Member Reviews

Kendra Adachi writes in a way that takes what the reader thinks she knows and then flips it around. “That Plan” is a book that I will be reading over and over. This is a book that everyone who has anything to-do. I am always in awe of what Kendra Adachi thinks up and then how she can explain it in a way that is so brilliant. This is one the best time management book I have ever read.

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Another great book by The Lazy Genius! This one is written in true Kendra fashion — funny, relatable, and so, so practical. I love how she breaks things down in such simple ways, and I love her outlook on life and productivity. This one will stay on the shelf to refer back to!

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I am sorry for the inconvenience but I don’t have the time to read this anymore and have lost interest in the concept. I believe that it would benefit your book more if I did not skim your book and write a rushed review. Again, I am sorry for the inconvenience.

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I thought this would be another book on time management, and am glad I was wrong! Not a hustling book on getting it all done, but a fun concept on managing time the lazy genius way. Thank you to Netgalley, the author, and the publisher for allowing me to read and review.

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This unique book gave me much to think about, as a female boss and as a boss of women. It spoke to facts of life that every other business book I’ve ever read has completely ignored. I found myself talking about that aspect with employees before I even finished the book. It’s worth the read for that viewpoint alone. But it’s also worth the read for the many ways it touches on leadership and organizational skills unique to women in general. Very glad I read it, and I plan to find opportunities to give it to my other boss friends!

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I highly recommend The Plan by Kendra Adachi to anyone who has felt like other time management books sounded good but didn't deliver. This is written in such an approachable and down-to-earth voice that I really connected with. Kendra points out that most productivity/time management books are written by men and this clearly makes all the difference as I have read many and identified with none until The Plan. I really appreciate her strategies and advice that I can actually use and feel applicable to my life. Three words to describe this book are: empowering, real, friendly.

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Really enjoyed this book, and found multiple strategies to be incredibly helpful. There are a ton of strategies to remember, so this is one of those books that I wouldn’t recommend as an audiobook- I’d want to be able to easily screenshot or take a picture of steps in some of the processes suggested in the book. One thing that I truly appreciated was the in-depth explanation as to why so many time management books written by men are not easily followed by women. It just makes sense. Thank you, Kendra!

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A fun sweet read! Highly recommend.

Many thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for my ARC.

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Let me preface this review by saying that I enjoy the author's Lazy Genius podcast and first book, The Lazy Genius Way. However, I did not feel like this latest book from Kendra Adachi reflected lazy genius qualities. Part rage against the patriarchy, part nervous squirrel energy, The PLAN presents a convoluted approach to planning and time management that I did not find particularly helpful. An effective strategy should be simple and easy to remember, and this was not. I believe that, as the author herself would say, she built the machine too big. However, I did enjoy the way the author related the phases of the menstrual cycle to planning stages, and the pep talks at the end of the book were a lovely touch that I can see myself referring to in the future.

Thank you to Convergent Books for gifting me with an ARC to review! All opinions are my own.

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This is a fabulous anti-time management book. I was nodding along through the first few pages, as it completely resonated. The concepts we are taught for time management don't work for women and this book clearly explains why and what to do instead. I can see it being game changing for some readers, so if you're struggling with how to do it all, this is the last book you'll ever need to tell you how to get your life back into control. Highly recommended.

Elizabeth Harrin, author of Managing Multiple Projects. I received an ARC of this book.

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If you're a woman who wants to learn how to manage your time better, pick this book up! I started reading this book because I am a big follower of Kendra's Lazy Genius Way Method and book. When I saw the eArc on NetGalley, I was excited to see what Kendra had to say about time management. I love her writing style - it makes for an easy, relatable read.

I feel like I have a pretty good grip on time management in my current season of life but we do have a big move coming up. I found strategies in this book to use to help me break down the chaos of the million things that need to get done before we move. I especially found the chapter on Projects to be helpful. I just need to remember to name what matters, and break it down into smaller pieces.

This is definitely a book that I'll go back to reference again and again.

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I have been guilty of listening to podcasts, reading books or buying planners in pretty regular 'let's organise my life' phases so I was really interested in how Kendra would approach this in her book having been a fan of the lazy genius podcast for a few years.

Kendra's book looks at how to move away from that January or start of the week energy into sustainable steps that you can take, and put down and pick up, without having to reinvent the wheel each time.

Almost everyone by now has seen the online clip where someone divulges that the 'secret' to a lot of self hep guys and productivity gurus amazing time management is simply that they have a wife!! It was nice to read a productivity book for women by women, which acknowledged that our lives do not, and cannot, look the same as theirs. I mean it was the first productivity book I have ever read which acknowledged and addressed the massive impact that our hormones have in our lives and how they can't simply be disregarded. Instead you should, as far as you can, factor them in and not feel guilty about doing what actually serves you.

I really enjoyed the book and I feel like I will come back to it as priorities and seasons change and will continue to benefit from the book and it's approach for years to come.

Thank you to NetGalley and Convergent Books for providing me with an e-ARC copy of this book.

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The PLAN by Kendra J. Adachi is a refreshing look at time management. I found myself nodding along as the author talked about how different time management is for women. I took lots of notes as I moved through each chapter. I feel inspired to reframe my time and make it count in ways that are perfect for me! I enjoyed the friendly and thoughtful writing style. This is one I need to buy in paperback, as I know I will go through it again and again. Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher, and author, for an advanced copy. All opinions are my own.

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Kendra’s words in both books and her podcast have been such a gift to me, offering both kindness and practical frameworks and principles to help with all that life can throw at us. When I heard the announcement for this book I was so excited, and I was even more excited to get an eARC from NetGalley so I could read it early. I wanted to both race through it and take it slowly, trying things out as I went along, and will certainly come back to this book as a reference guide, for practical help, and for the pep talks and Kind Big Sister Energy that Kendra has so graciously offered to us! This is a book worth buying to have on hand and to give as a gift to the women in your life who feel overwhelmed but can’t just quit everything (which, unfortunately, is a lot of us).

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Kendra does it again! Loved how thoughtful and practical this book was. It’s filled with reasonable advice that adapts to your life, goals and priorities. It was written for *women* and that was absolutely clear through out. I love the Midwest shift of having your productivity follow you monthly cycle. Work WITH your body, not against. There are so many productivity books out there, but this one stands out supreme if you’re a mom or a woman trying to navigate the pressures coming in all directions.

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The Plan offers a gentle, feminine focused perspective on time management from lazy genius Kendra Adachi. I enjoyed the unique approach described here. I recommend this book for any woman struggling to do it all, be all, and fit it all in,

Thanks to NetGalley and Convergent books for providing a copy of The Plan for my review,

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Everything Kendra writes makes the world a better place. With the perfect blend of calling out, calling in, and Lazy Genius grace, Kendra asks us to reframe how we think about time, energy, and patriarchy. I will reference this book over and over and am so grateful that in a world plagued with Harrison Betkers, we get to counter with Kendra Adachis.

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"The Plan for Kendra" by J. Adachi is an insightful and heartwarming novel that delves into the life of Kendra, a woman determined to navigate the complexities of personal and professional growth. Adachi's storytelling is both engaging and relatable, capturing the nuances of Kendra's struggles and aspirations with authenticity and warmth. The novel's pacing is well-balanced, allowing readers to fully immerse themselves in Kendra's journey toward self-discovery and fulfillment. The characters are richly developed, each contributing to Kendra's evolution in meaningful ways. Adachi's prose is clear and evocative, making "The Plan for Kendra" a compelling read for anyone seeking a story about perseverance, self-improvement, and the power of having a well-thought-out plan. This book is a perfect pick for fans of contemporary fiction who appreciate a mix of heart and practicality in their reading.

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Have you felt like you've tried all the right planning things but you still find yourself starting over because your best efforts aren't enough? Kendra Adachi, creator of The Lazy Genius Way system of prioritizing your life, brings us a new way to rethink planning in The PLAN.

Kendra's take on planning differs from most productivity & self-help books I've read in the best of ways. Rather than berating yourself for not doing enough to pursue the future of your dreams, Kendra brings a new viewpoint to help you live today in the way that is kindest to you while still accomplishing what you need and want to do. This book isn't meant to be read and applied all at once, but rather it is a book that I will return to over and over as I slowly integrate these ideas into my own life. There are also pep talks to continue to motivate you when life gets hard, and a reference sheet at the tend for those times when you just want a quick refresher. I will most definitely be purchasing a physical copy to go back to over the years.

* I will post to my Instagram closer to the review date.

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This one is for the recovering perfectionists out there. Kendra has a knack for explaining things how my brain can understand them, with an emphasis on being kind to myself.

I've read Kendra's other two books about lazy geniusing life and the kitchen and enjoyed them both. I have also listened to almost every episode of her podcast, so I was excited to read this book early.

I found it shocking that most time management books are written by men to the tune of 93%. Kendra is writing to the women with full lives and schedules in this book. My favorite chapter was 17 about planning projects. It was just what I needed to hear.

Read this if you:
Need older sister pep talks
Would like a different, softer view of time management
Want a woman's perspective of how to plan your week, month, season, etc.
Enjoy acronyms

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