Member Reviews

I LOVED THIS! I read it in about 15 minutes, even though I wasn't planning on finishing it in one sitting. I hope Kyle Prue writes more like this because I need more of it in my life.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with this book for free in exchange for my review! All opinions are my own.

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thanks to the author and publisher for an e-ARC. i thought that this was such a silly, fun little coffee table book. i laughed out loud and multiple points and will def be buying this one as a gift for friends.

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This was absolutely fantastic. It only took 20 minutes to read and I laughed the whole time! I never saw Kyle on social media, but this makes me want to binge it all

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What a funny book! Kyle Prue really knows how to piss people off, not just men. Some of these insults probably cut deep. Who knows, maybe I'll try one of them someday.

106 Ways to Piss Off Men
What a hilarious idea for a book. I just saw this book on NetGalley and thought that it was such a funny title for a book. I didn't even check wether it's fiction or non-fiction, I just downloaded it. And it did not dissappoint.

Some of these insults were so creative. Kyle does not just include the insult, sometimes he even has a funny story to it. He probably knows best what will shatter a male ego. Plus, the insults are delightfully diverse – he even includes one for Marvel fans!

Overall, it's a genuinely funny book to read.

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3.5 stars, rounded up to 4.
This was quick and fun. When I got approved for the ARC I wondered if it would be a bit more essay-like (I went in knowing nothing except that I needed to read it) but that was not the case. There's an intro, a list of things to say to men (with some commentary) and a brief closing. I was a little disappointed that so much of this was content from his videos, but I guess that's to be expected. I did like the intro/ conclusion though. Overall I'd recommend if this is your humor and you've only seen one or two of his videos, but if you binge them regularly like I do, you can probably pass.
Big thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the free eARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Entertaining look at how to verbally take down a dude who just doesn't get it. Wasn't familiar with the author prior to reading this book. The cover caught my attention. 3.5

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My thanks to Sourcebooks, Kyle Pure and Netgalley.
Well, I guess I'm the outlier here, because I personally thought this book was an unfortunate waste of time.
First off, women already know the best ways to piss off men! We've had quite a bit of experience!
Mostly though, these tips somehow made the woman saying them sound incredibly dumb.
I'm not one to purposely go around insulting men, but when I do I can guarantee you that it's going to be a zinger!
I wouldn't recommend this to anyone.....unless you're a clueless half wit.

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This is a really great coffee table book and a fun gift to all your women friends. Prue managed to make me chuckle quite a few times.
Four stars, because I expected it to be a bit more in depth instead of just purely humorous, but what it does, it does well.

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The title! Seriously, THAT TITLE! This is why I picked it up. I needed a laugh, I needed something a little different and I wanted to read something that helped me with some of the frustration that I occasionally feel towards the males in my life. This book was exactly what I needed.
It is what you need, it is what everyone needs. It is a laugh, it is a great way to vent a little frustration.

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Thanks kindly to NetGalley and Sourcebooks for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I LOVE THIS BOOK! A funny, short read that shares 109 sayings to piss off men. Some of these made me chuckle, and others made be break out in the full on laughter. My favourite were the ones that took a second to sink in - oh, how there were some glorious backhanded compliments.

I know this book is supposed to be pure humour but I found myself actually taking notes?! Can't wait for more from this author.

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This was hilarious. Very original and I loved that it was written by a man. My absolute favorite was “I love your pride shirt” to a man wearing a Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon shirt. That made me LOL. This book would make a perfect gift for a friend with a great sense of humor and who’s tired of dealing with men, so in other words…any woman alive.

Thanks to the author and publisher fir the e-arc I received via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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In "How to Piss Off Men: 109 Things to Say to Shatter the Male Ego," Kyle Prue presents over a hundred clever phrases, questions, and comebacks to clip the egos of annoying pick-up artists and put overly confident men in their place. Set to publish September 2024.

As someone who delights in Kyle Prue's TikToks, I found this book to be a natural extension of his hilarious take on toxic masculinity. My best friend, who's back navigating the world of online dating, often shares her misadventures with me, and Prue has become a go-to for quick laughs and light-hearted revenge tactics. However, it's worth noting that the humor may not be for everyone; those who take themselves very seriously or hold conservative views may find it off-putting.

Thank you so much to Sourcebooks and NetGalley for the advanced copy of this book.

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This one is brilliant! It’s brilliant, I will definitely use most of these insults. My favorite? The one from pinterest looool

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I received a free ARC from NetGalley, and this review is voluntary

In taking a break my usual creepy spooky horror... This is pretty straight forward. 109 different statements or comments that if said to a man, could piss him off. Let's dive in:

Slight inaccuracy with the "in the next batman movie, the joker should be a woman." There already is a few female versions of the Joker in the comics, so I mean, it's really that small minority in the field that's shouting, which is the same as any other fandom, so this isn't really that impactful unless the dude is a neckbeard.

I don't know what Spanx is, and at this point I'm too afraid to ask

A lot of these are creative in the sense that there is cannon fodder already available. For example, "say this to a Joe Rogan fan...", or "make this comment to an Elon Musk fan." It's kinda low hanging fruit I could see scrolling on Reddit, to be honest. That isn't to say there isn't originality in the rest, because there is, and it was interesting to engage in the amount of mental gymnastics it took to understand why, but I guess it bothers some guy somewhere, so ergo, it's there.

Outside of that, the author provides a lot of humor based in observation or speaks off the cuff in a comical way. In addition, it's also refreshing to read how someone is being more self aware of not only the items they have worked on through their own reflection, but also to help or advise others to this pathway, as a means of understanding one's self better, how our actions or behavior affects other people, and improving through positive growth.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC!
Was super excited to get an early copy of Kyle Prue’s book and it delivered! Fun, pithy, hilarious, with a nice little serious end cap.

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Now, I normally read and review serious nonfiction books, maybe a few memoirs here and there, but How to Piss Off Men is the rare exception. This funny little book is a wonderfully light read, especially if you know Prue's style of humour already and/or follow him on social media. For those who don't, this book is written in the style of his ultra-popular TikTok series by the same name, where he just lists simple phrases and the effect they'll have on (most) men. It's incredibly tongue-in-cheek, with a little cultural criticism tossed in for funsies. The book continues that same vibe, and is therefore an excellent coffee-table-style piece of "literature".

Honestly, the only criticism I have of the book is I wish that the more sentimental, critical of the patriarchy and its societal structures, section at the very end was either (1) longer or (2) occurred more frequently throughout the book (or hidden option (3) both). The metaphor of women being put in boxes they can't escape, but importantly so are men, by the patriarchy wasn't necessarily "original" in the purest sense, but it was definitely an impactful way to finish this book.

Before I sign off on this review... I have some experience with geese. My Poppa - grandfather - had a real mean goose that guarded the chickens and their eggs from foxes. So Kyle, as someone who's actually fought a goose, I just gotta say: I feel like you prefer your eggs store-bought.

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Have you ever been mansplained? Been subjected to the overwhelming ego of a mediocre man? If so, you may be entitled to compensation in the form of 'How to Piss Off Men.'

This was funny and full of witty antics that may or may not ever be said out loud but will most definitely be a part of Internal monologs. In a week of the bear being chosen over and over again, choose the goose and let yourself laugh a little.

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My suggestion for readers of this book is to look up the author’s instagram and watch one of his videos (just one, you don’t want to spoil the whole thing) so you can hear his delivery and have that in your mind while reading. I wondered if having followed Kyle Prue on instagram for so long would make the book feel stale, but it definitely did not. I only wish there were more asides and explanations, I loved the extra narration some of the points had- the author’s insight was my favorite part.
Overall very funny and would make a great gift!

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in the interest of full disclosure, i'm a kyle prue fan. i've long followed him for his "how to piss off men" series, because there's something so great about a man revealing the cheat codes on how to neg men back. and as he succinctly summarizes it in the book: all you really need to do is treat men the way that they treat women.

this was a great book. i think i read everything out loud to my mom who snickered along and started to come up with her own dunks on men.

though this book is pretty much exactly what the title says it is, i also appreciated the tender-hearted, sincere insight that kyle had at the end of the book - about seeing that society taught men violence, about seeing a relative with dementia sharing cake that kyle brings him even though this relative considers him a stranger, about the default act when all is nearly gone being kindness, and about how kyle wants to foster that kindness in himself.

not only that, but he acknowledges that sometimes these ridiculous "insults" are a way to get men to be introspective about the crappy behaviors and emotions the patriarchy has instilled in them, that maybe dismantling the patriarchy also has to include letting go of its indoctrinations, too.

don't get me wrong, this is mostly an extremely unserious, funny little book. and you should all read it. maybe not if you're ed helms, though.

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As an avid watcher of Kyle’s Tiktoks, not all of these were new to me. However having them bound in one delightfully useful package is a gift. Specifically it’s a gift I’ll be giving to all of the women in my life who need this book. Because let’s be real, we all need it.
This book was brilliant, insightful, and at times, a little frightening in its accuracy. But I loved it and can’t wait to share it.

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