Member Reviews
The Truest Thing About You by David Lomas is a book that looks at identity and seeks to show people where their identity can most accurately be found. The book starts with some assumptions. These assumptions are that we have many names or titles for ourselves, identities that we claim for ourselves. Some we're proud of; others we're ashamed of. But we assume that these are the things that define us. The problem for most people is that our identities are where we find value. And that value is usually placed upon us by those who accept and embrace our identity. But if we can't muster up an identity that brings value, then we're hopelessly lost.
Lomas shatters this problem by drawing us into the pages of Scripture to show us where our identities should be found. He says that all of the identities that we claim for ourselves might be true, but there is an identity that is truer. It's an identity that overrides and sometimes cancels out all the others.
The Truest Thing About You is an exploration of God's love for us in creating us and his pursuit of us to shape us into the beautiful images he created us to be. It's about facing our brokenness and finding wholeness in relationship with Jesus. Lomas writes with passion and transparency, which makes this an encouraging read and a joyful one because of the message it proclaims. For anyone struggling with issues of identity, this is a worthwhile book.