Member Reviews

Thanks to Red Tower Books for the gifted copy of this book!

Synali is on a mission -- she is going to ride a steed named Heavenbreaker in a tournament to the death to make House Hauteclare pay for her mother's death. A blend of AI, mech suits, politics, and romance, this is a very unique sci fi novel that is also easy to understand. I especially appreciated the banter between Synali and a fellow noble rider, the action-driven plot, and great descriptions of this world.

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This book was incredibly unique. The story at first I found hard to picture the world and was a little confused but once it picked it it was a wild ride! Murder and mayhem and space!

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Oh My Gods -

This story is the MIND TRIP that I didn't know that I needed.

-Jousting sentient robots in space (seriously A Knights Tale x Pacific Rim x Code Geass x 86 vibes)
-a girl out for revenge
-set on a space station
-multiple points of view
-a mystery

I may or may not have screamed about the ending, I need the next book pronto.

I loved this book so much that I am having difficulty even putting words together. The romance that is in this book is very much a slow burn - gotta make it through some things before this can happen - both storywise and character development, and I'm not angry about this. This is first and foremost is a science fiction story with fantasy elements and romance is very much on the back burner at the present moment.

Highly recommend this book!!!

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Completely loved this book! This was my first book being introduced to Sara Wolf and I loved her writing and the plot of the book! I honestly have to do a reread soon! I was very grateful to have received a physical arc from entangled publishings, and of course I read this baby instantly! Scifi Fantasy is something I’m getting into and after reading Red Rising, I was looking for something just as great…. You guys…. This is it! Politics, Grief, female rage, etc. Pick it up and go into it clear headed and no expectations.

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This story was fantastic!! I always gravitate towards fantasy and sometimes struggle to get through Sci-fi, but that was not the case with Heavenbreaker. Female rage, heavy grief, class struggles, and not to mention giant mechanical jousting!

The book starts off with our FMC, Synali seeing red and seeking revenge on her late father. By the end we see her dealing with her grief and even finding a glimmer of a romance!

I liked that romance was not the front and center of this story and was instead a subplot. I love Romantasy as much as the next girl, but sometimes it is nice to have a palette cleanser.

Overall, this was a 5 star read for me, and I cannot wait for book 2! Thank you Brittany and the Entangled team for allowing me an ARC for this captivating story.

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✨There simply aren’t enough stars in the sky to rate this book.✨

I could use words like miraculous… genius… mesmerizing… perfection… but these words and all others would fall short in adequately praising this immaculate triumph of a book.

I could talk about the exquisite writing, which was a perfectly executed balance of intricate informative text, and near poetic prose. I could go on about the incredibly fleshed out characters, each one flawed, human, relatable, and endearing in their own way. I could gush for days about the brilliant, unique and wholly original story. I could do all of these things, and it still would not be enough.

Every once in a while, a book comes along that speaks to you on every possible level. For me, Heavenbreaker is one of those books. I have been a sci-fi girl for as long as I can remember, having cut my teeth on Dune in the fifth grade. Over the years, I have held fast to that love, and added to it a fierce devotion to high fantasy. Heavenbreaker has completely captivated my soul, by delivering the best of both worlds, seamlessly blending the heart pounding action and intricate plot lines of a classic sci-fi novel, with the whimsy, wonder and emotional potency of a fantasy romance. The author has succeeded in crafting an original niche genre within the fantasy umbrella~ one that I am now wholly addicted to, and craving deep in my bones.

Our heroine, Synali, was immediately inducted into my FMC Hall of Fame- her strength, tenacity, intelligence, and humor won me over from the first paragraph, and made me fall more in love with her with every turn of the page. She, and the phenomenal cast of characters, navigated themes such as grief, despair, found family, social classes, prejudice, and overcoming adversity, giving the story a layer of emotional complexity that had me fully invested. Throw in some of the best dialogue and banter I have ever read, and some scorching, forbidden romance, and you have yourself some literary crack.

Throughout the entire book, my knuckles remained white, my breath held in a permanent hitch, and my heart beat in a constant stream of rapid palpitations. Truly, this book was not good for my health, but the sheer rush of adrenaline and the feeling of being alive surely trumped the negative side effects of repeat panic attacks.
Sarah Wolf, I hope you take this as the highest of compliments, as I intend it – you temporarily raised my cortisol levels, and I loved every minute of it. This book brought me back to life.

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Twisty. Dark. Very eat the rich.

Synali is out for revenge and wants to bring down House Hauteclare. However what she discovers in her efforts to dismantle these nobles will shock her to her core and change how she views her entire space station and those in it.

This book is a wild ride from the very first page. Sara Wolf has created such an amazing scifi fantasy. Her characters are strong, but also flawed and burdened by afflictions from their past.

I loved that Heavenbreaker explores themes related to isolation, classism and caste systems, and humanity. I did not expect to find myself crying while also worried about so many fictional characters.

This book has it all- science fiction, fantasy, assasins, court politics, a few drops of romance, and so many twists and turns!

I cannot wait for book two, Hellrunner!

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Synali is a young woman who knows what she wants and what she wants is revenge. Against who you might ask... against her father who killed her mother and tried to kill her. She is ready to burn his house down and what a house it is....a house of a noble. He lives his grand noble life all while Synali and her mother fight for their survival in the low ward. After escaping her own murder, she disappears to plot her own revenge and she will get it at any cost. This sci-fi dystopian adventure has everything you love in both of those genres plus it has giant machine space jousting! Who is telling the truth, twisting the truth, or just completely telling lies? Nobody knows but Synali is determined to take care of everyone who has failed or crossed her and I am here for it. I can't wait to continue this series as they are released! Can we get a Rax spin off? I recommend this one looking for a wild ride. Also, can we talk about those sprayed edges???? I have my pre-order in! Thanks to Red Tower Books for the chance to read an ARC of this exciting upcoming release!

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Heaven breaker is the best title for this book. What an interesting idea and story that is filled with action, revenge, mystery, mayhem, plotting, scheming, growth of the human spirit, and the sci-fi that is enjoyed by many. I cannot express exactly how much I can’t wait for the new book in this series. Well done Sara Wolf for bringing this story to life in such a way that you’re hooked until the last word and baited for the follow up. Thank you for such a wonderful book.

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Heaven Breaker by Sara Wolf

What does it mean to ride?! Oh my goodness, that really is a loaded question and the whole way through I was trying to figure out each character’s motive to being a rider.

This book has some really cool concepts to it, it gives me major ‘The Host’ mixed with ‘The 100’ mixed with ‘The Aurora Chronicles’. It is sci-fi rather than fantasy and has some fast paced chapters. The world building is simple yet advanced , there is still so much to touch and the author left it open enough to build on it. I’m really excited to learn more about the different sectors.

Our main character Synali is unique because she really doesn’t have anything else left to give since the murder of her mother. Her life is a suicide mission and she’s pretty ready for it all to end but will take out her revenge while it happens. Because of this I would be wary of your triggers, her mindset can be dark at times.

The secondary characters really help piece little parts together without taking away from Synali’s story. The chapters from their POV are short and right to the point giving us the information we need.

I just want to talk about everything that happens and the feelings I’m left feeling especially with that cliff hanger of an ending but I cannot without spoilers. This book was just that good 👏🏻 I’m at serious risk of brain overload 😅

Things to mention:
-Very slow burn romance
-touch me and die.
-found family
-robotic steeds
-dystopian space society
-suicidal thoughts
-death and grief

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*Thank you to Entangled and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for my honest review*

Wow, just wow. We've got mech suits, AI, deadly jousting, and a dystopian society all wrapped into one. It starts with a bang, but does slow down a little after that. It reminded me a lot of Iron Widow (mostly due to the mechs and pairing), but with a medieval twist. We flip between 4 main PoVs, and my favorite was definitely Rain. But ultimately this is Dravik's world and we're just living in it. I want to learn more about the Spiders and true AI, especially as someone who works in AI. It plays a big role in the story, but is treated differently than I'm used to.

This book is dark and full of grief, but I'm excited for Hellrunner - unsure if this'll be a duology or even more books.

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This was my first Sci-fi read and it was very interesting. I was really hoping for more romance than the little aprinkle we got. Synali is a strong lead character hellbent on revenge. The side characters are all pretty interesting themselves, having key roles to play. The beginning was a little slow and there is a lot of information with world building to try to remember and understand. This story is full of action so if that's what you're looking for, definitely give this one a shot. The ending does make me want to read the next book and hopefully we'll get a little more romance too!

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Heavenbreaker is my favorite read of the year. From the first page I was hooked. This book lived with me 24/7. Heavenbreaker gave me vibes of Ender’s Game and The War of the Worlds. The world building was perfection. The dynamics between our female main character and all the other characters was exactly what I needed. If you are looking for spice, this book isn’t for you. If you want a fantastic sci-fi book with a constant stream of mysteries to figure out alongside the FMC this is the book for you. I left this world in a daze and not quite ready to reenter the real world. I absolutely cannot wait for the next book in this world.

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Heavenbreaker by Sara Wolf, my first sci-fi fantasy, exceeded all of my expectations and knocked it out of the park. The writing style was clever and nuanced while conveying an amazing story. Every single moment in the book was heart thundering action. Every new revelation we learned through Synali's eyes was shocking. Every piece on the board was in perfect position as some mysteries unraveled and we got closer to the truth.

“What happens when a pawn makes it all the way to the other side?” she asked. He grinned, bright and thoughtful. “Well, then it becomes something else entirely.”

The personalities of the characters in the book were well crafted and thorough. Even side characters were fleshed out despite getting minor glimpses and conversations. You immediately felt connected and had a vested interest in everyone you met.

The story itself was ingenuous as it brought forth a strong female character thinking she was fighting one battle while actually in the midst of another. Although heartbreaking at times, the plot forged through to show us the product of war, revenge and underestimating you enemy.

I loved this book so much that there are not enough words to describe and I will never do it justice. Get this on your TBR right away!!

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✨ Heavenbreaker is unlike anything I've ever read. Full of female rage and heavy with grief, what starts as a fun, sci-fi book about giant mecha jousting evolves into an exploration of AI, the misuse of power and the corrupt ruling classes. ✨

I've just finished Heavenbreaker as I'm writing this review so please bear with me if my thoughts are a little jumbled! I'm still trying to piece them together, to be honest.

Heavenbreaker started off strong: angry murder girly Synali gets her revenge on her Duke father who conspired to have her mother assassinated (her too, but he failed on that account) and we're introduced to this super cool world of noble families and giant mecha suits ('steeds') that said noble families joust in for fame and glory?! Say less. You have my attention.

Synali was certainly an interesting protagonist. Her perspective was heartbreaking to read from at times; as the book's contents warning page will tell you, there is suicidal ideation present. Synali's need for revenge drives her in a way I don't think I've seen from a main character in a long time - it's sheer desperation, and you can really feel that throughout the entire book. She knows, however, that if and when she achieves this, the noble Houses will not allow her to live and she doesn't care. As she says repeatedly, she wants to rest and be with her mother again. Synali grows over the course of the book to want a life after her goal is complete, but these moments are somewhat fleeting, as her focus always comes back to achieving her revenge on House Hauteclare and those who have wronged her. Grief and revenge aside, Synali is a total badass and takes shit from no one, which proved to be incredibly entertaining!

Side note: Synali's steed is not the bird on the cover, like I thought it was going to be for some reason. Even after finishing, I still don't know who or what that bird is or why it's on the cover - it's not House Lithroi's OR House Hauteclare's (noble houses Synali is associated with throughout the book) symbol. Her steed is the giant metal lady on the first-print-run sprayed edges.

The 4 'main' supporting characters are introduced early on: Rax (Synali's love interest and rider for House Velrayd), Mirelle (Synali's rival and rider for House Hauteclare), Dravik (Synali's mentor, from House Lithroi) and Rain (the assassin who killed Synali's mother). I don't have any particular feelings on Rain, but I found the other 3 likeable. Mirelle was the standout for me, and I really hope we see more of her in the second book. Dravik intrigued me the most, though. His motivations for making a deal with Synali (for each jousting match she wins, he will kill one of the seven people involved in her mother's death) are mysterious, and I never knew whether I could trust him or not.

I wish we had gotten more from Rax, though, in terms of his role as a love interest. I loved him as a character, and really liked getting to see a bit of his backstory through his POV chapters/flashbacks, but the romance between him and Synali is definitely a subplot. Though there are one or two kiss scenes between them (including, ahem, a shower scene 😉), I wouldn't class there as being any spice on-page. Heavenbreaker is a sci-fi book with a few romance crumbs, rather than being whatever the sci-fi equivalent of a romantasy would be. I'm hoping the romance (... and spice?) amps up in the next book!

Even as a huge shipper and wishing there was more romance, my biggest gripe with this book is the worldbuilding. Perhaps this was just me being a new sci-fi reader, but I really feel like some of it needed to be clearer. For instance, I still don't 100% know who or what 'the enemy' is (I think I know, but I can't be sure). I also struggled to visualise some scenes (in terms of what things or places looked like), but the action/jousting scenes were well-done.

Heavenbreaker also deals A LOT with AI, which I won't talk about (again because of potential spoilers) but let's just say I am Very Much looking forward to Hellrunner because of that ending!

The first 20-25% and the last 25% of the book were my favourite parts. That's not to say the middle 50% is bad by any means, though I did feel it dragged a little bit. There were still exciting plot things, twists and reveals happening, but I don't think Sara Wolf's writing style is entirely for me. I can't put my finger on why, but I never felt fully connected with or immersed in the story.

As a final note, I think a small part of my problem with Heavenbreaker is that I expect everything that comes out of Red Tower to be the next Fourth Wing (aka a guaranteed-5-star romantasy that rots my brain and I can't go a day without thinking about) and then I feel rather confused and disappointed when that doesn't happen. I still really enjoyed Heavenbreaker and this is obviously a self-created problem, but I just thought it worth mentioning. I can't be the only one who feels this way, right?

Overall though, I'd highly recommend Heavenbreaker and I can't wait to read the second book, Hellrunner!

Thank you SO much to Brittany at Entangled Publishing for sending me an ARC!

↠ 4 stars

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Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing/Red Tower Books for this fantastic book!

This book was incr.edible. Just Wow! I finished it several days ago and am still stunned. I was so excited to get to read this one and had huge hope for it. I hyped it up so much in my mind, and it way, way, exceeded my highest expectations!

I rank this book above Fourth Wing and Iron Flame! I can not praise this book enough. It is a must, must read!

I am going to try tobwrite this review without giving away any of the story.

You will never ever guess the outcome. There are so, so many surprises and twists and turns. Relationships develop, and enemies and yes, even friends are the ones you least expect.

The main characters are all amazing. You will fall in love with some,.hate others and then find yourself having mixed feelings for each of them.

There is Rax (Synali's enemy/love interest and rider for House Velrayd), Mirelle (Synali's rival and rider for House Hauteclare), Dravik (Synali's mentor, from House Lithroi) and Rain (the assassin who killed Synali's mother).

I found myself hating Rain in the beginning and then understood more of why he was forced to act as he did. Each of the characters are a product if their environment and circumstances.

Many characters grew and changed throughout the story. As they grew, my judgment and opinion of them changed. I was able to place myself in their situation and see why they acted as they did. Many were blind to what was happening around them. They were caught up in their own little world with no knowledge of the outside world.

I loved the authors use of AI. It was amazing and scarily believable. I especially fell in live with Luna. Heavenbreaker will surprise you. Such a wonderful AI creation.

Fair warning, it ends on a cliffhanger.

I don't know how I will ever stand the wait for book two! I need to know what happens next!

* Do you know what it means to ride? *
You will!

Five plus stars!!!

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