Member Reviews

Genuinely laugh-out-loud funny! The tips in this book were clever, unexpectedly insightful, and downright hilarious. Can’t wait to put these phrases to use lol!

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Ladies… let’s not try to piss off men by pretending we’re stupid. We can all agree that’s harmful, right? Now that that’s out of the way….

I think this book is silly. For what it’s trying to accomplish it is successful. As someone who values intelligence and respectful discourse, I initially approached this book with skepticism. However, I can appreciate its intention to offer a humorous and empowering response to misogyny. In that regard, it succeeds in providing readers with a toolkit for navigating such situations with confidence and wit.

That being said, the book's tone may not be to everyone's taste. Some readers may find its approach too flippant or dismissive of the seriousness of gender inequality. Additionally, while the book is successful in achieving its goal of providing clever comebacks, it may not offer deeper insights or strategies for addressing systemic issues of sexism and misogyny.

I had some laughs and some frowns for sure. Kyle Prue seems like he has his heart is in the right place.

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Thank you for the ARC, NetGalley!

I'm a fan of Kyle's How to Piss Off Men series on TikTok and was ecstatic to see he was releasing a book.

If you've already seen his videos, there's a lot of overlap and repetition, but this is a very fun, very quick read (the insults are highlighted, then have a little blurb with a little more explanation). I will be using the "You're kind of like iCarly" line in the near future, and definitely adding this to my gifting list for the upcoming holidays for friends.

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A low 4 stars! This is just a really fun, little coffee-book-style book!

If you are in the mood to get entertained by snarky and fun little lines of text for half an hour, definitely give this a go! Obviously, not every single one of the titular 109 Things will be funny to you, but most will make you laugh or at least smirk!

However, if you are looking for a self-help or advice book and don’t recognise sarcasm when it hits you in the face, then this might not be the book for you! 😉

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Thank you NetGalley, SOURCEBOOKS and Kyle Prue for allowing me to read the ARC of "How to piss off men" in exchange for an honest review.

I wanted this ARC so badly, just because of the title of it and I will not lie.

A short read due to the chapters being mainly one advise at a time, written witty and sharp, but damn, I had a blast. Will this book ever be exeptionally famous and on the list of "Books you have to read before you die"? Let us be honest, probably not, however, if you ask me, it should be. Simply because it is fun (and too damn true, I can confirm that some of those tips work miracles)

I got through it in less than an hour, but I have never laughed so much. To me, thats a book I will put on my shelf, displaying title and cover, just because I know that this too will piss men off.

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A fun and witty read emphasizing feminism and having a strong presence in conversation. This was a quick and enjoyable read as it is presented in list format. The author gives hilarious notes and commentary on when to use certain phrases to "piss off men". How to Piss Off Men is also the perfect book to talk to friends about and compare notes. I can't wait to use some of these quips in my everyday life!

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I have followed this author when he first started his “how to piss off men” series online. He had me laughing then and he is still making me cry tears of laughter. I love that he put a book together of all his lists. I will be purchasing it when it comes out.

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Firstly i would like to thank netgalley for providing me the ARC for the book, the title intrigued me at first. This book was is written in the format of phrases that can be used to piss off men, in my view some of the phrases were intriguing and quite funny.
It was a good try by the author but it can be improved.

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Laugh out loud funny and a quick read. Featuring 109 sayings to invoke rage and self deprecating stories about the authors own experiences with having some of the sayings being thrown at him. I liked how the author recognized as a white man he was at a significant less risk of having another man retaliate against him verses some of the readers of the book and said people should proceed with caution and remain safe.

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This is such a laugh out loud funny book. I (probably) would not say these (out loud) in public but did try a few out on the husband. He did laugh but probably found it less funny than I did. My only problem was that we are in the UK and could not understand some of the references, other than that we though it was great.

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Absolutely hilarious; it is the perfect gift or coffee table book. Are many of these little one-liners useable in real life? Maybe not. Did I genuinely laugh out loud many times while reading? Definitely. The book is super lighthearted and perfect for a good laugh.

Thanks to Sourcebooks and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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If you loved the TikTok series, you'll love this book! Kyle Prue had me laughing out loud in How to Piss Off Men! I cannot wait to try some of these out. This book is literally a list of things you can say to make men angry and when exactly to use them. Being a self-aware king, Kyle starts his book with a disclaimer stating his own privilege as a cis- white man to be able to say these things and warns not to use any of these if a person isn't feeling safe, which I really did appreciate him taking the time, space, and energy to realize that men don't always make women feel safe and our safety is more important than getting a good subtle dig in.

I can't wait to see what else Kyle Prue does since I love his humor (and if you've seen his TikTok, his delivery is great as well)! The world needs more men to help dismantle toxic masculinity. It was such a great surprise when I saw this and got the approval from NetGalley! I'm not one who normally laughs out loud, but some of these suggested comments really had me laughing.

Thank you to NetGalley and SOURCEBOOKS for an advanced copy of this ebook in exchange for an honest review!

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"How to Piss Off Men" by Kyle Prue, it's been a wild ride. The book is exactly what it promises to be: a collection of over 100 phrases, questions, and comebacks that are designed to send even the most stubborn men into an existential crisis. From clever put-downs to sassy comebacks, Prue's book is full of gems that will make you feel empowered and ready to take on the world.
I loved the tone of the book, which is playful and humorous, but also has an underlying message of feminism and empowerment. Prue's writing is witty and engaging, and he has a great way of poking fun at the absurdity of toxic masculinity.
One thing that I would have liked to see more of is the more serious and critical sections towards the end of the book. While I appreciated the author's take on the patriarchy and its societal structures, I felt like it was a bit brief and could have been expanded upon. However, I did appreciate the metaphor of women being put in boxes they can't escape, but also so are men, by the patriarchy.
Overall, "How to Piss Off Men" is for anyone tired of dealing with annoying men and who wants to find some new ways to handle their condescending behaviour. It's a fun and empowering read that will make you laugh and feel good about yourself.

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This is a cute book about phrases that you could say to men, but probably wouldn't unless you knew the men in question. Or perhaps it is better that you don’t know them. One of the lines the author cautions should only be used if the man is not at the hitting the wall stage.

I do like some of the things said, such as “Are you guys watching men’s basketball?” and the author encourages you to call all men’s sports with the word men. Then he writes “Hey kyle, Are the majority of the things you say to piss off men just repurposed language that men use to discuss women’s behavior and activities? To which I would probably say “Oh, dang. Yeah I guess so.”
Some other bon mots are “So you’re like, a Disney adult?” (Say this to a man who likes Star Wars or Marvel. Some of these hurt because they’re factual).

It is one of those quick reads where you can think about how many women get microaggressive statements like these all the time, and how fun it is to turn the tables on the men.

Thanks to NetGalley for making this book available for an honest review. This book will be coming out the 17sth of Sept. 2024.

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Thank you to Sourcebooks and Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I love Kyle Prue's Tiktoks and I got unreasonably excited when I saw he had a book coming out. This book is a collection of Prue's most searing quips designed to leave men questioning their entire senses of being. The tagline of "BE NO MAN'S PEACE" is entirely apropos and also made this an absolute must-read for me. I don't usually read "advice" style books like this, but I found myself smiling and laughing along and screenshotting at least half of the pages to send to friends. High points include comparing the NHL draft to the Bachelor or telling a man with a beard, "you should grow a beard." Scathing. Personal. Beautiful. Bravo, Kyle.

What a great read.

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This was genuinely so entertaining. I smiled and laughed throughout the whole thing. This whole book really made my day. An excellent read for anyone who is super over toxic men. LOL who isn’t.

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My lifelong dream of pissing off men just got a whole lot easier!

This guide features more than 100 phrases, questions and comebacks to say to any toxic male you may encounter in your life.

I honestly couldn’t stop smiling while reading this, and it’s just such an easy, fun read. Even if you don’t intend to crush any men’s ego you should still read this just for the fun of it. Though I will definitely be testing some of them out the next time an opportunity arises!

I may have to buy a copy for myself so I can bring it with me wherever I go. I highly recommend you get this book for yourself when it comes out.

Big thanks to Netgalley, Sourcebooks and the author Kyle Prue for allowing me to read this amazing piece of literature.

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Pros: I always love when Kyle Prue pops up on TikTok with his latest installment of how to piss off men. When I saw that he had written a book based on the same topic as his viral videos, I immediately wanted to read it. Just like his TikTok persona, his voice in this book is clever and nuanced, and he offers astute commentary on the patriarchy and toxic masculinity. This will be a fun book to gift to my friends who will absolutely want to put these sayings into use.

Cons: None--this was a delightful read.

Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks for the opportunity to read this book.

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Big thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this arc!! This was so fun and quick to read. I loved this comedic approach to serious topics. I don't know if I'm ever going to use the phrases this book recommends but I had so much fun reading this and I giggled my way through thinking about situations were I definetly could have used some of them!!

some of my favorites
"I love your cosplay"
"You have the confidence of a much taller man"
"calling all (men's) sports exactly that, not just sports"
"Do you have a humiliation fetish?"

I really enjoyed this!! I also really like the authors TikTok content!!

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If you love Kyle Prie on Tiktok you will love this. Definitely recognized a bit of content from there, but I totally expected that. He is hilarious, this book is hilarious, and you should read it. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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