Member Reviews

I was a fan of Omar Tyree's earlier works so when I saw he had something new out and it was categorized as a psychological thriller I was excited to read it. Unfortunately this missed the mark for me. It starts off with Dr. Victoria Benning counseling these six individuals in the entertainment industry who are all struggling with or obsessed with control in their specific fields. Each chapter is supposed to be a reflection of her sessions with one of these six people; however, at points there are things going on with the person and she is not even mentioned in the chapter so it lost that flow to me. Additionally, when she has the idea to get everyone together to help solve their issues it was like she became more of their friend and less of their psychologist. There was not much mystery or thriller aspects mentioned in many of the chapters so the whole thriller idea was lost to me. The ending seemed rushed and while there was a twist I felt it was a little lackluster and not the big shock factor I look for in a thriller or psychological thriller. I am happy that he is back and I will read more from him but this book was just okay and didn't really do it for me. Thank you to the publisher Kensington Publishing and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This one started off strong, but then almost halfway into it it just started going in so many different directions that I was so confused, and could not follow along anymore. I was not able to continue.

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This book was very entertaining! Each different client grabbed my attention. It kind of had a reality show feel to it. I liked how it had a common theme of control and how they were trying to take control of different parts of their lives and how each one of them could potentially help the other. This psychologist had a lot going on lo!...
The plot twists and sudden events had me shook. This is definitely a page turner!

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So…I was really excited about this book. I’ve been an Omar Tyree fan for years! This book started off interesting but around the 40% mark it went off the rails. Dr. Benning was too unprofessional and she came across as very young.

The characters had interesting back stories, but there was too much going on. Each chapter started getting further away from the plot. I kinda figured out the big twist (it was obvious after awhile). The ending didn’t really make sense to me.

I think this book just wasn’t for me. I’m older now and this book felt a little too silly and convoluted. Fans of Omar Tyree might be interested, but I was disappointed!
Thank you NetGalley and Kensington Publishing for my ARC.

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I really wanted to like this book. For a couple of reasons: 1. It’s Omar Tyree. 2. The premise sounded amazing.

There were so many missteps early on that still can’t be excused because of what the “twist” ended up being.

To keep the reader interested and in suspense, I think Dr. Benning should have been portrayed in a much more professional and calculating manner.

Maybe starting the book off with a red herring that she’d been on leave and ready to get back to seeing patients may have thrown us off the trail and could have better connected the dots to the ending. Because from the first “patient”, I knew Dr. Benning was not all there. For a woman her age and with her education, she just did not come across as reliable or knowledgeable.

And again, maybe that was the intention given the ending but I just found it cringey in parts, confusing in others and the ending had me rolling my eyes.

Perhaps me being a woman of a certain age, the story wasn’t meant for me. Maybe younger people into urban fiction might have a better appreciation.

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Who is controlling whom in this well-written novel? There's an interesting twist at the end where nothing is as it seems. The characters come to life and the movie industry is probably as bad as depicted.

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I have been an Omar Tyree fan since “Fly Girl”. I was very excited to see he has a new book coming out. I read this book and yes there are quite a few characters in the book but it is still an awesome read. The ending will blow you out the water! Yes, he is back! Thanks to NetGalley, the author and the publisher for the ARC of this book in return for my honest review. Receiving the book in this manner had no bearing on my thoughts on this book.

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I enjoyed this book so much ! it gave me that urban thriller i had been looking for i was completely engaged and wanted to know what happened next. i think that's why we miss authors like Omar tyree! it was a really good solid read! Destiny Flowers was crazy! but all characters were believable . and Atlanta was described perfectly!

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Omar Tyree has always been one of my favorite authors. Control is a psychological thriller that deals with a therapist and a few of her patients. A screen writer, rapper, producer, and film producer. Veronica has this bright idea to create a film bringing all of her patients and their different talents and personalities together…. Each patients have different levels of control issues and twisted life problems. While reading I was wondering when the plot would come in and although I had partly figured out one plot I was not expecting the ending so all in all I was glad to read it and I would recommend.

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I remember as a young girl reading Omar Tyree books 🤗 so I was super excited to read this book! This book had me like wtf is going on why is all of Dr. Vicky patients playing games and being too personal with her 😂😂 Like she is indeed your therapist but she is definitely not your friend! Like I still didn’t feel like no one had control of their life 😩 but I get it , Adulting is HARD unnecessarily lol even for the rich and famous. Tyrell is ummmmm 🤔 experiencing a mid life crisis because sir what is your problem 😩 even with everything I read about him I’m still confused about his reasoning for acting that way 😂

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Omar Tyree did not disappoint. I was left saying WTF when I finished the book. I did not think anything close to what the ending was going to be. It definitely threw me for a loop.
There are multiple characters which does always take me a minute to get straight in any book I read but with that being said every page I turned I had to know what was going to happen and didn't want to out it down.
This book keeps your mind thinking of who truly is in control.

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I've been a fan of Omar Tyree since my middle school days, so when I discovered his latest release, I was eager to dive in. From the very start, I was hooked by the gripping narrative that kept me guessing until the final pages. The characters' reflections on real-life issues and different perspectives on the desire for control added layers of complexity to the story. This was a fast-paced, engaging read that I thoroughly enjoyed. A big kudos to Mr. Tyree for this captivating tale. Many thanks to Kensington and Dafina for the ARC and the chance to share my thoughts in this honest review.

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Omar Tyree is one of authors I fell in love with as a young girl. All of these years later I am still a huge fan of his books. I was so happy to learn that he has a new book that I had to read it. I’m so happy that I did. The drama in this book, I was there for it. Another highly recommended book by one of my favorites.

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