Member Reviews

I have been a fan and follower of all things Lazy Genius for YEARS. This book seems like the culmination of all of Kendra's greatest hits with fresh examples. The same humor, encouragement, and big sister energy you always expect with a smidge of science corner to help me understand why perimenopause is making me not just crabby (as I expected), but also weirdly unproductive at times.

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I found this book absolutely y game changing in the area of time management. Somehow it never occurred to me that time management books are typically not geared toward women. Adachi has filled a void with quality ideas and useful techniques to manage the almost unmanageable. I am recommending this book to everyone I know.

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Thank you NetGalley for this early preview to the book. Kendra nails the Plan, just like her other books. Great insight about adjusting expectations for yourself, pivoting if something doesn’t go right, and being kind to yourself along the way. My favorite section was when she gave us guidance on reviewing our day, week, months!

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I really enjoyed reading this book. I have been a “Lazy Genius” for over a decade and am thrilled to have Kendra Adachi lay out the ways we can plan out our lives.

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A fun book with a new perspective on time management and lots of practical tips. I'm not much of a planner user myself but I still managed to glean some interesting points from this, especially regarding planning around one's menstrual cycle. I think it will be greatly beneficial for people who are already into planning for weeks, months and seasons ahead.

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I was able to read this book quickly. There is a jovial nature (quite rare in self-development) that makes me want to get to know the author. But one of the issues with this book, and truly my only gripe, is that I felt I needed a thorough map of all the tools before I started reading. I started getting lost in the acronyms and ended up remembering very little.

If the book does keep the similar and sometimes identical acronyms, please provide the reader with a way or one pager that summarizes them or shows their connection. Thank you so much for the book! I love the author and will look out for more from her.

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If you are a fan of "The Lazy Genius" in any capacity, you will enjoy Kendra's newest book. I found the second half of the book much more practical, but I understand that she wanted to lay the foundation in the beginning part of the book. I really do love her tips, communication style, and practical application,

Some of the book felt a bit preachy to me, but I also am a new mom who was looking for the practical application more than the rest. Overall, I think this one would be a hit for most people. Looking forward to getting a physical copy so I can reread with a highlighter and pen to make so many notes.

Thank you to NetGalley and Convergent books for the advance copy in exchange for an honest review!

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In Kendra’s own words, “Frameworks, numbered lists, acronyms, even dag-gum geometry,” are waiting for you in this book. There’s a method for planning to be found for every woman and a fabulously handy guide at the back just in case you get a little swept up in the numerous options offered for planning. The end of chapter recaps are particularly useful as the short & succinct chapters hold a lot of info. Kendra brings her trademark energy and acceptance to her planning thesis as well as bit of what I can only describe as an edge. This book wants you to know it isn’t like the rest of the productivity industry and that point is confirmed as everything from menstrual cycles to pep talks is covered!

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The Plan is a time management guide for women by the fabulous author and podcaster Kendra Adachi of Lazy Genius fame. Turns out, we can hop off the unending productivity wheel and manage our energy instead- getting reasonable amounts of things done while still enjoying life without guilt or overwhelm.

Sign. Me. Up.

Some of her strategies are new, some are more like reminders- but all are practical and well-organized. I’ve already put some principles into practice and am enjoying the results.

The structure of the book is short specific chapters, making it easy to reference as needed.

Not to miss: pep talks for specific issues you may be facing (too much to do, no motivation, exhaustion…).


Thank you netgalley and the publisher for this arc in return for an honest review.

And thank you Kendra for making it easier to be a human in the world

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Halfway through, did I already plan to turn around and reread this one after I finish it? Yes, I certainly did! Did I already recommend this book to someone else I know will appreciate it even though it doesn’t come out until October? Yes, I certainly did! Did I underline a plethora of lines that will inevitably change the approach to life for the better? Absolutely, yes! Will I be finding the podcast from this author now that I’m done with this book? Sure will! So much in this book clicked with me and I’m really happy I opened it and started reading it exactly when I did. I know it sounds cliche, but it is without a doubt a true statement to say I needed this exact book. I have never finished a book feeling as seen (and as hopeful) as I feel finishing this one. On top of that, I think a lot of other people need and will benefit from it as well.

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I was so excited for this book because I love Kendra and all her books! I feel like I didn’t learn anything new from this one though. I also felt like towards the end it started to get repetitive. She mentioned so much about how this book is different than other books and less time actually telling us how it’s different. She mentions a ton about the patriarchy which I am all about, but I felt like it distracted so much from the book at least in the beginning. There was one part about men and women being different in terms of planning because of hormones and things like that which I did find interesting and I’m sure this is completely accurate but I wish that it was more backed in data

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Thank you NetGalley and Convergent Books for the advance copy of this book.

If you haven't delved into the world of the Lazy Genius, you might LOVE this book. For those of us who have been here for a long time, I think some of the information was very repetitive-- but that's not to say I don't need to hear it again, in a slightly different way, in order to really internalize the information. It's why I keep coming back over and over again- Kendra Adachi feels like a friend, giving a pep talk about being gentle to ourselves and HOW IMPORTANT that is to play into our lives as women. (With that said: this is generally a book for women.)

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Thank you NetGalley and Convergent Books for the advance copy of this book. As a mom going into May, I couldn’t have needed this more in this moment.

Diving into “The Plan” has been a refreshing journey through practical and gentle life management advice from the big sister to us all and the actual Lazy Genius, Kendra Adachi. This book stands out in the sea of time management books, not only because it is written by a woman, but also by embracing compassion and kindness towards ourselves, focusing less on efficiency and more on integration in life.

I think I highlighted every time this was mentioned: “Learning to pivot is better than learning to plan.” As Kendra says, that’ll preach. Phew.

From Principles to Strategies (which I think could have been called Practices to keep with the P-theme) to Pep Talks, Kendra’s approach feels like a warm hug, offering practical tools and insights to navigate real life with grace. If you’re seeking a friendlier, more positive spin on managing your time, this book is for you. If you are expecting a book about time and life hacking, this isn’t it, but you might be surprised when you look through the lens of life as a painting, and not a puzzle.

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This was well-organized, well-researched and well-meaning. I loved the Pep talks in the back and the idea of personalizing your weeks. I especially loved how much grace Kendra extends to us all—this is a very gentle approach to prioritizing what matters in your life in a very doable way. I loved how she incorporated seasons, check-ins, and energy levels in the menstrual cycle in this book, making it so unique. I will definitely revisit this one!

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Kendra nails it again! I literally read the book hearing her voice guiding me. She puts all those crazy things in life into perspective and gives you the tips and tricks to handle everything with grace. Her new pyramid framework helps you to focus in and live! And the setup of having pages to turn to in order to focus on specific problems makes this a book that will be a go to guide on those hard days!

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This was just the hug I expected it to be! If America Ferrera’s Barbie movie monologue and a warm chocolate chip cookie had a baby, it would be this book.
If you follow Kendra already, you know what a delight she is and this book is everything you’d expect from her. If you don’t follow her, do so and pick up this book!
She brings her trademark humor, kindness and practicality to the table with The Plan.
This would work great as a book flight with How to Keep House While Drowning, which Kendra cites a couple of times. The end became a bit repetitive, but there were still great reminders and summaries. Love love love!

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The Plan is a good time management book if you enjoy Kendra’s podcast. It’s good bite sized mantras and general pep talk. I think it requires a bit of work to translate it into something practical for your life and it spends a bit too much time telling how it’s different than other books or is filling a void.

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Just appoint me the president of Kendra's fan club. Her ability to simplify decision making in a world that is flooded with choices, just serves to effectively simplify and enhance our lives in a technological world that is filled with 24/7 stimulation. I really loved this book and the simple tips that balanced philosophy on time with easy to implement strategies. And, it's always delivered in Kendra's trademark, conversational and humorous tone.

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I have been following Kendra Adachi for years through her podcast as well as her books. Her advice is approachable, manageable, and applicable. It feels like a cozy hug. She acknowledges your concerns, provides solutions, but also provides a calmness and peace to the approach.

My favorite parts of the book were her pep talks at the end. They made me feel comforted in a way that I can't explain. I honestly wish it was a book of just those pep talks. I appreciated her new approaches to these concepts of time management, but some of the work felt repetitive. I think she has great ideas. I loved her first book, but these first ideas are repeated again in the beginning of the first part of the book. I understand the need for this repetition and introduction to her concepts since she has new readers. I think I would have appreciated it more organized in a different way.

The project chapter is not to be missed!

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Almost all time management books are written for men and have the underlying recommendation that in order to focus on your future you have to hustle now. As Adachi puts it: "Most time management authors and experts are men who do not have a boss, a home to run, or a menustral cycle - all of three of which are notoriously unwieldy.' This book is chock full of kind and helpful ways to plan whether that's for today, tomorrow, or next week. Instead of focusing on what you're doing Adachi encourages readers to take a step back and ask why you're doing it and how it integrates into your life.

I'm a longtime listener/reader of Kendra Adachi and this book takes some of her best life approaches and packages it into a very accessible time management environment. The undercurrent of this book is kindness and meeting yourself where you are, which I believe makes you more efficient in the long run. I will definitely be returning to this book for bigger seasons of planning for my life!

Adachi does lean into the idea of the patriarchy making life difficult for women which I don't disagree with, but it felt a bit heavy handed at at the beginning of the book. I also thought the parts of the book that mentioned aligning your plans with your hormonal cycle were interesting, but seemed quite impractical and Adachi did mention that it may not be feasible to do this.

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