Member Reviews

Thank you Sourcebooks for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I was excited to read this book because I had seen Kyle Prue on TikTok and found his content and the series of videos this book is based on funny. Unfortunately the book fell flat for me. There didn't seem to be anything that made the book unique from his videos. It all felt regurgitated and very simplistic.

Kyle is a cis white man with a predominantly female audience and while he does acknowledge the privilege he has, there were times where it felt like he was talking down to the reader and it just comes off as condescending.

Basically, this is a book that goes on the displays near the Barnes & N0ble checkout line that you flip through while waiting to pay. You chuckle at a few pages and then put it back down when it's your turn.

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While I have been I received a complimentary copy of this book and opinions expressed in this review are completely my own, I have been a long-time follower of Kyle Prue. In particular, his TikTok series "Things You Can Say to P**s Off Men" and I have loved every minute of it. The videos were always very comical and very specific. You didn't need to "get" the things he said, unless you really needed to hear them.

I read an ARC of this book and have since bought a physical copy to keep as a coffee table book and I've gifted my best friends copies as house-warming presents. They have come in SO handy when we need a laugh or to help get something off your chest you just wish you had been clever enough to say in a certain moment.

Kudos to Kyle Prue for not only sticking with the series originally, but also being secure enough to publish something he knew would have a specific audience, yet doing it anyway.

If this book doesn't resonate with you, it's not written for you. It was written about you*.

*David Wineberg, the esteemed journalist who reviewed this on NetGalley before me. It looks like the book was effective after all...

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I was expecting something different with this one. it had some funny parts, but overall It was not for me. Its not to say that it isnt someone's cup of tea, just wasn't mine.

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*How to Piss Off Men* by Kyle Prue is a fun, rebellious take on gender dynamics, packed with humor and sharp observations. The book challenges traditional notions of how women are expected to behave in society, and does so with a bold, feminist flair. Prue tackles everything from relationships to workplace power struggles, encouraging women to stop apologizing for their ambitions, opinions, and desires. The title alone signals that this is not a book about playing nice, but rather about owning one’s voice and space, no matter how uncomfortable it makes others.

From a feminist perspective, Prue’s writing is empowering, pushing back against the age-old pressure to please men at the expense of self-identity. The book promotes a message of unapologetic self-expression, making it an empowering read for women looking to challenge societal expectations.

That said, while the humor is sharp, some of the examples and scenarios might come off as exaggerated or overly simplistic for readers seeking a more nuanced, deep dive into gender issues. But for anyone looking for a light yet defiant read that challenges traditional norms, *How to Piss Off Men* is definitely worth checking out. It’s a playful, feminist manifesto with a healthy dose of attitude.

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Loved. I read this book out loud with my best friend and not only were we cracking up but we were inspired to come up with our own. Overall funny and thought-provoking. I think this is a great way to help start a conversation about toxic masculinity, also.

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We love Kyle. Stan Kyle. Read when you need a good laugh or a good strategy to piss off the overbearing and misogynist men in your life.

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With the mess that is online dating is this book has definitely helped me with some fire clap backs 🤭.

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In my neverending search to broaden my horizons, I got suckered into reading How To Piss Off Men, by Kyle Prue. It claims to be focused and funny, but it is neither. It consists of about a hundred insults from women to men, one per page, with maybe a sentence under each one explaining how to employ it, or why it could be effective. There is far more white space than black. It is a terrible waste of paper.

I lowered my standards to circle some of the better insults for you, but the pickins are slim. The formula seems to be pick on some aspect of dress or comportment, and try to humiliate the man with it, using irony or sarcasm.

This gives rise to such great insults as “Nice blouse.” Or “I love your moped,” to a man with a Harley.

As clever as it gets is “Sorry, I don’t have any change’” to answer jerks catcalling a woman. Which of course would only make them laugh and yell louder.

But the insults are also unfunny as in “You remind me of James Corden.” “Were you homeschooled?” And “Have you ever left the state?” Very sophisticated.

The level of creativity here is close to nil, matched by the level of humor. Not a page of it is the least bit funny. If a woman said any of these to me, I’d just think she was a classic example, and walk away. Who needs this?

At the very end, Prue finally tells us what it’s all about: “I wrote this book because I think it’s time for men to take our cultural medicine. To let our anger inform us of our hurt, and finally heal from it.” This explains everything, doesn’t it?

I am continually amazed that these kinds of books find publishers, while well-researched, hard hitting books are forced to self-publish. In this case, these insults apparently were highly successful in social media somewhere, so they were collected in a book. This is actually my usual primary warning sign, and if I had any indication they came from social media, I would not have agreed to review it. But I keep having to learn the same lesson, over and over.

David Wineberg

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Was very happy that I ordered this title - an irreverent, hilarious little book, it arrived in store just in time. After the election news of Trump's victory in the US elections, we all needed a good laugh! I hadn't encountered Prue's popular instagram account, but it definitely works just as well in book form and I can understand now why the account is so popular. At a time when women and LGBTQ+ people are facing hostility and threats to their rights around the world and toxic masculinity seems to be tipping the balance in elections, books like this one really can bring the kind of levity to the room that we so badly need. Prue's barbs are just sharp enough to tickle the funny bone without causing any serious insult, at least not to those with a healthy sense of humour. Great gift for someone dealing with toxic men in the workplace, or recovering from a breakup, if you ask me.

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How to Piss Off Men is a quick read that’s good for a few chuckles and clever insights. I wasn’t familiar with the author so I may have been missing part of the joke, but I wouldn’t have minded a bit more substance.

Thank you Kyle Prue, SourceBooks, and NetGalley for providing this ARC for review consideration. All opinions expressed are my own.

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You know how some people pick up a book due to the cover? Well I picked this book up because of the title. Apparently at some point the author went viral, which prompted them to write this book. I hadn't heard of him, so I wasn't entirely sure what to expect.

Some of the things to say were genuinely hilarious. Others not as much. The book is good for some laughs, and would make a good prank style gift.

I did appreciate that the author was self aware, and disclosed that he was a white man. He even put a disclaimer in the beginning to only use the sayings if/when you are in a safe place to do so. I feel kind of weird for in a sense congratulating a man for being aware of gender based violence, but I did appreciate that it was acknowledged.

The book was funny, but I do think that a female author would have been able to write a more scathing list of ways to piss off men.

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I have been a Kyle Prue lover since finding him on TikTok with his beautiful and oh so helpful "how to piss off men" series. A true celebration of all things weak men, Prue captures the frustration of every soul on Earth who has been mainsplained to and just wanted a witty comeback. A masterpiece.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

My Selling Pitch:
Do you want to read a snarky coffee table book with surprising heart? The audiobook is so worth it.

I love this Tiktok man. He's like the Urban Outfitters version of Matt Bomer.

(obviously potential spoilers from here on)
Thick of it:
I do think it’s funny that in my book shorthand for my Notes app this is the piss book. Lovely.

I have the audiobook which is narrated by him, and it is so funny. I love his voice.

He's vicious with his preciseness.

I feel like if he teamed up with that Ernest Hemingway mystery guy, we would get the blackest of humor, buddy cop meta mystery. And I hunger for it.

You can hear the smile in his voice. I love that.

I’m just gonna giggle through this entire book, aren’t I?

I’ve heard a lot of these because I follow him on Instagraminstagram, but like they’re still funny.

Kyle, don’t you dare make me cry.

I think he's so genuinely intelligent.

An excellent coffee table book.

Vocabulary is sexy. Argue with a wall.

The audiobook is so worth it.

I wish I could highlight that line about overreaction. That's such a valuable mindset.

I'd like to read his fantasy series.

Wild that being raised by feminists begets more feminists and good people.

You can ask for anything you won’t, but you can’t expect it of me because of my gender. Mic fucking drop. God, I want to surround myself with people like him.

Take a shot every time he says totally haha.

“He's given you a loaded gun, and dont use it, but you can leave it lying around.” MY GOD

I'm never an advocate for men’s podcasts but Kyle and his mom should have one.

That was wonderful.

I knew I was going to like this, but I didn’t know I would enjoy it so much. I thought it was going to be a silly, goofy, little coffe table book, and it is that, provided that you have a vicious sense of humor, but it also has this pretty heartfelt undercurrent. What could be a vapid money grab is quick to reassure its audience that the motive behind producing a surface level hateful book is anything but. I think it’s a shame that the interview with Kyle and his mother is confined to the audiobook. There are some great lines within it, and it really adds context to his perspective. This book isn’t written to villainize or hate on men. It’s arisen out of a deep disappointment in the current social environment and so genuinely wants better for mankind.

Kyle’s commentary has always been biting and incisive. I think it’s hard to read this and come away without recognizing how intelligent he is.

It’s timely in that it allows its largely female audience to weaponize their anger. It’s cathartic. And it leaves the door open for men to follow. If you like comedians like Daniel Sloss and Sam Morril, I think you’ll like Kyle too. It’s worth picking up and listening to, and I sincerely hope he writes a social satire novel at some point. I think there’s American Psycho, C. J. Leede, Sally Rooney, brilliance just waiting to be tapped.

Dunno about the goose fighting though. It’d be like a whole goose, you know?

Who should read this:
Angry men

Ideal reading time:

Do I want to reread this:
It’s a good coffee table giggle. I’ll pick up anything he writes.

Would I buy this:

Similar books:
* N/A (There’s books with similar authorial tone, but they’re so removed from the subject matter that they wouldn’t be practical recommendations.)

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There were some hilarious ideas in this book that I found myself bookmarking to share with others, but there are also a lot of ideas that are just too specific and required to be used in situations that would just never happen.
I also only realised half-way through that this was written by a man, and I can't help but feel that it would be more savage if a woman had written it.

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One word: Genius! This book is so much fun and, again, genius! I love her on TikTok and this book was a good complement to that. Thank you for the eARC!

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A fun expansion of Prue's tiktoks. The audio has a nice interview that makes it a worthwhile listen.

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'How to Piss Off Men' had me crying laughing all the way through. Kyle Prue is truly a genius in all the subtle, yet hilarious, ways to piss off men.

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Funny and pretty accurate. A good book for any woman! I enjoyed it and hope to see more from this author!

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From the very first video I saw of his “How to Piss Off Men” video series, I knew I was hooked on Kyle Prue’s specific brand of humor. Ridiculous & practical - just my vibe. So having some of his best advice compiled into a book (of the same name, How to Piss Off Men) is truly just *chef’s kiss* perfection.

This book is a quick & fun read & should be required reading for everyone. Within its humor (which had me laughing on a plane, out loud…I am so sorry) is a true challenge to changing patriarchal cultural standards (you’re welcome). These are the kind of questions/comments that your therapist says you should use to challenge your own narratives & beliefs, they’re just wrapped up in incredibly smart wit & delivered by a self-proclaimed “gender traitor” (a man).

Share this book with everyone. But especially share this book with someone who asks you what your favorite book is, but clearly only asked with the intention of judging you & then talking for 30 minutes about all the classic, “high-brow” books that they love.

Thank you NetGalley & SOURCEBOOKS for providing a digital advanced copy of this book for review. All thoughts & opinions expressed are my own.

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I was hoping for a bit more insight and discussion. The title caught my attention, but the material in the book did not. It all seems very basic and a bit juvenile.

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