Member Reviews

This book is hilarious with a great message. I laughed a lot during this read, seeing how some of those insults can really hit some men and make them think...

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Full of helpful tips and tricks for the special man in your life <3 Peppered with a surprising amount of self-aware commentary on why it works and how to execute correctly

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I loved this! This was a quick, fun and easy read that had me cackling. It didn’t take me long to read too. Very entertaining.

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As someone who delights in Kyle Prue's TikToks, I found this book to be a natural extension of his hilarious take on toxic masculinity. My best friend, who's back navigating the world of online dating, often shares her misadventures with me, and Prue has become a go-to for quick laughs and light-hearted revenge tactics.

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I loved this! Such a quick and easy read - it took me less than an hour and I was laughing the entire time. Honestly, some of these made my jaw drop - such simple comments can be absolutely DEVASTATING. I would recommend it to anyone looking for something fun. It’s obviously geared towards women, but I would also recommend it to men who are trying to unlearn toxic behaviors.

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thanks to NetGalley for the eARC

⭐️=4.5 | 😘=4 | 🤬=4 | 18+

summary: what it says on the tin.

thoughts: a clever, practical guide to dealing with the men forced upon us all. I’ve been following Kyle on TikTok et cetera for quite some time, so I was super excited to see this. this is hilarious—pure wit for all one hundred-whatever pages—and there’s a very meaningful “what do we learn from this” bit at the end. love it.

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How to Piss Off Men is a collection of tongue-in-cheek "advice" for women dealing with insufferable men, based on Kyle Prue's recurring Tiktok series of the same name. I've followed Prue for a while, so many of the suggestions were familiar to me—I felt like I'd heard most of this book before. Even so, I enjoy Prue's wry wit that satirizes the fragility of the male ego, because sometimes we just have to laugh at patriarchy, or else it will become to grim and overwhelming.

This book will appeal to Prue's following and people who are doing their best to make it through the day under patriarchy.

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What a fun and easy read! I finished this in about 30 minutes and was laughing the whole time. A man’s perspective was so enlightening and refreshing. Will definitely be recommending to all my girlfriends!

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Absolutely loved this and cannot wait to use some of these lines myself! I had low hopes going in but am so glad I picked it up! 5/5 will recommend to so many women.

Thank you to Netgalley and the author for providing me an e-arc of this book.

Ps: I finished this book within hours of approval. It's quick, it's clever, what's not to love?

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The fact that the author opens his guide telling women what to say to men with the acknowledgement that "as a cis white man, there are things I can feel comfortable saying and doing that women can't" is a sign that he KNOWS he shouldn't be writing this book. He just wants to profit off what he thinks are witty one-liners, knowing that women would get hit if they said these things, many of which just make the woman sound as dumb as the man thinks she is.

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Kyle Prue is everything and I enjoyed every second of this book. It was a quick read and I would guess not many people would fully get the humor if they don’t follow Kyle but it’s a perfect book for those that do follow him. I’ll definitely be buying this to add to my man hater book collection.

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I’ve loved Kyle Prue’s “How To Piss Off Men” series from its beginnings on TikTok and I was excited to receive an ARC after learning he was publishing a book! The majority of the book is a barb with no more than two pages of explanation. Some are repeated from videos, but that didn’t bother me. The format makes it a great fast read and a good coffee table book.

I particularly enjoyed the final section, in which the author lays out *why* to piss of men. It’s a good reason, and laid out with humor and heart.

Highly recommend!

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Perfection. I wish I had this book in my back pocket at all times when I was in my twenties. I will try my hardest to remember that with great power comes great responsibility and not over use these.

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This book was great. I wish I could keep it in my purses and arrange it by sections and situations in order to have these comebacks and insults readily available! I appreciate that Kyle recognizes all the stupid, insensitive, insulting, and ridiculous things that men say to women and then wonder what happened?! This book should be standard issue by the time girls start developing!

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For me, as a big fan of Kyle Prue, the entire time I was reading the book I kept thinking that I'd rather just go watch his tik toks instead. I'm old enough to remember when books would get published that were lists of tweets and I think those worked better because you didn't instinctively hear them in the authors voice. It was harder to do this because the author has such a specific tone and inflection. It was still very fun, but it was more of a novelty.

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My only issue with this book was that it was entirely too short. Is it too soon to demand a Volume Two?

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Love the concept and thought there were definitely some funny bits scattered throughout, but this wasn’t as hilarious as I hoped it would be. I think the issue was trying to stretch out a series of (mostly) solid one-liners into a (short) book using tangential personal anecdotes/filler about goose fighting and process serving. That said, asking if The Mandalorian is the car from Back to the Future did make me cackle, I think a lot of people will really enjoy this, and the title alone will piss off many men, so job well-done. I guess?

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Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for my e-ARC of How to Piss Off Men!

This was such a quick and hilarious read by a man who knows exactly how to piss other men off. At first I thought the prompts were from a woman’s POV, but once I realized it was a man, they became that much better. I liked seeing these thoughts and ideas from his POV. I especially loved the ones that short, sweet, and straight to the point! Overall, definitely a fun little book that would make a great coffee table addition!

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Kyle Prue is a king and his words should be taken seriously by any woman who feels like taking a man down a peg.

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What a fun and QUICK, read! I read this in about 30 minutes and I was giggling the whole time. I loved that it was written by a man because we got first hand accounts of how these phrases actually got under his skin. My favorite was calling him the male version of Amy Schumer. This is going to make a great coffee table book or a gift for any of your girlfriends! Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an eARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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