Member Reviews

In The Amazing Monarch, author and photographer Windle Turley chronicles the life cycle of the monarch butterfly. Filled with pages of stunning photography this book shows the monarch’s migration and how they 'winter.' The contrast of color will fill readers with a sense of awe and wonder when they see these images. The quotes, poems, and other artistic expressions weave a beautiful story of how amazing these teensy creatures really are.
This book tracks the monarch's migration, as well as its life span. Did you know that the migration takes place every three to five generations? Or that by the last week of October, they arrive at the same small groups of fir trees that their ancestors populated the year before? Or how they track northward to lay eggs for the coming generations? The facts are thoroughly researched and beautifully presented.
Think about the wonder you feel when you see a butterfly. Turley's work here to share their in-depth story is beautifully done, and it will only enhance your experience the next time you see one of these beautiful monarchs.