Member Reviews

Unfortunately, I did not have an opportunity to read this book before it became unavailable to me. As my reading preferences have changed in the years since I requested this book, I do not think it would be a good fit for me now.

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The cover of this title really drew me in, which is why I received it from net galley for a free arc review that is only my own opinion.

I liked the story well enough, but it was incredibly formulaic. I tried hard to get past that, and there was some great writing. It wasn't my favorite story, but I would read it again.

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NetGalley gave me this ARC years ago to read and I never got around to using my account then as I’m using it now. I remember not caring much for this novel then and had rated it 2 stars on my Goodreads.

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This was a beautiful story which blends romance with time. Very enjoyable.
Many thanks to MonthgBooks and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest feedback.

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First of all, I'd like to say 5 stars to this cover - I absolutely love it! Sadly, I did not feel quite as strongly about the book itself. I tried this out after reading some mixed reviews, but thought I would like it regardless. I just found that it was too all over the place. The different themes and topics didn't mesh well in my opinion. Going from the supernatural to time travel was a bit odd and just didn't really work for me, I like these topics separately, but didn't enjoy them together especially since they weren't really blended together all that well. I did like the inclusion of the Romanov's - this is one of my favorite topics in history and I have researched the Romanov family extensively. Overall, I would have liked more of a story with Jessica's abilities rather than time travel, but liked the book regardless.

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This was ok. It as good enough of a story that I finished it. I almost put it down but when it got into the dreams back in time and the Romanovs I stuck in there to see where this was going. The story line was different and original. There were so many unanswered questions! Goodness the whole book was a giant question of what?How? WHo? It had a very teen feeling to it. I am sure teens will like this more than I did. This book needed better character development, they were all pretty flat. Their reactions to really life altering stuff was just to keep going to work and hanging out with friends. It was so odd. This book had a lot of holes and bad plot devices. If something complicated came up it was explained away too easy... Oh you didn't age at all in 4 years, don't worry a whitch was able to stop my aging. Hey how did you learn English, Russian peasant? Oh my grandfather taught me. Right.......On and on unbelievable explanations to explain everything too easy. It was all just unreal and silly. And of cource an ending that was incomplete and now you have to read the next in the series. No thanks.
This book had some swearing. Some kisses. A little violence. The Romanovs are killed and the author describes that. A man tries to hurt a woman but he is stopped there is a fight but nothing is detailed.

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Thank you for the opportunity to read Endless. Unfortunately, I did not complete my reading of the book before it was archived in May 2019. I do not plan to finish the book.

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I loved this twist on the story of the Romanov family of Russia. Memories and souls being rejoined together after such a traumatic event so long ago. It kept me reading and intrigued from the first page. This is on my re-read list, which doesn't include many books. The storytelling was great and fantastical and enthralling. Definitely would recommend.

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Oh I wanted so much to love this book, sadly it didn't happen that way. I read this one till the end because I was hoping at the last second it would pull me in but it didn't.

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I felt this was just your "average" YA/teen romance. I honestly skimmed most of the pages because it didnt really hold my attention.

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This was a great book and the story line was fairly original in my opinion. I enjoyed the characters and their interactions a lot.

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YA is an evergreen genre. I will always be willing to read Young Adult fiction. I connected with the characters and enjoyed reading the story. Quite gripping a tale. Plot is good, engaging. My weekend was sorted, thanks to this book.

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A well-written and enjoyable book, I am glad I requested this title and will be more than happy to pass the title along to my fellow library purchasers.

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I lost interest in this book and don't plan on reading and reviewing it anymore. Will update my review if I ever change my mind. My apologies!

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Now here is a book filled with twists and turns I did not expect. I love stories with heart and action, and Entangled truly has both. This fantasy novel follows a quirky 17-year-old named Jenny, who is trying to fit in, at least marginally, but finds herself instead sticking even more out. Thankfully she has a friend, Tiffany, who does not seem to care that people think that Jenny is strange.
But live is about to get even stranger when a new family moves into town, and Jenny's father is supposed to work on renovating their newly inherited house.

Young adult is usually not a genre I read, but I was intrigued by the premise and was captured by its uniqueness. A touch of familiar history, woven into the fabric of a contemporary story with mystical twists, Entangled is enchanting. and charming.
I was so involved in the story and the character, that I was not as disconnected as I sometimes am when I read.. Many times, I imagine ahead, what will happen, what could happen as a part of the plot. This novel did not let me go, so I was truly surprised at the twists, even if I thought afterward that those were the logical conclusions of each situation. It is nice to truly step into a story and get lost in it.

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