because it wasn’t well written, but because it made me realize I do a pretty good job with time management.

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