Member Reviews

I struggle to get through this book, but as someone with ADHD, I’ve found that longer books on the subject can be difficult to get through. I think if they were broken down into smaller sections, maybe had more graphics that are engaging and were more colorful, they could hold my attention better. The title had really drawn me in as a woman, but I struggled to stay engaged. I think we are a hard target audience to write for. I appreciate though, that the author specifically targeted women with this book. We think differently than men, so what works for them might not work for us.

*I received an advance copy of this book for free, and am leaving my review voluntarily.*

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With the surge of social media adds suggesting everyone now suffers from ADHD and the likes of neurodivergent conditions, this book helped demystify and reframe the narrative. Great read!

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Powered by ADHD by Dr. Amelia Kelley is an empowering and insightful guide that offers practical tools for women living with ADHD. Dr. Kelley’s approach is both compassionate and actionable, providing real strategies to help women harness their unique strengths while managing everyday challenges. The book is filled with exercises and tips that can be applied to different areas of life, from work to personal relationships. What stands out is the emphasis on self-compassion, encouraging women to embrace their neurodivergence as a source of power. If you’re looking for a resource that helps you better understand and leverage ADHD, Powered by ADHD is an invaluable read.

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I enjoyed this book because it gave tools to help manage ADHD while also providing insight as to why certain things are more of a struggle for those with ADHD. I like that there are links provided to print out different workbook aspects.

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ADHD doesn't always have to be a bad thing.
I grew up in the 90s and have learned to deal with it, but it's always helpful to get professional advice and to develop and learn new strategies, because my ADHD also changes a little depending on my life situation.

Good luck with the book!

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I found Powered by ADHD to be an insightful and accessible guide, especially for those new to understanding ADHD. The book does an excellent job of breaking down what ADHD is, its symptoms, and the potential treatment options available. For anyone newly diagnosed or seeking foundational knowledge, this book offers a clear and valuable starting point.

While I personally found the content to be quite basic, I can see its appeal and utility for readers who are just beginning their journey in learning about ADHD. The straightforward approach makes it less overwhelming, which is especially important for individuals trying to make sense of their diagnosis or support someone they care about.

This book may not dive deeply into advanced concepts, but its strength lies in its simplicity and ability to educate without judgment. It’s a great resource for those looking to gain a solid understanding of ADHD and the pathways to managing it. If you’re just starting out or want a refresher, Powered by ADHD is definitely worth a read.

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3.5 ⭐️

There was a lot of really validating information in Powered by ADHD. So many symptoms of ADHD are different in women than in men, and while I had known about a majority of them since my diagnosis a few years ago, it was still nice to read about how normal my neurodivergence is.

Although the information about symptoms was good, the rating reduction is because the coping techniques in the book were ridiculous at times. Techniques like “if you have a tendency to feel shame about things, find someone you can talk to about your shame to reduce it.” In a sentence, it sure sounds easy peasy, but in reality this could take months or years of therapy to feel comfortable doing.

Thanks to NetGalley and Zeitgeist for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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I'm newly diagnosed with ADHD and I found the information in this book extremely helpful in organizing my thoughts. Not only does it give you all sorts of information in one place but it also has exercises to help you turn your challenges in to successes. Also, at the end of the book there's a ton of resources, so you can dive deeper in to ADHD. I can't wait to try out some of the authors advice in the new year!

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I very much enjoyed this book. It was a great read with a lot of amazing information which would be beneficial to anyone with ADHD.

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Really liked this book for folks earlier on in their ADHD journey. Many of the tactics seem a little basic but I loved the warm and nonjudgmental advice in this book and the focus on women

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Not only was this an informative read regarding different struggles that women face with ADHD but the exercises in each section helped tackle them in an easy and personal way. This book is packed with informative regarding ADHD in general and symptoms that are more prevalent in the female population. The information was presented in an easy to understand way and while it is credible and knowledge it is not bogged down by jargon and hard to follow as someone not in the medical field. The exercises are beneficial and I wish I was able to complete them better but found reading this as a digital copy I needed an additional notebook to get the full effect of the exercises.

This was overall an easy read but I would have liked to see additional resources and some personal stories from specific women in how effective the strategies have been for them to implement.

Thank you NetGalley for an advance reader copy of the book for a honest review!

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This is the first book that I DNF this year. I found it to be too basic and didn't feel like it had a lot of useful information.

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As a woman who is newly diagnosed with ADHD later in adulthood, I really enjoyed and appreciated the knowledge this book provided on the subject. I enjoyed the activities that has helped me in learning more about my new diagnosis and it has provided me with a new perspective in seeing my diagnosis as a strength. I full-heartedly recommend it to anyone who wants to learn more about the diagnosis, or for those who have loved ones with ADHD and wants to better understand them.

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A friend of mine recently asked if maybe, I had ADHD, considering that, as for many conditions, women and men are often having different ways to cope and therefore women being less identified. Out of curiosity, I picked a few books to understand a bit more what ADHD means, and whether I could identify to this.

This book was the second curiosity pick and it felt way too generalised without actually providing real tools on how to make ADHD a real advantage.

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Unfortunately I couldn't really get into this book. It felt pretty reductive and basic. I've read other, more nuanced books about ADHD. While I appreciate the framing of ADHD as superpower, the book came across somewhat cheerleader-y at times. Also, many of the exercises seemed poorly designed and extremely challenging for someone just coming to grips with their diagnosis. This could be a good book for someone new to their diagnosis looking for cheer/hope, but I would also recommend a better workbook than this one.

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Thank you NetGalley for providing me an eArc.

Detta var en lärorik och givande läsning avseende ADHD med ett kvinnospektrum. Sen fanns det kanske brister i just hur adhd uppmärksamas hos kvinnor. Visst finns det spektrumet, det är ju bokens syfte. Men jag trycker inte det blev särskilt klarare för mig och det visar tyvärr att forskningen om kvinnor med adhd, har ett gap.

Jag tycker annars att det är en bra introduktion och lite av ett stöd att förstå adhd, vad det innebär och vad för stöd man kan skapa för att förhålla sig i verkliga livet.

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The fact that this book is written by a woman, who holds a PhD and recognizes the unique challenges that women face makes this a standout book for me. I found myself taking notes, trying new strategies, and feeling so understood as I read. The takeaways I found most useful were the mindfulness techniques, reminders not to shame or blame myself or my child who also presents with symptoms, and to recognize when I am trying to mask my symptoms. I will be revisiting this book, especially because it is chunked into smaller sections which make it a quick read. Thanks to NetGalley for the e-arc!

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While I am not officially diagnosed with ADHD, some friends with it and my therapist think there is a really good chance that I do have it. I find myself strongly relating to a lot of content that I see online in regard to ADHD and have found several strategies that have been really helpful for my every day life thanks to that. When I saw this book that’s geared specifically to women with it, I knew I had to give it a read to see if I can find some more ways to make my life easier.

At first I was a little put off because most of my nonfiction reads that are not memoirs are written a lot more densely and discuss the research behind everything a lot more. But once I got over that hurdle, I got on with it a lot better. It’s supposed to be a book that helps you on a daily basis, that you can pick up really quickly when you need help with a specific thing. So of course you don’t want it to be really dense and over-explanatory. You want something that you can flip through quickly and find the tips you need right away. And for that, I really liked it.

There were some things that I already do that help and there are some things that will help me stay more organized and on task that I didn’t think of before. The only section that I didn’t find as helpful was for pregnancy and postpartum. They sounded more like a general experience of those phases rather than ADHD-specific. But that’s just my personal opinion. Other than that, I really liked this and found it very helpful. I’ve put it on my wishlist to get a print copy eventually because I want to annotate it to help me on a daily basis whenever I struggle with tasks.

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It was helpful for me with understanding my ADHD! I liked the cover and appreciated the level of detail in this book. I had a hard time when I was diagnosed with understanding how much it had impacted my life prior to that point and how I could harness my understandings for the future. This provided tools that I appreciate

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As someone diagnosed with ADHD in their 30's and still learning about how ADHD manifests differently in women than men, Powered by ADHD is a great resource. While not everyone will identify with all parts, which I didn't, there was plenty I did identify with, and appreciate all of the practical tips and strategies to try implementing.

This is a very helpful book and is accessible in both information and layout, and I look forward to going back to it in the future as needed!

Thank you to the author, publisher and Netgalley for the eARC.

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