Member Reviews

A beautifully crafted depiction of self-discovery, fabricated formative beliefs and the relationships we craft along the way.
This read like a fictionalised Into The Wild (1996) but with a coexistence stance rather than a solo experience, and quite frankly it was pretty perfect. Despite at a few points the plot getting slow and becoming unsure where the novel was going I’m desperate to know more about the rest of Jim and Sorrie’s adventures.
the ambiguous ending is the perfect set up for more and i want to be top of the list for a copy when this happens

Travels with Jim
Jill Evans
Whilst this had a good plot and compelling narrative running through it, I felt it could’ve done with a lot of tightening up. There were several typos, and many of the scenes suffered from “white room syndrome” so named because the reader has no idea where the action is taking place. The historical setting isn’t convincing - there is nothing fixing it as that time in my mind. The two protagonists could have been modern day.
There were some bits of beautiful prose - but unfortunately these were a bit few and far between. All in all, it could’ve done with a really thorough edit.